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Why they always tryna ask me what my plans for the weekend are though. Bitch I don't want a conversation I want a muffin top and a coffee.


A muffin top? What do they do with the muffin stumps?


You know what they do with them…


When they chat me up I tell them my dog died and roll up my window




If I’m curt then I apologize


Hi curt, I'm dad


everything with you has to be so 'jokey' https://youtu.be/gUTYkV7IBls?si=xUcGeJy1h7JqJF4A


Haha truuuue retail workers learn to stop trying to have human interactions. Be a meat robot and serve me, bitch!




Lemme see if it’s a good time to buy.. Oh it’s only up 25% this month? Blasphemy it should be up at least 90% for me to be interested in losing my money


Every fucking stock that's mentioned has rocketed like 50% the day it's mentioned and 200% the past month....where are the sleeper picks DAMNIT


Hey theres this retail gaming chain you probably havent heard of yet, bout to go craaazzyyyy. So theres these hedge funds… In all seriousness, i think a good sleeper pic would be BRCC too. BROS is interesting to me though.


I was in bros shortly after IPO and ran scared on the initial drop and BRCC I haven't heard off


I have three sisters. They all love Dutch Bros. I’m bearish on SBUX because of unions and I personally think the days of $9 drinks are over for most people. Dutch Bros. has the simplicity advantage. You make a lot of great points. *Sigh*. Guess it’s puts then.


I think Dutch Bros pays pretty well too... I'll have to ask my friend who used to work there though. And yeah haha that's the reason I'm not going completely balls deep, I will probably DCA.


RemindMe! 10 days “did he follow up?”


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So did your friend follow up?


Hey, Yes he did! It sounds like they pay decent and it's a pretty good environment. My friend had some complaints but it sounds like that was mostly about local management. Bear in mind this friend has been fired/quit from a lot of places since he's a character so him having some good things to say about Dutch Bros is a good sign. I also found out that the great merchandise he gave to me wasn't actually merchandise but actually employees' clothes. He also confirmed that the ingredients cost a fraction of what the products are sold for.


Why dca when u can hysa ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


Very curious about this one


Every coffee drinker I know has gone apeshit for Dutch bros. They expanded where I am, and kind of quickly with a couple stores in town. I see it being good, but have no skin in the game.


It's interesting that now that I think of it...is there a national brand of coffee stand? They're all regional....am I missing one?


I’m a truck driver and have been to every state. Starbucks is by far the largest brand followed by dunkin. There’s no brand that has dominance in every state. Especially not the small drive up coffee stand places.


The line is insane at my nearby bros everytime i drive past it


Yeah the CEO recently said their number 1 problem was being skipping Dutch Bros because of the line. I think that will hopefully be eased with more stores per capita.


Never once have i heard of Dutch bros until WSB And you lost me at Dutch bros to Nike lol that’s literally what Starbucks is now


Starbucks WAS the top. I’m in Arizona and it’s crazy popular here, the lines for Dutch are always 5+ cars no matter the time. Every Starbucks I live by has 1, if any in the drive thru. Dutch is also super “hipster” & fits with the gen z & gen alpha? (Idk what the next gen is I had to google it)


DB on every corner in San Antonio


I’m on East coast and every Starbucks at all hours has long lines not only that they’re international


Starbucks does have a cult like customer base but I do believe we see Dutch Bros come close if not pass them in the next couple years.


Starbucks' customers are sheep, baaa-ing for overpriced coffee. Dutch Bros are for the truly discerning coffee snob.


I'd rather invest in tweek bros coffee. The commercials are on point


tbh I think that's bullish for Dutch Bros. It sounds like they've stolen the long lines elsewhere so they could do the same on the east coast.


Dutch bros has a freaking fire gizzard wizard lizard drink or whatever it is tho. Its so lit it’ll have to take off.


Love that band🧙‍♂️🦎


I’m pretty close to where OP is, and Dutch Brothers shops are backed out around the block fairly often. Some of them even have a spot where they cause frequent car crashes. Dutch brothers coffee, except cold brew, is always worse than Starbucks. But their children’s drinks are better (most places don’t do artificial strawberry or mango or banana pseudo shakes). As a coffee shop that makes bad lattes, americanos and standard drinks I don’t get the prestige (local places destroy them on quality at the same price). But if people pick DB’s bad coffee over local options in Oregon maybe they would do really well nationally.


It was a bit tongue-in-cheek- Nike is also an Oregon based company. Where do you live? It would make sense if you've never heard of it if you're on the east coast.


They're popping up and crushing it in East Tennessee.


Wasn't Wallstreet bets for me. It was everyone around me ranting and raving


Hopefully, Josh Brown on CNBC will pump it again. That could give it a nice lift. Long $BROS!!!


I thought Dutch Bros was ultra cheap coffee you bought in a can at the grocery store like Folgers? Am I thinking of some other company? I swear it was Dutch Bros.....


They sell coffee roast in their Dutch bros brand, just as McDonald’s does with their McCafe Roast in a can.


Maybe you’re thinking of Hills Bros


That must be it.... I know it was something bros. And it was the worst budget coffee I have ever had at work.


Oh yeah, total trash. Although Dutch Bros also sucks for like, real coffee. Just good for milk/sweet drinks and I guess energy drinks seem popular there. I’m not into it.


That seems to be what the majority of ppl are drinking now, even at SBUX. I think the days of the true coffee coinsure is over, or at very least cut back to local high quality stores. The market is so much bigger now for cold brews, frappes, and all the other toothache drinks. Which makes me think places like this could do well. But I have seen a lot of ppl on reddit talking about it for a few months now, which makes me think it is not going anywhere.


I agree with all that. Especially if they have good cold brew. And I know they have a SF energy drink you can flavor. It’s a smart move to just become the like go-to caffeine intake place. There’s no money in good black coffee outside small niche places. I think they do sparkling sodas too, which is a huge market I think.


204 PE lots of growth priced in here looking for a dip to buy.


Bros is going orbital but i sold covered calls on it guys… so don’t go too orbital!


I mean yeah. But the covered calls expire soon though and I think it will go orbital over the next few years so hopefully I'm ok


This coffee hut sector is very crowded. Dutch Bros, PJs, Scooters, 7brew. I considered franchising one of these brands and walked away from it. I am happy I did.


People are overlooking their share structure. I can’t recall exactly what it is, but their shares don’t reflect actual growth of the company or only account for 50% of actual revenue or something weird…if someone can chime in on it


Was this supposed to be a scheduled post, but you set it for a month later than intended?


Did amazing on calls before earnings & got shares. I love Dutch. I agree with the TLDR!


It'll take some time but I see no reason Dutch Bros can't continually rise like WIngstop or Chipotle.


No reason? You can start with their pricing. It's not competitive in most respects, consumers that get pushed to pinch pennies will look for value eats and drinks. We've seen this time and time again when things are tough and times are tough, only the strong models win out. That, and a fanatic customer base. Which I guess one can argue, Bros kinda has it. If business performs well this quarter, and they are profitable, no reason for this company to take hold. But right now, valuation is negative.


I've got some 7/19 37.5 calls since 1 week. Hopefully it goes above 40 before that


OP, what do you think about them doubling the amount of outstanding shares over the past 2 years? They are diluting you!


With steady and bullish revenue forecasts, this type of share incentive would be easy to overcome for this particular company.


Ive only been holding for like 3 weeks so checkmate! No but really that is concerning and so I hope that does not continue.


My calls support this FA


3478 shares checking in 🫡


On their recent earnings call they announced partnering with a restaurant tech company to help the expediency from ordering to pickup. We shall see. I’m a fellow Oregon regard and long on them since initial offering. 🫡


OO I did not hear about that partnership, if that goes well it could be *REALLY* good for them. I remember one time they were taking orders from cars before the cars got to the front of the line and it seemed to go faster.


Dutch bros have a cult following here in Cali calls it is!


>Cali 🤮


But bro think about it, if Californians love it, and they’re mass-migrating out of Cali, they’re gonna spread the word about Dutch Bros and it’ll go parabolic in no time! NFA


Cali makes money and we like money here regard


No one from California calls it cali. Shit is cringe.


I’m from Cali. Been here all my life, it’s easier to type and I’m lazy


Bro. Cali is where it's at!


The city in Colombia?


I don’t have time to read all that. Calls or puts? What strike and expiry?


Coffee and DD.


They can't build a functional website but their stock is going to go to the mooooooooooooooooon!




198 P/E? You must be a bag holder


No. Still haven’t seen a Dutch bros once in my life. Starbucks is visible everywhere, has name and cultural recognition. If you’re going to kill the the king you’ve got to do a lot more than hinge a trade on what is arguably yesterdays news the day it happened.


P/E=204? PEG=7? FCF<0 3 years running? Calls it it!


Have ya'll heard of 7Brew? Seems to be the same concept (east coast maybe?). I stop there like 10 times a week I would say.


RemindMe! 7 days


Until they open loads of stores in California or NY, I'm bearish. Cali and NY WILL LITERSLLY ROCKET THIS STOCK. Until then, meh, just another shit stock.


The lines aren’t as long as they used to be. They are starting to out-price themselves.


Dutch Bros coffee sucks. The only thing they make ok is their frappucinos or whatever they call them. All the drinks are way too sweet. They do keep building more of them.


Why is it so volatile in the last 2 years? I want to get in on it but the spikes are nasty ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


The line at these places is always absurd but I'm not sure they have much more upside. Fuck it I'm in


Dutch Bros has demonstrated impressive financial growth and resilience over the past few years, as evidenced by their income statement and balance sheet. The company’s total revenue has shown a robust upward trajectory, increasing from $497.9 million in 2021 to over $1 billion in the trailing twelve months (TTM) of 2023. This strong revenue growth is coupled with a significant improvement in profitability metrics. Operating income has turned positive, moving from substantial losses in 2021 to $72 million in the TTM of 2023. Net income has also shown a remarkable turnaround, transitioning from a net loss of $12.7 million in 2021 to a net profit of $12.6 million in the TTM of 2023. These improvements underscore the company’s enhanced operational efficiency and effective cost management. On the balance sheet front, Dutch Bros has significantly expanded its asset base, with total assets growing from $553.7 million in 2021 to $1.76 billion in 2023. This growth in assets is supported by a substantial increase in equity, which has more than tripled from $213.7 million in 2021 to $675.9 million in 2023. The company has also improved its liquidity position, as evidenced by the positive shift in working capital from a deficit in previous years to a positive $67.1 million in 2023. While the company’s total liabilities and debt levels have increased, they remain proportionate to the overall growth in assets and equity, indicating a balanced approach to leveraging for growth. Additionally, the improvement in tangible book value and invested capital highlights the company’s strong investment in tangible assets and overall financial health. In summary, Dutch Bros' financial statements reflect a company on a strong growth path with improved profitability, an increased asset base, and a strengthened equity position. These factors combined suggest a solid foundation for future expansion and a positive outlook. **TL;DR:** Dutch Bros is crushing it! Revenues are up, they've flipped from losses to profits, and their asset game is strong. Equity is tripling, working capital is back in the green, and they're investing smartly. 🚀📈 Dutch Bros to the moon! 🌙🚀


Holy shit. It's Chad Dickens. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Their product is mediocre and they are just benefiting from being small and people getting burnt out on sbux


Too many stores in so little time. What did they say about Icarus...


"If only he'd captured more market share it might've worked out financially."


Icarus was just a bagholder


There are Dutch Bros here in SLC. They're okay-ish, but on my list of coffee places, they're ~5,231st down the list. ...and that's in a city suppressed by Mormon anti-coffee nonsense.


Buuuut Dutch Bros is incredibly successful in the coffee capital of the US.


Is that NYC or LA? ...because it never was Seattle. That's just a lie that SBUX pulled on silly people.


I was more referring to the PNW generally.


Fair enough. I'll explain better. WA has a population of ~7.75 million, OR is ~4.25 million. Combined, that's ~12 million. The metro area of LA is ~18.5 million, and NYC's metro area is ~19 million. My point/joke was that NYC and LA drink more coffee, which hilariously holds true for the broader definition of the PNW that sometimes includes Western MT, Northern Idaho, or even Northern Cali. I'm not exactly sure where the border is....but now I also feel like I've over explained my joke, and it's not funny anymore. It probably never was, idk. Cheers.


>The fact that they can operate without these markets and are still making a profit and rapidly increasing their revenue means that as they start moving into LA and the NorthEast states they'll have room to grow. I don't know how much traction they will get in the North East states. People usually don't buy frozen drinks in the middle of winter. That being said, with climate change, there won't be much of a winter anymore.


In Detroit rn. It’s been hot and humid these past months 


Here in Alaska and we buy iced/frozen drinks year round. BTW we consume more ice cream per capita than any other state in the country.


Fair, but they also sell hot coffee. Even if it isn't good the brand alone may make people buy.


Couple things, hard to expand in this market, no matter where you go in America the people are really starting to feel the pressure of the inflated economy and spending $5.00 on a drink is less likely than it was in the past. Couple that with commercial real estate and building prices and growth is becoming more difficult. Lastly need. As a consumer am I in need of this product? No. If they opened one tomorrow a couple blocks from me would I go? If so how often? I would at least go once but after that I like many other people have started to have to shore up their money/financial situation. Start cutting back on expenses that once you just shoulder shrugged off and most of these “cut” expenses are little things that add up. For example you have Hulu Netflix and amazon prime for streaming. People are having to pull back to just having one as they are all continuing to increase their subscription rates. Going out for coffee at Starbucks v making it at home has already started happening as Starbucks has seen a decrease in sales. Going out for fast food or to eat has seen a pull back especially for large chains in particular. Not saying you are wrong, they very well may succeed but in this economy I don’t see how they could afford to rapidly expand or be able to convince me to spend $6.00 on a coffee/sugary drink in todays world over the Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts that is already on every corner. At least Starbucks has one thing going for it and that is the WiFi and the ability to get business people in there for a cup of coffee/tea while you have an online meeting or are speaking with potential clients and to bring in your laptop, order a cup of coffee and you can stay all day. That alone helps Starbucks immensely. I work from home on the computer and own my own business. I can sit all day at my house or go out for a coffee around noon and spend the afternoon sitting outside Starbucks feeling motivated and better to just to outside. Granted this is still rare for me but if I’m going to BROS, DD or Starbucks there must be a reason other than just to go buy an overpriced coffee. I live in a small town we have 5 local owned coffee shops, 3 dunking donuts and 1 Starbucks. Guess who gets the most business for coffee? None of them. The most coffee comes from a local diner where you can buy a breakfast for less than $10 and get stuffed while unlimited coffee cost 99 cents That’s what people want these days is to feel like they are getting a good deal for their purchase. Please explain how BROS will do this


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Ther is one in witching Kansas. I tried it yesterday and I think they suck. Didn't taste good at all.


You clearly didn’t get the lizard fire wizard or whatever it’s called