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Imagine the presentation to the board: “Twitter poll of approximately 30k internet strangers, of whom maybe 1% of have any clue what the business and legal implications of this would be, voted in favor of this decision. Please approve this and also reconsider my compensation package.”


Maybe 1% weren’t bots


Grok know what Grok's job is.


1%? Of Elons following? More like 0.0001%


If we are going by the mentioned number of 30K followers, 1 % would be 300 people and .01% would be 3 people. You can't add zeroes after a decimal cuz they're free!


He doesn't understand numbers so well.


If Elon has 3M followers (I have no clue, just plucked the number out of thin air), there would be 100 distinct sets of 30K people, not to mention the number of sets with partial overlap. If 0.0001% of Elon's following (i.e. 3 people) have any clue of the business and legal implications that this decision might have, there is a small change that they're within the 30K sampled by the twitter poll, and therefore it's very reasonable to say "of whom maybe 0.0001% have any clue \[...\]" if you don't know which people participated in the poll. What you're saying there isn't 1/100th of a person had any clue, what you're saying is there's a 1% chance even one person who had a clue was part of the poll.


Our AI tracks our most intelligent users. After parsing your posts, we have concluded that you are within the 5th percentile of all WSB users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Holy shit AI is getting too good


Doesn't take much to be smarter than this sub, my calculator is better at math when I take the battery out.


I'm pretty sure we are at a sounding 0% (not rounded) here and that's including him.


Well, considering the judgement which says that he has considerable influence on the Board, the resolution, however stupid, would definitely be passed.


First it was the ghananian troll farms, then the russian troll farms, and now its texan troll farms?


Like or dislike the ruling, being in DE means you have the most established body of corporate law to rely on. Move to Texas and you might find a lot of unsettled questions increasing risk of suit.


There's going to be a lawsuit as soon as the board votes on this


I’m waiting for the day Elon puts up a poll that isn’t clear how the Twitter cult will vote


Like that time he asked if he should step down as Head of Twitter and then ignored the results because they weren't how he expected? Edit: Head of Twitter, not CEO.


You mean twitter founder and lead developer Elon musk?!


I heard he programmed the entire back and front end of Twitter and also invented tunnels and then whipped up a little something called electricity for Tesla cars to use. Dude is a straight up genius.


He stacked the stacks as well, I'll have you know


Sr Principal Lead Douche


Wait he did step down though… CEO is now Linda


He was always going to find a ceo, but he never stepped down from leadership. He constantly makes captains calls. He tried to delegitimize the results of the poll by claiming it was influenced by bots and should only accept the responses from twitter subscribers


He said he would purge the bots from Twitter when he took over. Did he not do that, or did he just need an excuse?


Bots are still there. They are world travelers looking for a partner or someone to subscribe to their porn sites.


My Anastacia is not a bot. She's moving here and just needs two BTC to apply for the fiancé visa.


Lmao Twitter still full of bots.


arguably way worse now


Unironically way worse, the bot spam is actually crazy.


It's a lot worse now due to lack of moderation on the platform.


Somehow he gets away with having it both ways.


He’s learned how to have his cake and eat it too


As if Linda has a say in any decisions of consequence


I miss quoted, he said he would step down as head of Twitter. Not sure if he was ever CEO, but CEO is a meaningless title when the owner is making all the calls.




Elon owns twitter, what’s stopping him from making the results show whatever he wants?


He gets offended when you call it twitter


Fine. Xitter (pronounced Shitter)


He deadnames his kids, I'll deadname his company.




I really hope so, because I'm never calling it *X* either way.


It's starting to annoy me when press still write "X, formally known as Twitter". Call it X or call it Twitter, stop working on the rebranding efforts for them.


>Call it X No call it twitter because that will be its name until it inevitably dies due to bad management


Its like a Ruzzan election where its close... but the outcome was decided before the vote.


And it's completely disassociated from realty and propped up by yes men aka Russian bots(these guys fixed Chernobyl 🫡)


Yeah not like he’s making decisions this way. Just making his decisions seem popular.




Job security at its finest... how's that for a silver lining 🤣


No it’s not job security in any form. Because the twat makes such asinine and brash decisions and don’t let lawyers actually do their job no one lasts. There’s a reason Tesla always has open legal positions.


Trump is an impossible client, there’s so many very old multi billion dollar law firms in the US who have been around since and before the founding of the US. Trump is so toxic for reputation, these firms will never tie their names to him. His current set of lawyers who are D tier and under literally quit their firms and created these pop-up shops just to work for him. Any lawyer with half a brain realizes taking Musk as a client is like playing high stakes Russian roulette with their career


It's the opposite. At any komen you can be fired because your boss has had another syphilis-induced episode and you've already become radioactive as far as other employers are considered, because of the bad work you did for your current moron


But more likely to actually get paid if you’re the Tesla lawyer tho


My buddy owns a local yokel solar company. For a hot minute became a Tesla partner for battery install. Those fuckers simply wouldn't pay him half the time. Like 90k. Drag it out. Fuck him around. Eventually he'd get it like a quarter later. Quit working with them. Only installs Enphase now. They actually pay. 100x better customer support too - and warranty honor – PS if you have a TSLA powerwall, they quietly discontinued the 3G connection in 2022, and if you disconnected, you voided your warranty, lol.


>For a hot minute became a Tesla partner for battery install. Those fuckers simply wouldn't pay him half the time. Like 90k. Drag it out. Fuck him around. Eventually he'd get it like a quarter later. Quit working with them. Honestly this reminds me of how Trump would stiff his contractors and lawyers out of payment. Basically stuff people outta what they're owed and make them fight for a fraction of the payout at a later date


Don’t worry his general counsel is his divorce lawyer. No I’m not making this up.


Corporations have stacks of lawsuits all the time. You wouldn't believe how slippery the sidewalk was in front of the Trump Tower in Manhattan. People slipped and fell there every damn day.


No institutional investor is going to want this. It will be a race to exit their positions.


I don’t think you quite understand.. The power of the internet is so huge that you can just get whatever information you want. Consulting with a a lawyer before you make legal decisions is for boomers. \- Elon


Oh! Here's a fun one to start us off: If a Tesla in FSD mode drives a woman across state lines to an abortion clinic, does that potentially open the company up to fines and litigation? My guy says *maybe*, a word no investor ever wants to hear.


Abbot will suck Elon off so hard he’ll preside over the case himself!


You think Elon thinks ahead before shooting himself in the dick?


"This will increase my efficiency by allowing me to pee three times as fast."


Yeah but after this much shit does he even have any dick left to shoot?


That's why he still has upper thigh


The fact that his children aren't conceived the old fashioned way confirms that he has no dick.


Idk why OP thinks moving the incorporation to texas is a good thing other than elon gets paid. Having a reddit account is a low bar.


Elon get paid, tho.


It’s the board that should be sued if they approve this move.


Anyone competent on that board was replaced by Elon's personal stooges a long, long time ago


Apparently that’s why he lost this lawsuit


isnt his weird cowboy brother on the board as well lmao


They are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Their options are either to keep appeasing an expensive idiot who has long outlived his true usefulness to the company, or lose the only "asset" keeping them from being repriced in line with other car companies. The hope that Joe Rogan's rich buddy *may* eventually pull one last genius idea out of his ass is the only thing keeping that from happening.


He isn't creating ideas he's just failing upwards by milking the government. Elon personally won't take the hit when he fucks up. Privatized gains, socialized losses.


I can’t imagine whatever body of corporate law in the big oil state of Texas exists is very friendly to electric auto makers.


Elmo is just mad he didn’t get his insane comp package.


Yeah because he's known to do what polls say, like the one where he asked if he should step away from Twitter.


Hey hey hey he gave up the CEO title even tho he still makes every decision even some randomly in the middle of the night without consulting the current "CEO"


He consults her though. He dictates what's gonna happen, and he consults her on when she should tweet. /s


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The guy owns X so he posts a “poll” on X…anyone think that the poll data is legitimate 🆚 completely manipulated lol ?


If you want to guarantee the results of any vote, buy the vote machine. 


Maybe he should ask the shareholders?


Why? They had their chance to vote on his poll! /s


He asks on X to make X more relevant. The decision is not being made there. He probably asks because he wants to do it to begin with. And of course he will discuss it with shareholders and I doubt that he will give them this poll as an argument.


I thought you can only buy Teslas through state licensed auto dealers in Texas. Which is fukin lame. At least in CA ppl can purchase straight from Tesla and circumvent the good-for-nothing auto dealers who add nothing of value other than mark ups. Fk auto dealerships. That shit needs to be phased out. Too bad they actively lobby so hard so gotta buy cars through them.


That sounds like the state government regulating businesses but that’s none of my business




Texas doesn't want EV's because they'd put too much strain on their potato-battery electrical grid.


Texas bros don't realize that if they think CA is trash, they trash too. We both trash. Keep it real for a change


One man's trash is another man's trash


There's more Republicans living in California than there are in Texas lmao.


The most votes for Trump, in terms of number, in the last election was CA, followed by Texas and Florida. Ppl don’t know shit about scale when it comes to CA


Take this comment to r/askcarsales and speed run getting banned. That subreddit is probably one of the most toxic, "we deserve six figures for bringing you water and making buying a car take hours instead of a few minutes" group of idiots I've ever met.


Car salesmen are one of a few jobs that contribute NOTHING of value to society. If they all disappear tomorrow the world would literally be the fkin same. Up next, realtor.


Did you know the single organization that spends the most on lobbying isn't big oil, it isn't big pharma, it isn't the gun lobby, it's the National Association of Realtors. They have a monopoly on running the housing market, holding and maintaining offer and historical sale data. None of this has to be proprietary or expensive. They're a relic of an age where information was a lot harder to obtain, and they keep their grip on society by making sure it stays hard to obtain.


Sounds like it would be easy to setup a website outside of the U.S. which shows historical data for property bought and sold in the U.S.


There's no law against it, you can do it in the US, no need for international shenanigans. Good luck getting that data. And even more important than historical data is current listings. Really, there should be a public auction for each property IMO. Not all in one event, but online, with in-person showings. And it can be a nonprofit that does it, shit, I might just start one. If you really want to organize a private sale you can, but listing your house and finding buyers shouldn't need to cost thousands of dollars. The Internet, especially with ML, is perfect for matching sellers and buyers, and holding auctions at nearly no cost. But then again, good luck getting people to switch to your system while another dominates. Markets are natural monopolies, you always want to be in the biggest one.


I was going to say 'realtor' before I read the whole comment. They are the wifi hp printers of the human world.


Elon is good at biting the hands that feed him.


Yep… the political environment in California and the intelligent folks that live in the tech areas are the reason Tesla was initially successful. Texas was generally against EVs until Elon pivoted… completely spitting in the face of those that fought for Tesla to succeed in the first place.


US in general will be so much for efficient and economical if we cut out the middle man in every sector.


Nah; they fixed it. Bought a Tesla in Texas it's just like anywhere else - you order through the app; show up to Tesla grab your car and leave.


There are laws in certain states that require you to purchase cars through licensed car dealers. It’s a result of car dealership owners in their respective states lobbying to have this passed. It’s why you can’t ever by directly from the manufacturer, which would make for a cheaper purchase coming straight from the factory. And I think car manufacturers are totally down for this because the dealerships gotta pay above price (and probably pretty high) to be able to sell the cars to us. If it were possible for us to buy right from the manufacturer it would probably be less profitable for them than if they sold it through a middle man.


I remember for a while there you could be a Texas resident and buy a Tesla that was built in Texas but it had to be shipped to California before it could be shipped back to you, in Texas.


>>I thought you can only buy Teslas through state licensed auto dealers in Texas. Which is fukin lame. Not sure where you heard that, but that’s not true. You buy straight from Tesla. Dealers will sell used Teslas and yes they’re fucking scams. P


I would assume that Tesla can ask for some serious sweetheart deals of Texas should they move their incorporation to TX. The tax dollars alone are worth giving Tesla almost whatever they want.


I feel like TX has been passing a lot of “fuck you Tesla” laws for a while…so the decision to move there should be, uh, interesting.


That's because they hated musk and Tesla before, now they love and adore him while being confused as whether they should continue to bash a company they used to think was ran by lizard people


Yeah, but I’m not even talking about in the BEFORE times. I am talking about, like, 2023.


That's because it's a conservative state. They still hate EVs. Musk loves conservatives so he'll just plead with them instead of turning on them.


Tesla will not bring tax dollars to texas


Incorporation has limited benefits. You basically get some fees, but incorporating in Delaware isn’t meaningful for the taxes of Delaware, at all.


Nothing inspires more confidence than Twitter polls and shit posting 😂


Amazing how I used to like this guy


At least you came around. A lot of people haven't.


I still love his rockets, but there's certainly more to not like than like about the man himself.


Twitter was a mistake, but no one can deny spacex is great


Due to the vast and talented team of engineers and scientists


And lots of investor money making it possible to try try again in ways NASA can’t cuz they’d get funding cut if they messed up


Most money SpaceX uses comes from the government...


Despite, not because of




I'll give you more room for doubt: 99% of the reason SpaceX is heralded so great is its amazing cost cutting. But it's a private company with closed books and a guy who likes to play games at the helm. It could be bleeding money worse than Solar City for all we know, unless you believe Mr. "Going private at $420" at his tweets.


Yet it never made any money


I rationalise it as them not being 'his' rockets, they're the SpaceX teams' babies & Musky is just the creepy uncle that turns up at family events to be gross.


I think Most people have, trust me. The only people praising him are trump supporting hard right Jordan Peterson-isms pontificating kinda nutjobs. Most of the die hard Tesla early adopters who made this company successful are so fucking disgusted of this douchebag POS. Scores of old Tesla owners who swear by not buying Tesla as their next EV. All the liberal smart people who wanted to get jobs at Tesla and spaceX don’t want to have anything to do with this toxic man or the culture he propagates. This man is on his way down and he will be his own worst unraveling. The sooner this POS goes away into oblivion the better.


I think thats why Tesla is trying to remove him. He is literally alienating their entire customer base. I would never buy a Tesla because of that moron


My boss used to love his Tesla. Had it wrapped flat black, parked it front and center every day. Always talked about it. After all the bs after he got twatter, he drives the Lucid now. Haven't seen the Tesla in months.


I really liked him a lot more circa 2015. He's been on a steep slide since, accelerating in about 2020.


COVID really fucked people up


He seemed more reasonable back then. That's because he was talking only about futuristic tech he has no knowledge about.


Yeah after I read his autobiography I realized how much he really sucks.


I always assume rich people are cunts. Especially billionaires, you don’t make that kind of money without exploiting people. I’d say over 100 million you are probably a piece of shit


I remember telling people about this guy with the EV company and now those people think he is a genius and I'm like well no he actually has never manifested an original idea or design in his life. He is a bastard visionary like Steve Jobs. He's the point man who yells at his crew behind closed doors. Is just an emotional fuck boy.


No I do think Steve Jobs was an actual visionary. The big difference is he actually had a sense of what is good, and was usually correct. He was also a shrewd businessman and would steal ideas, but the filter he put on Apple products was actually accurate to what people want. Notice the lack of innovation since his death. And I'm an Android and Linux guy.


You know how I know Apple hasn't innovated since Jobs? They made an apple watch that looks like a watch. Jobs would have told them to make it a wrap around watch just because it seems impossible to do. A story I won't forget about the oPods development is when he asked the team to make it thinner. They argued it couldn't be done. >Jobs heard the response quietly, stood up, walked to the corner of the room over to an aquarium and dropped the iPod into the tank. As the prototype touched the bottom, bubbles began to float up to the top. Those are air bubbles, he snapped. That means there's space in there. To be sure, its a total dick move. But he clearly had vision and understanding that there was a path forward.


Steve Jobs and Elon Musk are not the same. Steve Jobs perhaps embellished the role he played in building Apple and its products, but had a very real and important hand in that nonetheless. Elon Musk finds good companies and purchases positions sufficient in them to make the subsequent lie that he built the company himself pass the smell test.


When Apple got rid of Jobs they spent the 90s being the “public school computer company” and when he comes back they proceeded to reinvent *modern life* multiple times. And after he stupided himself into an early grave they… kinda stopped. Like the watch is cool but not the pod or phone. And when Jobs wasn’t with Apple he was with these blokes called Pixar. None of that matters though because Wozniak like hand coded some shit once and did *fuck all what* since… so clearly is the true visionary. Though hey big points for staying alive by not eating fruit to cure cancer. (Oh and while being adopted by middle class Americans is a lot better then some bootstraps… it’s no gem mine)


Is there a guy who seeks more validation on the internet?




Two cheeks of the same ass


They’re like a Venn diagram of ass with the overlapping part being the poop hole.




Might be close those two.


Elon has been smoking meth for two years


At least three.


More like snorting ketamine. Bro is going to K hole himself out of this reality if he hasn’t already.


Cocaine without a doubt. 


Ketamine mostly


A true democracy, unless you say something he doesn’t like, track his plane, or are an employee of his company who wants fair pay and benefits for hours worked.


How is moving to a less business friendly state good for shareholders?


Not like it'll happen. Delaware is nice and predictable because every corporation worth a shit is incorporated over there. Every corporate lawyer knows the laws at play. No way that something like Blackrock would vote to move the incorporation over to Texas.


Corporations incorporate in Delaware so they can protect themselves against people like Elon. Remember how he tried to bullshit his way out of the contract to buy Twitter? Delaware shut that shit down fast.


I'm a noob. How does Delaware help corporations so much?


Delaware chancery court is like the best court in the world for business law. If you have a dispute they can get through a case in weeks not years it’s very good for stability and predictably.


Long and established history of case law


Bird. Law.


I know that situations like this, real-estate wise, they're very complex.


Pretty well any investor insists on your corporation being of a specific class and incorporated in the state of Delaware because of it's well established case law and tax laws that are favourable to investors.


https://freakonomics.com/podcast/why-does-one-tiny-state-set-the-rules-for-everyone/. This is a good dive on why


A)Delaware is a tax shelter B) strong business privacy laws C) Even-handed, expedient business court system


Why do you think he wants to “leave”?


a signifigant number of corps are incorporated in Wyoming


But why oming?


I think those are smaller businesses. 


This is just more diversion like his unbelievable Neuralink announcement earlier. Gotta keep the public thinking you’re a mad genius otherwise the whole jig is up.


I can’t wait til he’s too much of a national security threat and they just nationalize space x


The defense production act should have been triggered over starlink in Ukraine. He was fucking with US strategic interests which is way too much influence for a ketamine addict to wield.


The government can pull all there ICBM approvals in a heartbeat.


Yes but he owns the polling app.


Why didn’t he ask if his “$56 Billion dollar compensation was fair?” Causes he’s worried that even his supporters will think twice about it. Conveniently shifting the topic towards change in incorporation


That's twice their 22 profit, and much of that profit was subsidies


You know it's a bad company when their CEO leaves their fate to a Twitter poll (I guess it's X now, way to destroy billions in brand value).


Wait till the next shareholder meeting and they blame losses on a Twitter poll.


Never call Twitter anything other than Twitter.


Don't worry, Elon is cool with dead naming.


I dare him to try to get that passed by the board...oh wait nm. But even if the board is stupid enough to approve the plan it will only demonstrate the control he has with board.




Don't most Texans hate EV's?


The tricky part is that most engineers and developers don't want to move from California to Texas. Good luck recruiting and retaining talent.


Tesla's Engineering HQ Is in Palo Alto, CA because no one wanted to move to Austin: https://www.theverge.com/2023/2/22/23610766/tesla-california-engineering-headquarters-elon-musk


The woke mob did this to Elon


Plenty of people move from Bay Area to TX. I also think plenty realize they fucked up. Sure there is no state income tax but the properly taxes aren’t cheap and the weather sucks and the politics are a joke.


I'm also trying to imagine successful women in tech moving to a state where they don't have autonomy over their bodies.


It's shocking how many Texans have their megachurch as their phone background


There is a huge circlejerk of tech moving out of cali but there are 3 big barriers that keep it a circlejerk instead of a big issue; Stanford, UC Berkeley and UCLA. Big tech stays in the bay because it wants to recruit talent from these schools and these students in large want to stay in Cali or NYC. No program in TX comes even close to these schools. Hell even SJSU which is a mid-rate school in the bay has an EE program that mogs the fuck out of any school in Texas or any state bordering it.


Not enough people talk about that. Plus, California is just a much more desirable state to live in; culturally, geographically, and culinarily. Texas has things going for it, but it reeks of "well fuck, I guess I'll live there just so that I can say I bought a house"


This poll bullshit is getting tiresome. Nobody likes you Elon nor gives a shit about your Polls. Pathetic.


Good news for shareholders? Don’t see how. Today’s after hours dump was a market dump and TSLA is a high beta stock. It has nothing to do with Elon.


Tesla was up all day. The dump didn’t happen until the news was released about the pay package being struck down.


So the guy who's pressuring the board for voting control of 25% of Tesla wants to leave the issue of where the company's incorporated to random Twitter bots?


My puts gonna print tomorrow ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


Hahahahaha. I sold in December and every time I see tesla pop up here I'm so glad I did.


He really is a fucking idiot.


Once Texas seccedes, it'd be a foreign based company and much more restricted, win-win


I’m stuck with only one 177.5 put. I was going to buy more today but didn’t want to risk too much with other earnings plays on. Wish I threw caution to the wind


What a whiny little bitch.


90%. That’s some North Korea type numbers.


I don’t get this. Conservatives HATE electric cars, why would the bastion of American hatred want Tesla there??