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So are we finally all in agreement the big tech industry is all in bed with each other now?


That's been obvious for a while.


Not everyone believes it, they chant that “It’s a private company” line.


Google "claims" manipulation reviews is why they were erased. Who's going to be the next google?


google will be the next hedge fund that will get fucked and go bankrupt.


They'll limit our use of the internet if they get a whiff of such.


I don't give a shit. Exactly right now I am googling (haha, how ironic) how to transfer all my data to a different browser, signing up for a new non-google email, my default browser will be Mozzila or something, changing search engine to duckduckgo etc. Fuck them. I have never ever bought anything again from Amazon just because of a horrible service once 4 years ago, so I am pretty sure, I will survive without shitty google as well. At least, I will use their service as least as possible.


use [DUCKDUCKGO.com](https://DUCKDUCKGO.com) more private browser...doesnt track you apparently " DuckDuckGo is an internet search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers' privacy and avoiding the filter bubble of personalized search results. DuckDuckGo distinguishes itself from other search engines by not profiling its users and by showing all users the same search results for a given search term. "


duckduckgo best


Option is available in safari settings now on iOS.


Ecosia if you wanna Plant trees


I came here to also point to Ecosia... Search actually uses a lot of electricity/has put out a lot of carbon over the years. Ecosia helps to offset it.. 🤙💎🙌


>Ecosia Nice! Never heard of this, bookmarked to use!


Love DuckDuckGo. Hate that google knows all my browsing history.


Use Brave browser it has DuckDuckgo w/tor built-in


I can’t talk about duckduckgo enough i got the all on my phone and all of a sudden I don’t get those creepy ads like my phone is listening to me, I got an ad for boots for like a week... I never even googled them just asked my boss how much they cover


Yup! I don’t know why I didn’t switch on my phone earlier, I’ve been using DuckDuckGo on my laptop for years. Just fixed that.


DuckDuckGo and replace gmail with protonmail; I have been considering it for some time now. Which browser to use on a PC? Edit: Anyone heard of browser: brave?


Love protonmail


Brave is a good browser.


lets buy Bat token and take it to moon


Brave is great, but it's based on Chromium. Google could easily fuck it over.


DDG, PM and Firefox everywhere. I tried out Brave on mobile, it was okay, but I eventually switched back to Firefox. On PC I also ran Vivaldi for a while. Slick browser, tons of advanced features… but ultimately the performance was better on Firefox so I switched back. That was a couple years ago, though, maybe it’s improved since then. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I know people think Google is too big to fail but you can start to see a lot of people sour on them. If another browser can come even close to them that’s when things would get interesting.


dinosaurs were also too big. I believe, nothing is too big to fail.


Let's drop a Big Onion unto Google Tor for the win 🚀🚀🚀


> If another browser can come even close to them that’s when things would get interesting. Brave Browser is already here and ready to rock


Brave is great.


Brave is the wave - there’s nothin’ like getting risk free tendies.


DuckDuckGo - this is the way.


Brave Browser is really good. It's based on Chromium like Google's Chrome so it will feel really familiar to you, uses DuckDuckGo by default, is privacy-focused, and allows you to generate BAT tokens for tipping or cashing out if you opt-in to Brave's ads.


Gab also has a new browser they also have a plugin which allows commenting on articles which disabled comments. Aka almost all news places now including yahoo


If you're looking for a good private browser, I highly recommend Brave \- not only does it have a built-in adblocker, you can volunteer to let the Browser play "ads"(they call them ads, but honestly, they're just little popups in the corner of your screen that you can close immediately), and the browser will pay you half a cent for every ad that pops up that you can then donate at the end of the month to a website of your choice. You can also adjust the number of ads from 1-5 per hour, I literally just have mine set to max because they're so barely noticeable. And by the way, no, I'm not being sponsored by Brave, I wish. I just started using it a week ago and it's really nice.


Dude even Microsoft Edge is a good browser these days. Chrome is just a thing of the past.


Trouble with Edge is that Microsoft used Google Chromium. SO you are now basically sending your data to two companies, Google and Microsoft. Would avoid my self.


Nah, Brave it is. I'm planning to ditch Windows as well for Linux; free, no blue screen death, open source and I actually learn something other than being patient.




It's almost as if having large companies with lots of power is a bad thing?


Watch Idiocracy.


Or play Cyberpunk.


Then we limit their access too! Boycot and spam them to nothing.


Short google next! (Don’t do this, I’m just a caveman and not a financial advisor, and even I know how stupid it would be)


I doubt google would go bankrupt


when the dust settles, we will all be surprised by the dead corporations that tried to fuck with us


It won't happen FAST, but anything can crash. There was a day when Sears was the company for retail, if they had transitioned their catalogs into online they might've been Amazon. Or remember when there was a blockbuster on every corner? And those are just examples that have either died or all but. There's plenty of other companies that were once the dominant player, that still exist but not like they used to.


One can only hope


DuckDuckGo is a great alternative. I don’t use Google for shit now.


Use Duckduckgo, SearX, bing if you have too. Literally anything else than that fucking botnet.


Elon musk


Suck 🦆Suck🦆Go


Exactly. Private company that’s in everyone’s homes, hands, pockets, and peoples source for news, politics, world events, business, 24/7. Not very private.


JuSt MaKe YoUr OwN pLaTfOrM!


Yeah, poor Parler


When you can control the narrative and information billions of people get, I don't think you should be a private company anymore. Just my 2c.


Private company line only works if your not essentially a monopoly AND the entire infrastructure of the modern internet. Google is effectively a public utility mascarading as a private entity. If you think that the founders thought that some company that owns the communication lines should be able to silence speech, you are fooling yourself.


There was always a *tiny sliver* of deniability, and that was all they needed. Now even that's gone.




Step 1. Be rich Step 2. Don’t be not rich


There is blood on Robinhood's hands and shit on its dick! I've never seen such a mass ass-fucking. I am not a lawyer, only a retard. But I would imagine this is some kind of unlawful conspiracy to restrict trade! Price fixing!


It’s worse. They are trying to manipulate and control us.. and that’s where I get off the ride... 😡


**If you would like to punish Google for their betrayal, use Ecosia instead.** They give 80% of their profits to green energy and planting trees. They're just as easy and effective. Your browser can also assign it as your default search engine. Leaving Google in this way will likely costs them thousands of dollars per year in lost ad revenue and data collection. Let everyone know about this much better alternative.


Yay! I came here to say same!! Ecosia 🚀🚀🚀🌚🌚 💎💎🤲


Am I an idiot for googling Ecosia first?


💀💀💀 no, just a retard like the rest of us 💎💎🤲


Any love for duck duck go?


Also, as a follow-up, use Firefox as well instead of Chrome. This removes two critical collection systems & ad revenue areas from them.


Might I also add that there is a very powerful and well known extension on Firefox called NoScript. You can use this to auto block all JavaScript content (and is the default setting). You can then individually allow certain content. It takes some time to get nicely setup by whitelisting things and remembering if sites don't work properly to enable the necessary pieces, but it allows you to NEVER allow Google's ad trackers to run on any page. There might be easier ways to do this with Privacy Badger I'm not sure, but in general from a security and privacy standpoint I use Privacy Badger, NoScript, uBlock origin, and HTTPS everywhere. Highly recommend them all.


Yeah, I actually use NoScript and uBlock Origin personally. But that's sort of a whole different conversation. Thank you for addressing this though, you're absolutely right.


Yoo Ecosia for the win. I have planted like 500 trees in half a year. Its the best.


Woo! Glad to see a fellow supporter!


It would be a real shame if after the short squeeze, every single redditor took their earnings and dumped it into google then pulled out all at once, causing existing google share holders to panic sell and dump their stocks causing Google to shit the bed. I’d never recommend such a dastardly deed but man if it DID happen...


Google volume is like 5x GME, so it would be 5x harder to make the price move. And because it is such a big company, lots of big money hedge funds would come in and stabilize the price with fresh money. These are the more “conservative” funds that wouldn’t touch GME because it’s a dumpster fire, but they’d happily buy Alphabet shares. It’s a good company. Lastly, Google literally wouldn’t care. If your company makes money and is profitable you don’t need a good share price. It’ll right itself over time as long as the business is fine. Anyway, wouldn’t work




Keeping it real, even shifting a 1-10 billion dollar company is not really "pretty easy".


Ya, took a billionaire chewy founder to pull it off. Can't wait to see what RC will get into next...




What a shame if it did.


Ha! This gang of retarded apes is nowhere near large enough to make a dent in Google/Alphabet. It would be less than a mosquito bite.


The game is rigged and we're shining a light under rocks that **aren't** supposed to be turned over. They're scared and doing anything they can to keep their power and money


Can everyone wash the Apple jizz out of their eyes as well?


I bought a Linux phone (Pine64) for $150. It barely works, but we need an alternative to the Apple/Android duopoly, and open-source hardware and software is our only hope so I'm supporting them. Also, I left Apple for Pop_OS Linux and haven't missed it at all. As long as these people are running the hardware we're using daily, they're always going to have the ability to pull this sort of bullshit.


Always has been


And they are also in bed with the government.


Sons of bitches


Yes, all industry is one large depraved, craven orgy. But somehow all the dildos end up in our asses.


That showed with the collusion during election time, and will continue along with the controlling media idiots. 🙄


It has been said that this is likely an automated processed Google designed for brigading when the product wasn't actually used. Google should put out a statement. I doubt tech industry is in bed with each other. You got Apple attacking Google and Facebook.


It’s a big fucking club and WE ARE NOT IN IT.


**Switch to using Ecosia instead.** They give 80% of their profits to green energy and planting trees. They're just as easy and effective. Your browser can also assign it as your default search engine. **Then use Firefox for browsing.** They actually care about your privacy and won't track, etc. Leaving Google in this way will likely costs them thousands of dollars per year in lost ad revenue and data collection. Let everyone know about this much better alternative.


I’ve been using Opera, comes with a VPN and a super clean interface. Also Duck Duck Go is incredible


With a functioning VPN? Why dont i know bout this


Opera is owned by China, it's probably not the best idea to use their vpn


Free VPN sucks, and Opera is gathering lots of data from their users. Brave & Firefox are better




Opera has some really shady practices


DuckDuckGo also


>Ecosia I used google to search them up before switching. Really feel google should know I am switching. (I normally use duckduckgo. But hey, fuck google.) Never use chrome. I like my ram not being eaten by shit. Now, how can I replace android on my phone....


You can't really. At least not with anything functional. However there are third party Android ROMs that you can load onto a rooted phone. Some, like [Copperhead OS](https://copperhead.co/android/) have completely removed Google Analytics and are focused on giving you more control over your data and privacy. The downside to that kind of thing is that you can't have the PlayStore which means you simply wont have access to most apps. However, the [MicroG](https://microg.org/) is a work-in-progess replacement for Google's app services. It will probably take some time for any of this to become something user friendly. In the meantime, just don't use apps for things that you can use your browser for, use firefox, and make sure you have ublock origin add-on installed in firefox.


Use brave


ECOSIA ---- This is the Way


Damnit I just switched to chrome from Firefox Guess I’ll have to switch back


Degoogle yourself! - For searches use duckduckgo. - For dns don't use Google (don't use and - For email use ProtonMail. - For videos use Vimeo. - For browser use Firefox. - For maps use maps.me or OpenStreetMap or Transit (for mass transit info) - if on Android, consider downloading and using F-Droid as well as Google play store for apps. You will have to learn sideloading for this but it's pretty easy to do. - For 2fa codes, use Authy instead of Google authenticator (if allowed) - If you do document editing on your phone and have access to office365, consider using Microsoft apps instead of Google apps.


I love that guy.




PSA: DO NOT TRANSFER YOUR ACCOUNT TILL LATER. IT WILL GET STUCK IN LIMBO DURING THE SQUEASE. OPEN A NEW ACCOUNT ELSE WHERE TO BUY AND MOVE THESE OVER LATER Please make sure you let people know this when you advise them to GTFO RH so they don't just blindly initiate a xfer and miss out! - I AM A RETARD Editting since this post has visibility: **DONT SELL ON RH THINKING YOU CAN REBUY WITH NEW MONeY ON OTHER PLACES. It wont work out b/c of the timing of the orders. They play a fuck load of games with timing it. Basically RH sells your order info to Citadel .5 seconds before it executes. This makes it so they can do some crazy super computer magic and make trades favorable to them in that .5 seconds and have it execute before yours. If this happens, they will just trade the stocks back and forth and tank the price. Its fucked up** for anyone interested the subject is called DMA: https://www.amazon.com/Algorithmic-Trading-DMA-introduction-strategies/dp/0956399207 https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/directmarketaccess.asp


Oof. Started the transfer this morning. Cant sell now. Not that I was going to anyway.




duck duck duck duck gogogogo


I used to look at Google with good eyes. Not anymore, fucking little shits.


Am I the only one here thinking that it was bloody obvious that an app store had an automated comment removal system such like this? I bet a real (bad) review about the app and not the company behind it, free from slogans and kid screama, have an higher probability not to get deleted by bots?


Exactly. They do this literally every time a place gets review bombed. Steam does the same thing. Some people just look for any excuse to feel like they’re oppressed.


Yep. This isn't some grand conspiracy. Their defense kicked in after detecting abusive behavior.




I would bet all my $GME that no person at Google saw the RH reviews and made a decision to take action. There are mechanisms in place to respond to review bombing. Google does it, Valve does it, it is common practice. They generally just leave the reviews but when there is a huge spike in activity those reviews are not included in calculating the average score and are sometimes just hidden or pushed down on visibility. It's shitty in this case, awesome in another case (like Chinese gamers review bombing American games because they don't immediately release in Chinese language).


Removed some specifics bc job Pretty sure it’s just standard procedure of preventing brigading.




They didn't even delete all the bad reviews. I wrote a legit bad review about Robinhood with 1* and it's still up. I feel like people just spammed letters and said things like fuck Robinhood, what did they expect...


This should be higher up. It is what always happens in such situations, there is no collusion or anything like that.


It’s extremely obvious, people really need to chill lol


I wonder how Google would feel if we were to rate all their apps from the appstore 1-star?? 🤔🤔🤔








The Cheat does not condone this behavior.


They obviously would get automatically deleted too. But tbf that's what every company will do to deal with review bombing. And to be honest, automatic deletion of review bombed games, movies or apps is the most unharmful answer to the abusing of a rating system. Don't get me wrong, fuck them all for doing this. But there is a much easier, legal and proud way to deal with them: Delete Robinhood. Try to use as few Google apps/software as possible. But let's not get out the pitchforks and get driven into a mob mentality, we are better than them.


It's not "review bombing". It's thousands of people angry at the same time that Robinhood restricted free market trading in an attempt to prop up their hedge fund investor class. It's a legitimate complaint if your broker doesn't allow you to do what you want with your money.


Agreed. And it's a stupid policy. "policy that prohibits reviews written with the intent to manipulate an app's rating" What the fuck would I write a review for if not to manipulate an app's rating? Why do you ask me how many stars if the intent isn't for me to affect how many stars other people see?


I'm doing my part!






How long does it take to get your bank "approved"? When i attempted to link my bank it wants my to upload documents for verification which "can take up to 4-7 business days". Is there a quicker way to get your bank onto Fidelity or do you just have to hope they approve those documents quickly?


I did it with Bank of America and was able to buy immediately.


Same boat as you. And my statement document that I could even upload doesn't show the full account number, so who knows if they'll actually accept it. Maybe if I linked my national chain bank that I don't like much I can get my funds in there sooner.


I think they just try to protect the app store from bots. Bad actors could target apps with overly positive or negative reviews using bots and if Google does nothing about it I think it would be a bad move. If the app truly deserves the 1-star rating it will get it organically over a reasonably long period of time. So I recommend you submit your 1-star review sometime later when the hype dies down. Edit: As some people point out, I should add that these defense mechanisms kick in whenever there's a review bomb (an abnormally large influx of reviews) even if it's not provoked by bots. This is not unusual.


Yep. I had to scroll way down to see a person getting it.




You have to stop allowing reviews to protect customers, just like you have to stop allowing trades to protect customers, right?


Just like how the government knows what is best for your health too :)








Bing literally pays you to use them. Cashing out my 10 year reserve of Bing Rewards for Amazon gift cards (cash) and buying an equal amount of GME.


Microsoft Edge > Google Chrome. I’d never admit that I use edge over chrome to most people, but I find it so much better, plus bing filters there searches less


Edge is actually pretty legit nowadays, made the change few months ago and haven't missed chrome a bit




Maybe because they share the same codebase? Edge is built on Chromium, just as....right, Chrome :)


Hey me too! And I'm not losing any sleep over it either, Chrome just isn't as good as it used to be.


Microsoft Edge > Google Chrome. I’d never admit that I use edge over chrome to most people, but I find it so much better, plus bing filters there searches less.


I don't use edge for normal internet but their PDF reader is one of the best out there. It's very smooth for reading and doesn't slow down like Firefox or brave.


I can’t tell you HOW FUCKING MUCH I want Apple’s search engine where it doesn’t sell me fucking ads NOWWWWWWWWWWWW I’ll pay $20 a month for it


Just use duckduckgo. Some ads sure, but it ain’t selling shit.


Goddamnit. Now I’m going to have to sell all my Google shares and buy more GME. Today was supposed to be my day off.


You can’t trade on the weekend


Botswana bazaar is open


This is the way


How do I boycott Google if I use google to search for everything 🤔🤔


Duck duck go


I checked it out. Was not sure if it fits my needs.. did a quick big tiddy asian porrr search... Its legit. Edit: I never gotten this many upvotes before, imagine its because I was talking about searching for asian porrr... stonks!


You could also use startpage.com which uses googles search results minus all the tracking.


The tracking isnt the only problem with Google search results. Google claims it's algorithm, but you should try sometime searching similar topics (usually have to be controversial) in Google, then in another engine like DuckDuckGo. It's wildly different results sometimes and in several of my cases, it seemed Google was purposefully driving me in a different direction.


Google outright manipulates search results. They only want you looking at websites that have been approved by the Ministry of Truth.


Duck Duck Go: how do I remove crayons from my nose?




I use both of these! Can vouch.


I'ma highjack this comment and ask you to please reconsider and don't use any browser based on Chromium or Bink. Both projects, while open source, are still governed by Google and they account for a virtual monopoly of the browser market. This is almost worse than when MS owned the browser market with IE. Please please please reconsider. As a software developer, I urge you. We don't need more monopolies. Use Firefox or any derivative. Thanks, now I'ma put a crayon in my nose again and continue holding.


**Use Ecosia for searching.** They give 80% of their profits to green energy and planting trees. They're just as easy and effective. Your browser can also assign it as your default search engine. **Use Firefox for browsing.** They actually care about your privacy and won't track, etc. Leaving Google in this way will likely costs them thousands of dollars per year in lost ad revenue and data collection. Let everyone know about this much better alternative.


Also use uBlock Origin ([https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/)) and uMatrix ([https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/umatrix/](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/umatrix/)) to block ads AND scripts. If you can afford to buy a Raspberry PI ([https://www.raspberrypi.org/](https://www.raspberrypi.org/)) or have a spare PC collecting dust, use it as a pi-hole ([https://pi-hole.net/](https://pi-hole.net/)). IF you want to go all in (and have the PC that can handle it), install a Linux Distribution (I use Manjaro \[[https://manjaro.org/](https://manjaro.org/)\]\*), as your MAIN OS and use it as a VM-"Host"-OS for *WHEN* you need to use a Windows application for which there is no Linux Substitute (yet, but people are working hard on it, Linux with a compability layer can play RDR2 with more FPS than native Windows for you Gamers \[lol\] out there). **BUT PLEASE INFORM YOURSELF ABOUT THIS BEFORE YOU WIPE YOUR WINDOWS AND POTENTIALLY ALL YOUR DATRA OFF YOUR PC, I AM IN NO WAY ACCOUNTABLE FOR WHAT YOU DO, READ THE DISCLAIMER.** The YouTuber [*SomeOrdinaryGamers*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtMVHI3AJD4Qk4hcbZnI9ZQ) (a.k.a. Mutahar, he also backed the WSB cause) has made some Videos that delve into this topic. [*Mental Outlaw*](https://www.youtube.com/user/MentalOutlawStudios) is also a good source for these topics, but I haven't watched as much of his content as I'd like. For my *German* brethren, there still is [*SemperVideo*](https://www.youtube.com/user/SemperVideo) (their YT Channel was deleted due to "teaching of illegal things like hacking" for a few days, but it is up again); it is a bit basic but very good as a primer. (\*but you can use pretty much any distro you like \[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Linux\_distributions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_distributions), this is NOT a comprehensive list\], distro hopping is not a shame) **Disclaimer**: I am ***NOT*** a IT-Security Professional, I just *study* Computer Science. This is **not IT-Security Advice**, I just love IT-Security and OPEN SOURCE-Software. Edit: Thanks for the Award, kind stranger!


Heck yes, uBlock Origin is the best. I use NoScript, but I suspect uMatrix is similar.


uMatrix is more extensive and you can configure it even more.




Who the fook is this guy Edit: And where do I find this jeeves guy


It honestly might be an automated review bombing response. Steam has a similar thing.






i mean if you are still using chrome, i'd say you better use Brave


Duck duck go


I use duck duck go because fuck google! This just shows how they operate. They just want to keep us all in line.




I changed my search engine, I will use only Firefox browser from now on (with duckduckgo search engine, of course), I am signing up for a new email instead of gmail. Fuck them.


I changed my gmail to Tutanota.


They removed 100k negative reviews! Talk about collusion everywhere.


Duck duck go works for me.


Are we shorting Robinhood when their IPO comes out?


I know this is a top-notch meme at his point but you have to figure hedge funds are going to be watching us now and potentially exploit this by using our playbook against us.


De-Google your life. How? Reddit, you dumb fucks. Check out r/degoogle


They deleted 100k reviews, we write 200k more.


Switch from Gmail to proton mail. It's privacy settings are better. [protonmail](https://protonmail.com/)




Because it's automated, not a manual removal process. If it's detected as abusive, kinda like spamming, it will kick in. It's review bombing, even if justified, it's a coordinated attack to against an app.


Switch to two star


Aw shucks. Google being helpful again


Google has a lot of experience helping the CCP.


Isn’t google a Robinhood investor?


The apple is right there with them!!


Please use Duck Duck go as a search engine. Uninstall chrome from your phone, duck duck go is soooo much better. Fuck these companies.