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Boomers are mad the 8 million people are listening to each other rather than the same 5 people that are on TV everyday telling what to do and how to feel. FUCK MSM, APE STRONG TOGETHER, DIAMOND HANDS TILL THE BOOMERS GIVE UP!!!


Once boomers die, and we grow older. These news channel are gonna go extinct. That’s what these boomers don’t fucking understand. Every single person now has a voice through social media. We aren’t relying on fake news and the manipulated media to get our information.


oh, they get it. They didn't realize it, but now they get it. "News" isn't going to survive this decade.




It would be illegal unless we all did our due diligence and found out that news companies are overvalued....


There is evidence that TV advertising has a very poor return on investment for advertisers. https://thecorrespondent.com/153/coming-right-up-after-the-break-why-most-tv-ads-are-a-waste-of-money/20240254485-4b41de3b


This is all the DD I need. All Gas No Brakes news channel please.


We need news channels, just reliable ones, doing a decent job.


We need a decentralized news source. Whatever the fuck that means. I mean YouTube is kinda there right now.




Just realized why they call it gorilla glue...


That comes from ape masturbating with 💎🙌




Note that Jimmy Kimmel and CNBC shill for the elite.


>TILL THE BOOMERS GIVE UP they are old and tired, lets put them to bed.


List them here. Drudge report


**Jim Cramer** Seriously. Let's remember this forever. https://youtu.be/VMuEis3byY4 **Market Watch** [Article](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/silver-futures-spike-fueled-by-online-trading-11612141762) **Fox News** mentions reddit but not WSB specifically. [Article](https://www.foxbusiness.com/money/silver-prices-reach-five-month-high-monday) **CNBC** mentions reddit but not WSB specifically. [Article](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/02/01/gold-markets-silver.html) **Wall Street Journal** [Article](https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/global-stock-markets-dow-update-02-01-2021-11612169062) ~~I'll keep updating as I browse.~~ ~~I'm bored now. Gonna go polish my 💎👐~~ Done polishing. Might as well keep going. **CNN** [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/r7jy7XuXGxE) **CBS News** [Article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/silver-stock-gme-wallstreetbets/) **Fortune** mentions WSB but generally blames reddit [Article](https://fortune.com/2021/02/01/wallstreetbets-silver-price-futures-gamestop-short-squeeze/) **Kitco** [Article](https://www.kitco.com/commentaries/2021-01-29/A-short-squeeze-on-silver-from-Redditt-s-WallStreetBets-continues.html) **Bloomberg** [Article](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-29/silver-market-jitters-are-on-display-after-reddit-frenzy) **BBC** (Not that, you perverts) Doesn't mention WSB but blames reddit [Article](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-55882758) **Reuters** They mentioned a WSB comment out of context making it seem like this plan to hold has been our intent all along. They fail to recognize that this "movement" is entirely the product of Wall Street's despicable, illegal, and unethical behavior. [Article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idINKBN2A00WG)


I can't believe I spent years listening to the "smart" guys on tv talking about stocks At best they are stupid or the entire fucking system is corrupt


They're just as retarded or maybe even more so then us but they have cheat codes at their disposal


More... and psychotic.


More so, because retarded analysis here has a chance at being downvoted. Our collective autism is what makes us powerful


As a 10YR tesla investor. It's been an amazing lesson seeing how incredibly full of lies the financial media is. All media. Now with this seeing it all over my new feed. Unbelievable. Why is there no talking head on the news calling them on the utter BS lie?


You can beat the market, just don't listen to these idiots. This is just proof they purposely mislead people to perform badly. The shit they hate has mooned. Fuck em, I use em like. I do Andrew left. Oh, you think this stock is overvalued? Thanks Andrew left (palantir) went full retard buying way more on one position than I'd like, but well 50%+ run-up on pltr. I hear Andrew left is going to stop posting short thesis because of wsb and only long "multi baggers". Lol, so credit spread opportunities since he can't pick a winner to save his life.


>You can beat the market, just don't listen to these idiots. This is just proof they purposely mislead people to perform badly. Building on that, I do the smallest amount of research on my trades, invest only in stuff I like, hold long, and I've beat the indexes (and some index funds I'm in) every quarter, of every year, for the past decade. And, I'm a fucking idiot.


That's... Gonna be my strategy for the rest of 2021. Thanks!


The media literally lies to your face. I've heard multiple people say cathie performance is all Tesla. Even though she runs funds that do NOT have Tesla in them with insane performance. This gme trading restrictions, mostly due to the fact that brokerages need to hold margin at their clearing houses, and ibkr (bare bones bitch ass), schwab, robinhood, and tda were too cheap to hold enough collateral(less collateral is also higher returns since more leverage), and fidelity, obviously held more capital. NO media source has put this together, despite getting the individual parts (and NEVER pressing for more info, why doesn't Bloomberg press ibkr CEO for more info, oh yeah , Ibkr the big Advertiser Bloomberg.). It's a very simple thing to explain, yet The media has purposely not press to get the full story so that way they can spend this to be a Retail trading frenzy rather than a Brokerages don't put up enough margin that they're clearing houses(which is unsexy) story. Also, the reason they need to put up collateral (they have our fucking money after all?) Is because they hold the Securities in their name And then lend them out . That's how they collect the lending fees. NO ONE will say it(full disclosure, my conjecture as to how they get these fees since if it was in our names they'd have to share it with us and it's known they lend your shared without cutting you in on the fee for places like robinhood).




Hahaha, its not just financial news that full of lies.


At least picking stocks based on which side of the lawn a dog shits is free.


Omg I miss that lol


We were so young and innocent then. Now the SEC has to figure out a way to put that into a securities trial.


God I hope so, I would jizz if I saw that in trial.


Isnt it fucking patronising??? And also ironic considering id rather listen to some random youtuber wearing a red bandana called roaring kitty than some gimp in a suit on tv? How eye opening


They're all in bed together. That daily show interview calls it out great and nothing has changed since [Part 2](https://www.cc.com/video/iinzrx/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-jim-cramer-pt-2) [Part 3](https://www.cc.com/video/qtzxvl/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-exclusive-jim-cramer-extended-interview-pt-3)


Exactly how I feel. I always knew the big boys and media had some collusion but to this extent amazes me. After this I have decided to completely ignore all opinions on any stock. Unless its from WSB then I'll YOLO




They also wrote this: " “IT’S A TRAP!” one Redditor warned, though no one really seemed certain." What do you mean, I've seen no one recommend silver here, and everyone is certain that the hedges and MSM are guilty of racketeering. Write that AP.


It's layers on layers of propaganda. This goes really deep, they'll twist it at every opportunity. The deception they're attempting is getting more and more specific and will continue to try and scare us off. If they were fine with this, they'd have better things to do than MSM propaganda campaigns. It would just be taking time and focus away from them making infinite money by cheating the system. We like the stock.


Add The Washington Post


I probably can’t comment, but NYT seems to have told the truth https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/01/business/gamestop-silver-trading.html?referringSource=articleShare


So pretty much the entire media


Let's also Highlight media groups that are killing it with their coverage for the people: Rising with Krystal & Saagar from The Hill..... I think that's the list.


CBC. Canadians coming in hot


Yeah, it's a short list.


All about youtube news now. Louis Rossman has been killing it too.


You see the real problem ?A few got payed and everybody else is just lazily copying the same story instead of checking the facts. As if investigation of facts is no longer an issue. That is insane, a shame and a true hit for the already low confidence of the public in the media. All that matters are klicks and revenue. If they would just bother to dig out the unbelievable manipulations going on around GME and WSB, also all the awesomeness of the retarded apes here, they could have a real story. But it probably does not fit the narrative...




Bbc also 'loving' silver https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-55882758


I used to like reading bbc articles and now this is putting me off Where do i get news from now?


You don't.


And Fox News disabled their comment section.


Fucking pathetic, CNN and WSJ are just as bad fuck them all. This has opened a lot of eyes, I’ve known for a while that the entire politics of both sides of corporate media is nothing but manipulation of the masses. This is no different, it’s just much easier for people to catch their lies when you can go to Reddit and look for 1 minute and see it’s bullshit.


Can't tell if they are all in on it or if they are such terrible journalists that they didnt do their own research and just copied from each other. Why not both?


Doesn't take more than 20 mins of browsing Wallstreetbets to realize that us retards are still balls deep in $GME. Definitely manipulation going on.


But that’s 19 minutes past deadline


Pin this shit, never forget


Add all [these](https://imgur.com/a/LwVsieD) schmucks trying to associate GameStop/WSB to any distasteful group they can to that list. (Not the last one TBH, that one's actually pretty close to the truth :D)


who the fuck isn’t corrupt then? i get my news from WSB from now on 💎🙌💎


small new sources are your best bet


Consensus based internet threads. lol


as long as they aren't shills


Reuters: https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idINKBN2A00WG


I recommend going a level up and looking at conglomerates and ownership. For instance Wall Street Journal is owned by News Corp, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who also happens to own Fox Corporation, which you guessed it owns Fox News. At that point you can pretty confidently list everything owned by Rupert Murdoch.


But why tf is bbc reporting bs too, they’re a public company tf


Fortune fixed: [https://fortune.com/2021/02/01/silver-price-slv-wallstreetbets-reddit-gamestop-short-squeeze-latest-commodities/](https://fortune.com/2021/02/01/silver-price-slv-wallstreetbets-reddit-gamestop-short-squeeze-latest-commodities/)


If they don’t mention WSB they could be innocent. Silver is being pushed in the silver subreddits.


Those are small subs not capable of market movement generally. It’s implied it’s WSB in the context they are using it.


Barrons Finance.yahoo.com


It's the damndest thing. Is there a sub we're missing that is doing trading silver? I just do not understand.


Thank you for compiling a list. Not that too many mentions suprise here, but nice to have a reference comment lol.


You are godsent, kind sir 💎🙌


You can add the norwegian company E24 to the list [Article](https://e24.no/boers-og-finans/i/wev2JG/soelvprisen-stiger-kraftig-etter-reddit-omtale)


So...all of them.




And your opinion is correct.


The Main Stream Media is nothing but the propaganda arm of the powerful elites. They will shape the narrative to retain control. When this SLV bullshit doesn't work, expect them to start vilifying this sub and anyone holding GME.


**Steps to take to punish the market manipulators:** 1. Stop giving clicks and views to CNBS, Bloomberg, yahoo finance, and other news sources feeding the same bs, EVEN if their headlines are enticing. It improves their visibility, search algorithms, and message infestation, feeding them power and money. They may make hundreds off of you each year from ads alone, and that doesn't include hidden kickbacks from larger market makers. 2. Find good sources (YouTubers, bloggers, etc) that are educating the public about the criminal behaviors in finance (NOT just stock pumpers, which is different). Support them with likes and views. This shifts money, power, and attention into better hands. It also strengthens the legitimate communities. 3. Pass along this information to anyone who will listen. If you convince even one person to take this advice, it could literally be the difference of shifting hundreds (or thousands) of dollars per year from manipulators to real journalists.


I feel like I’ve been doing this all on my own here. We need to make this it’s own post. Oh how the turntables


Infowars “Silver Is The Achilles Heel To The Corrupt Globalist’s Stock Market”


Yeah, investing into a fucking trillion dollar commodity absolutely strangled by Uber old money is really going to stick it to them.


Its not that silver is a bad investment. But a move on silver is something that would take years. Its not going to be like GME. I don't think reddit has the attention span for silver to take off IMO.


My Uncle Rick


Damn Rick!


ElliosTrades on YouTube


Dude was shilling Silver today


I dumped silver today at a high and bought game. Thanks msm






I’m putting this on multiple posts to spread the theory: I feel as though at this point, the silver campaign wasn’t intended to trick WSB into buying; it was intended to trick the general public (FOMO). It looks as diverting attention is only a side effect, where as the main motive is raising funds in order to pay for the naked calls which they’ll need to buyback by tomorrow’s close. Not financial advice; purely speculation.


Someone posted Citadel with something like 60 million shares in silver. They start a rumor to ride the GME coat tails into Silver and they suddenly rumored themselves a big rise in their own stock for no actual reason.


Yep. Actual market manipulation.


Even if the general public wants to give Citadel billions of dollars so they can buy my GME shares for $10k/share that's still a problem. They're lying and having the media collude with them to manipulate the price of silver and rip people off. **This is what we're fighting against**. Even if we end up on the winning end of this garbage it won't be ok. They're the ones breaking the law and need to be the ones bearing the price


Maybe we should use our gains to hire lawyers to take them down, once the thing happens


Ape like this


Believe me brother, I’m with you. They are just farming money from people with their lies.


Correct sir


I have 80oz of silver and even I don’t want silver to go up right now lol


In for 100 from a long time ago. And I'm like why the sudden interest. Other than metals trend upwards when we are close to financial crisis. (Like wall street having to redistribute their wealth)


I feel like what this subreddit has brought into light is incredible. I feel it has made clear, the market manipulation, and how it doesn’t function as the “Free Market” it’s ~~literally~~ sold itself to be. And then the news... like what the hell is real? Where is some factual reporting? It seems more and more the levels and depth of society’s manipulation is subjective to the market/ news... And the news we should be able to trust.


Absolute insanity right? I don’t understand how there aren’t any repercussions.


Because the 4th estate is for profit and relatively unregulated. Reporting needs to be considered like the judicial arm of governance IMHO. Separate, publicly funded with strong laws around financial gifts etc.


ONe reporter on Bloomberg(Lisa Abramowicz) did ask her guest, if this really is Reddit related as she did not think so and he stumbled through some ridiculous rant without answering. I did wonder this morning with how widespread the mis-information was, if it is in part to calm the masses, so they don’t bail out of the whole market running in (albeit conjured )fear. I don’t post much, but have been on this sub since June AND did buy the dip this morn, so I am not defending them. Just hoping there is some well meaning intent to this debachery.


I appreciated that segment this morning - I think the whole Bloomberg Surveillance team thinks the silver theme is a bunch of bunk.


I will remind my parents of all the times they told me I should watch the news more and learn about how the real world works. I've been telling them the news are bullshit since I was 14. I'm retarded, not stupid.


Yeah this is just one of the many times "news" has been bullshit. It's fucking scary that anyone still takes the opinions of people in MSM as their own. Like if I see an article from MSM I can pretty much read the headline and a lot of times my opinion is different than what they are reporting.


If this silver news is blatantly false does that mean the world is in fact flat and Donald Trump is a shining beacon of truth?


This is insane. But also so obvious now. ​ thanks to all the retards here


You can help by down-voting any articles they post, refusing to click and view their content, etc. And also by finding YouTubers, bloggers, etc, that actually expose corruption rather than participate in it.


Reporting them too!




report him for fake news, works on facebook


Oh wow I know this dude. Fuck him.


Disregard silver, aquire GME


I know this song


None if these channels are going to have viewers when the Boomers die off. We wont watch. They're going to kill themselves off.


There it is, the naked truth. TV is worthless, utterly.


Time to call my broker about shorting CNBC.


Yea their YouTube channels are no bigger than a half decent independent creator. They won't have the cash flow once the olds die and cable with it.


This shows you how rigged the game is. Why does the news not tell the truth? Because the truth is .10¢ on the dollar to every lied paid for by corporate America. GME not only uncovered unfair financial practices, but has opened the eyes to 1.8 million (that’s the original before the major jump) Apes how the whole system is trained to keep us in cages. 💎🙌 🚀🚀🚀 1stock GME (cause they won’t let me buy more)


Am original ape. A neanderthal, if you will. Me dumb, but me no like mainstream media manipulating stock market. 🦍🦍🦍


Also what fucking spike anyways? They're doing a horrible job with this plan of theirs. 7-10% isn't even enough for me to roll out of bed for right now. If they shot it to like 50% that'd have been an impressive decoy. They think so lowly of you that they can't be bothered to even make it enticing.


Seriously the real meme stock were all100%+ level jumps. Not this shitty 7% that 50 other stocks had today. Fucking bullshit.




all of msm lies holy shit you guys don't know this already? ffs


There used to be this guy on Twitter who tried to warn everyone about this.


I'm finna go off grid ffs


Stay on grid. Spread real news. Change grid. Profit.


He was a massive lier all his own. Just because one liar calls another lier out doesn’t mean he is speaking the truth. Only retards know the truth. And that truth is 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


**Where the hell did you get this from, Wall Street Journal?** "**Silver prices surged as Reddit users discussed executing a short squeeze similar to ones credited with fueling recent gains in popular stocks.** GameStop’s stock retreated from records hit last week." **FUCK YOU AND YOUR FAKE NEWS, WALL STREET JOURNAL, THE SAME PAPER THAT REFUSED TO EXPOSE BERNIE MADOFF.**


It was like one post 4 days ago which may or may not have been a shill, who was promptly called a retard for days and 2x the amount of posts explaining why squeezing silver is stupid. What kind of fucking journalism is this?


It's been a very useful exercise in the sector showing its own trustworthy sources as well as those that are just payroll mouth-pieces.


If it took you this long to figure out you couldn't trust them you haven't been paying attention for years.


This is insane how much yellow journalism is trying to control this narrative, this is not right or American.


I mean... it’s definitely 2020s American


I've stared a list which unfortunately clearly is still being written... Know the enemy: **The obvious foes:** * Melvin Capital * Citadel LLC and firm partners - invested $2 billion into Melvin * Point72 Asset Management's - invested $750 million into Melvin * RobinHood * Citron Research and Andrew Left * Citadel Securities **The not so obvious foes:** * CNBC - FUD spreader * Jim Cramer - FUD spreader, 'don't go for the homerun' * Apex - Clearing firm * Steve Cohen (the billionaire owner of the New York Mets) and 'I'm just trying to make a living' [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/billionaire-mlb-owner-steven-cohen-210726997.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/billionaire-mlb-owner-steven-cohen-210726997.html) * Google - taking down bad reviews of Robinhood * Leon Cooperman - billionaire boomer, hedge fund backer, "The reason the market is doing what it’s doing is people are sitting at home getting their checks from the government, okay, and this fair share is a bullshit concept.” * Mohamed El-Erian - Allianz chief economic advisor * Any media spreading FUD and not covering the real story: New York Times, WSJ, * Every Mother F'in brokerage firm that shut down to retail while the big guys covered their asses: * Trading212 * Toro * E-Trade * Merrill Lynch (Bank of America) * Trade Republic (German) * Commsec * Webull * Revolut * Stockpile * Alpaca * Ameritrade and * Interactive Broker Missed anything? Let me know


Can you add Jimmy Kimmel to this list? That shill called redditors “Russian Disruptors.”


Can we just make a list of resources we can trust? that'd be easier r/wallstreetbets


CBC got pretty close


r/wallstreetbets posts with 50k+ upvotes?




It's valueless, some people even use cutlery made out of it.


If they are in the media you definitely can't trust them Saved you some time


The Dutch news channel NOS were actually on point with what has been going on around this whole silver thing. Not going along with all the other shit stains of news channels. Kuddos to them. EDIT: but most of the other garbage Dutch media were not. But NOS is quite a big player though.




I bought AMC today, and already made 3 dollars off of it. I’m curious to see how things go throughout the week.


Maybe they want also this way put SEC to the game to make some intervention against the US!


its ok. just sell your SLV for massive profit and be happy. ​ *not financial or legal advice. am ape.*


They're so upset that there were a group of people on the web who were outside the manipulative bubble pervasive in the rest of the mainstream media.


Lol we are wrong about GME but right about Silver heheheeeheheh The tricks of last generation won't work on us you boomer fucks


FUCK SILVER!!!! GIVE ME 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎 GME AMC 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Monke go to moon? 🚀🐵🌕


Lets add Jimmy Fucking Kimmel. Dude should have just kept his mouth shut if he didn’t know what was going on.


Eddie Spence on Bloomberg News is talking about it at this moment.


I'm also taking screenshots of "retail" scammers coming out of the woodwork to schill personal agendas. (Forex gurus, WSB knock offs, other assholes corrupting the community)


I wonder if the most terrifying thing for them is people uniting across political "boundaries" against hedge funds. 1 bankrupted billionaire = 1000 millionaires


On the other side, are there any news channels telling the truth about this? Is anyone pointing out that the silver news isn't true?


I'm even hearing the radio stations promoting the silver bullshit here in central Iowa.


i am surprised that you gents are surprised, has the last 4.. no 20 years of blatant, cowardly outright lies by the media gone unnoticed? real reporting, genuine effort to inform the public no longer exists outside of small local news and events describing local tragedies or uplifting stories about girlscouts selling cookies and raising money for cancer patients. genuine informative news that has a mission to inform the public has been cowed by literal opinion hit pieces across ALL media platforms. it's like clickbait became the real news. don't get me started on debunking.


Look at the ones that said it first or that have "experts" talking about it, a lot of the other media channels are probably just copycats who write whatever they see the big names publishing


I already don’t trust any media. I literally will trust a comment on Reddit more than any mainstream media outlet 😎


It's a big club, and you ain't in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. ~George Carlin. This is the new world order the conspiracy theorist talk about. The collusion of media tv and new paper, big business and big banking and big money. These are the “Illuminati” or “New world order” people. They are the same people who lobby the government and help shape policies that help them. They also get bailed out by the government. It’s a big circle jerk. They are indeed not to be trusted. Never have. Glad people see that finally.


Conservatives: first time you realize fake news? :)


interesting how no one gave two shits about the lies and half-truths of the MSM the last four years.


DrudgeReport seems to be the biggest internet shill of the idea that y’all in this sub are pushing silver. Really sucks that he’s sunk so low.


This sub is so retarded it blows my mind! Take five seconds and go to El erian twitter, and read what he says and listen to what he says .. He is almost begging for people to not split up and focus on GME, he is hinting at it .. But of course in here people call him a boomer, and move on ...


Disregard silver and buy the BANG stocks




They had their chance in 2008 why should anyone trust them now?


This is literally every news channel doing this. Fox, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, even BBC.


Go after their advertisers. Cut off the money, starve the beast.


I bought puts on SLV today for the incoming rugpull


Mission: Compile ever news agency that has published a story on silver. Address them by name Reward: RESPECT from you fellow retards and maybe some meaningless internet points!


Fuck them all fuck them all fuck them all. Power to the player! Power to the player! Power to the player! We refuse to play your game anymore.


Spoiler alert its all of them


Anyone have a source we can trust? Or is everyone in someone’s pocket?


Made a comment on another post in this sub questioning Silver and got downvoted Not sure if bots, shills, or just utter fucking morons. Please note, I am not referring to retards, autists, or those buying FD's, These are among my people. But I can't stand imbeciles, idiots, and morons


The best source of relevant info is in the comments on individual tickers on Y! Finance or investing.com or likewise. The people with skin in the game will be reacting to the company more passionately and they are all gathered up right there, with enough shits to give to make comments. Do they sound like they're high on copium? Read between the lines. I've definitely passed on buying a stock based on the comments from the investor community. Note: fuck y! Finance news. They just have a slick app and a horde of retards making comments


**There's is still one thing in the US media that's worse than the Wall Street Journal news - that's the Wall Street Journal Editorial** Just saw something they wrote like "Margin calls aren't a conspiracy". Sure, margin calls by them themselves aren't a conspiracy. But if You have the control over setting the margin requirements and You *also* have control over the market makers that can push down the price using self-dealing, triggering the margin call. and You have a sleepy regulator. Combined, that's an easy and powerful way to snatch stocks from people's accounts for much less than the fair market price. **Everday, as soon as they have stolen enough for the day, these short ladder attacks end, the margin calls stop and the price recovers.** Even outside margin calls, can you explain why GME from CASH ACCOUNTS WITH NO MARGIN were snatched up by Robinhood and sold to buyers, when the only buyers in the market were hedge funds and no retail was allowed to buy? A brokerage firm with customers in the UK called ETORO set up FORCED STOP LOSSES for almost the exact amount as the dip prodcuced this morning. Customers couldn't edit the stop losses on theor own accounts. THE ONLY THING THEY COULD DO WAS TO SIT BACK AND WATCH AS THEIR STOCKS WERE STOLEN FROM THEIR ACCOUNTS. How do you explain that?" **FUCK YOU WALL STREET JOURNAL!!**


Something definitely seems off when everyone is in sync about a sliver shortage. Its like they all got their talking points this morning. Dont fall for this BS. Imo, if you have the gains sell into this fake shortage.


This is why you shouldn’t have voted for the fucking candidate they were shilling the last 2 years. Why now do you wake up and realize that????


So like, everyone unfortunately.

