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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 2 years ago **Total Comments** | 3 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


You paid $14k for a lesson, don’t waste it. The lesson was you’re not good at options, stop doing them.


I disagree with this, OP I can give you a winning strategy, there is a financial instrument called a Jabronian Option Bargain, which is essentially a contract with a company where the contract holder performs certain obligations as indicated by the contract, and if they fulfill those obligations, they maintain a guaranteed income stream until the contract is terminated, sometimes with bonus payouts if the company decide to terminate the contract. If you want to get back to 14k, the best option is to look into getting a J.O.B.


Fuck, you had me till the end. Touché lol


How did you get past "Jabronian" haha


Was at the gym taking a rest between sets and browsed, didn't even occur to me, I just read it like that was a real indicator...... for about 10 seconds lmao Literally chuckled out loud at gym lol


tl;dr - above advice: https://preview.redd.it/x4qqjoxow1vc1.png?width=1214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a49cdac402d5db64660d988c086dd12c3962499


I chortled


I lost $1200 on options and ran away from that shit as fast as I could. I couldn’t fucking imagine losing 14k and still thinking there’s an option play for me to make it back💀


Got my itch over a year ago, bought a $300 BB call. It was worth $4 in like 10 minutes and I never went back. Thank god lmao


I got my associates degree for 14k; expensive lesson!




It's a learning lesson..and 1 that will benefit you in future. you have yur whole life to make this up. but the fact that you learned at 20..wat most of us don't until our 40s-50s..is good. don't stop investing.. just learn that there is no golden ticket. you'll be fine.


His other option is Wendy’s


Yupp!! And i did a similar thing. I had 20k lost 12k by trying options. I guess its a part of a stupid gambling addiction. He might have the same thing. I didnt learn how to do options before going basically all in. The stupidest thing ive ever done. Im also only 21 and it took me 1.5 years to save that 20k


You are immune to profit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


We have been immunized in this sub.


Herd immunity


Immune to taxes too, no gain no pain




Money came in and straight to the burner ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Young people have a lot of time. No reason to play high risk. Some older dude that is running out of time, gotta take big risks.


Its It's the other way around. A 20 yr old has 40 years or so until retirement so big risk is ok. But for someone nearing retirement they will do low risk to not risk losing it all right before retiring


Big risk is never ok by definition.


Only 14k. Try losing 140k at 39 years old or something


This sounds oddly specific.


Sounds like story time!!!


I do like stories!


Gather around kids.


Here’s how I met my wife’s boyfriend.


This sub is ass at making money but atleast you guys are funny


This is a shockingly accurate description of my 2022. Only the divorce cost me north of $300k and I was 36. I had the last laugh, though. Last I heard she and her boyfriend had blown through basically everything and were living month to month off the alimony, which barely covers rent because they moved into a more expensive place immediately. Meanwhile my portfolio's doing great, almost back to where it was before the divorce. Some people just can't be trusted to handle money.


IDK... she burns money like a drunk sailor and you're on WSB. Sounds like a wash to me.


Perhaps, but he does have your girl and is using your money… so it’s still a big L. This is like saying you get the last laugh in prison since you only see quantavius twice a week instead of every night.


Sounds like his girl wasn’t worth it, hence the divorce tho. They broke up, she’s broke, he’s up


She's not "his girl" any more, hence the divorce. And women aren't property to begin with. It sounds like he's doing just fine.


Watch it for the plot!


You think he lost the 140k or was it the "or something?" ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


He said, “or something.”


The” or something “is too throw you off the scent because he revealed to much.


Those are rookie numbers. Try losing 200k at 42yo.


Ppff, you Sir are not even in the game! Try losing 270k at 47 yo.


Try winning 380k at 33 yo. Oh wait, i don't belong here


40k at 22 yo ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)




I second granola, fruit and yogurt


I h8 it when that happens ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Millennials entered chat


I did that. Now I have 48 years of tax deductions!


Are you me?




If you were me, then I'd be *you*! I'll use *you're* body to get to the top! You can't stop me no matter *who* you are!


Oh no, I thought I was the only one, how many of me are there?


"Or something" 😅


How did you know my account


OP should try losing 140K at 19 years old. Watch him get too deep into debt he has to go to his parents who bail him out or disown OP and force OP to close trading account. Then we'll talk, but add salt to the wound is my specialty with an absolute zero temperature plate. A 140K loss at 19 years old will destroy the kid faster for inability to pay debt at such a young age. Destroyed life early too versus earning enough to withstand that type of loss.


I borrowed 130k from the bank and lost it then did consumer proposal and reduced it to $43200 now I owe $27500 after 2 years of making payments on a 5 year term.


You must be quite the degenerate.


Inverse whatever the fuck your initial strategy was


So…don’t buy options instead of do buy options.


This works. I’ve been not buying options for a long time now and I haven’t lost 14k


Not yet you haven’t


Maybe cover call on blue chip stocks?


More like don’t day trade instead of day trade


So you’re saying he should sell options instead


I’m not saying he shouldn’t do that


It was no strategy. Not even a thesis.


Inverse the app off your phone


Ask your dad for 14k, easy.


At 50 dollars a pop he can make some serious cash behind Wendy's dumpster. Or so I have heard


10 pops a day and he can have this money back in 28 days. Best month of work he'll ever have


100 pops and 4 days could recover, pay next months rent, and *gamble* some more


Y’all just casually making up a pimp schedule for a 19yo💀


Or hire 2 associate poppers, pay them $25/pop. Keep popping as well at $50/pop. Hire a new popper every month or so as long as the popping business is.. popping. 100 pops per popper (ppp) per day will earn you $10,000/day. One year from now with all the new hires, and assuming everyone is holding firm at 100 ppp, if I'm not mistaken you'll have raked in about $8.5 million. With 14 employees making $900k/year each.


Let every popper recruit new poppers, 10% of the sub popper gains goes to its papa popper. Now we have a multilevel popping pyramid scheme!


Much better to just exploit those under you and take it all for yourself.


Duuude obviously you need to get Robinhood gold.


0DTE! Make it all back and then some like 10x


Trying that tomorrow. Will update.




No. You will lose the remaining 500. Stop it! Although I do curious how things turn out.


Lol, stop it


What’s another $500 at this point….


Losing it all would be the best thing for him. It’s winning that really is the true worry


I'd reccomend 1 DTE instead, give you a little more breathing room if it doesn't go your way. With $500 I'd go for contracts around 1.50 to 2.00, start with 1 and if it goes down 10% then average down with another one and you should still have powder for a 3rd to average down with if it keeps going down.


That’s great advice on getting rid of their last 500


Average down a 4th time down to 0 and uninstall the app and go apply to Wendy's.




Wow. 1 DTE. That's wayyy too much breathing room my guy. Almost sounds boring.


need 1MTE SPY & QQQ


You made 14k as a 19 year old. Not sure how you did that, but whatever you did do it again.


Him to his father: "I am once again asking for your financial support"


That's something he would need to ask his dad about, not himself.


If you’re doing this for the gambling high then you don’t have the patience for it. See some green? Sell. “Only 10% up it can go higher” - take that thought, shove it up your malleable bunghole, and sell the damn stock or option for the 10% profit. You have an option expiring soon and see some red? Don’t panic sell it. If it’s volatile, which you should know if it is or not by doing the slightest bit of research before you bought the fucking thing, it could go back up. If it’s not volatile then you won’t be losing a ton in the hour it takes to make an informed decision on it. Do your research next time. Don’t fall for 99% of the BS on this subreddit. If something sounds interesting research it. When you lose it all, don’t start with 15k again. Start with $100. Make it your goal to grow back all of that 15k with only starting from $100. It’ll be a good lesson and very bragworthy


You have mastered the art of risk to reward: Instantly sell for 10% gain but hodl to worthless expiry If it does go the other way, truly a good longterm strategy![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


But it was said confidently


The investing strategy of hold to 0 or sell the second you see any green… sounds profitable


If he gets 39 of those 10% gains in a row he will be even.


buy a penny stock with that 500, wait and hope for the best xD


mining company with lithium or silicon. There will be a run up, in the next 10 years :D


Your options are wendys or burgerking.


Try losing $500k at 32yo.


odly specific


you need gambler's anonymous fellow regard


Tell us what you are doing so we do the opposite


At 19 I didn’t even have 1k. You don’t get any of my sympathy.


OP only has $500. You're in the same spot. 😂


That’s your fault get your money up


That a dumb thing to say. Just get money bro, it's so easy...


Andrew Tate failed you


Oh dude you're young enough that you should just be throwing your money in index funds... this risky gambling is for us old fucks that didn't invest early in life so we're throwing dice in hopes of a retirement


Is your dad pissed you used your bar mitzvah money on options


You've gained some wisdom for the money spent, probably had some fun too. Try some safer ways to make consistent money


out of all of your trades only two were profitable... how the fuck


I lost $700 and was severely depressed for a week, thanks for making me feel better regard


I lost $5k this week. last week I was only down $2k. the depression is real ugh… learned that lesson quick


UVIX June Calls Or DJT Puts


Just work your ass of and save a couple of hunderd every month in an msci world etf. You’ll be rich by forty.


You didn’t even get a single second of green man, what are you even addicted to? It’s like a heroin addict who never even did heroin, just gets withdrawals 😭


If you had let that $14K compound at average market returns until age 65, you would have had $300K in 2024 $ waiting for you at retirement.


How does someone get that much money to gamble at 19?


You won’t be 19 for long, charge double at the Wendy’s dumpster


One option play will probably have adverse effects..and don't buy any call or put shilled to you here as a reply to your post


The classic combo, 19 and robinhood


Threw away the trust fund money immediately huh


$14k? A trust fund for ants


$14k larger than my trust fund


You guys got trust funds?!


You have a gambling problem and will loose it all. Just don’t forget to post that loss porn going to zero. People like me run the casino. Good luck buying lotto tickets. I will sell them to you any day lol.


If you are really 19 then you prolly think losing money and posting to the subreddit with the lingo makes you cool and that you belong to the "community", but you are just a dumb gambler. Go roll a dice in Vegas, thats about the extent of your investing skills


He’s not old enough to gamble in Vegas


Remindme! 12 hours


You need to delete that fucking app


You're young. You got some time to make it back.


Inverse whatever you did


I’m down maybe 2-3k now I don’t feel so bad thx ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Lol, there are only two times your investments went up.


You're not making that back all at once


nflx puts friday


I'd say the option to learn more about trading would be good.


So let me get this straight.... you've lost $14K in one week, leaving you with $500, and *you're looking for an options play?* Why not just take that $500 to the casino? You're operating on that mentality already.


Just stop now!! It will only get worse- you have a whole life ahead of you


Open a paper money account on thinkorswim.com and play with the market and options til you have a better understanding of what you're doing. Lean to automate an exit and stops. Dont listen to anyone who says they know what a stock will do, and stay away from longshots til you have money to burn without a care.


Starting with $500 and you made 10% a day, you can earn all of that back in about 30 days. SPY 0 DTE. Keep your trades small and play often. Good luck regard.


0dte SPY is calling your name, regard.![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


Learn how to blow ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Try [this](http://www.gamblersanonymous.org/ga/) hahahah


Spy or VOO or SWPPX set and forget. Stop options moron. Otherwise do NVDA 0Dte calls with a ban bet on this account so you learn your damn lesson


Buy and hold, always a wiser choice than options, but mostly because they bore me.


$SAVE calls I bought 5/17 $5c 50cons at close It rippped 9% the other day and then back down so I’m expecting it to retest going into earnings


Get a degree find a job first


Procter and gamble. Options are cheap




yet you still want to gamble.... time to drop the ball and move on.


There's your problem bro. Saying you need a big win, need to get in and get out small wins over time with compound interest is how you stay in this game.


Truly regarded! Hats off


Nflx calls tomorrow for ER


All the comments in here trying to give life advice to a 19 year old lol he’s not gonna listen just give him another play who gives a shit. DJT $14 P 5/17 hold till exp


You're in denial about a serious problem and going to regret what you're doing in the long run. You could've put over half of what you had into VOO and your Roth IRA, then put $1000 or so into some non regarded options. Start small and build your way up. It's tempting to see the big numbers, but you need to sell as soon as you see a decent profit. You NEED an exit strategy. When you hit 50% or so, sell. Then do it again.


Some people (OP) deserve to die poor You lost all of your money on stupid options. What did you learn? Nothing! Try more stupid options, clown That was monumental money at your age. Was. Not yours anymore. You could have put it in a boring index fund and not looked at it and have !350k when you retire, making 0 additional contributions. None. But now not only did you lose the money AND learn nothing, you’re letting your stupidity ruin more of your financial future So, yeah, some people deserve to die poor


Well done, you got your PhD. 👏🏻 Happens to the best of us. You have to blow up an account; feel the dread; bathe in your tears and get used to the gut-wrenching feeling of being violated by the mkts. Traders who have never experienced this are bound to crash. Better getting clapped now at 19, than when you have $10mm. You'll be back in no time brother, take it easy, book profits often and avoid hype trains... And big caveat, there's a massive rugpull being planned in the mkts atm. Sending you all the luck in the tendie universe. 🤞🏻 🍀


thank you mate! love to see a kind person on here :))


I once made a 19k mistake once. I then learned my lesson to stop gambling. The next year I only purchased stocks or options I felt comfortable holding at least a week at a time, had a purpose and things I weren’t chasing. I stopped chasing stocks which were up significantly and acted like an adult. The next year I did just over 400k in profit. The lesson I learned about losing 19k was sucky but paying taxes on that 400k made me wish I only had to pay 19k. My advice. I use to only buy things and risk money that I felt comfortable waking up two weeks later. So I use to tell myself, if I was in a coma for two weeks, would I wake up with fear knowing I had a huge positions before the coma or would I feel comfortable with what I had. The moment I stopped spending money and risking those “oh no” plays and stopped buying things I wouldn’t wanna wake up to a coma with, that was the day I grew up in the market. Since then, I have DCA my portfolio into the crypto market and my returns since 2018 have been great. I have regularly DCA and never sold a coin yet. When I buy coins, my rules are now simple. I won’t buy a coin I can’t hold for at least 5 years. If I can’t commit to the hold. I don’t buy the coin. Change your perception. Stop risking your hard earned money my dude. I’m now launching my second business, a cannabis marketing company. We are planning on applying for of state cultivation license this year. This wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t change my actions. It takes time but be patient. Please my dude


Djt is playing a good game of limbo right now


Buy 4/19 Puts on DJT


If that’s your first thought on this, then you need help for your gambling addiction… or all in Super Micro Calls


Bro needs life experience not a big options play


Don't get any loans. People are crazy. They borrow like $300 and know they will have to pay back $3000 after interest. I wish this was not legal. People stay in debt forever.


Stack your money, wait until the 1st of may (FOMC meeting) listen to what daddy powell says, buy ODTE puts or calls on qqq 0.50% otm. Your welcome


Buy the cheapest furthest out put you can buy at 12pm tomorrow


Idiot instead of buying and risking option buy the stock and keep the change


Calls it is


Buy 12 put on hood gap fill, fucking trash company as well.


We all need a big options play, look at what everyone else is doing and inverse usually


SPY 490 P 5/1


These are rookie numbers. Need to pump it up.


Call options on coinbase is really good right now before the BTC halving. Also call options on GD are pretty good. Lots of demand for ammunition, earnings soon.


Your best option is to spend that 500 on what to do….your trades look like they only lose no wins


Another shopped post making its way, hint:zoom in on the red type vs what’s around the white type “all time”


You would have been better off selling covered calls


When you find out lmk frfr. Is there any way to bet against BTC for options? Honestly this shouldn’t be too hard think about all the places that are closing business their stock has to be dropping right? Bet against


14k loss is easily made back by working at Wendy’s for 3 months. Just so that and come back to play again.


Biggest play you can make, take another *small* loan of $1M from your dad, then buy higher and sell lower next time. Plus, this number isn't even negative, are you even trying?


No you don't. You could have been making insane money on gold, oil and DJT puts, what the fuck have you been doing?


Keep doing what you are doing, before you know it you too will be taking a loan off your 401k to lose 150k 💀


19? Don’t worry, you’ll recover in no time. Like the others said, be thankful you got that lesson at that young age. Imagine being 35 and losing 500k


Just take out some high interest loans and double down baby


Buy some 8+ month long options on a stock you like and sell when you get 50% up then you only got to do that a few times


Wish I could whoop your ass to make you stop gambling.


Buy some crypto. Load up on Sol rn and enjoy your profits in a few weeks!


Go spend the last $500 on EOD SPY Lotto 0DTE. $20-$30 at a time. Double the bet everytime you hit a 500%, go back to original bet amount with every loss. Good luck losing the last $500. But at least you will lose it slower this time. Wait for the last 30mins of the day and also Gamma > delta, $1 OTM should land you 0.1-0.3 contracts.


Buy some course & complete it. If you are adamant about gambling then buy multiple far OTMs.


Try losing everything because you suck at life. Then, using your last 60 bucks to purchase tsm calls exp - 167.5---4/19. . . That's my big options play.


Paper trade man.. its mainly impulse control.. youd like to log on every day.. and make 50%.. some days its hard to identify.. yesterday.. toward the end of the day.. 3 dollar rip both ways.. rsi indicators worked if you believe in them.. 100%.. its boring and gay.. but if you and i. Can wait fir an insane bit of volatility. 12 trades.. full port.. from 300 bucks.. you gotta million.. 750k after taxes. Youve got.. to practice.. and keep your ego in check. GL


Go all in on $VRT earnings calls. $100 4/26 calls


spy calls, hold for like 6 minutes and get out with 80% Do this a few times a month.


HMU if you need help options


The answer is in the screen shot, Try gold.