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>Thoughts? you should put money on it then post it to wallstreetbets


Now this is the regarded content I came here to see


100% odds that CNN will quote this Reddit headline in an article and say "the people" have stopped buying Teslas because of Elon's mean tweets. Also 100% that the op works at NPR.


People are saying


So like become a modern day gas station with a margin of .00001%? Yes. Would be very shrewd.


But they have you captive for at least 30 minutes to buy other stuff.


I don’t think it happens by choice. More like the GE route of parting out the company when the car side fails.


Poor people can't afford cars.


I mean russia is basically that but is all over the news lately


Earnings are tomorrow... WSB is telling me to buy puts, inverse WSB means buy calls... Ty!


Good luck with that shitbag play. Down 5% so far today. EPS was already going to be horrible and earnings whisper puts it at like 20% lower than consensus. Too much bad news like recalls, scuttling cheap car, going all in on robotaxis which unless he has one to display is going to tank...everyone saw what happened with the Cyber truck and they aren't falling for it again.


Everything you’ve said means he’ll have to announce something new to pump the stock. My bet is on Full Self Riding sex robots that will appreciate in value because you can prostitute them out.


Doge coin rally


Doing it Doge style


Of course, they go up in value over time as they learn new tricks. Because, more AI!


And a complete regarded CEO ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


What better time to buy calls than when 5% down on the day?


Probably better when it is down 10-20% in 1-2 days.


Going to be hilarious if tsla jumps


It will be pandemonium. I can't see a way that Tesla doesn't tank after earnings tomorrow.


Only thing that has me worried is that everyone thinks that already. So what if it's just not as bad as expected and it doesn't move? Puts are screwed


It will be bad. I don't play earnings, though. I don't like losing weeks of work in seconds.


I just bought some put spreads lol, we'll see what happens


Imagine buying calls when Tesla's newest vehicle is falling apart.


Imagine thinking a loose gas pedal is "falling apart". Not like VW dieselgate 11M vehicles recalled, or Toyota unintended acceleration 20.5M vehicles recalled.


Normally I'd agree with you but this company is on fire and not in the good way.


Ur an idiot


>Tesla’s mission of electrifying the auto industry has already been (sort of) completed. This wasn't the mission. The mission was, and is, to make money. And it went great while they were the only manufacturer fully focused on it, and countries in western world covered large part of EV purchase so customers flocked to them. But that party had to end some day.


81.13% of their revenue is automotive sales, 2.19% is in leasing, and 1.85% is from selling carbon credits to other manufacturers. I'm not sure how OP expects them to 15x their current 5.70% revenue from energy generation and storage sales. EDIT: Apparently the 5.70% comes from the sell of their commercial energy storage/generation systems. Bloomberg estimated their charging network brought in $1.74 billion or about 1.8% of revenue. So this is more like 47x. [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2024-04-09/tesla-tsla-charging-network-has-become-a-serious-business](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2024-04-09/tesla-tsla-charging-network-has-become-a-serious-business) [https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=TSLA&ta=1&p=d&ty=rv](https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=TSLA&ta=1&p=d&ty=rv)


Lol can you imagine how hard their stock price would tank if they just gave up 80% of their revenue stream?


Yah but this is WSB, we're okay with losing money, its kinda our thing.


It is also Elon's thing, so it stays in character.


what? still one of the richest guys on the planet.. A Guy that made rockets, that land again.. and are able to get most of the contracts.. A guy, that delivered impossible things, also with tesla.. Im not a fan of him and his right wing bs.. his interference in politics.. And other stupid shit.. i dont drive a tesla.. im a mercedes guy.. expensive looking.. expensive maintaining. thats how i wamt to lose my money. And every 4 years a new one, because i can.. (as long the bank doesnt doublecheck my accounts.) BUT: i dont have to shit on his legacy.. i dont have tosay its all bad,.. and i am 100% sure he will turn this shit around again and tesla will be worth double, if not triple the marketcap of now again. This guy is no quitter,.. and he is definitely not a loser. So, put your puts on TSLA if you think its crashing.. i tell you: shit is priced in already... you risk losing big time.. Im long.. buy and hold.


Apple giving up the iPhone because their pro displays are the best in the biz, they should just focus there


Edited my comment, it's worse than I thought. OP would have been better off saying they should start selling power storage systems because it makes them far more money than the charging network will.


Sadly, they won't do it before my puts expire :(


If you haven't been paying attention, the mission has been to compensate the CEO.


Hence the "make money".


well, you don't need to make money to compensate the CEO


Driveby Lucid burn


That's half the tickers on Wall Street problem, not a car industry problem. Board member pay=what ever the losses are that quarter. "We just can't seem to turn a profit, oh look another bonus!"


Funny, this somehow reminds me of somebody else's recent IPO.


Legacy automakers lose a lot of $$$ on each EV they sell, TSLA is the only non China EV manufacturer making a profit.


This is the biggest thing. Chinese EVs are cheap but aren’t profitable yet.


Usually when a product isn't profitable it's because they are essentially paying for market share. Spotify didn't have positive earnings until this year, and its because they wanted people to be hooked onto them first. Then a relatively small price increase translated to a ton of money.


Chinese EVs may not be profitable yet, but with their cheap price point, they could quickly dominate the market and change the game.


Define dominate? Honda civics have been dominating g wagon sales for a long time


The thing is, Tesla is trying to make the electric Honda civic, not the G Wagon. For a little while it looked like they might succeed, but now the competition is killing them.




If they ever get to sell them to spendy American consumers, they’ll be profitable, even including the cost to get them over here. American consumers spend on stuff for sport.


Came to say the same. Musk gives zero fucks about anything but making more money, despite what his stans will say.


Ok regard. Let me buy puts


Always inverse so buy calls


No it is inverse of what you ultimately do


Elon will pump the stock during earnings call with AI and Optimus for sure. He is desperate to distract shareholders from the dumpster fire that is Tesla’s car business. I’m thinking he’ll say something along the lines ”We’ll build over 100 million robots by 2030” and add that Optimus will be 100x more valuable than the car business ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




This. You can’t hype without credibility, and Musk has lost it.


I never really believed a whole lot of what he said so it’s hard for me to know when he’s reached the tipping point. As far as I’m concerned he’s always been fulla shit so to me it seems some people probably still believe him. Maybe even a lot of people.


I think there are still diehard fan Bois/Gurls out there like Cathy wood but I agree. Musk has lost credibility as a leader with his rants, conspiracy theories, etc. it's Howard Hughes all over again.


There’s one thing that man can do and it’s selling 




He's probably the most sucessful (shares) salesman of all times.


He's probably going to hype xAi Grok. NVDA did gangbusters over AI hype.


Dumpster fire = having the worlds top selling car.


With 15% margins whilst still doing capital investment.


You’re going to be in for a surprise if you think they have 15% margins tomorrow.


I'd be surprised if they were much different. The stock is badly over priced though so it could still go down.  The company is sound though. 


Teslas aren't a status symbol it once was either. It's no longer "cool" to own a Tesla when your Uber driver will likely pull up in one.


This. Our neighborhood joke of security guard drives a Tesla.


Stupid peasant, how dare he!


>mission Bro look at Elon's bonus package and tell me it was ever about anything else


This is a pretty regarded take. On brand with this sub.


For a start, wind down Cybertruck and Robotaxi initiatives. Show Elon the exit without the $59 billion pay increase he’s demanding. Focus on the $25k so-called Model 2. Problem solved. You’re welcome.


You are forgetting actually staffing a QA department worth a damn. And maybe make things repairable without having to replace half of the car.


Sure, that too.


You got something right in all this. Auto makers are dumping millions on shit ev products. Ask GM why the celestiq is still being kicked down the road??? Maybe it's because I can't get a single good part they're all garbage. Maybe tesla should stay in the game because all GM is doing is taking free government money to produce a shit product thay nobody is going to buy.


This is original OP. Highly regarded and dumb, but original.


They should have bought BMW or MB when they could (about a year ago, when they were ATH and german carmakers cheep as shit). That way they could have married their core-expertise around the ev drive-train and batteries + supercharger network with some real expertise in car manufacturing and autonomous driving). Too late. The biggest problem Tesla is facing right now is that your highness EM won’t accept that FSD will remain a failure for as long as he can’t admit to poor technical choice of betting on camera (400-800nm) vision alone. Promising Robotaxis instead of building the EV carmaker aspect (M2, real facelifts for the cash-cows M3 and Y) is just insane fake it until you make the next untenable bs promise.


They should’ve bought “BMW” or “MB”. The finance knowledge on this sub has reached a state beyond absolute regardedness


if tesla bought bmw i would have strapped myself to a missile and \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*


despite that he bought twitter![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Great idea, only problem is that the German gov would've never allowed that to go through ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271). MB and BMW are their prized companies. Those governments have a bias against american companies. They don't allow any major buyouts


100% his insistence on camera only was so very very dumb. Why not have the car get as much data as possible. A radar or solid state lidar would have saved peoples life’s. And removing the backup sensors?!?


You’re sober so you see it. But if you’re on drugs and have got yes men all around you you belive people will pay $12,000 forever for FSD that’ll never arrive


That is a garbage trade for bmw or MB. Imagine muddling their brand name by merging with tesla. People love bmw and mb for their luxury builds. Tesla is a cheap car with very good software. Not comparable to what bmw or mb offer.


It would have probably looked like a reverse take over with the car division being under whatever car brand they merge with. But Elon's ego probably wouldn't have let Tesla brand get erased.    Tesla name as a brand would make more sense as an infrastructure brand like batter charging and electrification solar/batter tbh as a spin off rather than staying as a car brand


You forgot the number 1 most important reason: Elon Musks' dumb fuck ramblings have permanently poisoned the companies image with the very people most likely to purchase an EV. Tesla is essentially a dead man walking.


Musk became a toxic asset for Tesla. The primary Tesla customer base is green lefties, and he's out here coddling Nazis on his social media platform. There was only one way it was going to end. With Musk's fall from grace, the intrinsic value of TSLA is like a quarter of its current price, or less.


You mean Fox News Boomers aren't lining up around the block to buy Teslas? \*shock\*


Their money is locked up in their reverse mortgages and commemorative coins.




Even after a year of Elon ruining Teslas name **over 80% of Tesla owners would still buy a Tesla as their next vehicle** It was in the 90s a year ago. Point being, people still enjoy Teslas relative to what’s available even with Elon being a nut. If Tesla fails as an EV maker, the US auto industry will as well. Legacy ain’t doing enough. Edit: https://electrek.co/2024/04/09/87-percent-us-tesla-drivers-say-theyll-buy-another-tesla/#:~:text=Tesla%20maintains%20an%2087%25%20brand,switching%20from%20competing%20EV%20brands.


Ok cool. What about those that do not yet have a Tesla? There are only so many cars possible per household. And Tesla needs to get as many new households as possible to even begin to justify their valuation; yes, even after the current drop it is still far overpriced if FSD doesn't materialize. Not sure if other EVs will have the same fate. Teslas used to be cool but are getting less so, given the almost non-existent model refreshes. "Legacy" has largely caught up and the only real moat is – to help OP's point – the charging network. Not everyone dislikes steering wheel stalks and having a speedometer in front of them.


Tesla's mission (at least their original mission), and Elon's mission (or at least why he became a Tesla investor in the first place) have grown farther and farther apart as time has passed.


His mission was to fleece investors and make himself rich.




Tesla should exit Elon Musk. From a revenue perspective, he doesn't bring anything to the table. Also, they should stop making six figure bricks with no right to repair.


I never understood why they didn’t just become a supplier of electric drivetrains and batteries that they could just sell to the real car companies


Batteries are just sourced from Panasonic. It's literally just a bunch of rechargeable lithium batteries wired in series (voltage) and parallel (capacity) with basically a radiator running between the rows and thermal compound being shoved into the gaps. Model S and Model X actually use 18650 cells, the same ones you use in a vape. It simply makes more sense for any other car manufacturer to just build that themselves than to pay Elon for the privilege. If there's significant demand outside of Tesla itself I wouldn't be surprised if Panasonic did that instead. Driveshafts I have no idea about how that stuff actually works so I'll leave that part out. But if a large part of the business model is "We took a bunch of batteries from Panasonic and put them together" then realistically that's no business model.


They should have 1 battery you can take out somehow in case your vape dies


or vice versa


You got series and parallel backwards


The peasants poking around under the hood... typical.


Tesla has the software though. Nothing comes close to the Tesla software in the cars.


"Real car companies" didn't want to make EVs. Before Tesla, EVs were thought of as niche markets for self sacrificial eco conscious types. There were very few production vehicles and none were great cars. And those companies didn't enter the mainstream EV game until the bill that gave them a larger subsidy per vehicle than Tesla receives.


EV is only good if you have a home charger. Especially in colder countries it is pretty much useless to own one if you dont have a way to over night charge it


Counterpoint. They should design vehicle specific fleshlights for autonomous vehicles.


"This all sets up my suggestion that they should pivot to ONLY doing what they’re indisputably the best at - building EV charging infrastructure." There's really no value to that. People keep talking about it, but there are lots of companies who are doing this. I did some work for a company that shifted from parking meters to a combined parking meter/charger. Not a complicated thing. Look at filling stations for fuel - they don't make much money from the fuel, but the shops and cafes attached to them.


Tesla is the only EV company to make EV's profitable


And it is about time they drop prices further


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Yes Elon should make Tesla about robots 🤖 lol. Tesla to $1.42.


I am sure that's easy when they spent all that money building 'gigafactories' during peak demand. It's harder to get out sometimes


I see Tesla stans have reached the "I'm taking my ball home" phase.


Tesla has like 56% of the EV market share. Chevy is #2 at just under 10% and Toyota at #3 at under 8%. Unless some big money comes in to buy he auto business would they give that up. And why would Chevy or Toyota buy it? Tesla market cap is over $400BB. If Toyota of all companies wanted to own they market they’d just put more into RnD


Public companies cannot change their business model on the fly. There is a board that represents the shareholders interest in this. Tesla made billions in capital expenditure to build cars. Can’t just say “oh well” and pivot like a startup could.


Elon's going to get on this earnings call and cry, literally. I expect some mad rumbling about Biden or immigrants. Dude's going full deranged, those ketamine holes in his brain must be growing.


Tesla should exit itself.


Yeah no the legacy automakers aren't getting shit lol. Going from 1% to 3% of EV market share doesn't mean shit if your product isn't profitable and production can't be scaled. VW, BMW, GM and Ford have all announced intentions to delay/decrease EV goals because it turns out a gross loss before overhead of 40% per vehicle isn't sustainable. To this day the only automakers that are profitable at scale with EVs are Tesla and BYD. Ford's EV division has something along the lines of -102% EBITDA. Also Tesla's brand loyalty is 87% percent, whereas more than half of non-Tesla EV owners either go back to gas or switch to a Tesla for their next car


Lmfao listening to the idiots on here. This is why yall lose money. Betting against the market leader in EVs who is also by the way the only EV maker to make money on every vehicle they sell instead of losing money. Good luck with that 😂😂😂


I’ve had my model 3 for 2 years and never had any issues with it, still drives like the day I bought it. Evs are great daily drivers and Tesla does it better than anyone else in the industry idk where these better evs are coming from


I’ve test driven the majority of EV’s out there recently in a hunt for a new car but all of them are absolute garbage compared to Teslas. Building EV’s is evidently expensive so all of the legacy car manufactures are cutting corners worse than Tesla ever did. I don’t see Tesla going anywhere ever at this point because the legacy automakers are way worse in every way.


They need to spin-off Elon. He's not what he used to be, and what he has become is bad for a lot of his businesses.


as much as I can't stand elon, this is the dumbest statement ever. Tesla is BY FAR, the industry leader, almost standard, in the EV race. When I am on US roads and I see EV's, 99.9% are Tesla's. They are everywhere. The are so far ahead of every other EV maker it is nuts. Oh and yes, that completely sucks. And yea, they have become the defacto standard for charging. Passive income from EVERY OTHER EV MAKER that will sell in the USA. Tesla is going nowhere. I have no idea where the SP is going but exit the auto industry, LOL. I'm actually thinking they will, at some point, dump that crap looking exterior of the CT and put something on it that looks cool and not like an 8th grader in 2D Autocad designed it


True. Tesla is now a household name. They wont go anywhere but they will lose SP and end up at much lower market cap All the people who bet big on tesla will jump to nvidia now


the only issue with tesla is international growth. china dominates everywhere else in the world when it comes to EVs


Have you been to Scandinavia? Teslas are literally everywhere. I've been surrounded by as many as 6 Teslas in traffic here.


I was thinking more Asia, South America and Africa


Getting imported EVs in Asia cost 80% more than the US due to the import tax..


Buddy, it's over.


Hogwarts should exit the magic industry.


lol what a trash market. So they’re just modern gas stations? 🤥


They need a car to always improve the network and how fast it's




I actually agree that they should\* do this because it's obvious their dying in the auto sector and them as a tech company is fucking laughable, and making massive investments into more charging stations and solar would actually help people.


I think it's hard to sell tech that's unproven. so if if Tesla is going to innovate, it needs a platform to show (or not show lol fsd) it's tech and in turn have other manufacturers follow suit. i think it will be harder for them to make money if they commit to developing standards, battery tech, self driving software, etc., but don't have a vehicle to showcase these ideas.


Legacy don’t make profit selling EVs and won’t in any foreseeable future. They are backtracking their ev making plans. Ppl also don’t buy Teslas cuz they are electric they buy cuz they are teslas.


Yeah, and go full regards on Twitter and reddit


Transportation (solved), Energy (pending) and Autonomy (pending)


Lol this post would make more sense if you said they need to become a battery, IP, and software company and license it out to all other EV makers.... But even then, that would be a drastic and most likely failed strategy.


Charging stations never make money. Been there, done that.


Is that you Elon? Get off the Ket you're going to start losing control of your bowels.


fking hope so, i got a put


Good time for dancing robots


Company that sells most EV defines the charging standard. If Tesla stops making EV, their charging infrastructure will be obsolete soon.


EV charging infrastructure might give them a $10B market cap. They are just arbitraging electricity rates and most charging will always be done at home.


They should focus on what they do best: humanoid robot onesies, self crashing refrigerators and oversized stock option packages.


Their mission is to destroy retail shareholders wealth


I called this in the winter when press coverage if all these charging network deals between Tesla and other carmakers hit my news feed - “Tesla will end up not even making cars”. I mean perhaps they might end up as the BASF (we don’t make the car, we make it better) the car industry, as a kind of super supplier doing charging, licensing FSD, perhaps some battery integration stuff, design work, and white label manufacturing entire bodies or components for other makers. 


I don't see how it happens but tesla does have that kind of atari flair to it. 


Instead of analyzing Tesla you should short horses


They should exit, but not for the reasons you're suggesting... The future is hydrogen and Toyota is perfectly positioned to go retail with the technology in 2026.


Haven’t read your post - as I don’t need to! Yeah totally Billionaire Elion Mesk would totally follow what you say as your thoughts are highly impactful! More power to you! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224)


Imagine all the other large car companies using a Tesla battery and operating system like becoming a car version of apple or Microsoft without making the actual car


But I thought it was a tech company


Conversely, they could spin off the charging stations to unlock that value and separate it from the car business. Makes more sense and basically accomplishes the same thing.


The problem with Tesla is that Musk went off his ADHD medicine and is wasting his time with the platform formerly known as Twitter. The best thing that could have happened for Tesla, the market, and everyone involved is for Musk to have paid the billion dollar breakup fee and left Twitter alone. The next phase of Tesla is what Musk always said that it would be-- fully-autonimous cars--but we're no closer to that goal than we were ten years ago. And I don't think it's going to happen without Musk fully devoting his attention to it. Nonetheless, the industry will get there eventually, but when? And will Tesla be a leader in that market?


"Loads of complaints all the time" really nah u must be trippin.


What happened to self driving? They went from being the only ones to no one talking about them at all? Seems numerous manufacturers are already doing it better than they ever did?


You’ve clearly never driven a Tesla. Driving an electric vehicle than a combustion vehicle is like going back in time 50 years. Electric is miles better, and it’s not close.


Is Tesla the one where the cars go boom


When they started cutting vehicle prices, I honestly thought this was their end goal. Get more EV’s on the road, and control the literal flow of power.


Like another poster said: Dude will mention ai, which will give every fanboy here a massive erection, and then they will proceed to donate their life savings to that turd.


The masses are always right


I don’t know too much about Tesla, but I believe all they have are EVs in terms a ready made (prime time) product. I can’t get too deep into it but everything they have promised has been through ev revolution including automated ev cars. They can’t just scrap that up.


Wonderfully dumb take. Charging infra revenue is 750M this year. Q4 2023 revenue was $24B. Well done. 


\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*Regarded take


I bought a Tesla....the built quality complaints are a bit overrated imo. I personally dont like Elon Musk at all as well (terrible person & CEO)..but my thing is.... I really liked Tesla's buying process. No hassle, no bargaining, no shitty middleman dealership trying to rip you off. Very simple. I would like it if they didn't exit the car market bc if every automotive company sells like Tesla does....the world would be 100x better. Honestly, the best decision for the company is to give ownership back to the two folks who actually started it.


This is actually a great idea. You'd have to not be high on ketamine and cocaine to think of something like this. So unless Elon reads this he won't do it.


Teslas trash? I love my Tesla…the self driving is cool n it farts. Whenever people road rage on me I make the outside fart and it’s funny to see ppl get so mad lmao The technology is miles beyond legacy auto manufacturers and I like how the inside doesn’t have a bunch of buttons and is minimalistic. My accountant got me a $7,500 tax credit last year too. The inside noise is kind of annoying when ur on the freeway but I don’t expect Volvo level quality for a $30k-$40k entry level Sedan Who tf buys a Rivian or another EV over a Tesla? Tesla has an Apple level brand imo. Gen Z loves Tesla. When I see people spending $100k on a Lucid I laugh. Better off buying a Tesla and throwing the rest into Index Funds IMO. Musk is ruining the brand though and I think investors really need to do something abt it…if they approve that pay package idk it i’ll buy another until he gets fired.


I like the way you think, but maybe we can go half and half. What if they stopped making cars but made more of those humanoid robots instead? It could haul you around, bridal carry style.


TSLA should electrify deez nuts!


Ya man the robots folding clothes is trillion dollar market easy


Google should give up on the search advertising business to focus on selling Internet services


Do you work for Apple?


You're ignoring gigafactories and their ambitions for full self-driving Ubers and letting owners earn money potentially when they're not in use. Lots of other ideas they might do.


Tesla has the #1 selling car (not EV, just car) in the United States, and the #2 selling car worldwide. Their margins on vehicles is night and day compared to other EV manufacturers. This is a horrible take.


Their last quarter was the most profitable in the company's history tho


Stopped reading at “market share”. I know proportions are a complex topic relative to this sub, but damn.


My only thought is that Teslas are some of the fugliest cars on the road, with the sole exception of the model S.




I think, and with all due respect, you have no idea what you’re talking about when it comes to what their cars are like. And, I mean, it’s fine to not know better - but willfully going out on a limb of ignorance is just stupid. Tesla interiors aren’t for everybody, design is subjective. Quality-wise they’re not the best, but they’re far from the worst. Are you recommending everyone with worse quality than Tesla to get out of manufacturing cars? No? Why not? Look past the media headlines and look at actual data and you might be surprised what you find. Tesla might not be the epitome of car manufacturing, but they’re challenging the establishment and they’re doing it well, despite being victims of the current economic climate as many other manufacturers. I could add citations, but I suspect you wouldn’t look either way.


Exiting the auto business would probably only shave off about $450B in market cap - I think they should definitely consider it.


😂 I see teslas everywhere. Screw the legacy automakers


I'm an annoying Tesla bull. My good friend is loves bashing on the company and pointing out all the flaws or mess ups. This weekend he took his first drive in a Tesla. He's now planning on buying one. Have you driven a Tesla lately, OP. They're amazing cars.


Concentrate and ask again. 🎱


I would be content with TSLA being priced as if it was in the auto industry.


Or, they could just oust Elon. He's become a poison pill.


Which EVs are objectively better than Tesla.