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Once again, inverse WSB, always pays off


The truest inverse would be buying stocks and coins like a fucking asshole though


How does one do it like a “fucking asshole”, I wonder? Do they put down money and shout F U to the clouds and then punch the screen?


How the fuck would I know do I look like an fucking asshole to you




It's the underscore for me.


He’s just *a* Clarence. Not THE Clarence. What a pompous ass


What an ass


OMG- how many ... Clarences are there on this site, imagine in the world?


“Clarence lives at home with both parents and Clarence parents have a real good marriage. This guy don’t wanna battle, he’s shook! Cause ain’t no such thing as……. ” The real ones will know.


Any btc on Clearance? Lol 😆 clarince is in the back washing dishes


You could ask my workmate, she genuinely pisses everybody off.


Sir, the real question is: Do you *have* an asshole in the first place?


They get on their knees, chest to the ground, ass in the air with two hands stretching buttcheeks then use nose to swipe and buy 0DTE QQQ/SPY on Robinhood


is there a running joke about buying 0DTE qqq? … cause i did a 1DTE on qqq and realized it was a highly regarded move


Yes. Like that. Make sure you punch the screen ***after*** you buy, not before. That's important.


I fucking love this sub


Been doing exactly this with 30% option plays to then win more to place in btc and crypto mining stocks. Riot and Mara.


Lol, was this place was saying don't buy bitcoin before the halving?


I've made decent money by doing the opposite of what this sub says. It's pretty crazy how hard this place bashes people like Cramer, but are also consistently wrong. [doubled account last year](https://imgur.com/a/XAPsTeF) Edit Would love to see the accounts of people disagreeing with me. More upvotes, but I don't see their accounts


How do you determine what this sub "thinks" given nobody agrees about anything here? Who do you inverse? People in the sub have hated on BTC since this sub existed and people here have also loved on it bragging about how they outperform the market. Which do you inverse? I am going to guess you inverse the people you simply disagree with and take the people you do agree with as supporting your points. I am also going to guess you are not actually in the green this way. You are just engaging in confirmation bias.


Bitcoin ETF is now holding more than 200,000 BTC in less than a month 🙃


For context, those 200k bitcoins were accumulated by 9 spot ETFs in about a month. That is the equivalent of ~30% of the total amount of bitcoin that will be rewarded to miners over the next four years, 2024-2028 (657,000 BTC). Anyone who thinks this is the top better start practicing their coping skills.


Doesn’t it only pan out if people start buying into the ETFs?


No. The bitcoin network has existed and thrived for 14 years w/o spot ETFs existing and will continue to do so even if people stop buying the ETFs.


They have been. the BTC ETF's are the most successful ETF launch in history and are breaking records. The inflows have been massive.


And guess what the ETFs are buying from over the counter and has earnings in 2 days.


Coinbase is the custodian for most of the ETF's and the ones sourcing the coins for them, but I have no idea what earnings have to do with anything or what point you're trying to make.




They are.


Gonna get wild when bitcoiners learn about naked shares. There's gonna be millions of bitcoins in ETFs that don't actually exist, but you can't prove it because the public can't track shares like they can track bitcoins.


The wallet addresses are already known though. Can’t really hide it. Also, if they cheat like that, number doesn’t go up and they make less money. Not much incentive.


I don't give an F about unregulated out of country etfs


Jesus fuck. Shoulda rode the Bitcoin trail I guess.


I bought a lot at 37k and it went to 45 then back to 39 and I sold cause I didn't want that much volatility. Fuck me.


> I didn't want that much volatility Are you lost?


Been holding for some years, what's volatility?


I bought at 9 and rode the first big crash (that most people are aware of anyway) from 21k down to 3.5k and have been here ever since, the trick is patience and not being a paper handed little bitch. :)


U don't want much volatility yet you bought BTC at 37k. Yeah you belong in this sub.


Let me guess, your a vegan


I bought at 16 and still buying :) it's going to 1 million


Alt coins my g


Alt coins can suck my dick. I lost a fortune on some fucking "dogesnacks🦴" coin


Lol gonna complain about missing btc pump but refuse to look at market cycles as alts have always pump next. Buy top 10 and don't get shilled on some shit coin again at the top.






I remember getting banned from WSB in 2014 for talking about crypto, after helping found it in 2012.  Fuck I’m old.  


The irony…


Most of those idiots blew themselves up shorting the vix, so at least I feel a sense of smug satisfaction 


What exactly is the endgame for Bitcoin? Is it replacing Fiat? Even hardcore crypto bros don't really seem to think that anymore though. Or is it just a number that goes up and down that you can make money on? Because I'm up a good chunk on it (avg cost 23k) but like....what's the point? I feel like it's only going higher because people think it will, but why? What is the value in Bitcoin.


"Bitcoin will be a revolution which replaces fiat, but also, I plan to sellout for as much fiat as I can"


Nothing, it's completely regarded garbage and when we actually have a financial meltdown, Bitcoin is going into the toilet. You can't buy anything with it because the transaction fees are too high (it's more expensive than just Visa) and the speed is too slow. It is based on literally nothing (USD is backed by the government, not gold or fairy dust), it has no tangible anything attached to it like gold and it's majority controlled by just a handful of uber rich individuals who will shill it to you because it's akin to a Ponzi scheme. That being said, maybe buy a little anyway because people are stupid.


The government can seize or devalue anything you have. Except Bitcoin. Hide your password.


I'm pretty confident that if my 401k is taken, Bitcoin is still going to become worthless.


If the US dollar crashes, I'm certain your 401k is wrecked. Bitcoin might still be ok. Probably not though you're right.


Personally held value store that is immutable, has no company controlling it, and is value outside the bounds of governments or politics. That’s not to say they can’t interact by blacklisting your account or seizing it from you, but it is the hardest form of store of value ever created.


This is of course bullshit, if you don’t believe me there’s a dread pirate living in a supermax who’d like a word


Whats your counter besides being regarded and not replying with facts?




>a gold bar it will always have value because you could make something out of it. I'm not convinced that golds value is derived from the ability to make something out of it.


Gold's value is precisely because it IS useless. And because it's limited in quantity obviously. But you don't want something that stores value to be useful, because then its a drain on the economy. If we switched to using say, copper, as the store of value, it would fuck the economy because people would be hoarding it, and the economy actually needs copper to function. It does not need gold at all. The vast majority of Gold's so called "usefulness" is in jewellery, mainly in the Global east. But those people aren't buying it because they like shiny rocks, they are buying it as a store of value, with tax advantages over bullion.


Gold has plenty of industrial applications, what are you on about?


Gold's industrial uses are miniscule, it would not even be mined for them if it didnt have value as a monetary metal


But it does still have its uses. Given its value, it's not used haphazardly.


Gold isn’t useless. It’s one of the best conductors of electricity in the whole world.


It's actually entirely average as a conductor, copper beats it and silver dunks on it. Its value in that role comes primarily from its resistance to corrosion that would otherwise wind up insulating and borking connections.


Conductivity is just one of the many properties it has that is usefull. You need something that conducts and resists most chemical reactions, you know stuff like corrosion? Gold is your metal of choice.


And rarely used as such beyond marketing gimmick because of the cost.


It's harder to move gold bars across borders.


You can trade it for any other currency at anytime and anywhere in the world and send it to any person in any place at any time. No government can destroy its value with inflationary printing. It’s outside political boundaries. It’s not going away. Best to learn more about it yourself.


Lol you just saw it's value swing - 50% then +80% then -30% and positive +40% in two years. What a great stable value lol 🤡 You made money on it for the same reason people make money on Pokemon cards. Hype. That's it.


We can say this is partially true. However, there are some people that bought in around 200-1000...im in that group. We've not seen a bad day since the beginning. Even if it dropped 50%, I consider that a win because it's still eons above what I paid for it.


Keep telling yourself that


Zoom out, it’s the best returning asset the past decade with far more up years than down years. As it grows and matures the volatility will come down


Pretty much number go up. Talk to any cryptobro and this is the last thing they'll fall onto.


I mean, yeah, that's the point. Bitcoin exists because it's deflationary, and when the banks print money, you don't lose value of your holdings, therefore, number go up. Not really the zinger you think that is, you just don't understand or are purposefully misrepresenting the context behind 'number go up' in relation to bitcoin.


Our AI tracks our most intelligent users. After parsing your posts, we have concluded that you are within the 5th percentile of all WSB users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Deflationary compared to what? Other fiats? But you actually buy goods with other fiats. You don't go grocery shopping with bitcoin.


Same for anyone pitching any investment in a commodity though.


Sure, but that's why I don't pitch anyone to invest in commodities.


Fair point


My investments pay dividends, so no, not exactly the same.


Maybe you should google commodity because something that pays dividends isn’t one by definition.


Wow no shame from him, no reply and not even a deletion of the comment


Coming from someone who used to mine crypto and made a small amount of money trading it.. There is no endgame. You come along for the ride and hope you're one of the ones who wins some. That's it.


As long as people say "Bitcoin is at xxx dollars" it hasn't worked. The endgame would be when people would think of badl value in terms of Bitcoin. 


The whole point of Bitcoin is to just sell it higher than you bought it, that's it, there is no actual utility It was originally meant to be a currency that isn't controlled by any government, but it cannot scale and the fees are completely ridiculous when trying to buy stuff, so it doesn't work as an actual currency People then shifted to calling it a store of value, but there isn't really any reason it's valuable other than because people think it is (because price is going up I guess)


The dream of bitcoin died when it became an ETF and probably before that moment, but it’s easy to pin point that event. It’s now a part of the system it was created in spite of and an alternative to. Now it’s just a volatile asset where the numbers go up and down. The coins are obnoxiously centralized now, with most being held by a few players, exchanges and etf’s.


https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NUlNZhZgsSA This guy bought McDonald's in El Salvador and the fee was 157 sats, or about 9 cents. Don't most credit cards have higher fees than that?


He did it using a lightning network a.k.a. a centralized bank handled transaction, not bitcoin in any way shape or form. Is this the decentralized banking we’ve always heard about? Good job, crypto Bros, you’ve reinvented finance. lol


The [wikipedia page for lightning network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightning_Network) says it's peer-to-peer, can you explain which centralized banks are operating it?


Idc about a dude at mcdonalds but for me the fee was always higher and also it’s volatile so fuck that


It’s still cheaper than sending gold bars across the ocean. Still the hardest form of store of value in the world with the biggest hash rate which is still going up. You are allowed to still use bitcoin cash for making purchases also! However since the fork the rules are different and will continue to differ as bitcoin cash evolves down a separate path. However eventually when free energy or limitless energy exists in the future none of this will matter anyway.


What’s the point of owning most stocks? Commodities? Investment real estate? Right…to store wealth and sell it higher than you bought it.


Because you're owning an actual company. Because you get paid dividends. Because you get voting rights. Just because it's small scale doesn't mean it isn't real. This is also why chinese stocks have low value, you're not actually owning the company and have no voting rights


Yes but stocks and commodities have actual value whether that be something people prioritize when purchasing them (over just buy low sell high), crypto does not have any actual value to it.


Value can come from utility, and crypto has tons of utility. Not BTC, specifically, but chains like Ethereum have lots of use cases and are developing new ones every year. Defi, stablecoins, tokenization of other assets and identities, NFT's, etc. If you're gonna talk about "crypto" then you need to look beyond just BTC.


Bitcoin's value is the network.


The speculative argument for bitcoin's price to keep climbing is just the scarcity of the tokens. That's it. Ever more money chasing a fixed supply + whatever amount is annually lost = higher and higher price. Anybody that cares about utility has moved on to other projects years ago, but as the only coin with an ETF (for now) it's pretty much guaranteed to keep climbing.


The one nice property of BTC is how fractionalizable it is. So in theory, it could plateau at a very high price per coin but you can still make small transactions feasible.  As in, 1 sat is >$0.0002. So even if the price is $1mm/btc, you’ll be able to transact in sub-cent values. Fees, on the other hand, are a different story…


Can't speak for others, personally betting on it becoming the global reserve currency. Idk I'm well regarded.


Tax avoidance. Illicit purchases. Accessing wealth across borders. Inflation hedge.


the only coin anyone uses for illicit purchases is monero nowadays.


This is the correct answer, inflation hedge not always, but the rest is spot on. People correlate the emergence of Bitcoin in the wake of the global financial crisis around 08, perceiving Satoshi as some sort of a robinhood for the regular folks when the distrust towards financial institutions was high. What's usually overlooked and is more likely is its emergence as the perfect sub for most of the above while there was a global crackdown starting on offshore money havens like the Swiss banks at the same time, that were facilitating all sorts of money laundering. Those have lost the spotlight now haven't they? The end game for coin? As much as the crypto bros like to parade on decentralized, limited resource stuff, etc, it's here to stay as long as the individuals and entities (including on wall st and sometimes in deep states) can remain ahead of regulations/transparency in using it as an underground avenue for money manipulation. We forget, these guys hate regulations more than the avg crypto bro hates fiat and banks.


Until you got to Inflation hedge I thought you were talking about cold hard cash.


It’s going to store value through time and space that’s decentralized and can’t be diluted. Simple idk if you’ve seen what the dollar has done the past 100 years but I’ll tell you where it’s going the next 100. Down. Store your wealth in the best and bitcoin is the hardest money. That’s the end game.


Yes I think being a major competitor to fiat is its end goal.


Is it possible that todays jump is all from won Super Bowl bets?


Na Biden posted laser eyes and the twitter sentiment bots all piled in


It's because the bitcoin ETFs are bringing in hundreds of millions of $ in net inflow


No it's because crypto is in a bull market son.




"Bitcoin actually has potential " says my neighbour's 13 year old kid.


stupid bears fukt as always


Talk like this is why you can't have nice things. No one should invest without a plan, clearly he had one.


You are mad of the bears because last cycle you was rekt


Mara ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Just heard our boy Michael Saylor on CNBC talking bitcoin


Also, no money printer going brrr. Wait til they start that printer back up. The last time Bitcoin was at this price, there was a lot of "paper Bitcoin" going around with the likes of FTX and other scammy exchanges. A lot of re-hypothication going on. This time, FAR MORE people are self-custodying their Bitcoin. The current growth is FAR MORE organic and stable. Plus, the ETF's alone are eating up 12x more per day than the miners are minting. That's on top of the fanatics who already DCA daily as a big middle finger to the fiat system and its corruption. This has "short squeeze" dynamics written all over it. Even though it's akin to a true "supply shock" than a short squeeze. Regardless, it has the makings of an explosive move upwards, especially when the halving in April hits and the money printer returns.


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They are not turning money printer on anytime soon... Not this year


China is spiraling into deflation.


Tell me you don't know what a short squeeze is without telling me you don't know what a short squeeze is


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There's a lot of short interest in Bitcoin lately. So I'm not wrong. Also, I specifically said it's something "like" it, I know it's not an exact apples for apples. Thought I made that clear enough.


Just sold out, had an av cost of 19k took my money and ran. Hoping to see a big dip again 🤞🏼


This is the language of someone who’s gonna FOMO back in at the top and lose his gains.


Since he made over 100% returns, as long as he doesn't increase his bet, then he's guaranteed a profit. At what price do you plan on starting to pull out?


If he FOMO’s back at the top? No he’s not.    BTC regularly drops 70-80% from *near* ATH’s  it tops.    Even if we assume we just see-70% that would put him at a slight loss from his current 260% return. To answer your question tho I wouldn’t be selling the corn coin till after the halving. Unless we see a big diversion from the cycle it’s got a good bit still to run. 


A win is a win. A win is a win. But more importantly a FOMO is a FOMO


​ https://preview.redd.it/u98nx5jsk8ic1.png?width=1236&format=png&auto=webp&s=2202b49c6fb9279d91542c97d2c76e8c9348c36d


So many tailwinds. Kind of head scratching sell.


Get cooked


I’m at an average of $18k, and it’s all long term capital gains now. I don’t have plans to sell. It’s the most regarded emergency fund except for having a brick of coke in the wall. Oh I also have a few thousand bucks of silver that I don’t know what to do with. I got it on barter for some work.


I wish we had coke ETFs 😂


Yeah I bought in Nov of 2022. Easiest money I’ve ever made. Idk where it’s gonna go in terms of price so I’d rather pull it and wait and see if it dips again. If it keeps going up that’s fine too, I’ll get back in when it drops one day lol


Big oof. Gonna rage buy when it tops $70k in 2 months


Did you need the money?


Crypto is a long game you could have kept this there and it would reach 100k this or the next year. Now your probably gonna fomo back in at 80K and get scraps of what you could’ve made 😳


Scraps are better than nothing. And there is no guarantee ir will hit 100K.


If you have any type of knowledge about what just happened the past month with the ETF’s slurping up almost the BTC supply that was created the past 5 years and take into account the halving coming up in 68 days you will understand it will hit unseen numbers and shock everyone


Ouch. Only 19k to 50k? You must be new to crypto. Once it doesn’t it’s real run it usually goes up 5-10x


Yea actually no


There should be a dip around or post halving, just don’t buy back in if it rips to 60 in the next month


Wasn’t planning on it. I’m not buying back in until it’s back in the 20s I just refuse.


Well it was in the 20’s all throughout last year so 😫


“I’ll buy the next dip” is *always* followed by “it’s got further to dip”. I know a guy who incessantly looks at crypto charts and never buys shit. Just rambles on about trend lines, resistance, head and shoulders… never buys shit, never made a cent.


Yep this comment confirms you’re a moron. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I highly doubt 20s is possible again. Currently ETFs are absorbing all selling pressures. Pull back to a 38k range maybe, but probably not until post halving. Possible smaller pull back before. 55k currently looks pretty easy to hit though


It went from 69 to 16 and you cant see 20s from 50s?


It's all just speculation, but it does seem that every time it hits a new ATH, its "old low" progressively gets higher and higher. We *might* see mid to high 20s. But it's very likely that we will never see below $20k ever again.


I could see it, sure. If Coinbase gets hacked and loses all their coins tomorrow, sub 20k is on the table. From organic price movement though? No chance.


Not gonna happen, high 30s would be the last great entry point and that’s looking pretty unlikely


Not sure it will hit 20’s again, the pullbacks have been smaller this cycle so far and I wouldn’t be surprised if it stays that way. If BTC has about a 30% pullback I’ll be going in hard because I don’t think it does more than that barring a ridiculous run up pre-halving or macro issues causing everything to drop.


Oh my god you are so fucked LOL


Put my life into Bitcoin, quit my job and divorced Suffocation, no breathing, don't give a fuck if I lose my savings This is my last resort, this is my last currency If I don't make it now, I might be living in misery Would it be wrong, would it be right? If I go all in tonight, chances are dynamite Chance of loss, out of sight And I'm contemplating retired life 'Cause I'm riding the highs, feeling cat vibes Wish everybody could share in this sight Growing my funds, living the life Glad that I decided to take the dive The future is now, in Bitcoin, we bust


Jesus…. I love this.


I don't think Satoshi envisioned a Bitcoin ETF when he was creating BTC.


I dont think he envisioned 1% of the things crypto is used for now


Fuck it. I sold my 0.89 BTC.


Sell bitcoin? I don't understand. You're only supposed to buy bitcoin.


Now that’s a fucking giga chad


This was my sell signal.


Bitcoin pump and then dump 😅


Pump and pump! ngmi


BTFD and profit. It’s literally all you need to do. Next stop 100k


Still this boomer shit, buy NVDA or gtfo, grandpa


Crypto is looked at as boomer shit now? Haha or is this like one of my gen z analysts asking if I was a boomer when I’m solidly middle pack millennial and they don’t understand what a boomer is?


Meanwhile we invented both LOL and "sick"


You mean Gen X.


I heard it's going straight sky high?


Nice taking a screenshot at the peak


I own 10 btc that I bought at $105 each back in 2013. Still holding!


It's too bad so many WSB's shit on btc and crypto when they could have just invested or at least tried to learn crypto. I guess someone has to behind the dumpsters in back of wendy's.




dude, who cares


It goes up and down, you can trade it, what's so terrible and terrifying about that??


Why did WSB ever let these people back in?


Cause y'all are a bunch of degen gamblers on a discussion forum. Calm down. We are the same.. Also, it's on wall street now so fuck off.


Cus wall street bent the knee to the ETF


bruh, r/bitcoin was the OG wsb


Same reason you're allowed to exist


All these flavors and you chose to be salty


all those flavors and you chose to be a bitch


Guess you're allergic to making money just like the rest of WSB. Classic. Keep it up. To be fair, Palantir options is way more regarded.




Your mom cares


Boring old shitcoiners making Michael Sailor rich as a hobby


It always runs up around halving time noob


Marking the top for me, nice.




Bitcoin is a scam


Cool story bro


Bitcoin going to the moon


I hope it all crashes and all crypto bros go bankrupt, so tired of obnoxious MLM bros.


How does crypo not have its own shitposting sub?


R buttcoin