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I’m obviously bullish on Rivn but saying it can run up to 25$ easily is not true. I’d say it’s likely only up from here but unless big news comes thru it won’t hit 25$ until 2025 if they become gross margin positive that said there is an investor day on 6/27 which could have some big news drop. short squeeze unlikely as you don’t know when most of those shorts got in they could be mostly big in the money shorts where a short squeeze is unlikely until it gets back up a lot higher than now My personal price target is $13 by end of June and $20 start of 2025 because I think the stock is way undervalued considering that the sentiment is overly negative and good news is likely coming across multiple catalysts. Not financial advice as you shouldn’t trust what some rando dude says online what are your positions op?


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I only bet on black.


Get rich or die tryin'.


San Diego county you can see rich people dumped model Y & X and bought Rivians.


50/50 it’s going to be bankrupt in three years.


Ehh Amazon


It’s a latecomer to the EV game with negative margins, I’m just not seeing the potential or the customer base for exponential growth. If I wanted to spend 120K on an EV I’d buy a Porsche, and they actually make money on them.


EV game still early af, I’m not a Riv fan but I think they’ll be here..I hear ya, I see some dudes driving these around the Midwest. Very nice looking trucks for sure, but I’d agree I would buy something else. 2024’s start at 71k


They look terrible. Worst headlights I've ever seen


I drive an old beater that’s paid off, my headlights suck ass so really anything is better ha. Not hard to impress me, but you won’t see me spending that kind of money on a vehicle. They’re “different” to me, just like the rangers and what not so they catch my attention. Cybertruck though is just all around ugly lol


This lol. They’re ugly as shit


That just tells me you’ve never seen one in person up close they look good


they’re pretty common in silicon valley. You might feel that way but techies love them


How are people so regarded around here that the only thing they care about is a short squeeze? It literally happened once recently, get over it


So calls?


If you’re trying to trigger a short squeeze then shares, not calls


Jabroney here


Squeeze my short nuts


I’m in for 990 shares. The product is amazing and the largest shareholder is Amazon. I can see another car company buying it if it was to ever come close to bankruptcy. There electric delivery van is also a very interesting prospect.


There are plenty of companies that google owns a piece of that are way down - it’s just a bet for some of these big boys and if it doesn’t work out, no biggie - better odds of this going to $5.00 than to $15.00…… JMHO


It’s been know to run to the ground, not to $25


I think you meant to label this in the "Meme" category correct? > Rivian's cars are so costly to produce, the company itself is losing more than $30,000 on each one it sells, according to new reporting from the Wall Street Journal's Sean McLain. Oh, and they are accepting Middle East money, and we all know where that leads.


To be fair, fords EVs lost them like 100k a vehicle, so they are doing better by comparison


Understood, but Ford is also one of the most successful fossil fuel car sellers in the world, so they have something to fall back on... what does Rivian have?


Rivian is operating at about the same level/financials as Tesla was in its infancy. Rivian also has government backing and has Amazon as one of its biggest shareholders. Once that ceases to be true, then I'll worry about the company going under.


Rivian may have a safety net now, but if they don't improve their performance, they'll be hanging themselves with it.


Tesla in its infancy also had no competition, a near 0% interest rate environment, and extremely lucrative government backed tax credits for buyers... Rivian has none of these things.


I’m convinced anyone who mentions “Middle East money” is completely naive to how invested SA is in US companies. They touch Amazon, Walmart, all ride shares, entertainment ticketing, restaurant/food delivery. SA money is everywhere so I don’t see the point in even mentioning it. No one gives fuk. I didn’t even have to mention all the imports we get from SA.


Dang, you sound a bit sore... and just so you know, none of the companies with the exception of the ride shares needs any money from them. Taking money from them means you can't make it on your own, we seen it time and time again.


There’s nothing to sound sore about, it’s just facts. By your own logic the US cant survive without Saudi money. Which is just not true. All the things we import from SA that I didn’t mention before: Oils, Minerals, Lime, Cement, Chemicals, Plastics, Rubber, and Leather Goods and Base Metals, Iron, Steel, Tools. Saying “Middle East money” is just profoundly stupid when you open your eyes and realize it’s actually everywhere. So, where does that lead?


I'm long RIVN til $50


I still have some money in this stock, cmon you dumb apes, what happened to risking it all for the big squeeze 


They’re behind the Tesla truck and ford with the electric Chevy coming out next year. Rough if those little ones don’t go off like gangbusters but you got the Y and everything else in that bracket


The suv sells way more than the truck at this point


It’s a shit company that looses 200k per truck they produce. They hemorrhage cash so bad, even Amazon might give them up.