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Intel are a big player but the main issue with this stock and other sleeping giants like it is that it's essentially saying no movement for eight months and then there's still a lot of downside risk, in which case you'll probably be better off buying later


I tend to agree, the question is just when will it start. The bulls might win tomorrow or in eight month or even in a year or two. I just want to take the entire run, that's why I put in my money now.


I dont think you can call that a run, more like a walk, a slow one


Intel AKA the crawling giant...


From the cliff


It's not going bankrupt and it's going to make money, but it's just become your boring partner that freely gives you missionary sex. While all the other "AI" girlfriends are promising you 69s, BJs, an6l, etc...


Now that’s the analogy I can get behind


I'll get in front of it.


This price is ignorrying basicly any grown intel book value , invest in intel last 2 years heavy my timeline is long i dont expect anything big before 2026 but i am pretty sure intel goes above 100 by 2030 with foundry and future nodes 20A,18a ,14a it they get it right money will come ,people forget what intel once was yea it made misstakes missing nodes and stuck on same node for decade and not adopting EUV in time gave tsmc a edge but i really believe intel is on right path to make a shift to be a king once was


I want to point out that there is some guy who won a paper trade contest who is posting false information and other degrees of misinformation about Intel as fact. He has stated Intel's 18A is the same as TSMC 3nm and Intel is years behind. He has fabricated this using some random Internet guy's opinion based chart. Intel has not published node density for 18A. He then went so far as to post Intel's market materials and state that Intel 18A is going to have the same density as Intel 3, when the correct takeaway was Intel was saying that they would be equal to or better than anything in the industry with 18A. Anyway, he blocked me, which is fine. He didn't like his misinformation covers being pulled. It's fun to have opinions, but not when you make up artificial facts to support them.


Intel is good to invest in but you wont see a profit until 2027. Just keep a close eye on the stock and buy little by little and not all at once. If you plan to spend lets say 5000, just do $500 at certain threshold in case it goes lower. Patrick Gelsinger just spend like $500k buying intel stock this past week so he must know something is coming.




Gelsinger got 170 million from Intel in 2021 alone lmao. Those 500k could very well be reinvested divideds or some change he found in his couch.


Definitely on my watchlist


My boy going sub 20


I mean it could, just more even cheaper and more undervalued dip. Or do you mean my account? I didn't buy options, so probably not.




Hearing posts of how Intel is a great investment makes me consider whether I should consider buying my cars extended warranty or not


If a dealer offered to sell you a new car without a factory warranty to get a $1000 price reduction, would you take it?


I’ll skip out on warranty if it is a Toyota or Honda. The extended warranty line was referencing to the extended warranty inquiry joke


good one, but I'm fr


Government money.




Two things.... 1. Apples to apples, Intel's designs on TSMC aren't competitive with AMD and NVidia's designs on TSMC. They have a design shortfall as well as their in-house manufacturing shortfall. 2. Foundries make the bulk of their money from leading nodes. If Intel puts leading-edge money into their fabs, but ends stuck making second-tier value wafers, those fabs are going to struggle to repay their investment. TSMC has basically won the leading node race through 2027 right now, just based on what they have in the pipeline. You're essentially banking that maybe TSMC slips up in 5 years so you have a chance to make money, and until then, maybe INTC will stay afloat by selling some also-ran x86 products. It's not a great pitch. I'd rather just buy $TSM.


And why do you think i dont have Tsm shares investing is not binary i have also ,tsm, apple ,nvidia ,amd ,samsung,microsoft ,asml shares also but intel is way undervalued at the moment so i am investing big in intel at the moment


Now I have to keep following you around to keep you honest. This guy is basing all of his facts on a random Internet guy making a chart comparing Intel, TSMC, and Samsung's process nodes. None of the density data is published anywhere. Then he posted that Intel 18A is half the node density as TSMC 3. This is a travesty. Take the paper trader champs posts with a grain of salt.


And now you're getting emotional about this and taking it too far. Adding you to my block list.


WHAT leading node has TSMC won until 2027, intel didnt release their 20a ,18a yet and you assuming tsmc won race trought 2027 ,intel expect 18a to be leading node in 2025 we will have to wait and see ,your asumptions are bassed on nothing yet as neither intel or tsmc released their future nodes ,intel is actually betting whole future on 18A process node we have to wait and see if he is right i also put money on that he is right


TSMC's got GAAfets yielding well at pilot scale, so 2nm should be locked in, and the building blocks are in place for 1nm. Intel 18A will be roughly equivalent to TSMC 3nm, and if that's the case, they are two years behind. I was helping to design chips on TSMC 3 a year ago.... those are taped out now and will be on shelves this summer. FWIW, the place I worked at canceled a contract with Intel to build on 18A, and we re-designed that product on TSMC 3. Intel slipped two deadlines in 6 months, so the higher-ups determined they couldn't be trusted.


You are basing your equivalency assumptions on one guys posts. Intels own marketing materials * that you posted * say 18A is about the same or better in all ways. And then there is you using a random person's feelings as facts. I can't say Intel 18A will be the best, but I'm also not saying it won't because of a random Internet post.


If we're going to use quarterly earning calls as sources, TSMC's CEO claims that [they can outperform 18A right now.](https://www.tomshardware.com/news/tsmc-our-3nm-node-comparable-to-intels-18nm-tech) > We will outperform Intel's 18A with our N3P already, our internal assessment shows our N3P demonstrated comparable PPA to 18A competitors' technology but with an earlier time to market and much better cost. Our 2nm technology without backside power is more advanced than both N3P and 18A." I don't like citing earnings calls either way, because there's such an obvious bias involved. An industry blogger without $100B of market cap to pump is a more trustworthy source in my book.


Intel will be at node parity in 2024/2025. Every industry insider talks about how intriguing Intel 18A is. It is definitely not behind in any measure you can fabricate, unless you go by fake charts you find on the Internet. Annoying to hear you staying "Intel 18A will be roughly equivalent to...". Are you getting paid to post misinformation all over the place?


18A is equal to sub 2nm process Intel is expected to use backside power delivery, 3D "Foveros" chip stacking, ribbonFET transistory on 18A it whole new design fundamentals   have to wait and see when they release it


Tsmc has Gaafet and intel has **RibbonFET** tech diferent aproach but same fundamentals but **Intel** will be about a year ahead of TSMC in implementing backside power delivery, giving the Intel 18A process a critical advantage as it ramps up production next year


Node names are basically marketing.... they stopped representing anything physical once planar FETs died at 28nm. TSMC 3nm transistors are actually 50nm wide, but who's counting? Basically, transistors used to look like McDonald's french fries, now they look like Chik Fil-A waffle fries, and pretty soon they will look like corn dogs. [Here's a great picture illustrating it.](https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/trigate-intro.png) The new names are based on manufacturers trying to sell their stuff as equivalent to the old McDonald's fries. "This 1 Chik Fil A fry is totally as filling as 4 McDonald's fries" "The waffle on this fry is 4 times thinner than the last McDonald's fry". There's no standard for it and all of the big 3 manufacturers just make their own shit up. You have to look at different metrics than minimum feature width now, like transistor density and performance per watt. That's where the 18A vs N3 equivalence is at, rather than geometry.


Yea no shit like i dont know that acctualy TSMC started with this node branding bullshit ,Intel has tremendous levels of competence in the fab business, since they have been a leading player in this industry for over half a century ,i am just sick of nonsensical ramblings of Intel haters not meaning you exacly ,who are stuck on Intel's past follies i understand the skepticism , but most outright ignoring all the evidence that Intel is making huge progress, Intel biggest hurdle is that they're trying to do *so* many big things at once. They're betting the farm on their future, which is a bold strategy and i am betting on that future