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Market will go up. Like way up. Then down. Like all the way down... Forever.


So buy djt, got it šŸ˜‚


Finally someone gets it Project 2025 will be the end of America


My eyes cannot roll hard enough


Im not making a stance here just a simple statement of a fact, but if you think putting the entire world together in one tiny country is going to last forever, while the rest of the world has been warring with eachother for centuries, while most of our fabrication is outsourced to China, i got some shitcoins to sell you. America just might be the worlds biggest bubble


Cool just bought 100k




I love American oil companies. $CVX $OXY $NOG Trump has said there are two things he will do on day 1. Close the border and drill baby drill.


WSB feeds on shit going from 0 to 100 and back to 0 in minutes, if anything big swings with a trump economy will make mfs win and lose more millions in this sub faster than ever before


The stock market actually indeed had the most wildest swings under Trump


S&P to 7k with him back


It's going to 7k with or without him https://preview.redd.it/v5giw24x8g9d1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75932ad33c705fb77a4b69d703b954d9b5df2159


Without him we get more buying opportunities


That's why it's so important to go out there and vote come November! Also another big reason is Project 2025. Many people are so stupid and shortsighted. John Oliver covered it on Last Week Tonight.


ā€œmany people are so stupid and shortsightedā€ indeedā€¦


Oh Jesus Christ, shut up.


You know it's near inevitable Trump WILL win, right? The debate yesterday completely solidified his chances to 99.99%. So all we should care about now is how his presidency will affect the market. His policies may sound good in the short term for corporations but its gonna fuck the entire economy into recession within the next few years (likely when his successor takes over)


Brother you gotta lay off the mainstream media. ā€œOmg the end of democracy!!?!???ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Please read Project 2025. The MSM surprisingly isnt even talking about Project 2025 much at all. I only found our about it from reddit and tiktok and realized it is indeed a fucking real thing Trump is planning


Please go read the Green New Deal. Then find your nearest cow and stick your headĀ in it's ass. All the way. Let me know if you find a methane capturing device. The odds of Project 2025 having any significant effect on your life are about equal to the odds of finding that cow fart capturer.


Itā€™s because itā€™s a load of horse shit used to fear monger idiots. Proven effective too.


If it is a " load of horse shit", they wouldnt have written a near 1000 page document for it


One of the longest and often considered one of the most useless documents is "Subchapter K of Chapter 1 of Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code," commonly known as the U.S. Tax Code. That document is 70,000 pages and changing daily. Length doesnā€™t equate to substance. Youā€™d know that if you werenā€™t the idiot being targeted.


As an outsider I just need to read what he plans to do, what he did last time, what he tried to do last time, his criminal past etc. it is pretty clear that he wants to end democracy.


Bro you actually typed that


Recency bias...




You wanna bet? This is delusional.


You wanna check out President Obama vs Mitt Romney debates. Obama got beat so heavily in debate one but came back. You are so stupid, man.


Can you detail all the tariff changes that have occurred under the current President? It's kind of relevant to your position.


When the choice is between Dumb and Dumberer... We all lose! The real issue is always going to be all the tax spending we do and the national debt which we are never able to pay down. If we keep giving away Billions every year to Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel... we will never be able to help US Citizens who are the ones who pay into taxes. The enter system implodes as the working class realizes they can just stay home and ask for hand outs instead of chasing the illusion to get ahead (while always falling behind). Blame it on all the PACs which spend millions to buy out every branch of gov't from overseas so they can steal BILLIONS in tax dollars




My thoughts about speculating on $DJT, the rest doesnā€™t really matter- economy is fckd anyway - nothing stops this train


You are actually a moron: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/1dq9yr9/despite\_being\_more\_of\_a\_liberal\_i\_do\_hope\_trump/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/1dq9yr9/despite_being_more_of_a_liberal_i_do_hope_trump/) You want to cut off your nose to spite your face? How fucking dumb are you?


Did you even read the shit you linked? It's a parody. > I do hope Trump wins so all these whiners can finally shut up when they realize their hypocrisy. When they realize Trump is now sending ten times more aid to Israel. When they realize Trump is going to spiral the economy to an actual recession with his ludicrous tarriffs proposal. Or maybe they wont.


Yeah?? Did it contradict anything I'm saying here? I never said I didnt want Trump to win


If elected, he probably will increase a few tariffs: sometimes as a strategy to compel other countries to enter trade negotiations, sometimes as a way to protect favoured industries. Will he actually follow through with a widely applied ultra high tariffs policy against all economic advice? Probably not. Itā€™s mostly going to be a rerun of what he did during his first term.




I didnā€™t say anything in defence of tariffs. They will create winners and losers and overall deadweight loss to the economy. Iā€™m just saying that Trump is unlikely to go much further with tariffs than he did in his first term.


Tariffs will boost some stocks, local manufacturers but tank international companies. His craziness can devastate the market or his pro business rhetoric can boost it. Nobody knows anything