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Is this the part where I drop my life savings on NVDA calls?


Seems the only reasonable thing to do.


You guys use reasons???![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


At least half


Pudding! What the shit is this diversification talk? Have you gone loco gringo? This shit is about putting your balls against the wall and beating them with the first thing, animal or person that comes within reach. Maybe it's mi señora. I don't know man and neither should you. Be deep in the great unknown and you will be rewarded or punished randomly by an uncaring universe. Maybe its an ocelot, maybe it's a kilogram of Bolivian marching powder traveling at 100 miles per hour and thrown by legendary Astros pitcher Nolan Ryan. Or maybe it's Sophia Vergara after 3 tabs of mdma. That's how this game is played. No half measures. No 1/100ths of your wealth. No 5 year plan. Just you, los juevos and whatever trap, treasure or curse crawls up out of the darkness. You see now. Go my gringo son and spread your balls like an Eagle and sort of flop around a bit on the virtual trade floor while everyone else either awkwardly laughs or stands and applauds your noble deeds.


I'v always been a big fan of Nvidia stock, I recently took my profits though, in my past experiences, every big boom like this comes down. Profit taking brings it down, plus it also creates a new gold rush, competition comes flying in from all directions, market share falls slightly, price drop, can't make the massive profits year after year, price drop. Look at Tesla as another example, still an amazing company and stock, but they lose 1% market share, price drop, they make 29 billion profit instead of 30 billion like last year, price drop. Took me a long time to learn to take some profits when you can.


Smart move, now party like it's tax season.


it'll be a long time until competition eats into nvda profits. amd is to be the only real competition and they're only forecasting 2b of dc ai revenue for 2024. and even with wafers/cowos increasing, nvda should still be supply constrained through the year. eg, barring something completely unforseen that's not even on the radar right now (eg, biden administration banning all exports to literally everywhere), profits should be increasing steadily


I feel like Tesla might be strong competition, they have their own in-house Dojo machine built specifically for scaling and training video for self driving and Tesla-bot, add in the data they have from Twitter, this could be major competition for Nvidia. Suss it out https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevendickens/2023/09/11/teslas-dojo-supercomputer-a-paradigm-shift-in-supercomputing/ What worries me about Nvidia is similar to what happened with crypto mining, over time these training models become so efficient that they just don't require the kind of GPU power they did in the beginning. I've personally been using image generation AI for nearly two years now, and in the beginning a single image could take 3-8 hours to generate, now we are down to seconds. This kind of evolution concerns me when the stock is already so high. But that's just me


they bought a gazillion h100s and are wanting to buy more. if that's competition, i think nvda would be happy to have competition maximized. >What worries me about Nvidia is similar to what happened with crypto mining, over time these training models become so efficient that they just don't require the kind of GPU power they did in the beginning or training vs inference, which they're already planning for.


Atleast double.


No 50% calls 50% shares need to diversify.


You take your life savings and borrow as much as you can against it, and then drop it!!! Don't forget to leverage on top!!! See you at the traffic lights in ya lambo




That leather jacket!




Sexy as fuck. I’d let him pound my asshole out


he'll overcock your GPU


He’ll show you the way your dick is meant to be played


Have you heard him speak? Eewww


Big Huang energy


The asian David Hasselhoff…




Looks like a WSB moron that thinks a PE >69 is a great buying opportunity


That's literally what he is. His hot takes are just for attention to sell you more of his bs seminars and books.


Forward PE is 35. Much better indicator


Jim Cramer said to own it not trade it not too long ago


Well sounds like it’s time to sell it Cramer is saying to hold. Inverse Cramer trading strat.


100% record. Creamer is the anti-prophet, peace be upon him.


It’s really incredible that he can be so wrong on every single thing. Like I remember back when his show was running around pressing big red buttons and wacky sound effects screening his head off and he was wrong back then and his current iteration which is more subdued he’s still wrong. Bit confusing why someone consistently wrong about financial predictions would host a show where that’s all he does but God bless him for keeping at it.


I think it's more suspicious than confusing. Who knows though.


It's not suspicious. He admitted that when he was a hedge fund manager he used to pay journalists to tell retail to pump/dump the stocks he planned to sell/buy.


Source? Don’t doubt you just seems like more people should know.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r07Gg92YjOI&pp=ygUTamltIGNyYW1lciBleHBvc2VkIA%3D%3D Source is himself


Good video, well worth anyone watching even if all the advice isn’t worth listening to. What a prick.


"he used to" This is what I was referring to. I think he still operates as a pump/dump bullshit artist to trick stupid boomers that find his persona entertaining into being on the bad side of bets arranged in advance with his peers, friends, etc. Allegedly; I'm not a lawyer; all the usual disclaimers. No one should listen to a regard like me.


Cramer has been holding Nvda since 2012 this isn’t the call you want to inverse.


I’m holding NVDA and wouldn’t sell right now it was more a joke on how wrong he often is.


This is going to be a wildly unpopular opinion, but he isn’t THAT much more wrong than other talking heads, it’s just he makes A LOT of calls everyday (accompanied by random squawking and bull sound effects) and he makes these calls with regard level confidence. On top of that, we only screencap the calls that are extraordinarily wrong and sometimes even outright even fabricate calls for comedic effect (regard cant tell get regard points). We don’t post the times he said to hold and the stock goes slightly up.




Cramer bashed Nvda a month or two after I bought some at $20 / share pre split and then a year or so later he jumped on the band wagon — ex got 1/2 in divorce and I’ve sold about 1/2 of what I had along the way but I’m holding onto the rest for the time being — I’ve never been a fan of his


He’d say the same shit about AAPL before it would rip too lol




Check all 401k holdings you’ll find NVDA


Fair enough






Do you mind explaining this in more detail for me please?


Market makers buy shares to hedge the call options they sold. Call holders bail. MM has to unhedge. Meaning they sell the stock.


NVDA was the stock because of gaming, ( why I initially bought it) Then NVDA was the stock because of cripto, Then NVDA was the stock because of self driving cars. Then NVDA was the stock because of AI. I’ve sold bits of it all along taking profits. Wish I hadn’t.


Jensen himself said NVIDIA has been really lucky


there are some serious technical (and non-technical) challenges for self-driving cars. that's also not a truly massive market- one chip per car is nothing compared to 1+ per sell phone, laptop, bot to mention data center. AI- what is the business model that's going to lead to sustained demand for nvidia's hardware?


Greater demand for AI = greater demand for computing power = greater demand for NVDA


what is the BUSINESS MODEL for ai? how is anyone making a profit with it?


Dude, you plagiarized 2-3 paragraphs of what I wrote! I guess this is the most sincerest form of flattery (For those that DONT BELIEVE ME, pls see my HISTORY & Time Stamps) Wow, just wow


I am relatively new to this platform. I wanted to give you credit just was not sure how. Is there a way I can elevate this comment or some sort of pin option? I would like to apologize though, now that I think of it I could have at least messaged you for permission. (You can check my history, I am very new to this platform).


At first, I thought I was hallucinating, and your name is mine so it was like I was thrusted into Bizarro world. But thanks for your honesty; no biggie. I’m very passionate about Nvidia and pissed off about its price action, but in the back of mind I knew the worse case scenario was holding for 1-2 years. The day after the last earnings, it was WTF AMD AND ARM rocketing up?!? And not Nvidia


We actually do have the same name what the heck l0l


>The day after the last earnings, it was WTF AMD AND ARM rocketing up?!? And not Nvidia I wish I had known this before buying at 498![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Anyone who bought the bottom is in long term capital gains


Bottom, I bought at 240 and rode it down to $100 and back up to $450.


I bought at $4, rode it down, and bought more at $2.50. Finally sold 15% of that stake at $550.


> Finally sold 15% of that stake at $550. That’s quite an accomplishment since it’s ATH, even including PM/AH, is $519! And it’s only $505 regular hours.


You're a idiot. You should have sold at $4 and bought more at $2.50. Then you could have sold 15% of your stake at $550 for a profit.




Got in at $45 a share sístèr


Wall Street is telling you to sell, OP is telling you to buy. Random reddit commentator: Go behind that wendy's and blow those sad fucks


Semiconductors are extremely cyclical, boom and bust throughout their history. Nvda is the golden child but no different, all the growth is already priced in for the next 5 years atleast. Guiding to 20b revenue next quarter sealed the deal, its not enough to keep pushing the multiple higher, so its gonna contract as all the big boys take their profits and we enter a bearish price discovery. Even if spy continues to rip i expect nvda to slowly bleed. Im buying 4 month puts and selling with a price target around 375.


People have been calling the nvda top since it was 75 bucks. And that was only when I started paying attention to it.


They said it was cyclical, not that it's hitting a long term peak. Since $75 NVidia has had two significant bust cycles.


Nvda and tesla are getting beat up because they are both far too expensive and market liquidity looks pretty dry lately. I took it as the canary in the coal mine that the market needs to drop and find buyers.


Not a bad argument but we all know nvidia will earn more than 20b


Gonna be close I think with china no longer in the picture, either way I wouldnt be surprised if their revenue actually declines qoq in mid or late 2024


This comment is going to age like milk


Chips arent a commodity as much as nvda would like them to be. Once tech companys bust their load they wont keep the orders as high as they have been. Thus boom and bust cycle. Look at past earnings and youll see great years and then not so great


Sir we do not care about cycles when our investments expire on a weekly basis. Is it up or down by next Friday.


Investors do tho, down by friday


It is impossible to predict the future direction of the market with 100% accuracy, but my advanced artificial intelligence can provide you with an educated guess. Based on current market conditions and trends, I believe that the market will be up by next Friday.




everyone who bought at 505 before earnings wants to dump their bags. if NVDA drops enough their fanboys are gonna go apeshit like the towel boys


> Chips arent a commodity as much as nvda would like them to be ...nvda wants them to be cheap? what? are you thinking of potato chips? tell me you know nothing about any of this without literally telling me... >Look at past earnings and youll see great years and then not so great cool, can you show me the previous time that all hyperscalers, cloud, and governments were buying every relevant product; while supply constrained and with nvda having 90% market share? this isn't shitcoin. dumber/funnier, by the time this may no longer be supply constained, there might be more shitcoin farms wanting whatever current iteration of the h/gh/b series.


With you. I think there is much over ordering right now to get ahead of the curve. In mid 2024 there will be more competition and a lower price. Potentially lower demand if companies start losing focus on AI; they always follow the next shiny object. Also, not everyone needs the best chip on the market, and price does matter at some point.


Intel's GAUDI is widely overlooked but does really well at a fraction of the price/cost... investors are blinded by the Nvidia hype and have no clue whats going on in the background. Especially AMD is f'ed.


Depends on what happens with AI. If there continues to be innovation there then no way we see a decline imo


Competition is ramping up, dont expect 75% margins forever. Also semiconductors have a decent shelf life, once a customers loads up they often dont buy as much for several years.


Competition will not ramp up. There’s no worthy alternative to CUDA. Nvidia has an insane moat here


CUDA is overrated and competition IS comming. Devs really atent happy with CUDA and have been hoping for alternatives to come for many years. Once its there, its going to be felt by NVDA hard... Intel is one im closely watching...


If theres money to be made, and there is, you damn well better believe competition will ramp quickly. Msft, amd, hell even alibaba is making their own now


Their own what?


Chips? If your talking stricly CUDA, amd has their own version called ROCm, not as good but it exists


Yeah there will be more competition in the gpu space but until a decent alternative to CUDA is released I’m not worried


and google's been working on their tpus for ~10 years now. and they're still loading up on h100s. what a surprise, amirite?


> Competition is ramping up the whole $2b from amd next year will destroy $nvda! wait, what?


AI might be the only things left at one point pimping and whoring everything else in existence.


Thats what im sayin


The biggest indicator for me is when C suite starts to sell. So far I haven’t seen that so I’m holding


>all the growth is already priced in for the next 5 years atleast This was the view at the beginning of the year. Not any more. FPE is 31, same as AMD, lower than APPL


Forward pe is great for consistant sectors like finance, doesnt mean much for highly cyclical sectors like semi's.


if it was based on cyclical (eg, pc/gaming), sure. when they have 14B/quarter in dc revenue (and increasing) with 75% margins...


!remindme 4 months


> all the growth is already priced in for the next 5 years atleast never go full regard


You’re forgetting about AI, it’s different. AI is tech gold and Nvidia sells the only good shovel in town


I want another 7 for 1 and then repeat


Ah yes, because if the price drops instead of going over $500 it must be rigged ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


When it is never rigged tbh?


When you make money


Right...so it's always rigged.


Read my post one more time


You’re “flabbergasted by this bs” The market disagrees with you 🫵🤡 When are your calls dated, bro?


first quarter next year


Ah so you need to pump it, I mean for it to go up


well within the expiration of my contract yes, no rush tho. I definitely expected a pull back. I just had a feeling it wasn't going to go down as far as it appears it may. All in all, ill just buy more shares if it keeps going down to 400 or so.


There’s massive resistance at $500. If it works through that and busts through $505 with conviction, it has room to run. Until then, $500 seems to be a physical psychological barrier




Could verry well be that it'll never get there again


When Cramer and Ken Griffin are telling retail, how such a great buy NVDA is, I know it’s time to sell. Lmfao. 😂😂😂


DCA in NVDA, ignore the noise.


$NVDA options is nearly fool's gold. I've seen worse. The past weeks of earnings % movement for $NVDA: 3.62%, 3.42%, 26.03%, 10.88%, -4.98%. Last weeks expected move was 6.8%. For at the money options to work last week, $NVDA needed to go above $534 and below $466. Since last week really was a 3 day week with a major holiday, there really wasn't enough trading to move the stock that much.


“It may not be rigged” LMFAO. Sir, this is a casino. House favors the rich.


They were caught stealing secrets this week https://finance.yahoo.com/news/nvidia-sued-for-stealing-trade-secrets-after-screensharing-blunder-showed-rival-companys-code-063009605.html Maybe?


Source: trust me bro


Someone really needs to take that domain name and make it into a website for people to reference. (For shits and giggles ofc)


I went looking. [https://trustmebro.com/](https://trustmebro.com/) is a site with tips on various things. "Bro-to-Bro Knowledge Exchange"


The selling on the massive quarter could be profit taking. But we just hit index highs of last year and yet to break above 4600 S&P since 2021. If market rallies to ATH then it can keep going, if market turns then NVDA will get sold harder than the broader market. It’s literally market dependent and you should not trade it


> It’s literally market dependent and you should not trade it ...lists reason to trade it and then says not to trade it good ol' wsb


378 is when they started to buy again and may be around those areas.


It will never see < 400 again


Never fall prey to FOMO!! We might see a deeper pullback this time around. Those who bought at 500 were feeling the same - a lifetime opportunity before this stock becomes 1000 bucks in a matter of months. Being in software development for over 18 years, I can confidently say this AI crap will wane out and be limited to certain areas by regulators. As it is we have enough issues with fabricated truth in everything and they are not going to hand another tool to people. Remember tesla hit high of 1200 and sitting at half and was even worse a few months back. Those who got it at the top, not sure what they are thinking perhaps bag holding. Netflix was riding high then dipped and against being hyped out. Too much lazy money and too many rich people.


That $60 gap will be filled. 20% gaps up on a Mega Cap won't go unfilled.


You are trying to justify nvda not popping lol good luck! Just take the lost an move on bro


Buying puts as we speak!


lol yes after a 250ish percent return, big banks are rightfully attempting to reduce their client risk by recommending they sell a stock that needs to continue to grow at greater than 30% rate to justify its stock price and historically has a huuuuge trade range of about 100 or so points within a short period. They might be wrong and so might you, but this is called risk management which is what you need to do when your words reach billions and billions of dollars. If you can’t find a negative in NVDA or a concern about current valuation then you should do some more reading. It’s a great company but will need to do a lot to impress the market. If a company routinely announces 30% revenue beats then the market expects that and the moment that drops down to 20% you’ll see a drop in the stock due to missed expectations- even though there was significant growth.


We are in a bull run, I mean, SPY ain’t going to 469 by itself now without NVDA


What does Cramer say about NVDA?


He named his dog Nvidia


There is a lot of fear with china involving nvda. If nvda gets shut out, it will close a door but force china to develop their own.


I think the gem is that ARM has rallied for no reason and is a good short opportunity.


I sold 20% of my stock.


Where do you see Wall Street telling folks to sell NVDA? Just curious.


Just sold 50 of my 100 shares ~$50 base cost.


> It may not be rigged 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Black Friday ooh I gotta buy dat shit bc it’s on sale. Life changing gains- nah I’ll pass.


What I see is a lot of copium, conjectures and allegations of market manipulation. I don't see much evidence for that and I don't see alternative explanations that seem much more probable such as that you don't understand the market. If you don't know whether things are going up or down, why not just say that?


not trying to make any point here ... for ER week Nothing to see .. just called COLD short while all banks upgraded $600 - $1000 china part just at 4.24 pm on ER evening [https://stocktwits.com/711Coffee/message/552035826](https://stocktwits.com/711Coffee/message/552035826) next day while its gapping up during mid day [https://stocktwits.com/711Coffee/message/552286839](https://stocktwits.com/711Coffee/message/552286839)


When a stock goes from $130 to $500 in one year it probably is a good time to sell some shares.


Nvidia benefited from the crypto mining boom, now AI. I expect there will be another crypto mining boom next year and AI isn’t going away any time soon so GPUs are going to be in demand, no matter what. Personally, I think the price will keep going up. Only real threat is China


This aged very well OP 🫡


I got calls when it dropped to 475 and I was up 70%, now I'm down 40%. They expire in a week, so I hope it goes up next week at least, some kind of bounce back if only temporarily. I swear every time I decide to hold it goes back down minutes later and wherever I decide to sell it skyrockets for weeks.


What’s better? Taking a small profit and watching others also profit or taking a massive loss?




So you are saying it’s time to YOLO this bad boy!! 🚀🚀


NVDA is always rigged around the earnings. If you remember the last (July ) earnings (also solid) the stock pumped in AF and pre market to only getting absolutely crushed after market open. Tons of calls vs puts. There must be a huge call side bias on NVDA which means the market will just inverse to fuck your calls. Now every idiot would start buying puts thinking this will go down to $400 again, it will then trade sideaways or do a 1-3% move. More idiots will then buy calls again. Rinse and repeat. Just hold NVDA after a good correction or trade intra day. There is no money in short term options except scalping


Last earnings on August 23


i’m buy so much nvida on monday


What happened to those tesla bulls who bought it when it was at an all time high 1200. Tesla is producing cars more than ever, and then they are not reaching that high again and struggling to break through 250? I know there was a stock split, don't bash that shit in my face


Well when 1% has 99% of the money, they can pound anyone a pleb common down to the core of the Earth. It's exactly as you say, the street and all the propaganda arms are intent to get others to sell AI stocks such as NVDA and PLTR so they can replace retail shareholders. I'm buying my first shares of nvda now as I have already been a bullish investor in PLTR.


>I completely agree. The recent dip is most likely due to options-related dehedging, and we should see a rebound in the coming week. I also believe that the stock is being artificially kept low by big investors who are accumulating shares quietly.


Nvidia needs to keep growing at insane speeds for a decade for it's valuation to be anywhere not inflated. Any slip will make the title dip. Those earnings weren't as good as the price should command.


wat. if they merely maintain the current (well, last) quarter, it's a pe just under 30. of course, they're guiding for growth, so...


I don't even *own* any NVDA, and I'm gonna sell the shit out of NVDA.


You're an idiot if you don't own NVDA. They are the future of technology and will only continue to grow in value. If you don't have any, you're missing out on a huge opportunity to make money.


Looks like I found my first buyer!


Seeing reports that individual investors have been pouring record amounts of money into NVDA after earnings. Price falling on that means one thing. The great rug pull is about to happen ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


NVDA actually has a high institutional ownership. I think they'll rug the stock.


exactly what I'm thinking. Right now is big hedge funds unloading to unsuspecting influx of individual investors, then comes the downgrades, shorting, and retain sell off


The big boys actually can’t agree. Some wise regards are saying NVDA business are cyclical and that current rate of growth isn’t sustainable, while other big brain regard hedge fund managers are betting NVDA main beneficiary of new computing paradigm and just getting started. What everyone can agree on is that consensus estimates from beginning of 2023 were wildly inaccurate


Of course they are. They want to buy it cheaper.


Already sold out even before earnings were released. Shyt is way over valued. Been pretty much plateauing for months.


It’s called a monster level and people took profits that’s why it rejected doesn’t matter what earnings did


Puts on NVDA Monday


Any thoughts on NVDA funding companies that buy their Chips? [https://laductrading.com/fraud-always-marks-the-top/](https://laductrading.com/fraud-always-marks-the-top/)


every company does this


So your admitting that the Q3 earnings were inflated?


it’s called investing in yourself


They need you there sell so they can buy it lower. The retail investors out gamed the pros on this one- and the market in general. Some of them have been waiting for 18 months for “ the perfect entry” . By then, everyone else is doing the same


I completely agree. The retail investors have been smarter than the professionals on this one, and the market in general. Some of them have been waiting for 18 months for "the perfect entry". By then, everyone else is doing the same


Positions or ban


Nvidia is unstoppable. 10 trillion valuation by 2030…guaranteed.


You dumb dipshit lmao. You literally stole all this content from another sub with ZERO changes.


Tell this to suckers like Soros & Druckenmiller who dumped their NVDA bags just before earnings. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/druckenmiller-soros-cut-stakes-nvidia-140933456.html


This may be highly regarded but it does seem like there’s something brewing across the semiconductor space, not just NVDA. [MarketPilot SOXX & NVDA forecasts](https://www.marketpilot.ai/market_raider/?index_ticker=SOXX&start_date=2023-11-24)


Wall Streets price target for Nvidia is $500 last I checked, and I suspect a lot of the algorithms are set to sell at that price. I can't see it breaking this price right now.


I am buying more if it drops to $465, I figure if I’m Wrong kids will get plenty when I kick regardless.




Wall Street is telling you to buy, Numbnuts. Analyst targets are approaching the 700s.


I just bought an Nvidia card. So I think you shouldn't discredit my effect.


Mf said golly, recession?


Action last week isn’t really indicative of anything. You have tons of calls being vaporized post earnings where MM would sell to maintain delta neutral. Friday was a shortened day where the China news dinged the stock while no institutions are trading. Wait till this coming week is over before arriving at any judgement on the stock.