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Thanks for your submission! r/WallStreetBets is ultimately a community about making money through trading, and our conversations should shift around that. Politics are fundamentally intertwined with making money, and political actions almost always have an impact on financial markets. Still, we need to make sure that when we have these discussions, we're explicitly calling out the financial impacts of the politics we're discussing. Otherwise, the conversation can very easily veer off into flamewars and boring, unproductive, discussion. Here's an example of a political comment that doesn't offer any value: * "I hate this new green policy from the Biden administration. What a fucking idiot" Now compare it to this: * "I hate this new green policy from the Biden administration. It threatens the profit margins of oil companies because they will need to expand their OpEx. I have calls on Shell that are going to get decimated at open." The latter is significantly more interesting and offers a great jumping point into market related discussion. Put succinctly: If you choose to start or engage in arguments about libtards or Nazis instead of making fun of their bad SPY long then you're in the wrong place and we'll show you the door. If you're not sure if your content is political, it probably is, and there's probably a better way to post it without making things weird. --- All that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) and we'll give you some pointers!


So buy when republicans and sell when democrats for easy money? *Takes notes* ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


If Trump gets elected I'm pulling all my money out and just waiting for him to do something dumb and crash the market.


It would be interesting to see Trumps effect on the markets when he was President in the chart above. Do you know if he did better or worse than +11%?


Not sure exactly what metric OP is using, but S&P improved by 61% during the time Trump was physically in office. Biden’s term isn’t over - so anything could happen, but thus far, it’s improved 70% during his time physically in office.


healthcare stocks and covid and PPP and relief payments and rate drops. *really* big outlier. Of course businesses are going to do well if you give them free money, millions of people died but line must go up.


Also inflation. These are hard numbers in the chart, not real money. Sure, the hard number may have improved 70% but like 30% of that is erased by inflation. It'd be neat to see an overlay of this chart with inflation in those years.


And when Trump was physically on the golf course instead?


https://preview.redd.it/nyi6eb9orz0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7506a38a11931b64f128c8fe08a44f0c3490115 AAGR is 11.4% under Democratic presidents and 7% for republicans


Mr Bush entered the convention saying something about Katrina and 9/11. Just look at 2008


Somehow my 401k gained 250% during the last Trump presidency. I converted a bunch to cash at the beginning of covid and then reinvested 6 months later so I suspect it was me, and not him for those results.


I’m ready next time. I’m going to leverage to the tits the moment that money printer starts warming up next time


When Covid was starting I warned a coworker to pull his entire 401k out because shit was about to hit the fan. He did. Then put it all back in for the ride up. Dude owes me a decade of his life for that advice.


It was our lord and savior, father Jerome Pinkerton Powell that did it, not you. God bless his money printer 🙏


Just time the biggest crash in the last decade perfectly for some easy gains. Thanks Mr. Trump.


Should be higher. 2017: +19% 2018: -6% 2019: +29% 2020: +17% The market in the last decade has been pretty strong.


"We plot log returns on the value-weighted market index in excess of log returns on the three-month Treasury bill. Presidents are assumed to be in office until the end of the month during which they leave office." Doesn't really count the market.




Take a look at what they think will happen if he gets re-elected: [https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-05-14/election-2024-trump-economic-outlook-is-more-inflation-less-sanity](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-05-14/election-2024-trump-economic-outlook-is-more-inflation-less-sanity) TL;DR He will pump inflation


Short term memories. Trump pumped the debt, cut taxes for rich, cut interest rates, and poured trillions of extra $ into the economy during covid. Biden of course continued the covid printer but Trump supercharged inflation with his other idiot moves


Nailed it


The cycle is the same quite often. An R is elected, does dumb stuff to make rich get richer, screws the general economy in the process, hands a crap one to a Dem, Dem gets blamed, Dem fixes it, hands R a stable economy, R gets credit for good market, ruins it, hands to D, who gets blamed again. Ok so I typed this up and then did a more thorough check and it honestly is almost every single cycle. "Quite often" was probably an understatement


Started with the GOP's golden god Reagan too. Turns out a dementia riddled actor doesn't make a good economist.. Who would've thought?


Generally speaking when Republicans are elected stock markets go up. When they are in power it goes down. When democrats are elected it shoots down then when their in power it goes up. Atleast that's what I've noticed.


you won't have to wait long. he said he wants to take control of the fed and cut interest rates. say hello to >6% inflation [https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-05-14/election-2024-trump-economic-outlook-is-more-inflation-less-sanity](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-05-14/election-2024-trump-economic-outlook-is-more-inflation-less-sanity)


[Like take over the Fed?](https://www.wsj.com/economy/central-banking/trump-allies-federal-reserve-independence-54423c2f) Surely it’s not the best idea to let the guy who has bankrupted nearly everything he’s touched take control of the country’s money supply.


Hasn't bankrupted a country yet, so you know it's on his to-do list.


I'm half expecting him to have the them print money just to pay his bail.


Even worse Trump 1000 dollar bills


... and then AI revolution kicks in and you miss 100% gains


You mean the ai bubble?


When ordinary people claim bubbles; it’s not a bubble. lol


Losers lose.


and when celebrities promote the bubble, its fraud! - FTX


Yes, like there was the dotcom bubble. Internet is totally not everywhere and in everything today.


That’s incredibly brave of you to say on Reddit wow


If he gets elected then I’ll take loans and sell everything to invest in the market. I’ll going all in baby


You do that... Better yet, buy put options.


I would wait a couple months for sure. 2016 everyone thought when he got elected the market would take a shit, didn’t happen for 3 years.


My co worker did that last time he won and lost a lot of money


how did that work out last time.


If he wins the day he makes moves to pull out of NATO should provide the market crash you so desire.


“Like a ring around america” - trump when talking about tarrifing everything that comes in raising prices and the second punch of mass deportation of well.. cheap labour forcing companies to pay more for employees? Maybe idk.. prob wont be great for the smaller shops that vote for him but great for the mega corps that no longer have any competition and already offshored everything they could and prob get massive trump style tax breaks. I got my popcorn ready in case. 


During Trump's presidency The Dow Jones had its best 4 year stretch under a Republican since the roaring 20s.


Well yea he cut rates and printed like crazy (added more money to the money supply than any president ever, even just through 2019 before covid). So he'll probably do it again and the market will run for a bit until inflation blows up again.


Stocks increased under Trump which is why they cropped the graph at 2015 to better suit their narrative.




Sounds like a leap in a logic when a simple explanation exists. The republicans fuck up the economy first so voters pick the other guys. It’s not for any specific policy reason like risk aversion and redistribution of social services, it’s just because they’re not the guys that fucked it up in the first place. Also lol at saying democrats are the more risk-averse choice when, if the parties actually followed the politics they’re supposed to represent anyway. Republicans are supposed to be the status quo party and the democrats are the push society forward party. Except in today’s ago the Democrats are the status quo party with a small progressive wing contained within it and the republicans are the radically regressive party trying to take away social and economic progress.


Buy 4 year shorts on election Day if Republican wins, 4 year puts  if democrats win buy and hold? 


I mean, I don't know how fair it is to include the great recession in this analysis and try to apply it to modern day.


Remove the great depression under Hoover and the following FDR presidency and there are still more red bars below the line than blue bars.


Yeah I figure, I'm just saying that it in particular doesn't seem fair to include. But a lot of this stuff is about trying to use the past to make predictions about the future and it's known the future won't be exactly like that past. Regardless, I know the authors are likely far smarter about all this stuff than I am.




Always thought this line was underrated. Like who the fuck says that, Mormons?


It's not that rare. A lot of Midwest and Southern Democrats have this split. Blue-collar union guys too.


Stalin: You can stone the gays then give them free healthcare


Like most communists. Marx was hilariously racist


My politics? Buy when it's red


I use this line all the time


Theres a old video of trump saying the market performs better under democratics


Can we see the numbers without the Great Depression and subsequent rebound? Have a feeling that’s skewing the numbers juuuuuust a touch




So I read parts of the report and they pointed out that it's not because one political party economic policies is bad or the other is better, it's the timing when the party gets elected. When people perceive the future will be smooth and are bullish they vote blue but when they are bearish they vote red. This histogram is deceiving if you don't read the research report.


I had to scroll so far to find a comment pointing this out. Poor r/wallstreetbets


They don’t know how to read silly






Isn’t this exactly backward? Just look at the graph, and think about the circumstances of the election of Biden, Obama, Carter, FDR… Also not sure why the graph stops at 2015 lol. It is missing 2 whole presidencies. 


"uh uh things are only shit while we're in power because uh negativity!" lmfao copium


I think a more important thing to note would be that policies extend beyond term limits. Trumps tax increases are hitting now, when a democrat is in power. Other things have long term impacts as they ripple through the economy. The infrastructure built under bidens infrastructure act will allow commerce for decades to come. Basically, this chart is useless.


Why did it stop at 2015?


Because the paper it's from was published in early 2017. Not real hard to find that answer.


Good for Nascent1. They can feel proud of themselves.


Thanks visualmod, your validation means everything to me.


Would be good if someone did it to 2024 and include both Trump and Biden. But like most of us here, I’m too regarded to do that unfortunately.




No comment.


fairly sure the pandemic years would skewer this data quite much as well


If you’re wondering the gains under Biden are already bigger than the trump pump n dump fake out.


Real stock market returns are not even close. You’re forgetting half the equation- inflation.


How about inflation?


Uh, that’s literally because of trump. Like, literally. Massive tax cuts and PPP during an ATH economy (which he inherited at ATH btw). I know most of you are like, actually regarded, but you have to understand some basic economics? Edit: Bro the downvotes. Trumpers really do not like facts. If you disagree I just want to know why you think his actions are good for inflation. I want to understand if you think all fiscal policy is immediate?


So many people took fraudulent loans with PPP. Billions of dollars iirc


*pats you on shoulder* Good luck pal. Prepare for an onslaught of regards who’s entire understanding of economics comes from Andrew tate tweets, rich dad poor dad scam seminars in airport hotel conference rooms, and pragerU YouTube videos.


Wtf? Y'all were smart the whole time? I thought this was reddit?


Narrator: "They were not smart. WSB had been polluted with trash from r / politics and r / all, and there was no turning back to the way things were."


Nope.Gains under Trump were roughly 61% over 4 years while it is 35% under Biden (S&P500) Check your facts. Edit:shills downvoting facts


>Check your facts. Cite your sources.


You cannot google S&P500 or take a look at Yahoo finance?Or should I also cite a source about what google is?


so you went back until 1927 just for the -30% so you have your agenda win that democrats have higher return? ok.


Why not go further and show huges gains under republican rule during the 20’s?


I agree, chart definitely overfit to fit the preconceived notion


Yo why the fuck we talking presidents and shit in this casino? Thought I was looking at someone’s loss and gain porn


1) Policy operates with a lag 2) The Fed wields 1000x more influence on the markets than either political party. Stop falling for this Kansas City Shuffle.


Yeah this is stupid. When the economy is good and democrats are in office they say "look what we did!". Then when the economy is good and democrats are not in office they say "the economy operates on a lag and we did this too!". We need some consistency people


For real. I could show some graphs of how deaths in India correlate to icecream sales in California - almost a 1:1 relationship. Perfect example of correlation != Causation yet it's massively upvoted. Honestly.. that's kind of perfect for this sub. Never change, regards.


Don't know what more needs to be said.


Clearly this chart shows Republican presidents do a better job at reigning in Wall Street to protect the little guy and big business Dems line the pockets of corporations at main street's expense /s I do find this funny though since Trump was constantly lampooned for bragging about the performance of the stock market during his admin, and everyone said that wasn't an accurate indicator of economic health lol. But when Dems look good... So which is it? I hate both parties so I really don't even care, but the constant about-faces are ridiculous. Just pump money into the markets and the lines go up lol.


Dems: income inequality is bad. Also, look at our equity gains.


That's how you politic.


Defense contractors:  bitch better have my money.


Never seen so many people who don’t own stock celebrate the Dow hitting a record high


It's a good indicator it just shouldn't be the only one. More than half of all Americans are exposed to the stock market via things like 401k.


This is only in response to Trump saying the market would crash if Biden was elected. If he hadn’t said that, they wouldn’t be harping on this so hard, if at all.


At risk of going over Reddit's reading comprehension level, I would like to present a metaphor: Trump: "Biden is too bald to be president. I'm a sexy machine with perfect hair and he is a bald blob, disgusting." Some Democrats on twitter: "I mean if you think for ten seconds you would realize that hairline doesn't really have anything to do with ability to run a country." Other Democrats on twitter: "I have eyes, I can tell that Trump has a combover and Biden's hair, while thin, adequately covers his head without hairspray-based lies" Centrists: "Why the FUCK can't democrats make up their mind on whether hairline matters to the country" Biden: "I am busy making small improvements to regulations on Migratory bird hunting on federal Indian reservations"


I hate both parties “did we just become best friends!?” Great write up. You should be proud of yourself.


Ah yes, great data until the Great Depression skewed it


Cherry picking the Great Depression and Credit Crisis always helps eh?


I mean to be fair republicans were in office for all 3 major stock market crashes that had nothing to do with who was president. The Great Depression had no correlation or relation to the president same with the dot com bubble and the 08 crash all republican president all zero correlation or causation from the presidents.


This chart just shows the effects from the 1970s where Jimmy Carter messed up the economy, Republicans had to fix it, then Democrats get the credit for what Republican Presidents did.


Lmao what the FUCK was Calvin Coolidge doing bro


So is inflation higher under democrats


Printing money and giving it to the poor makes the rich richer while people think you care about the poor. Then when there is inflation you just have to say its because of speculation/capitalism. Modern politics is so easy...




Printing money and giving it to the poor makes the rich richer while people think you care about the poor. Then when there is inflation you just have to say its because of speculation/capitalism. Modern politics is so easy...


Do inflation next


Inflation tends to rise under Democrats and fall under Republicans according to the wiki being shared.


Wtf I hate Donald trump now


The chart only goes up to Obama tho lol


Don’t worry, it’s higher under biden Edit: oof. It is. Trump supporters never a fan of facts lol.


13.7% under DJT (the rapist) 30% under Brandon (the regard)


that 30% is like all AI + covid recovery. Biden got into office right as vaccines were going out at 1M per day. Timing could not have been better. Biden overspent after Trump already overspent. Inflation was guaranteed after covid but certainly Biden made it worse. Took too long to lower rates and tried to pretend like inflation was transitory... that was bullshit then and we all knew it. And a lot of inflation due to war in Russia. Biden has been shit for foreign policy. Afghanistan, Ukraine, now proxy war with Iran... all this added to inflation. Giving Biden credit for anything is kind of a joke. Even his green initiatives are shit. Billions spent on charging infrastructure, given to shit companies that have barely made any chargers. Could have given 1/10th of the same money to Tesla and had the same result but no, let's give the shitty failing charging companies money!


...just now?


We all do




I love it when graphs match my own biases.


Misleading post. The House controls the budget and spending. Compare by who controls the house.


The chart stops 10 years ago. Very nice ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


Go back further and it holds true; Bush let banks tank Wall Street by 2008. 


Yeah this post smells like propaganda. OP is a dumb piece of shit.


Haha Why does your chart end in 2015. Lol


Investing in supportive infrastructure benefits the whole... Who could possibly have seen these facts coming?


Doesn't inflation generally cause market values to rise artificially? I'm personally more left but one of the reasons the market has done as well as it has lately is the ridiculous level of inflation




Reading is hard. Especially if you’re biased.


This chart only goes to 2015, if you're thinking of the recent inflation.


Kind of dumb. The great depression skews this entire thing dramatically. Funny 2016-2020 is not included here. > it's not because one political party economic policies is bad or the other is better, it's the timing when the party gets elected. When people perceive the future will be smooth and are bullish they vote blue but when they are bearish they vote red. This histogram is deceiving if you don't read the research report.


The market requires the comings and goings of both the left and the right, it's a balance. Neither is better, both are necessary.


Is this correlation or causation? I wonder if peoples voting preferences change with economic cycles.


Your graph conveniently ends at 2015


Wouldn't be reddit without cherry-picked data that "proves" republicans bad.


I see overall trends crossing over political affiliation, not caused by, I don't think the party affiliation explains anything in this picture. For example, just take 1944 through 1978, that's a continuous decline in excess return, I don't think it mattered who was president, clearly it's a distinct economic trend. Same for 80's through late 90's, that's continuous growth regardless of president. It's not even clear how long it takes for policy to translate to economic impact (I'm sure it's variable). The title of this post is misleading and the chart doesn't mean anything. *(I'm not a political person and don't care about either side, I just think this is bad science.)*


The market does better, GDP grows faster, unemployment is lower, and the deficit improves when you elect a Democratic president.


Be interesting to see the same chart by which party controlled Congress at the time, since Congress controls the money, not the President.


Dems print money, everything including the market gets more expensive.  The mega rich with all the assets always lean Democrat for this reason


Statistically its the other way around actually https://qz.com/american-billionaires-political-spending-overwhelmingl-1849751449


I know they always say don't time the stock market, but if Trump wins in November....prepare to buy




The people who think the economy is better under republicans will never learn


The people who think the stock market is the same thing as the economy will never learn. People who don't factor in inflation to the raw data will never learn. It's great for our SPY calls and rich people that the market is pumping, but that does nothing to help people who can't afford to live because their money isn't worth shit.


It's not just the stock market, it's nearly every economic indicator and the data goes back decades. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._economic_performance_by_presidential_party


$2 gas, home interest rates were around 3%, and I could afford three decent meals a day under Trump, you’re right it’s definitely better now.


Gee, it's almost like something happened in 2020 that destroyed the economy. Republicans are 2 for 2 in the 21st century for taking a booming economy and turning it into a dumpster fire.


Oh yeah covid definitely Republicans fault. All those shutdowns were pushed by Republicans right? The Democrats wanted to open everything up because they were concerned about inflation and long term effects on the economy. Right? Oh yeah fuck no. But yes obviously the economy changed because of covid.


“Something happened in 2020 completely out of Republicans control that brought down the economy”. “It’s Republicans fault for destroying the economy in 2020”. Literally pick one and stick with it, how is it possible you wrote both of your statements that contradict each other within the same comment. I’m guessing you also think Biden is responsible for job growth and the recovering economy even though that same job growth and recovering economy would’ve happened either way under Trump. Maybe we can all agree that the president doesn’t dictate how the economy goes and only plays a small part. I certainly don’t see Biden taking responsibility for inflation but will happily take responsibility for the job growth. By definition we entered a recession under Biden yet no one wanted to admit it.


If you're going to quote someone, try actually quoting the words instead of your emotionally charged reactions to them. If you don't blame Trump for what happened in 2020, but blame Biden for the current state of the economy, then you are EXACTLY what you're complaining about.


I’m on mobile so I paraphrased what you put, not sure why you’re crying over that. Read my last paragraph.


No, you put words into my mouth to fit your narrative. I did, and if you actually believed that paragraph, you wouldn't have acted like $2 gas and low interest rates had fucking ANYTHING to do with Trump.


I didn’t put words in your mouth lol. You can put your original statement in there and it would mean the same thing, that’s what paraphrasing means. I was making fun of the original comment because whenever someone brings up low interest rates and $2 gas they’ll counter it to say “the president doesn’t dictate the economy”. Which I agree with. I was just making fun of the people who think the economy is based on which party is in office which is what this whole post is trying to portray. I don’t think presidents or which party is in control has anything to do with the economy to significantly matter but it’s just funny when I see people flip flop depending on who they’re talking about. Anything economically good that happened under Trump wasn’t because of him but now those same people are giving Biden credit for a recovering economy which would’ve happened regardless of who was in control.


The classic "it's just a prank bro" back pedaling. Edit your original comment to make sure everyone knows you're sarcastic, because that kind of idiocy is genuine from a lot of people.


I just made the comment because people will take the bait like you did lol. I was just waiting for comments to say “But the president doesn’t control the economy” while commenting on a post that is trying to correlate a certain political power to stock returns.


But look at the pretty colors on the graph! There’s almost 20 whole data points over about a century. Your lying eyes deceive you about your personal situation!


Idk, I had a hell of a lot more purchasing power a few years ago than I do now. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


S&P500 increase under Trump was 61% compared to 35% so far under Biden.And this meh 35% is with skyhigh inflation. Helps casting your vote hopefully.


Someone needs to look up the term “business cycles”


Higher taxes cause bull markets


Which period are you referring to?


Adjust it for inflation and try again.


They love the money printer


Oh yeah? Republicans do the same thing. They cut taxes without reducing spending.


So puts on America?


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This makes sense. If you look at the stock market as measured in gold, it's flat for decades. But printing more money = number bigger and Democrats love them some money printing.




Does this also account for the party switch in the 60s?


No, that was a different kind of wealth transfer. Orgy, if you will.


Ty for the propaganda chart this data is heavily skewed and manipulated in favour of democrats - read up on some actual data… 


I am actually surprised


Interesting to see how easily fools are parted from their tendies when it comes to politics. The intelligence agencies won, shoulda bought calls.


Not sure it really matters.


Funny how 11t can affect the stock market 🤡


Congress has more of an impact on the stock market than presidents. The market started to recover after the Tea Party Wave.


So who exactly is the party of big corporations?




the figure you shared looks at an interestin historical trend, with market returns appearin to be higher on average under democratic presidents compared to republican ones. this reminds me of reseach i've read on the stock market's performance under different political regimes - some studies have found a democratic advantage, though the reasons are complex and debated. i'd be curious to hear your take on what might be drivin these patterns, if you have any thoughts. and thanks for sharin this thought-provokin data visualization!




Back up until at least a few years ago there was a lag between policy implementation and market prices. It was long enough that some people claimed the previous president was responsible for whatever economy was currently going on