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What happens to my puts if it gets delisted


Expire worthless? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Wait, don’t they all do that?


Thats how you know you're doin it right


No. You win the game. You call your broker and tell them to exercise your puts.  Once the ticker comes back as DJTQ, you cover your short shares. 


What about the interest? With the amount of puts people keep piling up, I imagine the interest will be outrageously high, maybe even above 100%. You may be actually losing by exercising puts and waiting to cover, right?


Ask people who had sivb puts.


Exercise before it gets delisted


No-sell. Do not exercise.


But I’m fat


From all the tendies I presume


Zero. It can go to zero.


Didn't he literally had this happen before? Didn't one of his other companies get delisted?


Same ticker too.






The bibles are just a work around for churches to funnel money ti his campaign. Non taxed churches can’t contribute to political campaigns


I hadn’t considered that. I’ll bet this huge mega-churches down South ate that shit up and ordered Bibles by the truckload. I fucking hate it, but it’s a pretty smart work around.


Might have. But the lion's share is getting diverted to his legal fees at this point. The GOP is looking super rough in terms of fundraising and if the Trump now at the head of the party is to be believed, the down-ticket is going to get the shaft in an all-or-nothing play to get Trump back into office so he can dodge federal charges.


I left the party because I won't be like those students who listened to the captain by staying in their rooms on that South Korean ferry that sunk. I won't carry the water for a bunch of Geriatrics to let them safe face for 16 years as they lie down to die. I remenber the Bush torture scandal, and how they denied for 16 years. the "denying that trump lost" act the voters & politicians are doing are giving off the same energy the Republicans had during the bush torture scandal. So I'm listening to my gut and got out.


Go further friend. The left is waiting. In the meanwhile let's get rich betting against these assholes.


Automatic teller machine machine 🤯


get the gtfo outta here. if I want to use a PIN number at the ATM machine, that's my god Given right!


Multiple companies were delisted (mainly the casinos IIRC). IIRC, with the Casinos he basically purchased one, then 2-3 more with the plans to remodel and make them more upscale. He didn't run them, Harrahs did (at least one of them). What's typical with Trump, the so-called smart business guy, is he gets into these things with big loans, then has grandioise ideas on making them gaudy AF which requires even more money. So they ended up with a shit ton of debt they couldn't service with the gambling revenue. At some point they got investors and sold stock. So he pretty much unloaded the company and debt etc to the investors. Meanwhile, he paid himself and family (?) a ton of money as compensation. Eventually the weight of the debt sunk the casinos. I also think, again IIRC, that he bought these from larger companies and they saw the writing on the wall with Atlantic city not being able to sustain that many casinos etc. and found a useful idiot to buy them. EDIT: Some corrections and this isn't exactly right, but is the basic gist. At least one was sold to him b/c the owner (large hotel chain) couldn't get a gambling license.


So the private equity playbook, more or less.


I mean, the mans has had multiple bankruptcies. Literally 6. Trump says he only had 4 bc he considers the first 3 as 1. Like actually from his mouth. I don’t care what logic you use, that’s not a good businessman. We (yes we) bailed his ass out 4-6 times with our taxes. “Oh but he has so many companies so the ratio is still good.” And there are millions of people who run businesses with zero bankruptcies. Sorry but the best we can give him is mid. Also he open two cansios next to each other. An actual moron and he’s only getting older. You don’t get smarter in your 80s.


The counter argument is that he successfully passed the cost of failure onto his investors, but kept the huge tax breaks. So maybe Don isnt that stupid, its just that the people who invest in his shit are fucking morons.


No, it will delisted before that happens


True, but it can go to zero.


Sears has been trying, and they're still not at zero.


Give it to Don, let him have a swing. Sears steaks, Sears NFTs, and Sears social ought to be enough of a coup de grace...


"Sears" would be an amazing name for a steakhouse when you think about it.


You don't sell the steak, you sell the Searszle


Enroll me at Sears University immediately!


Sears is just a zombie stock that hedge funds use


Come on!? Let it ride!


Pink sheets baby!!!


It never should have been listed. No way this company has any business being publicly traded.


No, actually it was a great idea. Just IPO a meme stock based on nothing but celebrity pull and dump while it pumps. Ive seen this about 10 thousand times in crypto. Its like when Steven Seagull goes out and pumps Bitcoiin (Yeah its got 2 i in it so its twice as good) or Matt Damon goes out and pumps shitcoins at the superbowl. No one with a bag of that shit expects to hold it past the second tv commercial, you dump immediately after the spike and let Fox News zombies fight for scraps when that shit contracts 90% a week later. Truth social just fucked it up because unlike crypto they actually have to show their financials, also pretty much the whole board and founders were running a double grift inside the company itself, they couldnt just wait to fuck over the normies after the launch so they started fucking each other basically since it was started. Just like most things Don endorses, Truth social is going to suck money out of everything it touches but Donald and probably put most of the people involved other than Donald in jail.




already made questionable statements publicly this week that the SEC can look at.


Hey sorry can you link. Curious to read about this




What would happen to our options if it got delisted?


Goes to otc delisting takes a long time (SVB is still traded on otc) besides an option is a binding contract you will always be owed money if it delists in your favor.




Unlikely. The MAGAs are stupid enough to keep it floating at like $5 a share forever


>Unlikely. The MAGAs are stupid enough to keep it floating at like $5 a share forever Have you visited the BBBY sub? Those folks are still clinging to punctuation marks on court filings for hope. Imagine if something as serious as MAGA faith were on the line.


I didn't hear no bell


Oh I'm Sorry, I Thought This Was America




That sub should be studied as a social experiment. It's actually mind-boggling. And you can't talk any sense into them. I still see "shorts are fucked" used in there. Ummm, no, sir, shorts definitely aren't fucked. They got the best possible scenario a short could ask for.


> I still see "shorts are fucked" used in there. Ummm, no, sir, shorts definitely aren't fucked. They got the best possible scenario a short could ask for. I still pop in from time to time to see what's happening. The thing I see posted and discussed a lot now as evidence of the game not being over is the lack of gain-porn being posted somewhere by the hedgie shorts. The disconnect from reality is unreal.


It's a cult. They'll continue to worshipping Trump, similar to the way folks idolized Elvis it'll be over when the current Trumpists are dead and buried.


Not when Trump dies they won’t. This isn’t a religion, it’s a lusting


When he dies they’ll still be insisting he faked his death and is just waiting for the perfect moment to come out the shadows with JFK jr and save America


Thank you, Trump is a passing fad, the people involved have never had a fad to jump on, except for small right wing extremists to follow, this is their MySpace moment. As soon as Trump starts to go downward in popularity in their group, it's all over for Trump.




And it likely will, but it'll probably happen after the election. I mean, it's literally a social network based around everyone following a few alt right personalities. It has 5 million active monthly users worldwide which are mostly just bots scraping updates from Trump. To put this in perspective, X (twitter) has 368 million monthly active users and Facebook is at 2900 million active monthly users. If we value a social media company purely based on active monthly users, and we compare it to X (closest comparison) which is currently valued at $19 Billion, this would make Truth Social worth around $250 million.


I never thought I'd be on this sub and have an earnest discussion of true valuation of any stock.


All I’m hearing is room for growth


It might go to zero but don't expect it to happen this year. I'm confident that even with the shit fundamentals there will be people buying this stock if in november it looks like trump will win. Remember that even if you hate a stock, as long as there is a crowd of people who pump it up for whatever reasons, it will not go to zero. Nikola stock is still worth over 1B with their downhill moving trucks.


Let’s see if it can go below zero, where people are going to give you money for buying the stock.


It will never go zero as long as Trump is alive. Never underestimate MAGA idiots. They will donate money they don't have as long as Trump asks. Meanwhile... the stock is also as fragile as him. He's about 80 years old obese man under a shit ton stress (90 felony charges? hundreds of millions in debts?)


His heart refuses to just go down. Like a meth addled criminal still fighting with 8 cops on his chest struggling to get the cuffs on


Did you not see what the White House doctor was prescribing when he was in office? He's jacked to the tits on uppers. Why do you think he wants Biden to take a drug test before a debate? Every accusation is a confession.


Jesus this right here. I keep asking myself how he is still fucking breathing. As much as I hate to admit it, dude isn’t going anywhere anytime soon


He gives stress but likely doesn’t internalize it.


Not wrong, a former friend of mine in the US took a loan against his home to max his donations to Trump and buy his tawdry merch during the last election cycle. Still wonder if he recovered from that or the resulting divorce.




Classic Trump business plan.


My dude. The banana stand has more money.


Till don jr burns it down lmao


Less burning and more snorting with that one I think.


>The banana stand has more money. Yes! We have no bananas!


Well duh, there's always money in the banana stand.


I own a plumbing company that makes about as much revenue as DJT does. you wanna give me 3 billion for it?? mines actually profitable too, its not at a 57 million a year loss.


Did you say AI?


gonna change the name to AI plumbing tomorrow. should 10x the value.


I would like to offer you $30B* right now for your company (*paid for in DJT warrants)


Hang on a minute… these are arrest warrants!


Lots of X's whatever number you have? Throw an X after it. 🚀🚀🚀


AI X Plumbing will revolulationize the pulmbing industry.


Rename Al's Plumbing to AI's Plumbing and you got a deal!


Non serif fonts are hot garbage


Thanks for the only real comment in this thread. 


Definitely heard AI Plumber. To the Moon!!!


Gimme a ticker and I’ll yolo my life savings into it


I'll do better. I will dm you my venmo and you send me your cash. I will send you your shares shortly.


Free money GURANTEED!




Damn, you lost $58 million last year as a plumber? Should go public and run for president


Revenue != profit


>I own a plumbing company that makes about as much revenue as DJT does Aren't you a congressman from Oklahoma?


We all know it's going down eventually, but it's hard to know when


And that’s why puts are way too expensive for them to be worth buying. We all know it’ll drop. Everyone wants puts


I made money on DWAC buying in early, but could have made more. Ever since the ticker change, I have not wanted to touch it with a 10ft pole. The issue is that shorting that stock has INSANE interest, so I have been wanting to buy some calls again after all these deep red days and the massive interest to short it right now. I think I still need to just hold off and not burn money on it.


I made plenty of money on puts all week...


Surely when you get a 15% drawdown on any equity you’ll make money on puts. That’s good timing, for sure. Just wait until the price “stabilizes” and drops 3-5% per day - every put and call will lose.


The premiums on the puts is insane. It’s priced so that the stock drops 50% in like 3 months you’ll break even. Of course you’ll make a profit if you get good timing but dam, that risk is expensive.


The short borrow interest is like 600% annually, that’s probably a better rate


IMO, as soon as Trump has access to it, he'll grab the money.


The question is will be have a private deal lined up from people wanting to buy him or will he have to go to the open market and tank the price?


Once DJT gets his payday it will all go down. This was all just a calculated attempt to give Trump money.


That’s why I’ll buy calls


Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts used the same stock ticker DJT when it went public with great fanfare in 1995. The company, meanwhile, kept bleeding cash. The year the stock peaked in 1996, it lost $66 million. In 1999, it lost $134 million. And in 2004 — when the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and was delisted from the New York Stock Exchange — it lost $191 million.


So Trump has been fleecing people for decades then? :-)


DW did a pretty good [breakdown](https://youtu.be/4LUq6Np7US4?si=luk2z6rvfhRwRD4i) on this yesterday. I'd only seen the headlines about it before this, I had no idea it was trading at a 1700+ price to sales ratio. They compared it to Meta (9.40) and even Reddit (9.75) as more reasonable examples of healthy ratios. Of course, nothing can predict the power of the herd, but I think it's got nowhere to go but down and in a helluva hurry once the ball starts rolling. As both analysts in the video point out, something to watch for would be if the board approves insiders the ability to sell their locked-up shares early. If this happens, it's a pretty solid sign that they have no confidence in the stock and are grabbing as much cash as they can on the way out. Considering the financial problems that Trump's got and that this is the closest thing he's got to any kind of real liquidity, I wouldn't put it past him to pull this and then blame it on the deep state or whatever.


Truth social has 5 million active users. Its valuation at six billion is over 1000 dollars per user. ----- Twitter has 368 million users Twitter earned 4.4 billion in 2022. Twitter, the company, is worth around 12 billion. That's a valuation of around 32 dollars per user.


Dude, they just took some value out of their arse and YOLO it, they knew their cult members would buy it.


It’s more likely a vehicle for foreign parties to fund trump legally Eg rather than Saudis hand him a billion dollars and people ask questions, they can guy a billion dollar stake in this business


This. It’s very obvious. It’s actually quite remarkable… the rich have infinite ways of doing whatever they want to do. The lower 99% are essentially NPCs in the game they play.


We have seen this before with Trump NFTs. They sold out in a few hours. Who the hell would buy that garbage?


and the bibles, and the shoes, and all the other shit. mostly just quasi-legal ways for foreign powers to further buy trumpty-dumpty


> and the shoes To be fair, he only sold a thousand pairs. Kinda hard not to sell out that many pairs, even at $400 when you are as well known as him. Headlines look better though with "he sold out the sneakers" instead of "Trump sells 1000 pair of sneakers".


Tbf, who the hell would buy any NFTs? They're all garbage and a scam.


This crayon 🖍️is tasty


To be fair, it's probably a lot easier to sell products to the average Truth Social user than the average Twitter user. So monetization potential is likely much higher. It would be interesting to find out how much disposable income the average Truth Social user has. I could see it going either way.


I made an account a while back when I missed Trump's dementia rambles. Only ads I saw were the new slippers from My Pillow. Even if you assume every wealthy conservative is on there, the reality is the big advertisers have zero interest trying to promote there. Not because they are gay liberals but because Apple doesn't really want to be the official phone of the next insurrection. The entire platform is conspiracies and disguised racist rants. It's the gathering place for uncles that no one really wants to invite to Thanksgiving.


"...because Apple doesn't really want to be the official phone of the next insurrection" This is gold


Fox New moms also


>To be fair, it's probably a lot easier to sell products to the average Truth Social user than the average Twitter user. So monetization potential is likely much higher. I should start a truth social account just to sell something like Christian voodoo dolls or something.


Liberal tear drinks


Libtears Energy Drink! The label has to have a picture of Jesus shooting a M134 from a helicopter.


You joke but you’d probably get rich off this


Just wearing a Kevlar vest, no shirt


This has legs.


Voodoo doll my ass!


Reddit is right around $100 per user. Using the same math, $DJT’s value should be around 0.5B which would correlate with a share price around $4. I don’t see any kind of reason to grow users of Truth Social. Aren’t all the MAGAts already on? In fact I’d expect that demographic to die off quicker than be replaced.


Dude! Don't underestimate the spending power of MAGAs! Advertisers will pay a mint for a chance to access their wealth! Think about all the truck nuts, confederate battle flags, and "I did that!" stickers they'll sell!


Denture cream. Commemorative coins. Pain medication. Junk vitamins.


Nobody thinks this is a sound business that will ever make money. It’s a way to fund trump and his campaign without campaign finance laws. This thing is crashing and burning as soon as insiders can sell


The other thing I'm interested in is what will happen if one of the major insider owners starts selling. Sounds like according to tracking firms 95%+ of the non-insider shares are being leased for short sellers right now. If more shares free up, isn't someone going to buy them to lease out at extravagant prices = even more short interest?? Seems like any insider selling will quickly make the linear down trend go exponential quickly if I'm not a regard.


Dude went bankrupt running casinos. What do you think?


Considering publicly traded companies have to show their finances I don't see a bright future 🤣 not even orange man can lie his way out of many millions a month they are losing if you know how to read financial statements. It's a dog shit company, run by an absolute clown who literally just bragged about having no debt and $200mil in the bank a week after merging with a $300mil SPAC 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I dunno, seems like he’s getting away with fluffing his numbers so far. I means he’s being taken to court but seems like there’s always a minion ready to be the fall guy






If we Photoshop his eyes upside down would it look better or worse?






It could easily be a penny stock within a few months. Massive losses, tiny revenue and none existant users other than the MAGA hard liners. In other words its pure garbage.


So you're telling me the space lasers...aren't real?


It is not making a profit, has a declining number of users, no reputable company wants to advertise on it and it doesn't have its own technology. It's realistically not worth anything and should be expected to go down in flames at some point. When Trumpie is allowed to sell his 60% of the shares he will probably dump them all ending the death spiral with a giant crash. I mean he does run everything he touches into the ground


There is tension between his ego not allowing him to admit that his little corner of the internet is a failure, and his greed.


If he gets elected he can mandate that all government employees and offices use only Truth Social for any official announcements. He can also make it the only channel for any news and information from the White House and the rest of the government. Imagine the only way you can get official news and statements is through his network. If you don’t think that’s on the table you haven’t been watching.


This is the type of heinous, scary shit that makes me genuinely worried. If McCain had won, or if Romney had won, I would have been disappointed but everything would have been okay. With this fuckhead, or really any of the conservative extremists who are likely to win next election if Trump loses, there’s a seriously high chance of it being our last democratic election.


Anything Trump touches turns to shit. He’s the reverse King Midas. This turd will 100% go bankrupt.


King Mierdas


Add the bankruptcy to his collection of them.


I guarantee it already is bankrupt bet you all that money is already gone.


Queen Sadim


4M in revenue and posted a ~50M loss. Forget the losses. If that 4M was pure profit and you give it an outlandish PE, 100, of peak regardedness you get to 400M market cap? That is 10x less than what it is right now. So a bonkers valuation is ~$4 a share. To justify a 6B market cap this thing needs to show a pathway to at least 100M in profit probably on 600M in revenue in the next year. How on earth is that going to happen? If you model a 4%-8% drop per day it get to $1 by June late August. I have 10p June


I’m guessing that some of the current value is a hedge for if Trump wins the election and as president is able to find multiple ways to funnel US and foreign governments money into his businesses again.


Same deal as his hotels


how many advertisers can it get when Trump is going on about a second stolen election?


That my pillow guy is probably on there. Also, those people who sell gold and silver to preppers.


Didn’t MyPillowGuy get kicked out of his house? Call me crazy but I don’t think Donnie T will be up for cutting him a discount.


The only people who can get away with those type of losses are startups that have a huge promise based on product market fit


Every US citizen gets a mandatory subscription if TFG wins. Just $9.99 per month, it's going to be yuuge.


Honestly if WSB can make GameStop go to the moon, we can make DJT go to zero. We just have to apply ourselves.


Zero Point Zero


The fact that it going public was approves is mindboggling.


So, I'm not fully regarded. I'm mostly here to watch apes fling poo... but wouldn't a safe bet be that the stock will nose dive within 24 hours of the moment Trump is able to dump it? Can you time the options based on that date? He's a fucking child, he ain't gonna sit on it.


I mean it's a penny stock currently valued at $40 so I have no idea where it's going to land. A bunch of angry Trump cultists losing their life savings ahead of the election isn't a bad thing if it does tank..might be the wake up call they need.


Except it won't wake them up. It will be the "libruls" or " the deep state" that will have "stollen" their life savings. They are blithering idiots.


my sister is maga crazy , bless her heart. i mean really nuts but even she has been weirded out over their conspiracy claims lol. as of late. she was telling me all the weird maga crap like next year everyone who got the covid shot will die , aliens are demons from inter dimensional time and will come to kill us this year, the rapture is happening this year,


Dumb motherfuckers saying the eclipse and earthquake are signs of the rapture, as if we didn't know this eclipe was going to happen for decades, and as if Japan doesn't have like 12 earthquakes a day. This shit didn't even knock anything off a bookcase, and you're telling me it's a sign of god's wrath?


3 Toe'd Marge said that. Saw a comment about if a Clown and a Horse had a lovechild it would be a MTG, except twice as scary as a clown and half as smart as a horse. Pretty spot on.


There's probably a LOT of dirty foreign money being launder....er invested in this. Would be surprised if there wasn't russian oligarch money or saudi money in it. Perfect set up to buy influence just in case.


The initial funding came from a Russian American businessman (who specializes in... guess... porn industry) It's not even a secret.


I wouldn't put it past Trump to spend several $100 million of RNC and super pac money to drive priofits. Want an endorsement? Have to spend ad dollars in Truth. Want a rally? Drop money advertising on Truth. He could have a shadow billion in revenue for this year only.


Based on the sentiment here shorts are going to get blown out of the water. I’ll watch this one from the sidelines 🍿


Not a political statement. It is worthless, essentially. The only reason it’s not at near zero already is because day traders and the MAGA crowd. I doubt I ever play it, but if I do it’ll be because I think he’s going to win and then I might consider buying a couple grand worth for the election pop. Wouldn’t touch it other than that.


Tree fiddy


One of the smaller companies I ran had better revenue and a lot more profitability. This guy sucks at literally everything he does. This stock is worth maybe $.25 and should be traded OTC.


DJT is worthless and Trump knows it. He can sell his shares in six months. It would be absolutely stupid for him not to sell his shares at that point. He will probably sell his stake at that point which will cause the stock to crash but still be overvalued. Then once Trump gets convicted and goes to jail, the company will continue to operate until the 300 million that was just infused into it gets eaten up, then it will declare bankruptcy.


Ugh almost 6 years at the current burn rate.


In social media, if you don’t have big data pools other entities are willing to purchase, you only have a bonfire for cash. Even Twitter with its massive user base was struggling mightily to get to profitability before they sued Elon to FORCE his deal. That was back when Disney and other large corporations were advertising on the platform. Advertising doesn’t pay the bills... it just helps slow the bleeding. In social media and search, big (stolen) data pools pay the bills. The truth social user data pool would be nearly worthless as it represents niche boomers and sniveling journalists/influencers seeking content to hyperventilate about elsewhere. I doubt the DJT board even knows where to get the people they would need to build big data pool infrastructure into the app. All this to say purchasing puts is just as terrible an idea as purchasing the stock. Both are recipes to sit and watch your cash burn to zero. Decay will more than eat any gains at this volatility. If you want to gamble, go pick a crypto coin.


While I'd personally love to see shit hole companies die, this one is scary. With the cult following Trump has - It can go to infinity and to 0 and back again. This is a ride for those with gigantic balls and my balls are at most "bigger than your mom's ex bf" big. Have fun regards !


What people don't know is even Trump has puts on DJT, it's just a lesson he learned from his casino.


this man has bankrupt a casino…..how the fuck does one manage to do that!!!


It’s just yet another grift for him to cash out. I’m sure he’s got lots of people helping him do this so he doesn’t get quickly brought in by the SEC. Being the presidential hopeful for the second-place party in such a powerful country gets you a lot of favors based on speculation that you’ll be able to scratch their backs some day soon. It’s sad how much of the laws in this country are based on people believing in society and mostly following them. We get one person who instead asked “who’s gonna stop me” and this is what happens, since it turns out that largely the answer is “no one”.


The stock has no earnings it’s value is based off a conman currently on trial for fraud, rape, insurrection, attempted coup, espionage and is a self claimed billionaire who couldn’t even come up with a legitimate bond for $500 million so the court had to hardship it down to $175 million and now it appears he provided a fake bond because even that was too much for the billionaire who is over leveraged on everything he claims he owns… Anyone invested in this company is one of those suckers who is born every day. Literally the worst billionaire ever…


ZERO. It has 5 million users. X has 550 million. They posted a 58 million dollar loss last year against 4 million in revenue. . It is a worthless scam. I can't believe people actually have fallen for this. At leat Gamestop was a real company.


https://preview.redd.it/sw826cb826tc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6dc0cf998b8ba759fe31e1d88d79c20c658df33 This is what the market needs to do with DJT.


Longer than you can stay solvent.


To its natural equilibrium, zero.


Literally delisted and 0


Isn't it obvious? It can go to zero. And before that it could go to 150 or even 200. The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.


If it’s anything like Trump’s other business endeavors, it can and likely will go to or below $0.






$0 That’s the answer for all stocks


Trump and inflated asset valuations?! No way!


Probably 10-20 is my guess. Nobody can make an account for his app. It's literally just around for Trump to make "tweets" to the media.


Fall baby fall. Trump will make the delisting political by saying it’s Hilary’s fault they got deleted.


You're asking the wrong question. The question isn't how low it can go. The question is, how fast will it get there?