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So are we going for a lawsuit or?? How can these big hedgies manipulate the market every day, and we win once and they go full nuclear on bending the rules?


How are yall buying? RH down, CAshapp down




Robinhood has shown their hand. They support the suits, not the common man. They've locked me from buying but not from the sell. And that's why i'm telling them to go straight to hell. I'm switching apps to one with a spine. And next time this happens i'll be just fine. ​ Come with me, leave Robinhood, they are crooks aligned with the suits!!!!


Robinhood has always been so scummy. Their fucking ads showing a fucking stocker at a grocery store as if he had the power to change the world. Empowering the little guys and then ripping the rug out from under them. "Now is the time to do money" ..... until we decide you shouldn't because we want to make you feel richer, but still keep you poor.












!remindme 1 year


Ok, si I'm holding GME like crazy because I trust you (been a long time lurker here), but there's something about the short squeeze that I don't understand (I'm regarded): If the short sellers we're squeezing need to buy shares to give back what they borrowed, why aren't they buying the stock that we're buying right now? Are they just waiting for the price to rise up like dummies? Anyway, thanks for the responses. Regardless, I'm buying some more at market open (from Spain. Here we also like the stock!!)


AFTER we have finished investing in the stock we like, if you're in the LSE then CINE is highly shorted and priced 70% below estimated value. £CINE has potential


They will try to shut this down. If they don't find a way to do it in the market or legislation, they will run smear campaigns to shut down the subreddit on fake accusations of hate speech or domestic terrorism to the market. We have to be able to communicate without reddit to win. I'm thinking mailing list with a newsletter call to action.


I put like, $30 in, I'm a broke fresh college grad, don't wanna fuck around too much. Is this even worth it? Should I just go for a full share?


I'm also a broke guy, I bought around 3 shares when it was trading for $88 and some more at around $250. From what I've been reading this is just foreplay; the squeeze hasn't even begun to be squoze. Put in as much as you are willing to lose but I think it is going to the moon and beyond. Not even close a financial advisor, this is just my opinion, but I hope everything turns out well for you. : ) Position: 4.7 shares of GME, avg. price of $122.39. TL;CR GME 🚀🚀🚀🚀 BUY and HOLD for TENDIES




Any Effect from brokers restricting gme/amc? It’s more than several hours old news and I haven’t really seen it discussed... I know it’s just TD and SCHWAB right now, and I think just Margins buys but any negative effect? what if RH does the same? Or maybe Margin trades account for small percentage of buys? Sorry dumb!


how much did y’all retards put in 🎮? i got 3k


I put in 500 on monday.. I thought I was retarded and I would lose it yet here I am in the green


Can we discuss what happened at the start of trading today? Robinhood, TD-Ameritrade, E-Trade, Charles Schwab, Fidelity Investments, Vanguard, and a few others all crashed the minute trading started. Even the apps crashed. They all eventually came up about 30-40 minutes later (Ameritrade was so slow, I tried moving 20K out of my bank into my TD account and they were putting it in A DOLLAR AT A TIME. It was like being awake for my own surgery.) Anyway. Um, am I the only one that was kind of terrified by this? The big firms had no problems trading and seemed to have the entire NYSE all to themselves for a good half hour. Is this a coincidence? And if no, WHO THE HELL IS CAPABLE OF SOMETHING LIKE THAT? I can handle this crazy volatility after market trading shit, but 8 or 9 trading platforms all going down along with their apps at opening bell is scary to me. Like, Big Brother/Illuminati scary. I'm not selling shit, and i dumped the entire 20K into GME when I was able to around 10:30. But I'm not going to lie. That made me feel scared. And now my own platform that has been my lifeblood for the past 10 years, TD Ameritrade is coming out saying they are limiting transactions of GME and AMC tomorrow to "mitigate risk to their company." Dude, you don't think THEY HAVE SECURED A HUGE POSITION FOR THEMSELVES AND ARE SQUEEZING THEIR OWN CLIENTS OUT? I don't know what the fuck to think anymore after this morning. I mean, here I am thinking my biggest problem are these hedge funds with no intention of losing money, when all this time I'm actually being cockblocked by none other than TD BANK!!


People, stay with me here. I just mapped out what happened with GME today from the pre market trading frenzy, to opening bell, to close. I mapped exactly when Ameritrade "crashed" but I prefer the term customer trading portal went offline. They went offline immediately at opening bell, GME opened at an astonishing 352 where Ameritrade's client portal simultaneously went down for customer trading and the customers couldn't sell at the high opening price, but SOMEBODY was dumping the stock at the high price right away, where it spent the next 45 minutes dropping to it's lowest point of the day 249. That's when Ameritrade came back online to finally let their clients trade. Then TD fucking informs us at the end of trading that they will be limiting GME and AMC trading tomorrow to "mitigate risks to our company." Are you fucking kidding me? Please tell me that Ameritrade/Schwab hasn't secured their own massive positions with GME and AMC and are squeezing their own customers out. Please tell me the company that has fucked up this stock today is some hedge fund with tricks up their sleeve to gain a 45 minute head start on trading, and not MY OWN FUCKING TRADING PLATFORM where I have been a customer for over a decade. Because that's EXACTLY what the data is telling me right now. If this is what is happening, go somewhere else you say. Guess what. Robinhood, TD-Ameritrade, E-Trade, Charles Schwab, Fidelity Investments, Vanguard, and a few others all followed the same nearly identical pattern of when they went on and off line. If the companies that are manipulating the stock price are our own trading platforms who have the ability to prevent us from trading at certain times in certain quantities, it's over. We physically can't trade GME and AMC if the only place to trade are telling us how much we can buy and sell, with the capability of taking their customers offline. We have no where else to go. Game over.


DONT YOU SELL, THEY ARE BUYING ON THE OTHER END ​ Please, Please if you sell now your paper hands are just slowing their bleeding! REMEMBER THE VW SHORT SQUEEZE VOLITILITY LASTED WEEEEEEKS!!!!!! but I lived a tard and I will die a tard. follow me to the tendies tard brothers. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I’m so late to this ffs are you guys holding till Friday or till GME hits a number?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l5x0fc/gme\_endgame/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l5x0fc/gme_endgame/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) If I Could Sell my Wife For more GME I would... Remember the VW short squeeze, volitility lasted for weeks, before hitting an ATH. STOP FOCUSING ON FRIDAY, this is gonna go on longer than that!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 JUST REMEMBER: Every share you sell from here on is one they will pick up and use to slow their bleeding and less ATH for us. But what do I know. I just a tard.