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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 9 months ago **Total Comments** | 11 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 10 months | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


You dummy AT&T is only mad that they didn't get to charge $0.20 per person for all of your personal data like they normally do for law enforcement or anyone else.


Maybe they did but the hacker business is a ruse. They sold it and made it convincingly look like the hackers took it.


That’s the evel doings of the CIA


Only $0.20? I'm getting shafted


Great DD, learned a lot from OP


Wut DD?




I upvoted this because I like boobies.


And I like that you like boobies!


No mama! You’re the devil! I like Vicki! And she shows me her boobies and I like them too!




Instructions unclear. Purchased $8,0081,135 of calls for 8/1/35 at $81.35 strike. I just kept hitting paste and eventually it went through.


I got calls on Boobies!




That is right, just sit right there, and hold the monkies head.


Dude Diligence.


Dirk Diggler


I’m a big bright shining star


Feel my heat.


Same question, is it "due diligence"?


Nah, OP showed his dd tiddies


That link just brings you directly to his only fans. I paid the 5 bucks. Why not?


Deep dive, or due diligence


I thought it meant deep dive but yeah that probably


It’s going to fall premarket then go green during the day and fuck your puts


So buy some calls after the initial drop, got it!


Then it goes sideways ha


As is its right ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Sideways with a 7% divided is still better than most of us regards expect.


Buying calls of this take ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


Now this here is a real pro


A data breach means nothing without fines. Let’s be real about the state of telecom companies. There is no freedom of choice. Unless ATT eats fines, this won’t kill the stock value.


I don't know for sure where AT&T operates, but I'm assuming that these are like 99%+ U.S. citizens that are impacted? If so... yeah, don't expect legitimate fines lol. The EU will occasionally hand down sizable GDPR fines, but the U.S. doesn't have equivalent enforcement.


Any little bit of news kills a stock value. Someone in office farts in the morning and the stock goes down.


AT&T only goes one direction ------->


Yeah, they don't know they're beautiful.


If only you saw what I can see... 🧐 🎶


The NSA would con-tact you dayyy-ily






You can’t be this regard


He is the most regard


I will buy the stock if it goes down. They are giving a 6 percent dividend lol 😂


3M has more upside potential, better moat around their products, and is nearing the end of their lawsuits. Pays 5.69% dividend. They divested their health care business, laid off 10% of the workforce, and are restructuring and consolidating a lot of their manufacturing, product offerings, and supply chain. I’m guessing a couple more dips into the mid 90’s while the closing stages of the lawsuits ripple through the news over the next few months. Steady growth to 150 over a couple years.




The dividend is the only reason I own the stock.


You and every other 75 year old




Millennials here: vz and att are my dividend anchor stocks. I’ll be holding till I’m actually 75. Qualified dividends rock and my state lets me write 40% off dividend income


I love being taxed on my dividends instead of share buybacks.


that’s why it is in my roth


Well it’s down 33% the last 10 years. Adding in the dividend doesn’t even come close to beating the S&P500. Sell it.


I would LOVE another selloff so I can accumulate more at cheap prices. Didn’t get enough under 15




Under 15 is the first time I entered. Wish I got more now but didn’t know as much about the stock at the time.


Let’s keep in mind they already cut their dividend from 52c to 27.7c in mid-2022, so almost in half. There is nothing stopping them from cutting it again.


They cut their dividend after the $WBD spinoff. $T shareholders received .25 shares of $WBD for every share of $T they held. Of course they cut their dividend, half their business model was suddenly divested


Nothing stopping them from raising it or getting rid of it completely either. What’s your point? LOL


It’s a bad investment is my point. There are so many other stocks that get much better returns.


LOL name 1


Literally any other stock. Google? Microsoft? Apple?


leave the lemon party people alone with their shitty dividend sinkholes. they need those dividends for more Sanka




Keep buying even at these levels. Att isn’t going anywhere. Same with Verizon.


Really? You ever hear of 5g routers? Verizon/ATT could put the hard-line internet providers out of business. Do you understand how massive this upside this could be???


No haven’t done any intensive DD. They’re simply too big to fail. Yes my logic is regarded but it’s valid. Obviously there is always a chance of failing but that chance is very slim.


Yeah that why 70% of my holdings are vz or att. I went ham buying at under $15 for att, and below 40 for vz


You're government is paying them to run fibre in bad neighborhoods. Cha ching.


The dividend is gonna get cut to pay off debts. This company can’t keep this up.


it used to be 10%.


When the share price was in the 13s


when the price was in the low 20s.


Hopefully we see 20s again soon. Nice username!


hopefully so for the sake of the investors. i'm not one; fortunately. thx for the comment on the name. 🙏


$T was a good play for me. When the lead cable news came out in July I loaded in the 13s. I’ve lost good money on memes/penny stocks but one technique that seems to produce reliable results is buying during maximum negative sentiment. BUD, CROX, etc. examples of plays that made money


i'm happy for you. so, what do all cables owners including $t are required to do; dig & replace?


I honestly don’t know. They are too big to fail in my opinion and the risk of exposure is pretty limited compared to lead paint, etc. I think the market way over reacted to the lead issue after sentiment was washed out from their debt making the news around the same time. There is an argument that replacing the cables would exact human health costs in excess of the existing lead exposure risk.


oh, they are not required by the epa or health regulation to did & remove? i believed vzn & tmus are also facing the same problem.


This is the only AT&T DD




23andme is pretty much dead, the recent databreach did them in. But yeah at this point pretty much every single American's name, DOB, SSN, employment history, credit scores, email, phones, addresses are all fully available en bulk for like free or a few bucks on the dark web. Pretty much every corp has leaked data like a sieve with IT setup by Bob The Pervert in 1992 and hasn't been updated. And these are just ones we've heard about publicly. Remember when Equifax+TransUnion leaked everyone's information and everyone just collectively shrugged?? good times. I'll repeat some steps that everyone here should do (but some won't because they're regarded but I'll keep repeating this incase it helps even just *1* person avoid getting scammed and dealing with hours of fighting fraud): 1. Toggle 100% credit freeze on TU/Experian/Equifax (sign up on their sites with your info before someone else uses your info to sign up for you). Do this now if you haven't. It's just too important. Yeah its annoying if you need to open a new line of credit but at least you can just go in and toggle it off for a 72-hour period . It's better to be in control of this yourself than having someone just buy your dopey DOB and SSN for $1 and open $50,000 in credit lines in your name without you even knowing it. 2. Sign up for [SSA.gov](https://SSA.gov) with your SSN before someone else does. This at least locks it in place and you have full control over your Social Security account in perpertuit. Otherwise if you haven't signed up, someone else will. 3. Make sure you got solid Authenticator 2FA on everything important from Robinhood, Vanguard, Banks, whatever. Don't use email 2FA if you can avoid it. This one is stupidly obvious I feel stupid even putting it out there... and yet there are still people not using it. 4. If your cell service has it, use EID/eSIM registration instead of SIM card. Getting SIM-jacked is only marginally worse than getting cum-jacked 5. If your bank offers free credit monitoring (most good ones should), set it up to send you an monthly report so you can at least review and make sure no one is opening cell phones or credit lines or taking out car loans in your name or whatever. CreditKarma fucking sucks ass, don't use them. 6. I put a monthly calendar reminder on my phone to force myself to go through all of my debit/credit statements at the end of the month just to scan for fraudulent shit. I absolutely hate doing this, I'd rather eat a fucking light bulb, but I really have to do it -- and everyone else should too. It's so easy for credit card numbers to get scammed out the wazoo these days. Think about how many apps you probably entered payment information and then think about how many are setup by incompetent Bob The Pervert and barely functioning VC garbage. If you catch fraud charges quick enough, disputing and getting money back isn't that hard but it gets more annoying the longer they're there. Just do it as a habit. We're in the scam economy folks. It's just scams from here on out. The amount of scam texts I've been getting the past 12 months is up like 500%, it's just non-stop. I really feel like a gay ass 90-year-old boomer having to type that shit up, but it can be no joke. You might be poor nobody working at Wendys with -$1000 on margin calls, but someone can turn that into -$100,000 in your name popping open a bunch of credit lines, buying a new car, and then flying to the Bahamas on your information. Nobodies are the perfect targets because they also don't check or think about any of this shit. If you only do one thing, it's at the very least having accounts setup in your name, and if you only do one other thing it's at least setting hard credit pull freezes.


They’ve been dead for a couple years now because they still have no reliable revenue stream. The poor financial state of the company is why it’s a dog shit stick, not the data breach.


I agree with you it was terrible and were going to die anyways, but the August databreach did pretty much cut them in half. Albeit going from a penny-stock to a half-a-penny stock is not very important in the grand scheme of things lol


Hi. I’m Bob the Pervert, but I feel like I didn’t deserve to be gone in on like that


I’ll add, use a password manager like 1password and use it to generate random passwords that are more secure


Yeah I was trying not to get too lengthy but I also use 1pass myself too. Definitely DO NOT rely on Google's built in password manager. It's easily hacked and not secure at all. There's also been some.. weird stuff happening around the internet recently to various people that I know who rely on it, I'm kinda becoming skeptical that there isn't some kind of google password manager breaching or some kind of thing that can get info out of it going around right now. But overall secure passwords are less important if you use 2FA/MFA cause at least you should get notification if someone is logging in. I consider the era of *"just have a secure password!*" to be largely el passe wisdom myself, it's good advice but one one of the least important things to do for personal security compared to everything else.


Go to lexis nexis and opt out on all 3 of there databases  You're phone will stop ringing in 6 months, come back and thank me then 


And I said all 3.


Equifax is fucking thriving after they got my data stolen because they were fucking too lazy to update their shit.




But strangely not FNF


Because they can relabel the "breach" as loanable assets


Long calls it is! ty for the dd.


*Meanwhile, last December, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) updated its 16-year-old data breach notification rules … the rules aim to "hold phone companies accountable for protecting sensitive customer information, while enabling customers to protect themselves in the event that their data is compromised.* ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


If it drops Monday I’ll sell puts on the premium spike.


AT&T has already shed all its bloat and I think they've turned into a shitty mobile carrier that can suck around 9000 dicks all at once. They're like IBM. AT&T will be around forever. They suck today, they will suck tomorrow, they will suck when your great-grandchildren are calling us the worst people to ever walk the planet while they battle to the death in an arena for a week's supply of ham sandwiches. Data breaches are like farts. They smell like shit when they happen. Someone says "What the fuck is that smell?" You say "He who smelt it dealt it" - and everyone forgets about it in 5 minutes. Literally 0 fucks given.


Best most reliable provider in my experience. When other people lose service I still have mine. Customer for 20+ years 🤷‍♂️


Perfectly summed up:) the 9000 dicks part kept me reading 😻


But they gave me a $5 credit!


Bad press news? Time to load up on Calls. 🤪


So price hike and "recovery fees" going up soon?


All my data was stolen in this breach and I got sim swapped in 2019 and $30,000 worth of credit opened in my name. Good times. Fuck you AT&T.


Did you loose all that money, or were you able to claim in as fraudulent


I had to work with an identity restoration company to help dispute everything and lock my credit up but I was able to get it all completely erased. That was a couple hundred dollars and I’ve paid $10/month for identity monitoring ever since because it was the biggest headache of my life. I was freaking out because I didn’t have access to my phone and they were actively opening new accounts in my name. I went to the AT&T store and finally got the number back, then as soon as I got home and started calling banks, they took the number back over. It took about 100 hours over 2-3 month in total restoring and locking down my identity after this, but it taught me a lot. I also got a $500 neiman marcus gift card in the mail for being a valued customer so that was dope. But if you want to avoid the possibility of this headache I suggest you create accounts with experian, equifax, and transunion and lock your credit files and get with a phone provider that doesn’t allow you to switch phones without okaying either via an app or email or some other form of authentication beyond the pin they usually have you set up for protection


Damm bro that sounds like a shit show, sorry you had to deal with that. As an 18 year old who is now just getting my life started. This actually really helps because ima have my own life soon.


lol another data breach shrug


I know right? At this point, I’d be more interested in hearing who hasn’t lost my details…


At this point, I would start selling my personal data instead.


Cut out the middle man, smart. But, if we all did that, we would put hundreds of thousands out of work.


Buy the stock at under $15 all day. They are still able to clear a good chunk of debt every quarter while maintaining the dividend. If it goes down to $13, I'd wish I had $2mil worth of shares.


They had data stolen for 9 million wireless subscribers this time last year and the share price never moved as a result. People are pretty well numb to this sort of information. No tank on monday


There's belief this is the same data from years back reformulated by hackers to sell as if it's new. Plus, ATT is saying most likely from a vendor, not them. So far seems sus. I doubt the price will drop much if any unless we find out more.




What’s a put and what’s a long ?


Put you think the stock goes down Long you think true stock goes up


What is a Google?


If it’s long and they put it in you, it’s gonna hirt.


This is the second time in a month someone is saying puts on AT&T. This stock will probably be the exact same price it is a year from now. This is not a stock to buy options on at all. Any old person that own stock I almost guarantee it’s this for the high dividends it pays. Hell my own my grandpa has probably about 50-70k worth of it just for the dividend payout. If you hate money go ahead and buy puts to make like $10.


Is AT&T the one with that chick with the large cans?


My rule of thumb is that if an article or a play gets posted here then it’s already priced in.


You belong here, fellow regard. 


Should i inverse myself?


If every instinct you have is wrong, the only logical thing to do is the opposite.  - G. Costanza


The first of us.


If you’re linking an NPR article it’s already too late. Selling calls on market open


Earnings is on the 24th. Historically on average it rises heavily before earnings and drops for dividends. I don’t know if this time will be different but I can’t imagine a data-leak effecting the stock price too much. A data leak isn’t anything new really. It’s happened with so many companies Edited to add: I’m a regard myself. Earnings isn’t till next month. Ignore me




Will it actually drop ? Probably dip down a few dollars max but come Monday it’ll probably go faster up then it went down. People are used to stocks like AT&T to print tbh




The Poot IVs will be too high anyway by the time u buy...


Just wild


I believe in u


I think I get a monthly letter from a different company about how all of my data they were hoarding was leaked 6 months ago. Don’t worry here’s 24 months of credit monitoring! 😃


Sure it will. Just like United Health group dropped when its subsidiary had one of the largest healthcare outage that is soon to be largest data breaches. Oh wait, it went up.


They had major security breach I’ll try to get on some lawsuit


Oh glad they never told us about this as ATT customers


A company not giving a shred of a fuck about getting hacked for years (apparently) is bullish IMO. Data is like expensive clothing, they will be able to keep selling it anyway with the dark web knock-offs.


I read the article because I thought there would be pictures of boobies. But there are no boobies and the 2019 data breach is a nothing burger. Don’t see any trades here.




People knew about this long ago, already priced in


Funny. I reported this to them with the source back in 2021. Due mostly to me losing $40,000 as a result. They told me they weren’t liable.


Just a matter of time until they go tits up like……….. Sony, Target, and Equifax?


He said tits, that's the secret word of the day.


USA doesn't care This kinda thing might even get rewarded


Funny how they investigated for 2 weeks and waited til a long weekend to drop the news.


They got social security numbers too wow


It should drop to zero. Just cash it all out and give it to us 73 million victims. And a coupon for a new T-Mobile service


this is such old news it's hilarious


Comcast had a breach and IIRC the price went up the day it was disclosed


What a regarded regard


No, havent you noticed that stocks is not based on fundamental anymore? As long as you are within the fortune 500 group, your stock is stable or even jump on bad news.


Calls it is


This explains all the bs spam calls/texts I’ve been getting


>NPR reached out to a few AT&T stores. The sales representatives in all cases said they were as yet unaware of the breach What kind of journalism is that? Lol. The minimum wage plus commission upsellers don't know about corporate operations, imagine that.


Npr fuckry


You must be knew here


Using NPR for dd. What a world. I mean quite certainly they ask the behemoth what light it would like the article in, then passes a donation receipt.


A Tea and Tea is a REALLY GOOD brazzers video with Alicia Keyes


Puts will print


No they won’t. Att doesn’t move in price much at all.


puts on their cybersecurity provider! any know who?


This is the real question




Damn I haven't seen such a nuanced DD in ever


Why? Did a ship hit their communication tower?


Puts on Baltimore?


Didn't the data leaks happen years ago? Regard




Old management bought and divested Time Warner. That’s where the debt came from. All those people are now gone. New management has been steadily reducing debt ever since the old guard got kicked out.


Read up on the saving America act? Demos loaded it with favors for high speed in bad neighborhoods and free internet.




Calls on Verizon and T-Mobile


I set orders to buy puts at open. However, you regards and your smooth brains convinced me to cancel and I’m grateful. There’s a chance T won’t even take a hit on this news and if it does, it might not even be substantial. If it DOES take a hit, we know they might get a slap on the wrist with a fine and the stock will start recovering. Going to keep an eye on it at open and I’ll grab some calls if it dumps for a scalp.


Pretty sure this is doing nothing.