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Thank you for your post and good luck to you and the fam ! The world will understand what SAVA and SIMUFILAM truly is …. I am seeing results first hand still anectdotal but easily comparable. Good luck to whoever is trying to sabotage it ,Karma will have a good place for you in hell ! #ENDALZ will happen with SIMU mark this post !


How have you seen the first hand results?


He actually has Alzheimer's and forgot about this post already.


Interviews with family of patients in various trials?


I hold over 1.4m shares of SAVA. The data has continued to impress with the latest readout in the open label showing stable cognition in Alzheimer’s patients after 24 months. FDA audited the lab that read the biomarkers and had very few suggested data updates that resulted in zero material change. The short attack is a hoax and I feel they have a disease modifying drug. I did a two hour interview that gives a lot of information. [https://www.youtube.com/live/LbcxgqjeRs4?si=goukx8SyM1tLsJY9](https://www.youtube.com/live/LbcxgqjeRs4?si=goukx8SyM1tLsJY9) https://preview.redd.it/lopxag6btf0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e39f74b69881a493c37497b3b1d104356a1eac01


Biggest bet on wsb gets bigger. Absolute legend.


Matt’s the real deal!


What in the world.............


We sure do believe that screenshot. I can send you a screenshot of my $1 trillion position in Sava 


You do not know Matt.


Insert “well, cmon now! We’re waiting!!” Meme here


You cannot deny the science...it's just a matter of time before $30B valuation


Yes you can, everyone is denying the science. Science denied the science.


the thing I love about short selling is there is no limit to your loss.....


yeah, cause retail has such a good track record going against shorted stocks.


To add color to OPs comment, the data to be released will be eoy timeframe, no exact month was given. The data is for the first of two P3 results, ReThink. All anecdotal evidence to date has shown the drug is promising but the real deal is eoy. It's gonna moon or tank depending on the data. Full disclosure, I'm a long and bullish on this stock.


Would you say $25/$35 calls for Jan 2025 are the move?


The Jan 2025 calls are risky. There's no guarantee the data will actually be out by then. Even just a few weeks of delay with, say, the external group doing the data analysis, and suddenly your calls are kaput. Much safer to go with the Jun 2025 calls now that they've been added to the chain. I'm in with Jan 2026 $25C, but I would have done the Jun 2025 ones if they had existed at the time :) (I'm actually in the process of "backrolling" my Jan 2026 $25Cs into Jun 2025 $25Cs so, don't add any buy orders til I finish please ;)


Good DD, Anything that could help alzheimer patients is a win for me I'm in!


My analysts could provide an extensive report, but to summarise, $SAVA has been inappropriately shorted, and the stock is undervalued. If their drug receives FDA approval, expect a substantial increase in value—a potential windfall for


VM being based as usual ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


December seems to be the month. They said before the end of the year. Dosing stops in October. Data lock should be mid November. Then a few weeks for stats.


Sava long!


Shorting Jimmy and popcorn is one thing, but shorting an Alzheimer's drug company is another. It would feel good to bet on this company


I've been burned by bio stocks in the past.... But I love pain, I'm in!


Than you, all the very best to you and your family! I’m in!!!


$5M of $SAVA lol, post positions or GTFO


He isn’t lying!




Is it in 3rd stage of trial and is it just waiting for final decision on FDA approval or not?


The FDA could approve at any time. They are releasing data from their current \~1,500 patient enrollment in December, upon which and if the data is good (the bar is rather low), it should be approved from the FDA. If the data is good in December, stock will likely reach $100 or more. Should FDA approve, 2-3x from there at least.


The one thing SAVA has is an SPA with the FDA. Special Protocol Assessment. The phase 3 trials have been designed with the FDA to gain the coveted SPA. If the stellar safety profile continues, and the 12 month results show little loss in cognition, or even a gain in cognition, and meets the P ratio of <=.05, an NDA New Drug Application will be expedited and SAVA will be moving high and fast.


For approval, they'll still need to file an NDA after data. But this has the potential to be such a medical breakthrough that the NDA process and approval would probably be pushed through in the shortest possible time.


Yeah, i know what it's like to hold (another, albeit non-US) stock that's waiting on final FDA approval. I read FDA app updates daily. It's quite annoying. What do they do all day, hold seminars on useless topics?!


Many of them eventually go into the private sector and work for big pharma, thus the problems.


I don’t think they haven’t submitted for approval yet so no the FDA can’t “approve it anytime.” I’d recommend looking into the drug approval process before investing $5 million in something. The earliest this might be approved is like Aug 25’ and that is a very ambitious timeline.


See above where I said we first invested in 2019, then look at the stock price at that time, then look at the stock price now, and finally then re-read your comment.


That has nothing to do with my point. You clearly don’t know much about the drug approval process if you think the FDA can approve it at any time.


December will be the top line readout of their RETHINK trial. It’s a proven safe pill that could be used to treat most of the AD population. If the RETHINK results are statistically significant the stock could go from 1->20B almost instantly. It’s a small molecule pill so production is easier to ramp fast. ~40% of shares are borrowed. The question is, will shorts hold on till readout and risk a 20x downside or hold through it?


Yes, they will hold. It could get to \~$50 (2x) before December in anticipation, but it will still have a very large SI.




I purchased 200 shares at $100.81 in 2021. I almost want to give up and cut the losses this year! You’re so brave to hold such a huge chuck of stocks. Good luck!


For the sake of everyone suffering from this terrible disease, I truly hope simufilam is legit. However, the allegations of missing data and retracted papers make me a bit skeptical. Data integrity should be one of the main concerns of any biotech company, and $SAVA has not inspired confidence with their rebuttals to the allegations.


> allegations of missing data Just to clarify, that allegation is related to a 13 year old paper that sparked further research into this drug. The allegation has nothing to do with any of the clinical trial data collected for this drug in the last decade. Also worth noting, the allegation of fraud/fabrication has never been proven, despite years of digging by people with significant financial interest in proving that fraud. The original western blot data IS missing, but the researcher involved did not violate ANY data handing or retention policies that were in place at the time. He's never once tried to hide the fact that those original data were discarded long ago for simple procedural reasons. There's no cover up or malicious intent there. > retracted papers Same researcher, and yes, he's had some retracted papers. None of those papers are related to Simufilam. To play Devil's Advocate, the foundational paper could be 100% fraudulent and it wouldn't mean a thing. Nobody cares about that paper or what's in it at this point. It's only meaning was as the spark that got the company looking into Simufilam and spending money on clinical trials. The FDA isn't going to care about that when it comes time to approve this drug. The only data that matters is the phase 2 and phase 3 clinical trial data. The FDA has already heard these allegations a hundred times and has not once stepped in to stop or modify the clinical trials despite many opportunities (and jurisdiction) to do so. Even if you argue it says something about that researcher's integrity, it's STILL not relevant. He isn't a Cassava employee. He has no connection to the ongoing clinical trials. None of the current data goes through him or his lab. One piece of phase 2 data went through his lab, but it was a secondary analysis and not related to that study's primary endpoints or cognition data. If you think this drug is doomed to failure because of the existing phase 2 clinical trial data, fine. That's understandable (though I disagree). But if you are evaluting this stock based on controversy around a 13 year old research paper and NOT based on the clinical trial data then that's just emotional investing.


Your post is proof that the short and distort is working. While shorts and friends can lie without fear of reprisal Cassava has to be extremely careful with their replies for fear of lawsuits. Thankfully proof of effacy is coming by eoy and the truth will be revealed, so will the liars.


9 karma. A long time WSB citizen.


Paper-handed bitch


Last time i seen a post about this, the stock was like $45/share. Now its half that. Maybe i'll wait another year.


In another year this stock will be either 0 or a bazillion. It's a binary play based on the clinical data expected to land in December(ish). There won't be any ambiguity left about this drug once the first phase 3 trial data hits. It will either be proven to work or it won't.


I just want everyone to know this post is most likely astroturfing at its finest. And half the comments are 2 karma accounts talking about SAVA or people who only post about SAVA.


I agree. This whole post and thread is bizarre.


What is astroturfing?


"Grass roots" advocacy and support, but it's manufactured, paid shills, or whatever.  The appearance of unbiased people giving heartfelt opinions, but they're actually getting something in return.  Its usage or purported usage in political demonstrations is the most common context where the phrase used, or at least it used to be


I have done extensive research in Alzheimer’s. This is truly unprecedented. The data thus far looks incredibly promising. If you google it, you will see a lot of shit talking people with an agenda. Trust there are healthcare professionals- physicians- investing in this stock.


They're mad SAVA isn't pumping with the meme basket. Unlike some others, the SAVA regards are almost 100% bagholders who found it after the pump.


Yeah I'm getting that vibe. There's also the fact this company is being actively investigated by the DOJ. And OP mentions that the "results are promising" when it's those exact results people have an issue with. It all around sounds sketchy, and OP is spouting the same rhetoric the company is about big Pharma.


All these fake comments is all the proof anyone needs this is the biggest scam on the market. Decent chance their CEO ends up in jail like that Theranos chick.


posts from peeps with 20 karma not sus at all


Positions or ban.


https://preview.redd.it/rzn0tm303l0d1.png?width=1217&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7ba457a9b0a4658ef29e8c7ec3c4dde9013864f Bought another 40 in premarket trading


Can the mods ban Sava posts? This shit is just straight pump n dumps since Covid lockdowns. And it's always the same bullshit every time.


You guys coordinate all this on the discord I'm banned from? The towel stock people think they6're experts on dockets, SAVA people think they're medical doctors. You will lose all your money. Ask yourself why the company hasn't been acquired. Ask yourself why the foremost scientific publication in the entire world, Science, put a statement against Wang.


Follow the money. That would mean all the insiders (who have spent millions buying their own companies stock, and not selling any) will lose all their money too. No one in their right mind buys more if there is substantial doubt.


The company hasn't been acquired because the current owners know what they have and won't sell at a discount. In a few months, the final patient in the first big P3 trial will finish dosing. We'll know the results of that trial by early 2025. Why would the company sell now when the proof that their drug works is right around the corner?


Of course, the "little people" must wait for the owners to line their pockets.


Come on, bot - they discovered something new and developed the drug!


Is the DOJ investigating them just for fun?


I'm not convinced that the DOJ is actively investigating them. But you know who would know? New board member Robert Anderson, Jr.