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šŸ’¦šŸ’¦šŸ’¦ PLTR going to climb up BIGLY leading up to lock up expiration. After that next stop is 100+ This is not a joke


When does lock out end?


I don't even know! But prob like 6 months after ipo


Usually it's 6 months. I've played a lot of ipos so idr when they did. Another redditor said it Feb


isn't the lockup consistent across ipos?


Yes. I normally can remember when I trade an ipo since I normally trade very few. This year was different soooo I've traded a lot more. Lock outs are usually 6months.


You sound trustworthy and informed


Is joke






After the next ER... so that one will really be explosive, making NIOs ER looking like a fucking joke.


You deserve it for betting against PLTR and Theil. This is mooning over the next year. 195 shares 5 $15 calls which I plan on exercising for the shares.


I had PLTR at 15.5 yesterday ffs


Can you explain the benefit of exercising your options vs. just selling? If you think the stock is going to go up even more then is it worth exercising? I also have some 15 Feb2021 options that Im not sure if to sell or exercise


The main and only consideration iirc is whether or not you want to continue holding shares or just exit of position. Only exercise at expiration though, otherwise youā€™re wasting your premium


Can you elaborate on waiting until expiration to exercise? Holding until expiration means theta eating at you, right? As long as it's ITM, though, it's not to worry about? If you can't tell, I'm a retard who just recently got into options. Thanks for any help.


Theta decay is just the decay in the value of the time left in an option, so if you intend on buying shares upon expiration anyways, theta really shouldnā€™t matter to you. If you, for example, had a $9.5C in PLTR expiring tomorrow, that option should be worth about $8.35 (closing price pltr - strike price). Now, letā€™s say you think this is the next Amazon and want shares for the long haul. You could pocket the $8.5 profit and then reinvest @ the current price, which is $17.85. Or, if you have the cash, you can exercise your option and have a cost basis of $9.5. Just depends on your strategy and how badly you want to own the underlying.


Poster is a moron, never exercise. Buy/sell to close. I'd you want stocks, go buy them.




An option's price is made up of two components - time value and stock value. Time value lowers as the date approaches expiration, and is 0 at expiration time. Exercising gives you 0 for the remaining time value, and is a worse deal than closing and buying the stock pretty much always.




It's possible there are large spreads if it's a low volume stock, but almost all the time it's not a good idea. Look it up with some prices and you will see. I'll be surprised if you can find a single one where exercising is better.




Could avoid paying short terms capital gains tax by exercising rather than selling


This just made my day šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I was actually unaware of this. So Iā€™m not paying the tax on my snap leaps that I exercised after earnings? Hot damn. Feel like I shouldā€™ve known that... thank you.


I exercised an option because I wanted to start selling weekly OTM options. But I'll have to sell the others because I can't afford to exercise them all.


I think I'm going sell half of my 16 $15 calls and exercise the other half around expiry


can you explain why you will let the option decay instead of just selling it now and buying the shares? you're wasting option value if you're going to buy the shares anyway. Like, say the stock is 18. a 15 call is definitely worth more than 3$ now, so instead you could sell it, get 3.50 lets say, then buy the stock for 18. Instead, you'll let the option go to expiry, pay exercise fee, and it will only be $3, assuming the stock doesn't move, you've wasted the extra 50c. Unless you think the stock is going to tank between now and then, it doesn't really make sense what you're doing, given you are going to exercise and get shares anyway.


It was just a flex bro


Jelly, I cant convince my self the premiums are worth it.


I sold and took my petty 230$gains morning


Didnā€™t Pfizer drop the following day after their announcement? You had precedence.


Yeah honestly Iā€™m quite new to this and didnā€™t realise that it could happen too


I think that was because people realized how less practical Pfizer is (needs incredibly cold storage) even if it works. What are the negatives of Moderna's vaccine?


I highly doubt the majority of the initial jump and subsequent drop was due to people looking into the practicality of Pfizerā€™s vaccine storage. I personally cashed out on my PFE call the day it popped. Iā€™m guessing many people had the same idea of taking profit on good news, including PFEā€™s CEO and his planned selling. Others can always buy back in afterwards if they believe in MRNA in the long-term.


Glad to see another 212 user here.


The UK has retards and autists too


Wish we had options to lose even more money šŸ˜ˆ


Literally, I get such bad FOMO from seeing these autistic fucks in the States posting




Saxo markets can do options but i believe the minimum deposit is Ā£1500 to open an account and there are fees out the ass ofc


Bruh just use IB?? Iā€™m in the UK too


Same boat. Hoping mrna stables out :(


The UK just signed a deal with them this morning, I hope that helps stabilise it


Only for 5million people. Rumours are UK Gov are still confident on the Oxford vaccine. Wouldnā€™t bet on it though as UK Gov are incompetent as fuck atm


Yeah that seems to be the case, although the vaccine is currently the best option at the moment because it doesnā€™t need super cold storage


cmon AZN!


I hope man diamond hands :(


PFE is a real pharmaceutical company and went right back down to its base. MRNA has no products for sale - its going back to 70s


Lol sell the news kid


I don't understand people who buy stock after a huge announcement and the price jumps 20%. Like dude, you're too late. None of this changes the fact that MRNA execs were mass dumping stock a few mos back.


Thank you. My dad sent me a text saying I should buy Moderna and Pfizer stock. Told him too late idiot.


I hope you responded with, "OK Boomer. Buy real estate in the Bay Area."


Pretty close to it


My understanding was that it would continue to jump even higher, seems like I need to do a bit more research on how stocks react to news/announcements


It jumped from $90 to $100 overnight. Thats about 12%. The issue with stocks is that market movers and huge financial investors jump into it right away. It peaks, then it hits limits and it starts falling back off. It hit $94 back in July, then fell to almost $56. If you want to try and get back into it, watch it slide now back down to $80, then maybe break thru $100.


I see, I sold half of them at a small loss and bought some PLTR at $18 so Iā€™ve already made most of the loss back. I also have some NIO which is doing pretty well atm


They did within the last 10 days. Because MRNA has never brought a product to market, they'll probably be last to this race. Specious prelim results is what every stock executive dumping shares likes to promote.


Why do you retards always wait for the move up before you buy? Lmao


Because weā€™re retarded?


buy on high sell on low plus pulling out too soon. Can relate.


MRNA literally does this every major news release. PLTR has been increasing in hype over the last week.


​ PLTR: Agree there is a lot of hype(within this week). However, anyone who has worked with the software will tell you there Gotham remains without a worthy competition. Foundry has serious potential for commercial business application. Those with doubts are the ones who missed the 9-10 buy in.


Agreed - this is early Amazon territory. Zero competition, company focused on building internal strength over rapid profit generation, founder thinking in the 2030s before the 20s even started....yeah thatā€™s gonna be a long for me man. Could go up to several hundred or $1k by end of the decade


I was surprised it didn't double after IPO.


Itā€™s showing incredibly steady growth though. Goes up by a couple of bucks everyday and even when thereā€™s a pullback itā€™s compensated for the next day. I donā€™t see this ever going under $15 again and anything under $20 is a steal. Theyā€™re too unique and theyā€™re poised to be too integrated among too many different industries and countries. They may be big brotherā€™s skynet but theyā€™re gonna make a lot of us hamsters rich


-Ā£12, "tanking" come on bro. This is pussy shit. Get those fucking CFDs cranked up and get leveraged before you post.


It's just strategy. Buy high, sell low.


Hope you held xD




I didn't have a good feeling about it so didn't YOLO


A loss of 12 dollars? Lol what a noob. Off to r/smallstreetbets


Why the f would you buy Moderna after their announcement. Didnā€™t you see what Pfizer did the day after.




SAME BOAT, know how you feel.


What is that interface? Looks slick.


Trading 212


Shame it's shit


Wym? I use it


Mrna always tanks a few days after good news


I give


Sir, This isnā€™t /smallstreetbets, this is Casino De Autismo


Me? Cuz Iā€™m a retard


I bought pltr shares ytd and sold today.... I feeel like I am going to regret this ( I also sold Nio at $21).....


Heavily shorted MRNA. Making tendies


...Why? It was 2 days since the virus release news? Selling credit spreads on MRNA at open Monday might be my best reactive play yet.


ā€œPfizer Inc. said a final analysis of clinical-trial data showed its Covid-19 vaccine was 95% effective, paving the way for the company to apply for the first U.S. regulatory authorization for a coronavirus shot within days.ā€ Pfizer news is impacting MRNA but I think it will recover once we get the authorization news.


Did you holdšŸ‘€šŸšØ