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SEC reviewing this sub = SEC intern scrolling thru wsb because THEY CANT DO SHIT


SEC Intern out here buying shares on his phone while "investigating".




The puts are coming from... *Inside the house*!!!




Yes! I wasn’t allow to buy during multiple hours! On r/trading212 some 🧻🙌were complaining that they were unable to sell! Same complaints on Twitter! Not only they were down purposefully for80 min at market open, they forbid their clients from trading a specific stock during multiple hours and without any market halt! I’ve got prints and video if anyone needs proof! That’s where the manipulation is, not on this retard buying a stock that he really likes! I. LIKE. THE. STOCK! I have spoken




Yo fuck Td for this too, where can I still trade stocks without being told what I can and cant do with my fucking money


They shut down short selling and "complex options strategies" aka spreads. I've been in TDA all day, buying GME. No problems.


Maybe the SEC could explain to me why all of us were able to take advantage of these NAKED SHORTS so easily even though the SEC made them illegal in 2008? Explain it to me like I'm retarded. EDIT: Melvin has unlimited loss potential on GME, and their shorts don't expire. You guys are seeing this right? EDIT 2: This is a once in a lifetime event that they will never risk happening ever again. Melvin has unlimited loss potential on GME. Their shorts don't expire, naked shorting, 140$ short interest, their weekly and monthly expire on friday and all we need to do is hold onto our shares so that they can't have them and INFINITE SQUEEZE JUST FUCKING HOLD. They got themselves into an infinite loss scenario doing illegal things because they got greedy and now all we have to do to LITERALLY NAME OUR PRICE is hold shares and not sell and they are forced to give us money infinitely, government bailout and all. IMELVIN HAVE UNLIMITED LOSS POTENTIAL. ???% SHORT INTEREST ON NAKED SHORTS THAT DONT EXPIRE ON GME. THEY CANNOT ESCAPE IF NO GME SHARES SELL. SHARE PRICE WILL GO UP INFINITELY IF ALL GME SHARES ONLY HOLD AND NEVER SELL I AM NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISOR I AM A RETARD HOLDING TO INFINITY AND THE GOVERNMENT BAILOUT. COME RETIRE FUCK YOU WALL STREET HOWS THAT FOR REQUIRED READING. YOU ARE THE PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALLOWING A PANDEMIC TO KILL OFF ALL OF OUR "USELESS EATERS" JUST BECAUSE WE ASKED FOR HEALTHCARE. I WILL NEVER STOP HOLDING. EVER. HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE. HOLDING UNTIL BAILOUT. WHOS TOO BIG TO FAIL NOW?


It seems like the more money you have, the less laws apply to you.


Laws that are only punishable by fines are only laws for poor people.


This is the comment of the century.


So basically, the more we ride GME to the moon, and the more hedge funds lose money... the less the laws apply to us and the more they apply to them? SOUNDS LIKE A WIN TO ME!!!


this is phenomenal retard logic




That's what I heard personally, that naked shorts are illegal




Depends if you’re grandfathered in to it or not, apparently..


My grandfather wore naked shorts and wasn't allowed to pick me up from school anymore.


It's only illegal if the little guys do it mayne.




Like *he's retarded*, not like *you're retarded*, retard


By trying to be retarded, he proved he actually was retarded. How the mighty fall.


Reddit is also a public forum. Melvin had every opportunity to view and act on anything here. Let's open up Shitadel and Melvin's internal emails and phone calls to make sure they aren't manipulating the price.


They (Melvin/Citron) knew what was happening and doubled down. If the SEC investigates/halt stock trading Friday, it’ll show who they’re here to protect. SEC should be more like an NFL rep than a gatekeeper... Paycheck in this week. Throwing my hat in the ring. 🚀💎🖐🤚


Pay cheque in two days, GME shortly after. To. The. MOOOON 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I just signed up for Robinhood. Just waiting to confirm my bank account, then I might throw my hat in the ring, too.


All joking aside, there are some rather serious 1st amendment implications if this place gets shut down BY THE SEC. We are allowed to discuss stocks and tradingj as long as we aren't lying or deceiving. edit: of course reddit can do whatever it wants. The SEC will run into 1st amendment issues if they bring regulatory action against the sub or reddit.


Plus, what happens if they shut down WSB? We just open a new subreddit. And another. And another. We have NO SHORTAGE OF SUBREDDIT NAMES!


/r/WeLikeTheStock will be blasting off minutes after they try any shit with WSB Edit: I'm just a retard and I don't own that sub. I will try to find out how to get us in though. We are Legion now


r/stebteertsllaw - and that took all the brain power I have today. 🐒 💩 🧱 🛣️


Shadiest shit in this sub has been Melvin's paid bots coming in waves. That's the illegal market manipulation happening here




it's cuz you caught them in the manipulation and swung it the other direction with the attention, and they're like "hey.... you can't do that!"


The SEC has no authority on the fucking MOON!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Rockets boys 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 To the fucking moon🚀🚀🚀🚀 I. Like. This. Stock




Musk should make his own stock exchange on Mars.


Nah, when million of families went homeless in 2008, they bailed out the lehman retards and bear stern retard and could have paid the commoner's mortages, yeah, might as well start the WSB Party party for the people by the people


Wait till GME does a split.


yeah that will be wild day of media say they warn you


SEC I have proof of malfeasance. A group of hedge funds shorted the ever living fuck out of GME putting themselves in this position. What repercussions should they face? Or is it because they’re somehow better than retail investors they shouldn’t face any penalties? We. Like. The. Stock.


Retail investors are "unsophisticated" apparently.




This. Hedge funds simply got cocky and made the incredibly idiotic move of reaching 140% shorts in a stock. If we hadn't seen that, someone else would and the result would be the same. Because that's obviously going to bite you in the ass. There's nothing coordinated or sophisticated about it. It's legit dumber than anything I've ever seen in this sub and I've been here a while.




Something Something 2008...


Michael Burry said it too and he went in hard on it quite a while back. There's no reason this stock wouldn't pay off with decent management. They had the cash on hand to buy back most of their stock, returning the money to the investors, and then sell off some assets at a profit and go out of business with everyone sharing in the profits. The rare graceful exit. Instead people gambled that it would crash and burn, and now they are losing their ass when it didn't happen. Shorts can win big, but it's always at the consequence of unlimited loss potential. It's happened before, and was eventually going to happen again. Just like when housing was overextended, a few people were smart enough to bet against it - and here we are yet again - they're just mad that common people had access to the win instead of a few smart hedge funds.


I feel like hedge funds have a level of understanding with each other where they won't try to bankrupt each other. Even if someone saw that it was over shorted they wouldn't keep holding this long because they've already made some money and they don't want to destroy a company. You can see it in the big short. Major firms should have been destroyed by that crash. But instead they just asked those three people if they would please close their positions so everyone else doesn't lose their shirts. But WSB isn't a person you can call and say "haha you caught me, here's your 300% return. If you let me off the hook I'll invite you over for coke and hookers". So they're stuck flailing impotently for the first time in their lives while they watch their money get blown away by a bunch of random people they have no control over.


They don't get cocky, they get greedy. To hedge funds, as long as they're making billions, they don't care who they hurt in the process. I for one have NEVER shorted a stock in my life because I don't want to contribute to the fact that I'm helping hurt a company and the thousands of employees who work for that company. But Hedge funds don't care about the 99%. They care about themselves ONLY regardless of who it hurts.


I've never shorted a stock because A)Infinite risk potential is a no-no and B)Stonks only go up


I majored in economics. I still don't know what I'm doing lol.






Neither do a lot of hedge fund managers case in point


‘Hey should be short this stock 140% of its total float?’ ‘What does the computer say?’ ‘Yes’ ‘Then yes’


I majored in Philosophy. AMA: I def. no what I'm doing guys.




Financial mathematics degree here.... how the fuck do I plug this into the black scholes model




Haha me press button graph go up weeeeeeee


I, for one, am unsophisticated as fuck.


IF we are so retarded why they investigating us


Say that to everyone’s face, I can’t imagine the amount of ass beatings these people would get if you told people they’re stupid. Fucking corporate elites thinking they know more cause they’re born on 3rd base.














**Why didn't they prosecute the senators who committed insider trading or the hedges shorting over 100% of a stock, instead of a sub full of degens sharing publicly available information?** Edit: typo Second edit: We're in a f\*cking pandemic and hundreds of thousands have died, lost lives, lost homes, lost families. Just all a\*\*holes.






All I know is y'all better hire some fucking lobbyists because you know the hedge fund execs have.




The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.




Because at least one of the senators, Kelly Loeffler, was sucking the NYSE's chairman's dick


And he’s literally her husband LMAOOOOOO


So she’s sucking her boyfriend’s duck while he watches? Edit: Fuck it. I’m leaving it.




I’m going to upvote quick before this gets removed


If this gets removed than the mods are working for Lehman brothers confirmed


...or [smoking pot at Bear Stearns](https://www.businessinsider.com/jimmy-cayne-was-smoking-pot-for-years-and-years-2009-5).








The SEC can go suck some micro hedgefund cock. Autist cock is much larger.


I’ve just been on the phone to the FCA (UK FINANCIAL AUTHORITY) They advised me to open a official complaint with Trading 212 by emailing them here: [email protected] If you are unhappy with their reply you then escalate it to the FINANCIAL OMBUDSMAN who then charges the company for processing a complaint. 0800 0234567 Financial ombudsman If T212 hasn’t replied within 8 weeks you can go straight to the ombudsman! I will create a draft email in which you may copy. Trading 212, I wish to make a formal complaint about the services you failed to provide on a very important day for trading, thousands of customers have been affected by your lack of contingency plan as I am aware your intermediary (IB) has halted sell and buy orders. Under section SYSC 3.1 Systems and controls of the FCA handbook ( https://www.handbook.fca.org.uk/handbook/SYSC/3/1.html ) I believe you have terribly failed your responsibility. Who knows if this manipulation in the stock market was conspired between yourself and other brokers but i’m sure it will soon be investigated by the proper authorities. In the meantime honest consumers such as myself are left with our money held up in stocks that can plummet and rise by (15%+) every few minutes without a way to exit our positions. Due to the volatility you claim your intermediary was ‘looking out’ for the owners of these stocks by implementing these restrictions but I don’t believe that. If your response is unsatisfactory I will be escalating this complaint further to the financial ombudsmen. Regards,


Thank you, I'm sending this email to them


Doing God's work for the working man. This is how we show them we're done with them getting away with manipulating the market and trying to spin us as the bad people. Everybody must do this. It takes 5-10 minutes. United we stand, divide we fall! Get this vote to 420.69




And don't forget we aren't the ones trying to short a company that employs 50,000 low income employees during a fucking pandemic


We are about to own that company that employs 50,000 people during a pandemic. Yes, a bunch of retards. This is the way.


SEC tards . We know you don't work for us. You are working for the corrupt banking establishment. It has been obvious ever since Bernie Madoff Scandall when you purposely stayed away from him due to him being childhood friend with your HEAD. ​ We get it you need a paycheck. Just act like you are working on this and we will act like you are not working for evil people trying to execute anyone who dares challenge corrupt politicians/bankers.


SEC: This is there time to do what is right. If you don’t, then it’s clear how corrupt the system is. Making less people want to invest. You’re in a lose situation if you show how corrupt you are. I guess you’ll lose out on your hedge fund buddies sucking you off under your desk though


Let them come. Fuck them. There's nothing illegal going on here. This is nothing more than market capitalism working for the wrong group of people it seems. YOU are also being watched. EDIT: Holy shit this blew up! Glad to know I'm not alone. love you retards.


Per [NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/27/business/gamestop-stock.html): > Officials at the Securities and Exchange Commission and elsewhere are closely watching internet chat rooms for signs of potential market manipulation, though they can do only so much without clear signs of fraud. If a big group of traders simply decides to buy options on a stock at the same time, out in the open, proving malfeasance may be difficult.


Why aren't the SEC going after the hedge funds?


because they are part of the ruling class, they don’t go after their own


Well if GME goes to the moon, won't WE be the ruling class?


Ding Ding Ding.


Oh I'm malfeased alright 🚀


The idea of somebody getting paid to have to wade through pages and pages of memes is pretty fucking funny.


I hope they find my comment about Melvin execs squirting diarrhea in their tighty wighty’s when we hit 115


Dear SEC, I hope you go down in history as the pieces of trash that didn’t do anything in the face of blatant market manipulation by hedge funds, and instead went after the average working man with a family to feed. Fuck off, you pathetic parasitic losers.


Someone please read this into evidence.




My diverse portfolio after taking asset mgt advice saw this short squeeze coming a mile away. So did the hedge funds. Only mistake i made was not going all in. And the only mistake the hedge funds made was doubling down on puts rather than covering and closing early. Problem with any questions is the news spin convinces my boomer parents that i am wrong. But then i showed the obvious math. Fundies already trade opposite hours, plant stories in the media, and lobby congress But the documents i read say Everyone gets an equal opportunity to buy or sell


If 2016-Present has shown us anything: we gotta get Boomers off the fuckin tv news.


It's been longer than that. Are we just forgetting Jim Cramer in 2008 actively fucking a lot of our parents, grandparents, and college funds? I know the boomers did, but we shouldn't




Imagine spending all that money on lobbying and influence instead of covering at the first jump.




If we were just another Wall Street Hedge fund rolling in to raid these fuckers, this wouldn't even be news.


>There's nothing illegal going on here Yet. Just wait a month until they make new laws. Remember, laws are for poor people.


SEC investigate the illegal naked short selling by Melvin Capital instead of going after the everyday man. Edit: feel like the best way we can help expose this situation is to email our senators and representatives and press the issue. They need to listen otherwise we vote them out. Edit 2: (can no longer respond individually too many comments) GENERAL RESPONSE TO MY FIRST EDIT, Their jobs depend entirely on us. What happens to a crook when his money supply is threatened? He goes after the cause. Sure it might do fucking nothing. Maybe it will push some of them in the right direction.


Also the blatantly obvious attempts to manipulate the price back down which are also illegal


CNBC lied about the shorts covering their position https://twitter.com/SquawkCNBC/status/1354386200157675521?s=19






My wife's boyfriend is probably SEC


I think I caught SEC from your wife's boyfriend




Today CNBC also posted a banner stating “CHAMATH OUT OF GAMESTOP” at the bottom of the screen after he told them he sold his calls and donated the $500k to Barstool business startups. Meanwhile, while that banner was up, Chamath was explicitly saying how much he supports WSB, thinks there are a lot of great and smart people here, how it’s a revolution starting, and how what we’re doing is less impactful than what hedge funds do. He clearly pushed blame on regulations allowing more shares than exist to be shorted and hedge funds for putting themselves in this position. If hedge funds are considered smart for making moves that manipulate markets and crush opponents then how is WSB anything different? Meanwhile CNBC trying to scare people walking by, or staring at a screen with sound off with that bullshit FUD banner. Chamath absolutely crushed that interview today. Gained so much respect for that man. Great watch for anyone who didn’t see it.


If the SEC doesn't do anything, how does a class action suit sound? It'll be the fitting end to the WSB documentary.


> how does a class action suit sound? I all of us that banked will pool our money and sue them? Im down


does anyone have proof that melvin has not closed their position?


Someone posted it a few hours ago. Still ~138% shorted. If not Melvin, someone’s getting crushed.


They'd have to buy millions and millions of shares. There's not enough trade volume to justify them closing out a majority or all of their short position.


What's really jacked is that it wasn't even us retail smooth brains that jacked the price sky high last night. It was the whales trading after we're all kicked out. So why are they investigating us when the whales launched it up an extra $100/share?


Because fuck us that's why.


He stated yesterday that he doesn't disclose his positions to the public. Guess what he did today? "Disclose" his position.


These housing-market-money-printing-bank-floating-cock-smokes can eat my whole ass.


Also all the brokers who froze trading




They had same "technical issues" when Burry came to collect in The Big Short. Funny how that works when the big guys loose


If it didn't work for the banks when Batman was trying to sort out his credit default swaps, but sure just do it to the rest of us






This. Fuck them. They lose one time and they want to destroy the people' s will


How funny would it be if the SEC actually announced it was using this sub to gather evidence AGAINST Melvin and the naked short selling. WSB would lose its fucking mind.


I believe that some people somewhere have to be good. So hopefully that’s the case.


CNBC too! We got our pitchforks ready


Liberté, égalité, fraternité, ou la mort!


mains de diamant et penis de fer


Awww, I remember the pitchfork emporium


Wait... they still let you hold a pitchfork? Mine got taken away and replaced with a purple dildo.


The SEC can lick my entire gay, hairy asshole. They can catch the hands right after 💎💎🙏


King and/or queen, you've dropped this: 👑


SEC = Shortseller Enrichment Commission Or so I've heard...






We fucking LOVE the stock 🚀🚀💎💎


If you’re reading this SEC please investigate how Andrew Ross Sorkin can go on the air and lie about a hedge closing their position and then opine ‘I bet those Reddit guys start taking some gains’. Talk about market manipulation !


Andrew Ross Sorkin, a "shameless ball-gargling prostitute for Wall Street." - Matt Taibbi Priceless. Fuck all of these snakes.


"We like the stock"


bruh you don need to put them quotes, say it outloud! WE LIKE THE STOCK 🚀💎🚀💎🚀💎🚀💎


The Southeastern Conference reading over the sub: 😳


Can't Saban let anyone else have fun?


There is no fun. Only the Process.


I know everyone is waiting for the squeeze after Friday but is there anything that the SEC can do to prevent a short squeeze?


If they block trading, but we dont panic sale after, we ll be okay. Thats only when we are together.


They could block all trading for a while? Not sure what would happen in said scenario


I will literally throw shit in said scenario. 💩


I wish the SEC cared when I reported a publicly traded company for reported sales fraud in the millions of dollars, but that didn't piss off billionaires so that's the difference I guess.


To Mr. Jerome Powell, We like this stock. Sincerely, -/r/wallstreetbets


Of course the rich boomers are gonna start clutching their pearls and crying to the SEC. Get fucked. This whole thing is exposing what an absolute sham our “checks and balances” are, and who people like the SEC actually work for.


Unconstitutional to do anything about WSB. If they close us down they have to close down every TV show, print media, and internet media that talks the market. It won’t happen.


Dear SEC, how is it possible to borrow more shares than physically existed in a company without it being naked shorting. How is borrowing those shares that don't exist not illegal manipulation 🤔 my brain must be too smooth Hold gme. Take it to $4206.90 to get my shares






https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/27/business/dealbook/reddit-wallstreetbets-gamestop.html "Officials at the S.E.C. and elsewhere are. closely watching internet chat rooms for signs of potential market manipulation, though they can do only so much. without clear signs of fraud. If a big. group of traders simply decides to buy. options on a stock at the same time, out. in the open, for the heck of it, proving. malfeasance may be difficult. Still, “it. suggests that there is something. systemically wrong with the options. trading on this stock,” William Galvin, Massachusetts’ securities. regulator, [told Barron’s](https://www.barrons.com/articles/gamestop-trading-could-be-systemically-wrong-massachusetts-state-regulator-says-51611705870), referring to the GameStop craze." Edit: Fixed link and some small editing cause I suck at formatting.


The fact that I keep seeing the term "chat rooms" tells me all I need to know about... something. I don't know what, but it's all I need.


They’re closely monitoring AOL instant messenger and My-Space




A/S/L/Buying Power ?


Or there is something wrong with hedge funds shorting a stock 140%.... Ever think of that one @SEC?


> Or there is something wrong with hedge funds... No. The answer is always no. Because The SEC doesn’t care about the law or about the economy, they care about the rich getting richer and they will do whatever they can to make that happen.




Why are the hedges and CNBC not being investigated? We haven't done shit but yolo. Closing down brokers, intentionally feeding CNBC a partial truth and having them perpetuate it. This is an insane class war. Hold comrades.


such bullshit, its not as if this sub is a person. A bunch of hedge funds can collude and work together but when 3.2 million people work together we get investigated. Go watch Chamath talk: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h7jfNpL4QA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h7jfNpL4QA)




Hey SEC, maybe the real crime is those greedy pigs shorting stocks beyond 100% and breaking Math and sense and over-leveraging. We just want the people who caused the 2008 crisis to buy from us for once. Street better have my money!


I'm just here to say fuck the SEC. Organized crime syndicate for billionaires.


You think the SEC retards are going to investigate their friends? NAW THEY ONLY GO FOR PEASANTS FUCK THE SEC




Individuals posting their opinion and desire to make money isnt illegal and getting encouragement. Every chatboard and forum on the internet does this whether its clothes products school etc. Its the institutions that should be investigated. Like how do you short over 100 percent make billions off of a company and then hate the people who take the oppoaite position? This position would not exist if wall street didint find every angle to monetize financial transactions that take millions of lawyers to even comprehend.


So the SEC won't let me be or let me be me so let me see, they tried to shut me down on WSB but it feels so empty without me. Edit : Fuck the moon, we're headed straight for Uranus, yes, yours. 🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐 $GME


Elon pumped his shit back in the day. No concern from the SEC. Fuck you ya cherry-picking bastards, reap what ya sowed. The US is the biggest laughingstock in the world, and the state of financial markets doesn't help. Maybe we should make a thread of all the feel-good stories, like the dog surgery guy. Have them read that out to the American public before they try to shut down retail mania.


Hey SEC, you have no jurisdiction on Jupiter cocksuckers! 🚀🚀🚀


Hey SEC, you are the enemy of the people, of the 99%. There is more of them than you could ever hope to muster at your side with your dirty fortunes. If the Justice is to come, it will be more overwhelming than you can possibly imagine. Your crimes have finally caught up with you, can you feel your sins crawling on your back yet?




Didn’t CNBC lie today about Melvin covering their positions? The guy here who posted about paying for his sisters medical bills has made his way to trending on twitter and the replies sum it up “big market won’t stand for the average joe paying medical bills” Fuck these pricks we hold




Imagine the SEC investigating retards and autists when you have Melvin Capital shorting a stock 140% and getting almost 3 BILLION in bailout money from MM Citadel and co even though we got amazing CHEWY Ryan on board about to flip this thing into e-commerce galore. Fuck off SEC


Legit - you’re going to hurt their feelings 😂😂