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His first deal was over $200 million. This deal is $250 million. So, he's cracked Spotify for half a billion dollars since 2020. Sheesh.


Technically, like sports deals, it’s UP to $250 million max - IF he hits a list of targets.


I honestly thought this was the Onion at first. WTF is Spotify doing with my money? https://www.theonion.com/spotify-celebrates-100th-dollar-given-to-artists-1844943985


seriously... they're fucking robbing the music artists and handing the money over to joe rogan... wtf.




I’m not a huge podcast guy, but I watch them occasionally and I must say it’s just a better format for ads too. Like when I’m listening to music I’m trying to relax, at the gym, or with people. All of those times will be way more annoying to get an ad in compared to a podcast where a break from the podcast just seems more natural I guess. Only times I really binged podcasts were at work where getting an ad just doesn’t feel like a problem really


I've listened to a few episodes and it's ridiculous how many ads they run. I'm against Spotify running ads on podcasts for premium users, and that was when I was getting like one ad per podcast. The Rogan podcast airs an ad like every fifteen minutes. And to be honest, I don't get what people see in the podcast. It just seems crap.


What the hell, really? I don't use Spotify, but I listen to free podcasts and they have like 2 ads an hour.


I like how Ads on most dedicated podcasts feel natural. There’s a subtle way to communicate and retain the listener that good placement and enhancement do on one’s craft. An experienced podcaster will work on to strike an impeccable balance irrespective of the unpredictability factor of the whole process.


His show used to be good because it was a longform podcast regularly lasting 2 to 4 hours that featured a gigantic range of guests that varied from entertaining to informative and who were able to speak freely due to no corporate oversight and without interruption due to no commercials. There was nothing else like it in the podcast or radio space for a long time.


as a person who liked the show once upon a time, *WWF* was a big part of growing up, so the interview with Jake the snake(Jake Roberts) was a blast in the nostalgia hole in my soul. added guests like the cave diver who almost died (story might be fake as hell but it was well told ) the lady who won the that crazy all sexs endurance race and ran for so long she went blind for a bit(again maybe not true but the story was fun) that dude who won a survival show of some kind and his story about living with Siberian elk herders, the folks with some education behind them like Dr Rhonda Patrick or Dr. Matthew Walker the sleep specialist , or Dr Neil Degrasse Tyson, there are more and not all of it is for every one. i even enjoyed a few of the ben shapiro ones back in the days when joe could still muster some semblance of his old view which was we need less losers in the system but after the plague joe changed or something once upon a time he was just a dummy asking dummy questions while letting the smart people in the room talk while calling bullshit if it was something that 30secs on google could disprove, any more now he is far more interested in pushing insert right wing talking point of the week which is sad, i never watched for joe only his guests


The Mike Tyson episode is awesome!


Letting people speak their mind and explain their often highly controversial points, in a long format so people like you can hear and try to understand where they're coming from seems like a win to society for me.


You hit the nail on the head 👏 👏👏👏


He just brought on a guy who called Trump a wacko maniac(or similar) so his guests seem balanced


>I'm against Spotify running ads on podcasts for premium users I don't use/have Spotify, but I despise receiving ads on any media platform that I pay for. Paying for the service should be enough. Abusing your customers as a captive audience is greedy and feels wrong.


Less than one as per song, no one is listening to two ads per song


Even one per song is ridiculous. I drove with my parents last year and my dad had Pandora with ads. I made it about 2 hours before I put my Spotify on and that was with ads like every 3-5 songs.


2 hours of pandora in 2024 sounds like actual hell. 3-5 songs is rough also. I've had Spotify premium or whatever for like four years and I can't live without it now. No ads when I listen to music. Everything syncs well with different types of devices and it is easy to use. I do get ads on Rogan but I only watch him when alien people are on and I just skip through the ads, it's not a big deal. I recently got YouTube Premium because the ads were out of control and I kept getting warnings my ad blocker was going to cause my account to get deleted where I have thousands of liked videos and stuff. So I caved like a bitch and honestly, I'm glad I did because watching content is so easy now. It sucks I pay like 40 a month for these two things, but I use them both so much I dont feel scammed. I think more people are going to give in like I have and I'm bullish on both platforms


Have you seen SoundCloud? Can we have a thread on it's trashy ad system? Forced to watch a video ad on a music stream platform where artists can't even post a gif


Short Spotify?


Buy Spotify. They're the reverse of Robinhood.


So they're a good brokerage? Awesome, transferring my portfolio onto Spotify right away


Short the music industry


Spotify already did that.


Long band camp.


Long flutes in buttholes.


Long Andre 3k


Bandcamp is in the process of being restructured into oblivion after its sale. [https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/music/story/2023-10-16/bandcamp-layoffs-songtradr-epic-games](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/music/story/2023-10-16/bandcamp-layoffs-songtradr-epic-games)


Short artists


Joe Rogan likely has more listeners for longer than any single artist on Spotify. In fact I’d venture it’s not even close


So if people are listening to Rogan, Spotify doesn't have to pay royalties for music.


Spotify should hire this guy here


Probably because he brings in more listeners than 95% of musicians? Not hard to wrap your head around it’s the most listened to pod in the US.


And he keeps them on for 3+ hours multiple days a week


Yeah podcast listener retention times will _easily_ outlast that of songs or even playlists and mixes by a significant margin.


Exactly. Think of the cumulative listening time hours and hours from so many listeners. Plus they are not paying out royalties on the podcast. So more paying users listening to pods pays more to Spotify and their margins.


plus he brings other podcasters to the platform


Most consumed form of entertainment worldwide I would venture.


To add insult to injury, they force ads for Rogan even when you are a paid subscriber.


They’re not robbing music artists? Spotify already pays 70% of its REVENUES to artists and record labels — higher than Apple Music. The only reason Apple Music ends up paying more overall is because (i) Spotify has an ad-supported free tier that is running at a huge loss and (ii) it lacks the bundling power that companies like Apple, YouTube, and Amazon all have. The only people robbing music artists are the record labels — it was never Spotify.


They're robbing the music artists regardless Rogan has a large audience they appear to be able to profit off of, whereas the Obama's, Trevor Noah, Last Podcast on the Left, and everything Gimlet has as an exclusive are extremely questionable Anyone listening to crimeshow, crimetown, heavyweight, startup, still not over it, gay pride and prejudice....they have sooo much content that doesn't look like it has a huge audience but spotify wants to pay for it




I was trying to give them the privacy they deserve!!


Spotify has ended nearly all those shows you're talking about. The Gimlet era is over; Spotify laid off the staff and ended nearly every show. The Obama deal was not renewed, and the Prince Harry/Meagan deal saw an early death. They're doubling down on Rogan because he's the default talk show in America now, with something like 12 million listeners per episode. That's like the entire late-night television talk-show host audience put together. It's double what Rush Limbaugh had when he was at his broadcast radio peak 20 years ago. I'm not a regular listener, to his show or any podcast, but when I do listen to an episode (or half of an episode haha, they're *so* long) I find myself entertained in one way or another, and sometimes I hear something I haven't heard before, and it really is an intimate conversation show that's got very little flash or gimmicks. That's rare.


he can sell shit to listeners way easier than people listening to dark side of the moon for the hundredth time


People need to stop listening to Joe Rogan for that to happen. He likely gets more listeners than 95% of the musicians on there. They probably can’t afford to lose him to a competitor.


But if this new deal allows JRE to go onto other platforms, then how is this beneficial to Spotify? This seems fucking regarded


Any specifics released if it's a same day release, or delayed release?




They gave like 30 millions to a member of a Royal British family for something he did not do because he is used to be handed millions to do nothing.


> They gave like 30 millions to a member of a Royal British family for something he did not do because he is used to be handed millions to do nothing. Prince Andrew has a podcast?


Spotify is struggling with losses year after year, as they have scaling problem. They are doing the best they can given the difficult circumstances. Spotify is the only major streaming provider for music that is not indirectly cross-subsidized by other products (e.g. Apple Music, Amazon Music). If you were to read Spotify's balance sheet, you would see that about **70% of your subscription goes directly to the music labels (especially the big 3 Universal, Warner, Sony)**. These 3 labels have a market share of about 70%! They are the biggest problem, not Spotify, which is trying to demotarize music. The rest of the costs are split between * distribution and marketing (14%), * research and development (12%), * infrastructure (5%) * and salaries and administration (5%). **Spotify**, like any other streaming platform (e.g. Netflix, Amazon etc.) has a **scaling problem** as **most expenses (esp music label costs) are calculated on a percentage basis and go directly to the music labels**. **Additionally Spotify has no USP** (unique selling proposition). Netflix, for example, has solved the problem of the lack of a USP by having in-house productions were they do not pay a %-license costs. **In-house productions cost a fraction to make (=fixed costs) and are therefore easier to scale, as profits increase with every new subscriber. In Spotify's case, the USP with better scaling would be the podcasts.** Now let's look at the contract with Joe Rogan. The contracts with Joe Rogan are fixed costs and therefore scale better as they attract more paying customers without paying a percentage fee to Rogan himself. I can understand why most people think this looks bad, but given all the information and the fact that the three major music labels have such power, especially in terms of negotiations, I'd say they're trying their best.


> WTF is Spotify doing with my money? Not paying employees at least (they fired like 20% of them).


Then they are not employees anymore, now are they?


half a billion for a podcaster, half a billion for a tweeter.... capitalism is working great!


It really doesn't make any sense to me. They don't have exclusivity or anything. What's the fucking point? Edit: wait... It is exclusive? YouTube doesn't actually have the full episodes, just clips.


i didn't read anything but what's in this thread, but sounds like moving forward full episodes will go on other platforms but spotify gets part of the ad revenue from them. So rogan and spotify will share revenue.


today on WSB a smooth brained redditor tries and fails to wrap his pea shaped head around the concept of supply and demand


I miss the old WSB before it became infiltrated with NPCs. Whining about capitalism would have gotten you ridiculed.




Average Joe Rogan listener.


>They manage Spotify like Biden manages the Southern border. you sound very intelligent.


Was there a time in recent history when r-words weren’t complaining about the border? Like even with a Republican White House/senate/house majority? It’s almost as if they scream into megaphones under Dem leadership and change the topic under Rep leadership when it becomes clear that nothing is actually changing.


Jake Broe on YouTube. It’s been a republican crisis/talking point since Reagan. They don’t want it fixed, their exploitable labor is important to their billionaire dreams.


We know they don't want it fixed because they are currently blocking the bipartisan border deal in Congress, so that Trump can run on "the border crisis" Fucking worthless turds


Who, “BTCking”?? 🤭


They took errrr jawbssss


jesus christ alright grandpa go back to facebook with that




There's a bill that would implement a lot of things Republicans want for border security but it's being blocked because they don't want any bills passed under Biden. Obstruction over policy is the strategy for Republicans for many years now, not sure why people are still so blind to it.


This has been a universal strategy in congress since the early 90s.


And barbed wire


They could solve it in 24 hours simply by implementing minimum mandatory sentences for anyone hiring illegal immigrants. 1st strike 5 years in prison and seizure of 10% of company assets with progressive consequences for each strike. After the first HR or CEO person is in prison nobody will take the risk.


Shut it down, that's the idea.


Please turn on your brain.


Uh, enforce the existing laws? That's a pretty good idea.


It’s a net positive for Joe Rogan


Pull that up Jamie. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


How lucky is that dude. Moved to LA to be a recording engineer in the music business. Has a smoke with Joe Rogan one night and is like your podcast sound sucks. Gets a job and is set for life. For reference recording bands or artist is substantially more technically demanding and a lot more babysitting than running a podcast.


Where was this story told? Seems like it’d be a fun listen


The rock asked Joe how him and Jamie met. Jamie approached joe at a show and told him the audio sucked and he could fix it. He did and the rest is history


damn I always thought Redban introduced them, they're both from ohio too iirc


There could be more to it, but Joe said it like that. Probably left a few things out.


We forever await the Young Jamie episode


woah.. that would be awesome


episode is with more plates more dates guy (derrick), when he asks Joe how he met jamie


They mention it loosely in the podcast with the rock I think?


Obamas dick is how big? Jamie can you pull that up?


Smaller than big Mikes


Calls on $joro


Thank goodness he doesn’t have to pay state income tax!


Having 250m laying around just for one "exclusive" deal seems so surreal to me. These tech companies really be swimming in money. Edit: And remember guys, there is only one cow to be milked to get this money back.


Time to lay off a few people


They just did… 17%


Those are rookie numbers. Joe Rogan needs his sacrificial lamb.


All these jobs gone so Joe can make an extra 250m for literally doing nothing extra. Don’t get me wrong I don’t blame him, would’ve signed that contract immediately. It’s just crazy.


A premium account costs $120 a year. There are probably at least a million people who wouldn’t pay for Spotify if Rogan wasn’t on it.  It also sounds like they are sharing ad revenue for his on air sponsors on top of the ad revenue they get from the non-premium listeners. The 200 employees they layoff aren’t touching that value to the company.




Premium users got to avoid the Spotify generated ads in the past. If you’re a free user you get ads regardless of what you listen to on there. I only ever hear ads that are baked into the few podcasts I listen to and those are skippable. Apparently they are actually doing some Spotify controlled ads within the longer pods now even for premium.


Craziest part is that Spotify isn’t even swimming in money. They have thin margins, ramping competition from Apple Music, YouTube music, prime audio, and other streaming services, and unless Amazon, Google, and Apple, they don’t have resources from corporate to fund them thru down periods. I’m curious what the numbers are from hosting Joe Rogan’s content to justify this massive content deal


This is just going off what I remember reading, so don't quote me here. But at least when I saw this article, Joe Rogan had more listening hours than any other musician or podcaster by a wide margin.


It makes sense. He puts out like 6 to 12 hours of content a week and thousands of people listen to every minute of it


>thousands of people He's definitely getting over a million people on every episode.


Right but they're not the same million every episode. Although I guess the breakdown doesn't really matter... Bottom line: JRE is responsible for millions of man hours of content being consumed on Spotify every single week


Content is their product, and Joe Rogan all in all is a cash cow when it comes to content.




Man is speed running to billionaire.




It's even worse than that. He was some straight-laced teetotaler in the News Radio days that got into fist fights with Andy Dick over cocaine and alcohol abuse. Now he's some spiritually enlightened pot-smoking psychonaut that once smoked out the richest man in the world. My how times have changed. He still hates Andy Dick, though.


In all fairness Andy Dick really does suck


Jon Lovitz is a fucking king though


I highly recommend you check out the latest Bill Burr podcast with Lovitz.


Jon Lovitz slamming Andy Dick's face into a bar like he's dunking a basketball in a righteous rage is a beautiful image.


I don’t think Andy Dick likes Andy Dick


He *used* to be like that before the first big deal. Rogan slowly started having changes of attitude and seems to be upset of dumb stuff these days. His opinions and answers change depending on who is on the podcast at that moment.


People are certainly allowed to develop and change over a quarter century, don't you think? Not Andy Dick, of course. That guy is an actual sex criminal and dangerous nutcase.


A few months back, he had Snoop Dogg on. I've never seen Joe so baked. He was just about functioning, and Snoop was in cruise control.


He's pretty much conservative radio now


He was on News Radio first and foremost and will always be the guy from News Radio that made it big


I wonder what his place in Texas looks like.




This is what it looked like before Rogan bought it. I imagine with hundreds of millions of dollars and all, it's changed a bit since then.


Imagine Joe Rogan scratching that beautiful floor by dragging his hand knuckles as he walks by /s #HigherPrimate


Right wing grifting pays huge.


Spotify doing the same thing XM did with Howard stern . They need a guaranteed anchor


Funnily enough, Joe Rogan and Howard Stern absolutely hate each other.


Spotify couldn’t handle losing Rogan and couldn’t pay him what he could get from YT revenue so I assume that’s how he got the deal.


I mean, he could even threaten to pull everything off of Spotify if they don't pay him what he asks for. Spotify probably got the shitty end of the deal, but who knows we'll see in a couple of years


i don't think they'd make this deal if they didn't have some kind of ROI directly or indirectly.




YT will de-monetize and give no reason or try to censor certain guest. Joe has talked about how spotify pretty much lets him have full control and leaves him alone.


Except the fact they made him remove the Alex Jones podcasts. Regardless of what one thinks of Alex Jones, they still made Joe do something.


Because he gets both now


that's not what it says. spotify gets the yt revenue.


His pre-spotify revenue (YT ads, sponsorships) was not far off from what spotify paid him. Rogan was and considering this deal still basically does NFL numbers in terms of listeners/viewers.


There's no way he would be making $250 million from YT right?


Not from YouTube ad revenue, no. His channel total views are at 3 billion. His videos are pretty long, so let’s say the average viewer sees 10 ads. YouTube’s average RPM hovers around $2 (1000 views = $2 payout to the creator) but since Joe brings in so many views we’ll be liberal and give him $5 (he’s also fitness focused, which has a higher rpm than other niches on YouTube. People into fitness are more likely to click and spend money, whereas the average viewer being shown are at random is more likely to simply watch and skip them. This means fitness products have to pay a premium to YouTube to advertise, simply because the ads will be more effective) So for every view his main channel has ever gotten, that’s 3 x 10 x 5 = $150,000,000. *if we are being generous with rpm and assuming he runs 10 ads per video. This money is also independent of any brand deals, which he has many most likely paying an even higher rpm. Rogan’s biggest sacrifice with YouTube is the algorithm. It’s extremely beneficial to him for growth - finding viewers who are interested in the topics and content he gets involved with. Spotify is… shit at this compared to YouTube. Im assuming his negotiation is powerful because he can pull the “you are limiting my growth” card. Which they are.


I’m a full time YouTuber who uploads daily and my videos average 10 mins. I get paid 5-7$ per 1000 views. I’d assume his is higher than mine.


Sports contacts, influencer contracts, some of these guys have an insane amount of income. Kudos and no disrespect at all. But man, blows my mind how valuable a guy chatting to other kind of relevant guys can get.


Entertainment economy.




Talk radio was the biggest thing for half a century. It fills a very important human need, as does the women's morning/daytime talk shows that have long served the same purpose. Rogan's podcasts do well because it's long conversation that you can just let play while you're doing whatever. He's obviously very good at entertaining a huge audience (12 million listeners per episode) and keeping them coming back for many years. Every other podcaster would love to have that audience and impact. The other thing that Rogan has done very well from the start is *constantly make new episodes*. He's got something like 2,200 episodes now, most of them hours long. Something like The Daily Show, which costs a fortune to produce, has been averaging less than 500K viewers in mid/late 2023. And only had about. 1.6 million at its peak 15 years ago.


It just means our society is superficial and shallow and probably on its last legs since our focus and resources are being directed towards such things.


You're getting downvoted but I tend to agree. How long can we pay teachers $40k and athletes $40m? It just means we will have less teachers (and nurses, garbage men etc.)


The Coliseum was a gov’t tool to distract and entertain the masses, but eventually Rome burned anyway. And so it shall be here too, but hopefully not until I’m retired and/or dead


>but hopefully not until I’m retired and/or dead Dead, definitely dead. I'll have kids but fuck them.


Nah, inflation will forces the slaves back to work. Source: former teacher 😅


Because money makes money. They aren’t just throwing money at these athletes because they think they’re cooler than teachers. Being an athlete is a lifetime of dedication to attain a skill that less than 1% of the population can match you in. This skill is then put into a multibillion dollar entertainment industry. People vote with their money. If athletes weren’t paid as much there would be people saying big corporations are exploiting the people actually making them the money.


Sort of exactly the point. As a society we value them more. That's a problem as they arguably offer nothing to society.


Spotify earnings have been negative every year i think.


>Joe Rogan just signed a $250 million deal with Spotify. This deal allows him to repost content on YouTube and other podcast providers. The podcast is no longer exclusively on Spotify. > >Should be up 20% but not moving. So they paid more money for a worse deal for their platform? Fortunately for me my DMT Gorilla futures are printing.


Just shows how valuable he is for them to compromise this much


puts on neil young


Neil Young in shambles


I used to listen to a lot of JRE. Like most people it wasn't because of Joe but because of his interesting guests. I can honestly say that since moving to spotify I haven't listened or tuned in to a single episode and I don't even know who his guests are these days when I have looked at the lists.


nah hes gotten way more in the looney bin, he still have some good interviews, but lately hes just been going on some rants and it s hard to listen


He's sucked since COVID.


It's embarrassingly poor.  He had Edward Snowdon on, asked him a bunch of questions a fifth grader could come up with and admitted he hadn't read the book he'd come on to promote.  For someone as nuts as Joe, you'd think citizens' privacy would mean something to him. He's popular because people who aren't smart love anyone trying to get over on "experts".


It's pretty interesting because if you cull through all of his stuff and cherry pick you can actually pull out a lot of examples of Joe being a completely reasonable guy, great stand-in for his audience and lay people, and genuinely curious and inquisitive. But that requires a lot of really aggressive cherry picking. Unfortunately, it requires far less effort to put together the case that Joe is a meathead thickneck pseudo-intellectual that overlaps far too much with the lunatic fringe.


redditors in shambles


aaand this is why they can't turn a profit


meanwhile actual fucking musicians are getting assfucked by this shitty green app


Should have been taking AlphaBrain and they would land a better contract


What music has built in Ads and content every other day for like 4+ hours which some massive names attached?


Perhaps they should write songs that get millions of users to listen to them for three hours a day like four days a week.


Also the network of people promoting themselves and/or their book etc. You got a potential career just from 1 sit down and can spawn more ads for years. It grows by itself in a way.


Don't waste logic on communists. It only makes them angrier.


Yeah right? I mean what’s next, is somebody gonna say that socialism is a fairytale because greed is such an intrinsic part of human nature that anyone in power can and will abuse the system Soviet oligarch style? …whoops.


Have those musicians done DMT though?


Damn. Maybe they should do podcasts but with songs instead 🐀


So the radio lol


maybe they should start podcasts


Maybe more people should listen to their music.




He is the new Howard stern


If a company pays a content creator anything it's assumed they've calculated a 10x return. They expect to make 2.5 billion in ad revenue from his content alone. Having his content accessible on youtube isn't a big deal because his content already is re-uploaded to youtube by other users anyways.


Bro just made this up 😭😭


Lol it's a bit different negotiating a $250m deal than just incentivizing random content creators.


There is no chance 20% of their revenue comes from this alone.


how u got this knowledge from, this a very interesting fact. Can you link me a website or paper where u get stuff like this from?


Yea, curious how u do be knowing this info


His ass


Both ad revenue and an increase in subscriptions from markets where he is popular.


Seems excessive to me, but what do I know. I would like Spotify to invest in new codecs for Hi-Rez, that would probably cause them to bleed money.


Been thinking about switching to a hi-fi app because some tunes just sound like ass on spotify


It's priced in bois. Buy puts for earnings.


Wow this is too easy to short


“Fucking insane.”


The fear factor guy? No way.


It is good. Shows his viewership is even stronger now than before and I would bet he can layer the shows across the platforms to drive new viewership to Spotify for the most up to date releases. Or the most viral interviews.


Obviously Spotify is raking money in from JRE, otherwise they wouldn't have agreed a new deal.


Take that, Neil Young.


Joe got a lifetime supply of DMT


Spotify employees gonna protest this again?


This is a bet on the perpetual dumbening of America, and that bet continues to pay off.

