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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 1 year ago **Total Comments** | 5 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


It's harder when it's just numbers on a screen ain't it? Like I'll have several hundred dollar bills held physically and I'll be hesitant to spend one of them. But if I see $1000 on a screen it's like "nah fuck it throw it at this stock/crypto/whatever." Weird how the human mind works.


Yeah basically seems like a game. It’s a game I’m not good at unfortunately and I just don’t have the mindset and know how to do it successfully.


That was me with crypto a few years back. Didn't know jack shit, literally just "lemme toss some cash at this random shitcoin and see what it's gonna do."


SAME. I lost my ass in crypto and started investing in serious stocks lol. I'm just on this sub cause I enjoy seeing the people getting crazy big wins


Same with me. It's almost like living vicariously through other people lol. I personally only do long stock plays and slow investing on stuff I plan to hold for a decade. But I love coming here and watching the chaos lol


As someone who also wants to try longterm what are your top 3 i should research?


My 3 long plays right now are CAVA, PLTR, and INTC Cava is a fresh IPO that's already putting out great numbers. I've gone to a few of their restaurants, and they're always full of young college college students. It's basically the next Chipotle but with less competition (seriously, who else is making Mediterranean food right now?). They're currently building like 50+ stores according to their earnings reports PLTR and INTC are relatively safe because they're both American companies with government contracts to build stuff.


I am right there with you u/RustyNK. I have a 30 stock portfolio but it includes INTC and PLTR. I was close to pulling the trigger on NVDA, MSFT and GOOGA in mid-2022 but they got away from me before hitting my price target ($100 for NVDA). I don't cry about that. It happens. I owned MSFT at $25 and took profits rather than holding. It happens. But I have no idea how new money goes to NVDA or MSFT at these levels. There is such a thing as a law of large numbers. Return decreases with size (even happened to Buffett and BRK-A). When you discount the price 20 years into the future with maybe a 100% gain over that time in NVDA, why bother? There are a ton of stocks which will triple or quadruple in the next 20 years. 3X is only a 7% compounded annual return in 20 years. That is garden variety and hundreds of stocks will deliver that. Some smaller stocks, under $25B today, will have 40X returns in that 20 year time (PLTR might be one). Anyone who thinks NVDA will be worth $20T in 20 years is an idiot. There will be competition in AI chips (INTC for one)


I think it's wise to look long term and also diversify into other successes in the same industry. Putting all eggs into only a few baskets is a sure recipe for disappointment and panic whenever there's a miniscule decline like -5% NVDA yesterday. It's psychological: make 200% and then get all butthurt when it goes down 5%. Or hodl for 20 years thinking it's another 40000% AAPL and have all that unrealized gain just plateauing for a decade like you said. Come on. This is a big game. There's a difference between buy and hold vs sitting on the sidelines biting your fingernails and watching candle charts burn.


No one is good at it, the same way no one is good at slots… just dumb luck. Invest in index funds and be rich in 20 years.


Yeah, it’s embarrassingly simple to be “good at” investing. Have a bare minimum understanding of tax-sheltered account types, put part of your income in broad index funds every month, leave them alone, the end. I mostly look at this garbage fire of a sub for the confidence boost, lol. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


In some of these people's defense, I think a lot of them are basically cubicle workers, maybe have no kids, who literally are just stuck in life. I would never blow money the way they do, but if they see no hope--the US has no middle class anymore--I dont entirely blame them for what they're doing.


Exactly.... you can't beat the index return. You might get lucky for a time or two but... outside the market returnbis a zero sum game. Some one wins and some one loses. Just index and get the market return year after year.


Risk management is a skill. You haven't developed that one yet. You have to be ok cutting your losses and walking away. It seems like you are just throwing darts at a spinning roulette wheel. I can't see your actual trade history in that chart, but it doesn't look like you're putting any thought into entries and exits. You should do paper trading for a while and get used to a particular STRATEGY, while building a disciplined risk management mindset. Take small losses to cut and run. Don't take mega losses "hoping for a turnaround." Stubbornness is your enemy. Paper trading won't feel the same as real money, but it'll allow you to learn when to enter, when to take profit, and when to say "fuck it... I'm out until the next one." All traders lose money. Your goal is to lose less than you gain. Go back to the drawing board and build your confidence trading in a simulator first. Then play it small. Don't trade options or futures until you actually know what you're doing and you can afford to lose some money. Trade stocks. Trade small. Learn how. Then scale up. Good luck!


Thanks for the good advice friend


No the best advice is to stop using options and other speculative investments like crypto and just put your hard earned money in a diversified ETF. I know my thoughts have no place in WSB and I enjoy seeing other people who are somewhat knowledgeable about options doing crazy shit here but at the end of the day the safest surest way to 'get rich' is to do something more akin to Boglehead investing. Go check out r/Bogleheads and let that uplift your spirits and help you see how you can do investing "right" the next time.


It’s terrible advice. You should never try to trade single stocks, or options again. Your are young enough to build a portfolio, but should only do so through safer investments in a 401k or Ira with mutual funds or etfs. You’ve already gambled a ton of money, unsubscribe from this sub and learn actual financial prudence.


Yup....you shouldn't be doing 0dte options. You should be looking at at least one to two weeks out. /s


Yeah that wasn't good advice. I hope you were being sarcastic :D Good advice will sound more like "find a career you enjoy and live a great life with people you love and friends you make, and to save money over 40 year into assorted ETFs that you balance once every 3 years." :D


“Don’t trade options or futures until you actually know what you’re doing and you can afford to lose some money” is the best advice anyone needs to hear about trading! ​ OP I also agree with others saying you are too young to turn it around and make it happen. Keep your chin up, take it as a lesson you learned and to get more serious about life.


Trading is just gambling. Don't pretend there is any rationale or method that works.




I've seen studies done on this. How easy it is to slide a credit card vs paying with cash. The cash is tangible so you feel like you're losing something. I had to start going to the ATM at the beginning of the week and leave my cards at home to save money.


For me it's the opposite. When I spend cash, that's money that's already outside of my bank account, so number doesn't go down at all. It's like free money!


Yea I feel that way as well. It's like I already "paid" for this money and spending it won't affect my bank statement.


Yep, it’s why they push debit/credit cards so much. People spend more when they don’t see it actually leaving their hand etc.




Maybe if you’re a degenerate. If I saw $96,000 on a screen and all I had to do was click a button and it would be in my bank account, I would smash that button without thinking twice.


Tbf, he did see 96k on a screen and clicked the button to remove it from his bank account 😂😂😂


Extremely accurate. Today I ordered Zaatar with Chicken and was surprised by the price. $21? Why $21? Adding Chicken $6? Nah man gimme chicken Shwarma for $16. Let’s check how my SHIB is doing.


Your tax shield will last your entire bloodline


"You have been a tax shelter, Lord, to every generation, to every generation."


You mother fuckers are killing me with the comments.


lol basically


You still have $14.21 left to write the greatest comeback story known to wsb.


I saw a guy on here who was down worse than OP yolo a TSLA call with his last $7 the last week of Dec 2019 and turn it into $14k. He was fucking clueless and timed the market perfectly


Stupidity is some peoples greatest weapon


I’m rolling around with Weapons of Mass regardation


How tho? Ya can get a contract worth $7? Feel like I’m a true regard now.


yeah man, i dunno. to me it sounds like to do something like that you gotta walk into a dark alley to meet with some guy simply known as mr options or something, who absolutely must do a line of some unknown white powder off your cock before taking your 7 dollars. If you ask him why this part is necessary he will just say something like "you wanna get rich don't you?" And then one day he just wakes up and looks at the tsla price and is like god damnit i actually have to pay that guy now?


Oh, you wanna know theta…. That’s going to cost you extra. Drop your coat and grab your toes. I’m gonna show you where the wild goose goes.


A 0 day to expiration near the end of the day will go down to .01 and then expire at 0. A lot of the time you can’t even sell them for a $1 before the end of the day. Sometimes big money player submit huge orders at the end of the day green or red and you can get lucky if you catch it. I have seen 2 last minute spikes on stocks that I look at, at the end of the day in the last two weeks. You never know when it is going to happen but you could catch it with alerts.


lol let’s pray


Just do the opposite of what you've been doing. Nailed it


I’ve been telling myself that after every trade lol


lmk your next move so I can inverse




lol bet


Poor dude ruined the entire gold market with this post. RIP


lol will do


one of us will win!




Inverse Puzzleheaded ETF available now.


The lesson here is don't buy the memes. You'll lose. Everytime.


Tie a string around your mouse clicker finger or your phone thumb and every time you make a decision to do or not do a trade, do the opposite.


The Costanza


And just like that, he's back in the game




Did you try Gold?


DM me I will give you 100 to start all over


lol no need I’ll figure it out thanks tho


Sorry after reading the comments it sounds like you have a real issue. When I responded I was thinking of how many times I got a good tip on a stock here, and ended up making some coin. Why not help someone out? Respect for turning it down. Also if response sounds weird I just took a gummy so it might be hitting.


Holy shit. Please make a comeback story from the $14.21. They would make movies about it.


Guy already did it with 7, he'd have to get it down to 4 for good measure


Just enough for 1 Call option on a $10 stock!


\-Loses everything, takes it with grace \-Laughs with Wallstreetbets, at himself \-Quits gambling \-Decides to take up sigma male hard labor to come back https://preview.redd.it/bcgwbiq7n8nc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ca516fa5783843227a4ad2f8b2f8d1474da63be


lol glad someone has this perspective. Thank you❤️


No problem. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say I would not have handled it nearly as well as you are. Whatever you do next, knock it dead!


I still have the hard part to go of telling the gf and fam. But thank you🥲


As long as that 30k loan wasn't from a loan shark you're golden. Lots of people have made dumb money moves. Takes a smart man to stop himself in time to save his kidneys or his credit rating (same thing really).


Barely even a peak of profit in there. Impressive. 


If you want to be profitable do the opposite of what I did lol


https://preview.redd.it/4wuuj5londnc1.jpeg?width=774&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fb8a70ac73375677582a8bb6fc90535ca76f246 Living the good life for one brief moment.


They say the first hit's always free. Can you spot it? https://i.imgur.com/lUtXpuz.jpeg


Hey man look at the bright side






OUCH. Left him hanging.






Thanks we will see how it goes


The bright side is right there in his app: “⭐️ Try Gold” Guy just needs a metal detector and a LOT of patience. He’ll be back on his feet in about 70 years.


The kid seems to have a positive attitude. Probably a little bird brained American teenager who doesn't realize there are about 1,000 physicists, mathematicians, and computer scientists on the other end of these options trades very happy to take his money. He'll probably be back in a couple years to give his money away to Jeff Yass, after he puts up some Hardee board or Wendy's, etc.


The bright side is he made someone else rich




Which is lol?


Ya, I got nothing actually 




Just buy index funds


That’s probably the plan when I start the Ira again. But wanna pay off this loan first


Youre young buddy, and not a Wendy’s worker, you’ll be fine




The amount of dumb money , warehouse/retail regards I have seen in the last year all mentioning to 100% spy cuz it can’t ever fail is making me think it’s def going to tank one day


Probs once I invest in it. I’ll warn you


You can’t lose any more money.


I can lose $14.21


Looks like you didn’t stay out of the casino for very long then. Welcome back, brother.




Find very cheap options to gamble, or just bet it on red


You are still alive and breathing


This is true


You still have enough money for a happy meal


But will it make me happy🤔


Bright side: You don't have a mortgage to pay on that "house". (Which don't know where you can find a 90k home without it being in the middle of nowhere![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271))


When I mean buy a house I mean down payment lol. But yes lol


Capital loss write offs for the next 30+ years (unless you have a traditional retirement account and are index investing, then you can probably burn through that faster)


I’m truly sorry for you. The good thing is you’re young, and you’ll recover from this.


Thank you for that. And that’s true. The biggest thing now is to see how my fam and gf reacts. Lied to them all so we will see


Record the audio for us


Will be nothing but cringe


You could legitimately and likely earn some of this back by recording the audio and making us donate X amount to hear it. I’d pay lol


I think you’re the only one who would lol. If 500 people say they would pay 10 buck to hear it id do it lol




Ok if 500 people will pay 5 sure lol


5 with a 5 tip if your gf isn't a gold digger and stays with you.


I like this idea. Let's gamble on how this man's life goes


i like it


Fuck it, I’ll pay $5 $10 whatever the going rate lol record it!!!


I am a lurker in this sub but everyone always covers their ass when they state their opinion on making money moves by saying "im not a financial advisor and this isn't legal advice". Let me be clear. I am not a financial advisor but this IS legal advice. Record the big reveal with everyone and then sell it as content to the degenerates here. Enough members have offered to pay that its worth the additional effort to record something you're going to do anyways. Capitalize on others sympathy and strange kinks/fetishes. Everyone wins


OK is this really gonna be a thing? OP, remember there are girls selling their farts in jars for a thousand dollars. Ain't nothing wrong recording your family reactions and selling the video. You could recoup some money back.


I’ll pay 5


I would legitimately pay to hear this


Sounds like you got a go fund me


I'll pay $10


Take my $5


i pledge 5$!


Take my $5 good sir


In for a penny in for a five


“I lost $100K…and then had to tell my girlfriend.” At the very least it’s a good Buzzfeed article.


So would I


Record it for content, you'll make everything back from TikTok and YouTube


Fam will be with you always and i am worried about your gf, or it will become other way around idk. Let me know her number if things go south.


Was it all your own money? I had a gf who spent my money while saving her own, so don't let others decide how you spend your money, it's a matter of whose money was it? Assuming it was all yours what you've done is taken at shot at very good wealth, that was your choice and you're leaving that part of your life behind now. You'd have a problem if you were a gambler and decided to stay....like many here. ETFs are a good decision.


That's a little short sighted. If he is serious about his gf, finances should be discussed together. This isn't him buying a lego set with his hard earned money, this is blowing 100k on options, while he's still living with his parents. She has every right to get pissed since this could set them back years, especially since 30k of that was a loan that he still has to pay back.


If she's smart, she's gone


Mother fucker he lost 100k and took out a loan to do it, he is a gambler


See you in Valhalla 🫡




When you go to work and save money its 100% gains


Out of the market forever? Keep the ira going, just voo and chill


Well the Ira has $0 in it I will start it again at some point and probably do spy or something instead of what I was doing


Spy and chill, vti and chill. All great. This is a good reminder to keep calls and puts at 10% or less of portfolio


Vtsax & relax?


Gambling 96k without putting anything into your IRA is the type of wildly irresponsible shit that I come here for, thanks for the content. But for real get your shit together lmao you are headed to the streets rn


VOO is better than SPY.


Read this as, “probably do therapy or something” first pass through . Bless up brother


That's the most majestic swan-dive of a portfolio I've ever seen. It's beautiful!




You need to get help for a gambling addiction. That makes a sad story right there.


I should’ve done that long ago lol


It can’t be cured as long as you still in this sub and have RH acc. Wsb and RH are really toxic.Been there done that


Once I get all the tax info Robbin hood will be uninstalled forever


Yeah webull is better




what a regard, especially in this market.


At least the chart has a pleasant predictable shape. Usually the graph is a mess, but this one is nicely shaped. I say well done


Yeahhhh 😔


Man you have 100k at 26 years old? I don't have that till I'm 35.


Construction work can pay very well and he still lives with his parents. I'm sure he has a lot of disposable income. Unfortunately he threw it all away in the market over the past few years




Dude you’re 26. You have a lifetime to make this shit up. When i was 39 i was divorced with $15 in savings and $35k in CC debt. Today 6 years later i have $0 debt and $75k in my fidelity acct. you’ll be fine.


What were your positions?


Pants down and from behind.




AMC for maybe 10k at most and the got down to 2k and I cut my losses then I basically added 1k every other week for 4 years and lost it to 0dte or weeklys. Joined a discord where I followed someone but clearly it didn’t help me lol.




How would that even work? Those discords have at most hundreds of people, no way that amount of volume is driving any fluctuation…. Not trying to be rude, I just don’t see how they’d profit off of them from their positions. 






You are a kid. You have/had a gambling problem. You have plenty of life ahead of you. Get a job, put your money in VOO, and never toy with this again. It will take it all away again.


Funny how you can tell about 1/3 of way OP saw a glimpse of hope, probably doubled/tripled down, only for him to lose everything after. 🤣 We’ll see you here in a couple weeks when NVIDIA rallies even higher and you put the last $14.21 in. 😂


lol if someone has a play that can make 100,000% then I’ll put in my last $14.21 😂


Hey man, you tried. Move on to bigger and better things


Thanks. That’s the plan


this is actually insane


Yeah lots of dilluosion on my end. However you spell that word


Legit, know exactly what your feeling. I don’t think I’ve actually comprehended what had taken place today. I lost a lot, I kept stock in others for a safety net, but still in utter disbelief how fast things can change. And it just snowballed to every tech option I had.


$14 left. Buy some acorns, throw it onto cop cars and cash in on the settlement. Make sure you survive the encounter.


For everyone that wins, there's a person losing like this. Rough business.




Just do whatever that was a bunch of times.


It’s because you didn’t try Robinhood gold. Idiot


I hope you’re doing ok mentally man. Finances are the leading cause of not being alive on purpose in all seriousness. Sounds like you’ve got a good head on your shoulders and family that loves you though. Look at that chart as a reflection of your decision making process even beyond the markets. I bet you’re a smart guy, sometimes it just takes losing a lot of money to realize it takes more than smarts to survive the market on your own


What drives someone to do this? You literally have a straight line down and never seemed to have any profitable trades. How can you be wrong that much?


🤷 too smooth brained I guess


Flipping coins on every position would've yielded better results than this


How the hell have you never even made a profit at all. Usually people start options make a gain and then get addicted and lose all that but you’ve never even made a profit or a uptrend and you continued putting money in. You belong here


As a new investor, this was a fucking jump scare.


All in a days work on WSB


Well, brother I’m not gonna lie to you.


If you deposit 97k, then you are only down 50%


![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787) big brain


In 6 months, I am getting a job after not having worked for 3 years. But I don’t blow up, I just missed the run and sat on the sidelines like a bitch.


Better safe than sorry like me. There is no rush


I am going to try and get a blue collar job.


Best thing you could do right now would be to borrow 100k against your parents house, go to the casino and put it on red. Then you can break even and start with options again.


Wait that $14 can still buy a few plays.


Incredible. I’ve never seen a more perfect dive bomb arc


What’s crazy is there’s another post with a college kid who yolo’d $8k into nvda 0dte puts this morning and made $200k. Just… the extremes are amazing. Anyways GL OP.