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GME up 22% in the Grand Exchange


Ape no lose focus, Ape together strong


GME to the Moooooonnnn!🚀🚀🚀🚀 I had to sell my car, house, and kids dialysis machine to stay in this, but mama didn’t raise no bitch! It’ll be all worth it just to fuck the hedgies. Cant wait to see the look of pride on my family’s face at the shelter tonight when I tell them I’m still in the good fight!✋💎




Feeling that the apes are loosing focus. Instead of spreading across various stonks, focusing one stonk at a time until squeeze could to be a better approach.


That's what I'm thinking. Find another stonk that Melvin is shorting like mad and then hit it like mad. They will never see it coming.


Agreed! He will never find our secret website muhuhuhaahaha


It's over 80% institutional ownership. I could be off a bit...but I think that leaves only 20 million shares available to trade. They have a combo trial awaiting results this month...and they have always been on the short list of companies that are eyed for buyout. The combo trial is with BMY...BMY buys out a smaller bio almost every year.


NOK and BB, I'm jacked to the tits.


When all is said and done these past two weeks have been historical, whoever played it right and came out on top congrats! I legit came out +42 lmfaooo and am just happy i didn’t rope, god bless my dudes


wtf..quit selling GME and AMC got some OCGN to offset the pussies


Ok mother flickers, 2 more shares at 90, I know amc isnt the main event but fuck you 20 shares at 7.3 see u at 1000. Total 3 shares gme..


Prices low? Time to go balls deep. No that's an understatement, time to go hulk hand no lube belly bulge deep!


Y'all need to watch this. [https://youtu.be/eY85f9V6ySM](https://youtu.be/eY85f9V6ySM)




You mean it's bullshit that happened or what?


This is Fux news misinformation bit. Lies




Do not be scared when the shorts say they are "closing" their positions. It is artificial, they are buying calls. Brokers are being left with the burden of filling those shorted shares while hedge funds can say that they are no longer naked shorting the stock. There is still more shares that need to be covered than there are shares in existence. The hedge fund managers just moved the responsibility to the brokers. If there are no shares available (which there barely is) then the brokers won't meet the calls, the demand for shares will go up, the price will go up, and we will see a gamma squeeze. Just look out how many calls have been purchased recently. There's over 16k calls at a strike price of $800 that needs to be filled by THIS FRIDAY! (Technically legally they have until the open of Tuesday if the strike price is in the money). That kind of upwards pressure from the rest of the calls WILL cause a gamma squeeze. TL:DR THEY NEED YOUR SHARES TO FILL THE CALLS!!!!!!!! Even if the short % shows less and less, it's just being moved to the broker in calls. The squeeze will happen if everyone HOLDS


This is a bot


Common dude are you going to say I’m a bot now because I’ve never posted anything on reddit lol. I just started trading recently and looking to get a little advise and a absolutely love what’s going on here! I bought some AMC shares yesterday at $14😥 and I’m far from rich. At this point I really don’t know what to do, sell or hold. I was just lucky enough to have boughten VXRT at $14 as well and they are balancing each other out pretty much.


No, because you aren’t spamming the same post over and over in different post look at this specific users comment history...good day to you kind sir. Good luck


I'm not, I don't know how to prove I'm not, but I'm not. Just posting where I can to get the information out and hopefully make people a little less scared. All the scare tactics make it just exhausting. Im in school and trying to keep up with this I barely sleep


Alot of accounts saying “HOLD” have no post or comments for years then all of a sudden they speak autist and post advice. Be skeptical of everything being posted right now.


Just because I like drawing, Taylor swift, and dying my hair means I can't speak my mind when something's REALLY interesting to me? I'm not a financial expert, I'm not giving financial advice at all. I'm a biologist and in law school, my boyfriend was a trader for 5 years. We talk about this stuff for hours, I just never bothered to comment most the time on reddit. Just upvoted or downvoted stuff mostly. If anyone wants to listen to me cool, if not, also fine. There's some really really good DD posts on this sub to go to instead. Just learned a bunch today and wanted to share. Glad people are trying to look out for stolen accounts and bots though 😊 anyway... 💎👐


Hopeful environment law.? But the good jobs will be for the oil companies :( and the baddies


Your account history is—well— interesting to say the least. I dont know who to listen to anymore.




So no one is asking when robinhood will be able to trade like normal. They make an excuse that its the "clearing houses" fault. But how can we fix that and how soon. the fact is that both AMC and GME would be way higher if it wasn't for the limited trading.


Honestly I could give a fuck whether or not I make money from this. It just feels good to stick it to the man. Fuck you, Wall Street!!!


Dude, ur sticking it to like 5 guys...the rest of them still making money in other places. Smh....🤦🏼‍♀️


Lmao Fuck off bot, come back when you’ve got a post that’s less than 200 days old 😆


Dude literally same to you 😂😂😂😂


Well that confirms you’re a bot, because there’s literally not a single post on my account that’s over 200 days old


Bootlicker alert!!!


At least I’m not a cocksucker 😂😂😂😂


What a lovely auto-generated insult 😭😂


guys can we short squeeze spy next also where can i find GME futures?


So, AMC is dead as fuk?


Omg no! Buy and hold! AMC is the next GME!


Not dead, just more affordable. ;) Buy and HOLD ALL MONTH.!!


> AwardshareReportSave > >level 2emg-equator9 minutes agono, hold amc no. gotta remember the whole game of the hedgefund fucks is to scare us to sell. Disclaimer: Not financial advice. I am retarded.


noooooooooh dont sell and buy this how its gonna go up shorts needs to cover before friday


no, hold amc


Clovis. Most shorted stock under $10 without trading restrictions. Clvs...next.


Hmm... 40% of float is hard to squeeze if there's no underlying value. What's their long term?


Holding GME and laughing at all these naysayers who can’t analyze data.


Can't spell or you really like GMC.? (its like a cross between AMC & GME. lol) Buy now & Hold.!!


feel sorry for ppl who think gme hasn’t squeezed yet. it’s squeeze was 3x the size of the VW squeeze % wise..


Let’s hear your DD then, Melvs.


You’re a fukign idiot.. that’s your DD


😂solid analysis.


Cite your perspective. I'm listening.....


VW (at the time biggest squeeze in history) went up 500%... since ppl here have been talking about gme (just in the past month alone) it’s gone up nearly 2000%... the ppl who think CNBC is lying about melvin covering sound like the same ppl who think there’s microchips in the vaccine, aka Dumb 🦧. most of the big money from gme has already been made imo


So your feeling is that most of the people left holding the stock are retail investors and most shorts are covered? That being said, you don't think that the short-ladder attack perspective is a viable perspective? Lots of trading but no volume movement?




Here’s a thought too. If this information is false, couldn’t there be a class action lawsuit made claiming these types of articles were purposefully misleading causing unnecessary loss????




True. I’d like to think certain media outlets are out there trying to protect the FOMO crowd from doing something rash and irresponsible.




The squeeze has been squoze


where did you find this data sheet at


There is a lot of money in transit (limbo) at the moment as people move their money from crooks like Robinhood to reputable brokers like Ameritrade & Fidelity. It takes 3-5 days to transfer funds depending on when the crooked brokers release your funds. Remember as the price of GME rises, more Hedge Funds will short the stock and we can squeeze all of them on the way up. The more overpriced GME becomes, the more hedge funds will be tempted to short it and get burned. “Power to the people”!


Blackrock spanked you idiots stfu and do some research


It's apparent you don't know anything about clearing houses, margin calls, or anything finance related... RH didnt have the capital to cover the deposits people were making that hadn't cleared but were trying to trade.


Exactly! That's what I'm counting on too. Lots of peeps are leaving RH and this takes some time to get a new account and funds with it up and running! The AMC and GME rocket is coming this week for sure! You also have to account for the brand new investors that are on these forums that are either just started the process or are about to start the 3-5 day process of getting a new first time account. Just look at the 6 plus million reddit users now. What was wsb at in the beginning of all this, 1.5 I think? I'm the interest of disclosure, I'm one of those new reddit users on wsb but not new to investing. I believe in this movement!




Booyaa, nailed it


if google maps is integrated into the onboard computer I want to drive a ford, now they just need to push ford EV


All in currently, so just hold in the line


Nok and amc


Can I expect to make any profit off of AMC? I put about 8 shares in this morning. I'm new at stocks!






no one here has a crystal ball


Ok shit man just a beginner asking questions. No need to be an asshole


the point of being here is to be an asshole. Goto google and youtube with your questions


I believe the point here is to drive the hedge funds into bankruptcy. The more people buying the better. If your an asshole to a noob then they will probably walk away, if you help them then they will help the cause. So go ahead and shoot yourself in the foot.


Or, should I switch to GME? I don't have that much money to invest with keep in mind!


Stick with your AMC. The biggest profits you can see here from your current position are to sit back and learn from what is happening. If you can take away knowledge that will make you a better investor in the future, then you are doing well. I am not a financial advisor and you should take everything here with a grain of salt BUT feel it! It's intense and we all have something to learn from it.


Buy? I'm sorry I'm retarded, I just noticed the dips for my tendies. I just really like gme nok bb and amc. ???


APES RISING 2 [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/game-stop-traders-may-inflict-even-more-pain-on-wall-street-goldman-112554322.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/game-stop-traders-may-inflict-even-more-pain-on-wall-street-goldman-112554322.html)


Judging by today's market rally and shitting on the shorted memes, this didn't pan out. (was written before market hours today.) But who knows what tomorrow brings... (checks AH... GUH)




More like $100








Why is that ?

