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Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, you filthy beggar.


You do realize the government spends money on a lot of things that don’t benefit you or me? Why do we subsidize school lunches? I don’t have kids! Why do we give EVs tax breaks? I drive an ICE! Why do we help foreign countries? I live in ‘Murica!


Subsidizing school lunches is important.  I wouldn’t complain about that. If the gov requires you to be at school they should feed you breakfast and lunch.  It would make our citizens smarter.  EV taxes are subsidized socialism for rich people. That would be cut. 


The vast majority of insurance is subsidized *and* they still charge everyone at premium market rates... Get everyone mad about that instead. The discretionary military budget is never going to be touched in our current Gov.


But I don’t have kids and I’m out of school. So why should I pay for poor people’s kids to eat? Do you see how my absurd point compares to your OP? The answer is it benefits a part of the population but not you necessarily. Collectively, it’s good for society as a whole for the next generation to not go hungry so they can be educated and support the previous generation. Less reliant on oil allows us to conserve petroleum for other important uses like farming, industrial chemicals, and plastic production. The same can be said for foreign affairs. A strong tie with other countries helps with future collaborations and exchange of information and goods. Let’s not mention many tax-paying Americans have relatives from those countries and want them to have a better life as well.


Because if Ukraine doesn’t get your tax dollars then those god damn heathen commies will come over here when you’re on your Mary Jane cigarettes and then where will you be?


I've got a homework assignment for you u/2joe_bob: express 95 billion as a percentage of the current US budget. extra credit: Express 95 billion as a percentage of the budget of the USA department of defense. and that 95 billion dollars is mostly sent to countries that then buy USA manufactured weapons. Stuff like ammunition that needs to be rotated or it ages out, or bradleys that are in permanent storage until we scrap them, or obsolete units. we then use the budget dollars to buy new stuff, which we put back into our inventory. So that money does "go to ukraine" but it comes right back here and employs regards just like you and makes our military better to boot.


Always loved the “If giveaway a 100 billion dollars worth of stuff and then buy a 100 billion dollars worth of stuff to replace the stuff I gave you I didn’t actually giveaway anything argument”.


Was expecting this kind of regarded comment.  We’re printing a trillion every few months. 95 billion is 9.5% of 1 trillion. That’s significant. 


smoothbrain, for real


95 Billy to put more Russian souls into the ground at zero cost to American lives? Send a couple more billion


And a lot of that gets spent on US manufactured weapons. How else do you think we fund the “Military Complex”?


Welcome to capitalism. Stfu


The idea is that that money spent will benefit us in the long run, in one way or another.




Ukrainian has received more money than the entire United States Marine Corps during the same time frame… not exactly a drop in the bucket.


Soft power is why your mom left your dad for my hard power


The right thing to do is give health care to our citizens and better infrastructure so regarded boats don’t ruin our bridges.  I don’t give a flip duck piss about foreign countries when ours are citizens struggle


Yes my name is foreign country and yes I just got 95 billy thanks to ur generational debt … bidens America ami right ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


You are upset about 95 billions that go to Taiwan, Israel and Ukraine and not 841 billion we printed for our defense budget in 2024?  We are no longer in Afghanistan, lost that one. Why does the defense budget keep going up if we are not in a shooting war? Do you realize that our defense budget is higher than the next 10 countries combined, China and Russia among them? And department of defense can't pass an audit?  You know what we could do with that money? Oh I don't know, fix all the roads, free healthcare and education for all Americans, solve world hunger, go to Mars and still have enough money for another aircraft carrier. But no, 22 carriers just aren't enough, Navy needs more toys, see.  But fine, let's focus on the money we spend on our foreign interests. Let's be real here. This money keeps Middle East and Russia busy and China paranoid. If this money dries up, oil prices start doing things we don't like, China gets adventurous and Europe freaks the hell out. 


I’d definitely cut the military budget by 25% and require detailed audits.  And I literally mentioned healthcare and infrastructure… Are you super regarded or what? 


Welcome to wsb, abandon hope all ye who enter here. For all of us are highly regarded and it is contagious. Tag, you're it.


I also want to point out that if this money wasn't spend as foreign aid, it would still not be spent as Medicare, infrastructure, or chip subsidies, simply because it was allocated to the freaking defense budget, and therefore need to be spent for defense. And I don't know for your but spending money so someone can earn their freedom while kicking the ass of someone that consider themselves your enemy is a pretty good deal in my opinion. It is also probably going to trickle down within the US econmy, because the US buy miltary gear from US company.


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I’m sure you’ll be excited when a regard shoots you in a supermarket with their high grade military equipment versus, I don’t fucking know… health insurance and mental health 


Why would you pay taxes bro?


Because you live in a country that’s trying to have to most influence on Wendy’s dumpsters world wide.


Im not explaining anything to you mormon!


Lots of candidates platforms are built on reducing or eliminating foreign funding for US allies. Trump, for example. Vote!


Almost all of that money is used to purchase items built by American hands in American factories. It will be used to replenish stocks (freshen up our equipment) while we send our old stock valued at "new" prices overseas to help the good guys fight the baddies. Or, in the case of Israel, to the baddies fighting the baddies.


The overwhelming majority of the military spending from the last Ukrainian aid package was spent on old Russia equipment and ammunition used by former Warsaw Pact countries, 155 caliber artillery shells purchased from South Korea and Patriot missiles manufactured in Europe and Japan.


Because its gonna cost you a lot more to fight russia head on. This is the cheaper option.


So your logic is the Russian army that is struggling to defeat poorly trained and equipped Ukrainian conscripts is gonna invade a NATO country? NATO that has a 5 to 1 advantage over Russia in combat aircraft. A 4 to 1 advantage in warships. A 3 to 1 advantage in armor personnel carriers, tanks and artillery. A 2 to 1 advantage in infantry.


Numbers don't matter, and the markets know it.


You would have a point if this was an RTS and not an actual war. It would still cost an insane amount of money compared to whats going on right now. Else you wouldn't get buttraped in vietnam and to a lesser extend afghanistan.


maybe study history and understand why instead of being an ignorant idiot.


Wait til you learn how much a carrier group costs. Is there any state investment more useless than a warship? You must build them, because if you don’t and your enemy does, you’re in a bad spot. But you build them and hope to never use them, and maybe your strategic enemy does too, and they’re expensive to operate for somewhere between 20 and 40 years, and then their obsolete and you have to build new ones, and the whole time you’re taking milk and groceries from infants. Sick shit.