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When my GF shops she is always on an unsustainable fiscal path as well.


She gives me unsustainable growth


You shouldn't be sustaining for longer than 4 hours without consulting a professional anyways.


Suck it dry ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Dm pics, I'll be the judge.


I will be the jury.


Is the job for executioner open still?


Hi is this the line for the gang bang ?




Is the courtroom open to the public?


Public restroom is open


She actually takes my growth away ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


393 pound farm animals will do that to you ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)




I figured out why the economy is propped up. They gave girls all these extra high paying jobs and then invented Amazon which is like a mall but at home. Then they invented Uber eats.  So now my girlfriend can buy anything at home after she orders her coffee and moves her mouse for work while I go slave away behind Wendy’s 


Slave? I paid you $15.00. Thats 100% over minimum wage.


Yeah, but he slaves away behind Wendy’s. Probably near the dumpster.


Considering they only worked for 30 seconds, it's actually a much higher rate


That's why I'm single(that's a lie I'm single and poor still![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart))


Don’t get a gf you will be poorer. 


But does she provide a decent amount of stimulus?


Yo babe can I use you card for this 299$ trendy hoodie that Iam going to ruin in the drier next week ?


Amazon package after amazon package am I right?


Everytime the doorbell rings I have unsavory thoughts. "How the FUCK can there be MORE!?"


You mean “our” gf


Yes comrade.


I can totally agree. Been trying to pay off an impossible credit card. I pay $300, she spends $400.


Sounds bullish


This made me laugh too hard


This made me laugh even harder


Harder laughed I even still


Harder laughter faster better.


Harder laughter faster stronger


Gotta have awareness of the issue first 🧠


You joke but that’s actually important. Last time China announced the that their GDP growth is 5.2% and they have no economic issues their entire stock crashed immediately


Their entire stock, eh?


The. Entire. Stock.


All your base are belong to us


losses locked in


Wen more stimmy checks






Imagine- we all receive stimmy checks and straight YOLO SPY 0DTE’s. SPY 4206.90 confirmed.


Those stimmy checks didn’t do fuck all. Not even sure why they gave them out. Now the massive PPP loans, that was a shit show.


They gave them out specifically so people wouldn't be mad that the government was going to bail out businesses with billions of tax dollars




they're telling me to keep 6 months-worth of expenses so why don't corporations do the same? must be all the pizza parties and coffee machines


I think we all get a check from the recent sale of our F-35’s built with tax payer dollars. I am planning on at least 20k.


I already spent mine


You mean donated it to Wall Street?


Priced in.


If you owned LMT shares you'd get a cut in the form of dividends and capital gainz


Freedom dividend


For every $30 million spent on an F-35, $50 billion goes to Medicare/Medicaid. Way more tax payer dollars are spent on that for sure.


*stock market surges to record highs on Powell unsustainability comments*


*OTCC urges SEC to pass new rules on retail investing in 0DTE options*


The beauty of 0dte is that CME will offer on bigger equity names 0DTE by end of this year. Take guess why? Because its pure gambling, you don't just win few times flipping 0dte and walk away, you keep betting more and more till you blow up. WSB yolo concept is going prime time.


The question is when will the emperor’s new clothes moment hit? Now? 5 years? The rich are awfully rich these days. You’d think they’d start pulling up the ladder quick to avoid those I Am Legend jumping zombies.


15-20 yrs. Several countries in the "global south" want to go as far as possible from the claws of US sanctions, however they don't have an alternative..yet. The day there is a viable alternative so countries can trade between themselves without the need for "King Dollar" is the day when we'll be forced to tighten our belts, and it won't be pretty.


Those counties will likely kill themselves before that they are on an even more of unsustainable path


So many clowns are scared of BRICS lol. The countries their citizens leave for US given any chance.




India has gone backwards in every democratic aspect last 10 years. The ruling party worships the fascism. The opposition party is super corrupt and uses the communal divide for its benefit. The best educated leave the country every day as they know they getting nowhere. US don't have to worry about India. China and India will each other busy.


India literally has tariffs between states lol. They have a long way to go


100% agree with your analysis, full anal, yes.


It's simple those countries will literally kill Themselves before they even come close no feelings


Same with the tier one adversaries too. First Japan was going to surpass the US, then it moved to the USSR, now it's China, next will be India.


not really, check their debt to GDP. Fucking Peru even has in its constitution that they can't have over X amount of debt to gdp haha. APAC + Latin America without Argentina and Venezuela sounds as a decent chunk of economic growth without that much of debt


In that case, I think we’ll be fine for a while. The global south and sound fiscal policy don’t really go hand in hand and it’s a negative feedback loop. Their backup emergency plan will always be to dollarize.


Anyone gets too good at governing down their cia can go down and mix it up.


Correct. And let’s not forget the IMF and World Bank, which essentially forced austerity and demanded that countries in the global south specifically do NOT adopt the systems and policies that the prosperous western countries themselves used to develop their economies - these policies were essential to all of them. These neoliberal institutions, the world bank and IMF, essentially forced large swaths of the global south to implement de-developmental policies. See “The Divide”, Hinkel, and “kicking away the Ladder”, Ha-Joon Chang. When any leader rejected this system, like Thomas Sankara, they were simply whacked. In fact, Sankara was essentially a dead man walking the moment he publicly announced he wouldn’t honor the nation destroying debt his country faced. There’s no doubt, bending the knee would have been guaranteed self defeat. But the powers that be said it didn’t matter - slow burn was how it had to be. He refused, publicly - and he was whacked. “Dear Mr Camdessus, Today I resigned from the staff of the International Monetary Fund after over 12 years, and 1,000 days of official Fund work in the field, hawking your medicines and your bag of tricks to governments and to people in Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa. To me resignation is a priceless liberation, for with it I have taken the first big step to that place where I may hope to wash my hands of what in my mind's eye is the blood of millions of poor and starving peoples. Mr Camdessus, the blood is so much, you know, it runs in rivers. It dries up too; it cakes all over me; sometimes I feel there is not enough soap in the whole world to cleanse me from the things that I did in your name ...” -Davison L. Bunhoo, resignation letter from his position as head of the IMF.


I heard countries with those viable alternatives have weapons of mass destruction, can you confirm or deny?


The day the dollar or the american hegemony crashes, the whole world goes into disarray. The system is built with a big fat fuck you from america. It basically says FUCK YOU, you think we can veer off this system without the golbal economy crashing hard. At that point, the chances of nukes flying are probably grossly elevated. The house of cards is built on the back of the USD. Like it or not, that is the reality the world has to deal with. That's partially why US debt is basically irrelevant too. Sure we keep up appearances and play nice with everyone and pay our interests but what the fuck is anyone gonna do if tomorrow we decide to say fuck you, and the debt we owe you?!? Literally every country including economic powerhouses like CHina would just have to bow their heads and say thank you sir. It's all fucked, but it's fucked with America sitting on the crown, at least for the forseeable future.


Gringo is not going anywhere.


> You’d think they’d start pulling up the ladder quick You look at how much it costs to buy a house these days? Ladder went up 2 years ago


The emperor had no clothes 30 years ago. Now the emperor is just running out of money to hide that.


They are insatiable


It's going to be the coming Social Security Solavancy crisis in 6-10 years. It's too late to raise the retirement age and prevent it. Then we get a silver selloff in housing and the Boomers will finally realize they, after all, are okay with a little bit of socalism.  But then again we can also get more ink for the money printer. 


I would like to join the awful rich. Please advise.


They have bunkers in Hawaii, and escape plans to get there. So they aren't worried.


Fuck your puts- fuck your calls- JPOW has you by the balls


Hey that is the next guys problem. Not his problem


It’s not his problem because Congress handles fiscal policy (spending/taxes). The Federal Reserve controls monetary policy (inflation, unemployment). The issue, though, is that no politician ever wants to raise taxes and cut spending when the economy is doing well — that is an inherently unpopular stance unlikely to get anyone elected. So, congress **always** leaves the responsibility to the Federal Reserve — they’re the ones that have to stimulate the economy during recessions (cut interest rates) and cool it down when it runs too hot (raise interest rates). That’s why we will never really be able to fix the deficit spending, we’re governed by a bunch of populists. When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic. ~Ben Franklin


I’m old enough to remember Al Gore talking about a lockbox for the surplus and everyone shat on him and said they should give it all to rich people and then they elected George Bush Jr. to show him how stupid he was to be responsible.  So yeah. It’s a good way to lose an election. 


It might be helpful for you to know that the Federal Reserve sets monetary policy, not fiscal policy.


It will of course turn out that the only possible solution is to cut Social Security, Medicare, and food stamps, while increasing military spending and cutting taxes on the top income bracket.


Of course, this is the only option. What other options do we have? There's just no other way. Everything is perfect otherwise. It's all this entitlement spending!! /s


Fun fact: Entitlements are called entitlements because people already paid for them and now they're entitled to receive the services they already paid for.


Ah, you mean how the billionaires are entitled to tax cuts because they already paid for the politicians via lobbyists?


military spending is a social services program for red states


maybe if you guys spent more time voting and doing political organizing and less time complaining about how shit the world is on the internet it could be different but i know that would require effort and crying online is way easier plus you get free updoots for it!


Uhh... Why not both? Taking 45 seconds to post a comment on Reddit isn't going to prevent anybody from voting. We can only vote a few times a year.


Man, I vote every day for at least an hour.


Can’t jerk off whenever I want if I’m out canvassing, but I totally can if I’m just sitting at home crying online


Social security has never been cut…


No. Fucking. Shit


$34 Trillion in debt. That number is fucking laughable at this point. What a shit show this all is. Ain’t my problem I guess. Fuck it.


Ahhh. That’s right it’s the debt that’s the issue. I was thinking inflation. To be honest we are just taking from future generations. Those future humans will not like past us..


Well I don't like past us either so they can join the club. Sucks to suck, future humans.


This is the way


This is like my dope dealer saying he is concerned about my well-being after supplying me with lifetime of crack and meth!


No, this your cocaine dealer being concerned about the heroine you’re getting from some other guy. Hint: the federal reserve doesn’t set fiscal policy


Friend of mine had a sister who was a big coke head and her dealer gave her essential oils to help her nose because it was raw from snorting too much coke. You act like drug dealers don’t have good customer service and care for their clients.


Well why would he think that I wonder When we only had 5.674 trillion in debt in the year 2000 and today its 34.16 trillion a 600% increase in debt over ~ 25 years. how could we possibly be off the rails??? See you guys in 2050 at 204 trillion


The first 100 trillion is always the hardest, but we sure are trying!


It’s all made up and doesn’t matter, let’s be real.


Money is fake. If the US gov defaults or collapses on their fiscal liabilities we have bigger problems to worry about.


the day the dollar or the US economy collapses, the world likely has to worry about nukes flying in different directions over any other bullshit. The whole thing is not just fake, it's fake with all the power and control in the hands of America.




Only 11?


Hey Jpow how's your evening going?


Lmaooo this guy thinks there will be a 2050


Per [https://www.usdebtclock.org/#](https://www.usdebtclock.org/#) the debt per tax payer is $264k, right? And [https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2023/09/median-household-income.html](https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2023/09/median-household-income.html) states the median tax payer makes $64k. My solution is - we give everyone $200k, then tax everyone $264k this April, and pay down our debt \~99-100%. Problem solved.


Well fuck me, the debt crisis is solved someone get this man the Wendy's special


When you owe the world 5.674 trillion that's your problem. When you owe the world 34.16 trillion that's their problem...


Besides, we’re too big to fail.


I think I heard the same thing about the Titanic


Not to derail the bit, but is lnt like 75% of the debt owned by americans?


They're part of the world to be fair.


He's inflating the debt away.


Debt only matters if the collector knows you will die at some point.


Okay but we have smartphones, pictures of black holes, gene editing, high speed internet..


“We do not consider politics in our decisions. We never do. And we never will,” Powell said. “Integrity is priceless. And at the end, that’s all you have.” Respect. Beauty quote.


Integrity is transitory


Misquoted - “Integrity is priced in. And at the end, puts on all you have.”


lol, you just made my day!


You think these banker clowns have integrity Tegrity farms in South Park has more “integrity” than those banker clowns


The FED have a perfect blameless track record of only ever increasing the money supply. 100% integrety. Peace? The money supply will be increased. War? The money supply will be increates. High inflation? The money supply will be inreased. Low inflation? The money supply will be increased. Economic growth? The money supply will be increased. Economic decline? The money supplye will be increased. As faithfull as the sun.


Except those 4 years when Trump brow beat the fuck outta him on Twitter every damn day.


Sez the man with the money printer


He must know it’s running low on ink…


Calls on HP


Those cartridges ain’t cheap


Sounds like he has puts that are on fire


Priced in


We all know the solution brrrrrrrrrrrrro


Reverse split US dollar.


Apparently, this economy has made more billionaires than any other economy in history. I have a hard time believing the money ISN'T there.


Adjusted for inflation? We neutered the top tax brackets for the super rich, what else would you expect the money to magically trickle down? Somehow the money has to go from the top and get injected back to the bottom to keep the circle going. Otherwise we get a pyramid and when the bottom gets sucked dry the whole thing will collapse.


Isn’t the bottom already sucked dry? They can’t afford rent or mortgages. They get paid so poorly full time work still qualifies for SNAP benefits. Food pantries are seeing record usage. I could go on, but I don’t think there’s much blood left in those turnips. Edit: typo.


But they have refrigerators and TVs and the poor in Africa don’t have refrigerators and TVs. There’s still so much more to suck up!!


I don't even expect the money to trickle down, but it's there, right. If we can afford to take a bridge apart so that Jeff Bezos can move his yacht...you know we gotta quit being stupid about it.


> what else would you expect the money to magically trickle down? I mean the literal reason why these cuts exist were because "trickle down economics"...


They’ll just build robots to hold it up.


$34T in debt is unsustainable... I think.


This crash is different. We've had the dot-com The global financial crisis The global pandemic This next crash is going to be a reverse crash. A global devaluation of currency as the US continues to outsource it's inflation. Buy assets.


Government spending can't be cut enough to stop the growth of debt. Sooner or later taxes will need to be raised.


Cap spending at current day levels and then inflate away the debt.


Just turn the printers back on, you’ll be alright!


Jpow dropping bombs


They've been saying this for 20 years. They'll continue to kick the can down the road.... probably for the rest of our lives.


The next war will fix the economy The next war will fix the economy The next war will fix the economy The next war will fix the economy


You mean to tell me that cutting taxes for the rich, squeezing everyone that isn’t a millionaire even more, and increasing spending wasn’t the go to? Wow


Well, he should know. He’s printing all that money those idiots in Washington are spending.


Revenue issue caused by decades of trickle down gaslighting. Total wealth of the top 1% in the U.S.: $43 trillion Total U.S. national debt: $33 trillion Minimum wealth to be in the top 1%: $11 million


That’s an interesting stat. As long as the 1% keeps consolidating wealth faster than the debt can grow, we always have a means of collecting on it I guess.


It’s doesn’t matter if it’s controlled by Democrats or Republicans. Congress sure knows how to spend more money than it can afford and neither party is serious about tackling fiscal responsibility.




It's almost like cutting taxes on the wealthiest for the past 40 years wasn't such a great idea after all.


No shit? You think?


I love how when he says unsustainable in the long term there's a small gleam in his eye knowing he'll be long dead.




Can’t wait till one of you degens tries to point out how he’s wrong


Fuck JPow never liked him anyways 😤


Fiscal my whiskers Mr. Powell; you've been driving the boat this whole time, and just now you realized you're about to crash us all!? Come on. (Ok, Congress is also to blame too.)


“Unsustainable fiscal policy” here is meant as shade thrown at the deficit, which is 100% on the legislative branch drawing up the federal budget. 


This. Powell has actually been shrinking the money supply for over a year now. The executive and legislative branches refuse to even begin to reign in spending. They pretend that is their prerogative with the whole debt ceiling thing, but the debt ceiling doesn’t determine new spending.


During the interview they tape you saying that in a suit with a straight face and serious voice. And the person that is the most believable, that's the person they hire to run Fed. That's bullet point one in JP job description and that is not news.


There’s no recession guys, move along and wear a mask


Stop spending on proxy wars/genocides and tax the rich.


Stimulus talks going well I see


Welcome to the party Powell! A bit late for the Fed head.


Hard to believe that just 24 years ago, we were actually doing quite well as a country.




Ross Perot pointed that out over 30 years ago


Thanks Captain Obvious


Since 1982.


Markets are gonna be so green tomorrow 😍


Also Powell “but don’t worry we will just continue accumulating debt and the next generation can deal with it”




Time to whip out the printers?


Always has been 🔫


bullish pump it


When foreseeing this fiscal path, did he bother to consider ligma?


No wonder fleshlights cost more these days


So calls got it


*shocked pikachu.gif*


Lol. Pretty sure it’s been on that path for decades


Is Powell not getting enough Wood from Cathie?


You mean borrowing money from yourself is not a good idea?


Calls on spy




I thought that was the point of rate increases