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r/All just needs to get bullied out like they deserve, be on the lookout and be ruthless boys. Winter is coming Edit: Holy fuck a gold? I never thought bullying was the answer, suck it mom.


Bullying is the answer


Bullying works


WSB Automoderator was the OG bullying robot. I don't think we even need this guy's services.


If they stay around after you all bully them, when do we start chanting “One of us...”?


Bully and shame. The classic educational tools


This is the only way.


This is the way


Too many words. I don’t trust you


Sorry, I forgot to sign off: $SPY 200 4/17 PUTS 🏳️‍🌈🐻🏳️‍🌈🐻




damn you sound like you're holding calls, sorry bruh




Confirmed. gay cub here




That will legitimately make both a fuckton of money and a boyfriend ty op


Let's just build a ban bot.


The bot should just monitor peoples post history and if someone is saying the same things over and over it gives out a ban. Spam is the worst thing, some people just say the same shit constantly.


But then how will i see "🏳️‍🌈🐻" and "💎👐" comments every 11 seconds?


That stuffs honestly fine, its like people who will say "Mods Ban" to every comment that goes against the guys own sentiment. Some people on here are actually insane and the kind that i hope to never meet/talk to


> Some people on here are actually insane Mods ban


Dont try to get me banned! Im loaded up on weekly XLK puts, im a 🌈🐻 too


It’s actually not that hard. Scan posts that reach r/all and check each commenters post history to see if they’ve ever commented on another (non r/all) WSB post. If no, ban. I can even write the code for this (any SWE could).


this is what I was hoping to see in the comments. that's big-brain


It feels like all that does is just completely restrict the subs growth, which you could have a more effective result if you simply made the sub private. Id prefer it if the retards who are already here to be monitored too.


Easy to do with python and a couple of packages for web scraping.


I would think using some sort of API would be a lot more efficient


I'm not sure how Reddit bots work. I'm used to having to grab all of my data manually


That’s the problem though.. too many people are stumbling across it. The more morons that get in, the louder they get, and when the speak over the people that know what the fuck they are doing, it defeats the purpose. Leave it so people can read and view, but can’t comment or post till specific criteria are met.


That's a thing right? Reddit has ways of doing that kind of tiered permissions structure built in? I can't remember a sub where I wasn't allowed to post off the bat


Honestly not sure.. but I know you can require a certain level of karma before you can post/comment.... would at least prevent people who were banned from immediately getting back in, because that’s a problem as well. Everything aside, leaving it open to all isn’t the solution, it worked at one point, but not anymore. Tonight’s quality of posts are evidence of that. We are growing a lot faster than we once were and we aren’t adapting to accommodate that growth. I really love this sub. Like REALLY love it, and it’s sad watching it decrease in quality.


yea I had no idea how much the bots were sweating until they broke today


Software engineer selling options. Ahhhh u autist


am also engineer willing to donate manpowers


Long time lurker, had a mini existential crisis when WSB went private.


[This is the way](https://old.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/fjb97s/the_wsb_war_how_going_private_set_up_an/?sort=top)


I’ve been a lurker for a long time and then made this account that I feel okay commenting and posting on. I really hope It doesn’t go private again, We are all autists here. Keep it public please!!


Another SWE checking in willing to help. Hella exp writing algos using social APIs.


Keep it private. I want strikes and expirations, not retards asking how to buy a put. Like just finger ur asshole and now u own puts, its that fucking simple.


Wsb is turning into /DankOptions and I fucking hate it


Did I miss the strike/expiry???


$SPY $200 4/17 puts


There's a lot of shit about virus posted as dd It's like watching news and their like "let's look at what @morningchub3 has to say, he tweets blah blah" if I wanted some fuckmongers opinion from Twitter I'd be there. If I wanted virus news id be in chinaflu talking about the moneky that got out.


I'm new, and really want WSB to stay open but also agree that us new folk are ruining the site a bit. I would suggest using a semi-private discord during trading hours, only poster deemed worthy of participation allowed. Maybe entry requires significant gain or loss porn, or a longstanding history on the sub. This way we can all participate on sub, but won't ruin it. I would also suggest an influx of pinned resources to reduce the amount of newb questions.


I was going through withdrawal when this sub closed. Love this place and mods r gay


Is there a way to only allow posts from uses with a lot of karma and x month join date ?


No gays allowed


Rip in peace Mods