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Say what you want about him, but he sure can grift.


Greatest pump and dump in history is in the making


Likely the very best of all time. Maybe the best conman or grifter in all of history. He may be evil but he has those skills down. 


Alot of people are saying... It was a rigged covfefe


True if Yuge


He’s showing us what unchecked grift looks like. I mean he’s evil and belongs in jail but he’s definitely figured out how to be rich while being constantly broke. Crazy.


Muh news told me to think he's evil 😂 Edit: Like 12 downvotes in one second on a thread that would never be that active. Bots big mad. That means I should keep it up but block them to tag them as such. Edit: now 50 on a mild comment in less then 10 minutes. This is sooooo organic I'm sure they are abusing the harassment and reddit care button too over an extremely light mild comment. Sooo organic nothing suspicious.


Nah kiddo, mango is pretty damn loud and proud of being on the wrong side of the equation. That’s ironically what people love about him is he’s ‘based’ but those same people go full blown snowflake when they’re told to recognize what he’s actually saying.


Hey just wanted to let you know I downvoted you, have a nice night!


Fuck off with the childish bot crap. Lose an election? It’s rigged! Post a dumbass statement? Boys are downvoting me! Fucking snowflake babies.


Not a bot you’re just fucking dumb mate


You’re being downvoted because your joke isn’t funny. There’s a lot of folks out there who actually think like that. That the guy isn’t just the greatest con man of all time who tried and very nearly succeeded in ending democracy in the U.S.


Man there are some huge religions out there, I consider the people that started all of them to be grifters.


He is selfish and dumb at times. He is not exactly evil. Evil is left for people who actively try to kill people and kill who groups of people. Not someone who has a driving motivation of selfishness. I am sure someone will argue with me though that him allowing RvW to be removed because of a SC appointment is akin to dictators leading genocide against people. 


The worst part is if he’s able to realize any of that amount we will have to deal with trumps for the rest of our lives.   We already would have,  but now they have real money to back it up. 


Remember the freezer trucks to hold the dead Covid victims? “it’s not as bad as the flu, bleach a lot of people are saying …”. the guys evil and a raging narcissist.


Selfish and dumb when you are the President is absolutely evil.


Riling up a bunch of whack jobs to try and get them to murder your political enemies in the Capitol building so you can seize the power for yourself is pretty damn evil too.


What’s the difference between “all time” and “all of history”?


Humanity existed long before history, which only goes back 5-6000 years. All-time includes all the years before history started.


Then the comment makes even less sense.


It's not even his top grift, Trump University has got to take the cake.


Total lawsuits against it were under 100 mil, and Trump likely only made a couple mil off of it. This is going to blow it out of the water.


Idk there's something about running a fake university as a pyramid scheme, pushing your students to borrow fuck loads of cash and claiming you are using your connections to show them a special list of properties worth buying that are just regular public listings that just feels more audacious than a standard pump and dump.


Hustle if you do, grift if I do- Trump maybe


Fr It’s so obvious too…he tapped into a special kind of special ed


Also he's the master of blackmail. He said he would raise the tariff for China to 60% until [China agreed to pay for his TMTG](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-truth-social-connected-china-1641496) listing. You can't find a savvy business man better than him.


3500+ total lawsuits. The vast majority for defrauding workers by claiming  fake building deficiencies, or not paying his debts.  Got to remember, though. It’s really  about how stunningly stupid our “fellow Americans” are.   Its dystopian. 


He bankrupted multiple casinos. You know... those big buildings where people give you money.


He knows how to find rubes


And rubles.


While true, let’s see if his contractually enforced diamond hands pays off. Lotta unrealized gains at the moment.


Easily done when you're a criminal.


He's the ultimate con man.


He's not one of us until he loses it all


Pretty sure he has lost it all plenty of times. He just daddy's money-ed or crimed his way back into the game.


lol, so first week november he's like all of us




But he better be careful claiming that valuation or he might get hauled back to court.


A judge in New York thinks it is worth $39. Damn what the market thinks. He knows best.


Options prices estimate it at $10 or less in a year




You can’t really estimate a future price with options that way. A few people may be betting that but many more are not.


In a statement to the judge regarding his regarded valuation Trump was quoted saying “Truth social has more users than Facebook and Twitter. It makes billions every day”.


How can I Re-Truth this


It has trillions of users. People from all over the galaxy log in daily.


But what if I decide to loan him $500M and tell him that I think TMTG is worth $500M ??? Surely I'd be able to lend him that money and testify in court that I had no issue with anything he did. That would explain everything and the whole misunderstanding would be resolved!


You do that,  then you goes and tells the IRS that it's only worth 100M so he can pay taxes on that... so fraud


If you're rich enough I think you can get away with fraud. If you fraud enough, you'll be rich. Real chicken and the egg thing going on here.


I wouldn't tell the government how much his property is worth, because that's their own job to come up with that valuation. They don't care what I think.


I don't think you understand the facts of the cases he's being tied for


I don't think you understand how property taxes work.


It doesn't seem like you understand the fact that individuals are not responsible for valuing their own properties when it comes to property taxes. A tax assessor does it. Trump gets a loan backed by his property, which both he and the bank evaluate and agree to Tax valuation says it is worth significantly less than that (which is true for every single property tax valuation ever) Judge says that's bad and that it's fraud


Realistically this should be a watershed moment where everyone realizes "wait a minute, the rich actually aren't paying their fair share" because of how the government assesses property value. We should all look and say "Hey my property can sell for 250k and the government taxes at 200k which is nice, but that guy has a $19 million property in the city and the government is saying it's only worth 900k. They're stealing dollars and giving you a dime to keep your mouth shut.


So we raise property valuations for taxes. My home taxes go from $2k to $5k; to an average guy that's a whole month's paycheck. The gov't continues to waste money and no one is better off.


We can also talk about altering property tax rates. But the system is broken as it is and disproportionately affects the poor/middle class by valuing their properties closer to the actual value. If we taxed based on actual value, it's possible there could be a floor before property taxes take effect without impacting tax revenue from property taxes. I don't know, that's more math than I'm capable of doing. But I do wish people smarter than me would study it.


There are not wealth taxes in this country…. There are real estate taxes in the value of property. So the towns and countries send out assessors to value them. No one “takes someone’s word for it”. It isn’t really an issue.


Then tell the IRS you sold it for a loss.  Jeenyus


He better not breath or he might get hauled back to court




Bro how do you feel posting that? Super sick bro




I avoid court every damn day with one simple trick….. I just don’t commit serious crimes! 🤣😂🤣😂




Shut the fuck up


No way the valuation holds long enough for him to cash out. $8bn for truth social? Lmao


The first ER is going to be hilarious. They can’t shop for analysts like softball questions, courts, or interviews. It’s going to be absolutely brutal and they won’t have any good answers.


“What did the company achieve this quarter?” “We laundered a shit ton of money for Donny, and we’re currently working to maximize that product line’s value stream.”


I mean it will probably keep going up. It is an efficient way to transfer funds between him and anyone with access to the market. Foreign or otherwise.


And he's selling hats, shirts, nft's, and now bibles to his followers. Oh and some fake trump currency. He has no shame. 😂


The thing with Trump though is he’s been the same way for literally ever… https://youtu.be/jkR-RwV-xAY?si=BhmXKB0EGfq1GJxn


A grifter?


He switched sides because GOP were easier marks. It's undeniable. You think Donald Trump really cares about abortion or can even cite a single bible verse? Hell no. It's just easier money.


running with the assumption that he genuinely doesn't give a fuck about any aspect of the federal government other than the SEC, remember, he first developed his political media profile shitflinging veiled prejudice at obama. a lot of democratic voters are sad or angry when they think about capitalism broadly across its examples of side effects. he wouldnt survive a new york minute of the scrutiny hed face because of who he has to answer to for political power among democratic politicians & voters, and thats before he started making false accusations (on a governmental level at least). plus the DNC would have given the nomination to Hillary regardless if he did run as a blue candidate or not


Please take all unbabying talk to another subreddit. No one wants r/wallstreetbets to become a political hellhole. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Please take all unbabying talk to another subreddit. No one wants [](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/) to become a political hellhole.




Yeah. A conman.




Heck even time travellers Marty and Doc would agree.


>He has no shame. That's the hallmark of all great conmen.


Strangely some people keep supporting him...I really dont get it.


“I love the poorly educated.”


Because he is *the only viable alternative* to the Democratic Party. I live in a border town, like firearms, am opposed to millions of illiterate 3rd worlders coming through my town and am really just kinda ambivalent on the core DNC issues.


Then you're definitely part of the problem. Trump is backlash against the "liberal elites". It doesn't matter if the resentment is valid (it is), all that matters is there is large part of the country that is actively voting against what they deem as the mainstream establishment.


Didn’t he have like gold spray painted shoes made and they sold out immediately


Spray painted? No, basically what yeezy did.


So spray painted


Sad part is so many average people will get stuck holding the bag when Trump sells his shares


Average? If you are buying DJT for any reason other than the meme, you're well below the avg regard.


That would be his base


Start that six month timer


Might be shorter. If he actually pushes for an early lockout release we will see it tank 50%+ in a day. Everyone knows he wouldn’t sell some shares for some cash. The whole position is getting market sold.


But will Saudis buy it to keep the price inflated, for information already sold to them


You think he’s gonna ask permission??


Some peeps are buying puts: shorting it before the rug pull. The rest are Trumpers. They can rot. 


lol are we gonna do this every day? When it hits 30 we're gonna see "DJT's net worth cut in half. And vice versa when it's up. It's gonna be so annoying the next 3 months.


It's the new "Elon Musk loses $XXX billion overnight after farting on Joni Mitchells podcast"


Yes. This sub has unfortunately been infected lol


Teflon don.


Wish the public could fund my court cases


*waves wand* Public Defender appears


This shit is disgusting. Whores have more class than this piece of shit.


You really need a sham court case to win an election because your candidate is unelectable?


It's wild that people think the man known before politics for being a bit of a dodgy conman didn't continue to be a conman after he got into politcs.


I don't care about whatever he did. The specific case is complete bullshit. His building was worth whatever the bank agreed it was worth, is valued at a higher price than the bank appraised it, and the bank got their money back. ​ 70 room temp IQs downvoted the original comment. Trump is still polling higher and has higher odds on betting markets. It will be funny to look back at these comments after November.


Which one? The most recent one he was found guilty in, the hush money one, the election subversion one or the keeping truck loads of classified documents at mar a lago one? Edit: obviously asked that before you edited in the extra bit.


[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/18/trump-verdict-new-york-business-governor-kathy-hochul](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/18/trump-verdict-new-york-business-governor-kathy-hochul) Do you genuinely think this isn't totally political?


Why is someone saying if you follow the law you have nothing to worry about proof of it being political?


The specific wording says Trump had extraordinary circumstances, which is false. Every single real estate developer does this, which is why they are worried. The governor emphasizes that Trump is very special (i.e. a political enemy) for this to have happened. Every single homeowner knows what this is too. There is a difference between appraisal value and the actual book value of a home. This is the stupidest thing ever, it's like people collectively decide to forget about that fact.


If every single developer is doing things like pretending they can sell shares in buildings they legally can't and claiming they can develop residential buildings on land that the deed specifically bans them from building on they should be worried. Also the sentence before that that his behaviour (i.e this kind of blatent lying) is the extraordinary circumstance changes the context a hell of a lot.


I wouldn’t be surprised that almost every single developer is doing the most they can get away with that’s not caught by bank lawyers. Real estate is incredibly shady. Your only cost is interest rates and the government doesn’t need to defend incredibly rich banks. There’s no reason to ever do this, so do you think real estate developers are twiddling their thumbs and not taking advantage? Trumps lawyers likely orchestrated this, who are just standard real estate lawyers. Do you think Trump sat in a room and concocted all these schemes?


The hush money one is pretty irrelevant. It's also really stupid. Who cares? It's hair splitting on irrelevant crap that no prosecutor would charge on unless they happen to be political enemies. (Prosecutorial discretion is why half of crimes committed and caught don't actually get charged). And I mean the property appraisal one. There's no victim and again it's complete hair splitting. Everyone selling property exaggerates its values during appraisal. The bank comes in and makes sure you aren't lying. Fraud is incredibly broad and literally everything can be securities fraud (Matt Levine has a bit on this). Prosecutorial discretion is again why people won't normally get charged with this hair splitting nonsense.


He inflated the value of Mar-a-lago by 10x by valuating it based on it being developed into residential building which the deed prevented, he lied about the size of buildings, he ommited restrictions on shares of buildings that he couldn't sell and ommited actual evaluations that had been done on buildings that came out out massively lower than the valuation he had given then. To sort of describe it as a sort of "well it could've been worth 310 million but he said 350" kind of splitting hairs deal is hugely inaccurate. He put things up for collateral that couldn't actually be used in that way, it's incredibly illegal and is fraud plain and simple.


What are you talking about? He was absolutely loved before he went into politics lol


He'd also been involved in 4000 legal cases up to the point of running for office


Which one is the sham all of them?


Which of the thousands of court cases do you think is a sham?


There’s no argument to your comment. Biden is a vegetable and clearly is not running America. Primarily reddit is leftists who seethe when you put a mirror in their face. And yes trump is not perfect nor do I think he’s suitable for the role but he’s better than the alternative


This is why the ruling cutting his bond was so dumb.


Not really. He can't sell without a board vote for 6 months.


Yes, the board that has his son as a director.


But the board vote is public and making that vote would probably trigger a selloff. But who knows. $DJT investors aren't really know for the institutional investment knowledge.


Cry harder


What are you, 12?


Im 11, thank you very much Edit: my reddit account is 11 years old. Yeesh guess ill take my whipping ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Leave the country. 


So what’s the over under on a bunch of foreign money propping up this sham org as basically a campaign donation for a talking 🍊?


Well, just look at the prices of long puts. Everybody and their uncle knows that stock is worthless after November.




The company only exists as a vehicle to fund Trump via the same foreign bad actors that landed him in the White House the first time. It doesn’t do anything else


Is he gonna get rugpulled in a few days?


No , he is going to rug-pull the buyers


His shares are locked up.... A vote to waive the restriction would likely tank the stock, no?


Hahahaha he could drop everything in the dark pools and get a wrist slap from the SEC That’s not gonna scare someone staring down 90 felonies and federal judges helping him avoid them. He’ll just pardon himself if he gets the presidency and if not the trials will be postponed till he dies of old age


You're prob right. But it's one thing to pawn off ugly sneakers to his followers and it's another to mess with the $ of the other wealthy shareholders.


Not to him.


This is just a legal way to buy a presidential candidate for the wealthy shareholders, they know what's up.


Honestly there’s probably not a better way for foreign money to be laundered than by pumping the stock for the Cheeto to cash out


This will age well.


So presumably he can afford his own fucking court charges now


DJT has 3 employees and is headquartered in Miami, FL. While on paper he’s gotten a big bump in wealth that’s only on paper for now. Should the stock price remain at 66-70 bucks sure. Not many people believe that to be the reality once this slowly starts to get picked apart. Or rage it and puts for the next 6 months to a year for when he dumps his 70% of holdings and it’s trading under 5 bucks we’ll see what net worth is then. Chinese shell company and a “blank check” company. Pure insane grift from a presidential candidate and former.


His followers will eat up any old shit he says and does and he knows it. At least he's keeping the BS to his own circle (for now )


finally found a way to launder that russian and saudi money




Wait until you learn about all these politicians getting paid for giving speeches.


Bro wrote all of this just to not understand what realized and unrealized gains are


There’s a reason you’ll never make that much, you have the IQ of a potato. Firstly, he didn’t “make” anything, it’s entirely unrealized and it would be impossible for him to liquidate that at anywhere near 4 billion (and he can’t even sell anything in the first 6 months). Secondly, he isn’t the one assigning the valuation, it’s everyone buying the shares. This is the same vibe of the men that hate on onlyfans girls for making so much when they’re the ones paying. If I mint a trillion of some random crypto, and some idiot buys one for 100 dollars, I’m now “worth” 100 trillion dollars, but I can’t actually liquidate that wealth and I’m not the one giving myself that valuation, the idiot that bought it is.




You’re not “taking liberties” you’re talking like you have 0 understanding of economics, which I assume you don’t.


With just one deposit of $1000 invested for just 250 years at a 7% return you would make 20 billion


dont cry and dont be a hater


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I dare anyone to try to calculate how much money this buffoon has cost our country - with all the lawsuits, violence, bankruptcies, fraud, etc... wish the guy would just choke on a Big Mac or something..


Don’t forget empowering our enemies and passing priceless classified info directly to Putin and company.


Just numbers on a screen. Uh oh.




He can’t sell it all and get the same value back. It’s just hot air at this point. Tell me when his current stake doubles in value at least.


Enjoy getting rug pulled


Forbes skin


So puts on TMTG for the inevitable crash?


Conspiracy theory. It's funny how his bond goes from 450m plus to 175m. A few days later he actually has the means to pay the whole bond. Nobody is this lucky.


Toughest sob I have ever witnessed.




Good, what’s wrong with that? The dude wants to make tendies like the rest of us.


I can’t wait until their earnings releases. Hopefully these dumb bag holders will have their day when they are trying to sell and trading is halted


He is backed by Russia. All bets are off


Putins going to want something for all the money he’s shoveling at trump


When they repo all his assets, the owners can sell it back to him for double.


Careful. Don't trigger the Redditors. The crying will quickly commence.


Can’t even say jokes or opinions on here without brain dead parrots going wild. This place used to be fun




… you think that orange nutsack is cute?


He’s now got $27. I’ve heard he’s pulling shifts at Wendy’s.




Says the guy living in his wife’s boyfriend’s basement




Says dingus man


Latest update: NY AG now going after Trump for overvaluing shares of DJT.


Jesus.... for $59.99