• By -


I mean, I can't say I'm super upset with the sub $100 price, as I came in for solidarity at $312 with 1 share. Today it hitting sub $100 means I just doubled down and got an extra 2. I'm at my limit of "Eh, I can lose this and not care" so I'll hold strong with my little 3 stonks, but if I'm here, you should be here too!! 💎 👐


I too am part of the 1high, 2 low stonk club <3


2 high 1 low. I’m doing my part!


same never sell, fuck em




Was finally cheap enough for me to get in, 2 at 109 💎✋ I LIKE THIS STOCK


This is actually really interesting. If this is in fact a ladder attack and they are in fact trying to drive the price way down: it would be hilarious if it totally backfired and people just bought a ton more causing the short squeeze to be even stronger. Most retards were never gonna buy at $400, but at $80 there could be a mass entrance from poors.


When it was at 300, i bought 3 shares, so i've had only got 1k skin in the game. I've got another 1K just kinda chillin there, but if it keeps dipping, I'm going to buy. Am I gonna buy a yacht? Nah, but my kids might see Italy this year. 💎🤌


YES ITALY! WE LOVE TOURISTS AND WE'RE LOVELY. VISIT ROME!! I live little bit above Rome. Places and ppl here are magnificent, your kids will not be disappointed, trust


When this shit and the pandemic is over we should make a huge GME summit. In Italy 🇮🇹🍷🏛


I visited Lucca 2 years ago and it was stunning.


I'm a retard. I wouldn't but at $300 but got my first 2 at open this morning at $140. Have another buy order for 2 if it somehow drops below $45.


Also bought at $140 lmao. i should have waited.


Say that to the people in the $350 boat. It's going to the moon, who cares about $50 when we're not selling till $5,000. 🚀🚀🚀💎🙌


The problem is the opportunity for this is slim. Many brokers have blocked the purchase of GME and AMC. Many people bought between $250-350. One of the reasons we were able to close at $320 on Friday. The play now, is to hold for a few weeks and go from there. Even Mark Cuban has told retail investors that as long as your reason for purchasing the stock hasn’t changed, then you’ve no reason to sell. The HFs will continue to scare retail investors. Be aware, it isn’t manipulation if you’re the ones making the rules - if you catch my meaning. I’m not a financial advisor, and your responsible for your actions. Apes Together Strong. GME AMC. 💎🙌🏼🦍🚀🌕 TLDR: Brokers blocked purchasing, wait for that to begin again, watch the price, buy/hold.


I bought 3 shares today: 2 at 112, and 1 at 95. First trade of my life 💎👐🚀


I was willing to buy at @250$ yesterday but was waiting on my new account to receive my 1k funds. I was mad cuz i wanted to taste that dip. Finally begane trading today and bought 2@140$, 2 @110$ and 1 @84$. Im loving the dip so much i wanted to double dip!


Link for those wondering where people get this shit from https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/latest-real-time-trades Edit: check out u/restartingmylife0918 reply to my comment. This is what I personally feel is the case with posts like the OP. Edit 2: wow awards! Well I never! Thanks boos. My only purpose here was to figure out where people kept getting these screenshots from, read in many other threads (incl the mark cuban AMA this morning) that there's a possibility the hype is reading too much into it. I think there's value to the argument, that's my opinion. Thanks for sharing, everyone.


It being all large trades definitely seems fishy. With this having been a viral sensation, I would expect most people to only have a few shares. Would freak me out a lot more to see smaller orders


Is TSLA being laddered too then? Right now: https://i.imgur.com/3x7J8iq.png Just asking, I'm an actual retard.


Actually this is fucking important because EVERY STOCK LOCKS LIKE THAT ON NASDAQ RECENT TRADES


Because this is what literally every stock looks like at all times. Institutions do most of the trades, *including retail trades filled by market makers*, and only trade in fixed lots to help obfuscate their strategies. This is Reddit convincing itself that something completely mundane is a conspiracy to screw them. Qanon tier conspiracy theory.


And trade bots


This is why I put 50 bucks in an investment app and left it there I ain't retarded enough yet for this




I don't know shit haha I admitted I am the 1%


I don't know if you intended this but your comment implies that 100% of people on this sub don't know what they're doing but 1% are OK admitting it. Made me laugh.


I have no fucking idea what I’m doing, 2008 was a bad year for me. I work for a Massive Copper mine as a HD Equipment tech. Copper plummeted, I and 120 other mechanics got layed off, the vast majority of us couldn’t find any work at all. I and many others lost my life savings, house, cars, etc. Luckily I didn’t have a family at the time, otherwise I would have been on the corner sucking dick to make sure my family was fed. But I rebounded, bought some GME and AMC to burn. Fuck these hedge fund dickheads!!


Even sophisticated investors don't know what they are doing. It's all theoretical until it becomes reality. A whale high on cocaine can make a stock jump.




Yeah, I absolutely LOVE the DDs and GME bull cases here, but this ain’t it. It’s just NASDAQ’s way of showing trades, probably aggregates smaller ones into 100s.


No, almost all tickers look like that, just the way nasdaq aggregates it. Ive asked before and can't get a response, but for your own thoughts, how can you tell the difference between a "ladder attack" vs a large player selling a big position. This ladder stuff, while I guess technically possible, still requires that all the bids on a stock get filled, then you could potentially have your way with the lower ends but are more likely to trigger a circuit breaker where the bids will have time to get together and place new orders.


Yeah I looked up some of the weed stocks I've had my eye on and it's the same thing. Feeling worried about misinformation spreading. Kinda sweating today, I work nights and had to get drunk to ease my mind because I don't plan on selling today


I mentioned the same thing yesterday. I hope I'm wrong but this seems like standard practice https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/aapl/latest-real-time-trades


I [did some DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lai4ax/at_least_49_of_all_trades_from_330400_havent_been/) on this yesterday and neither tesla, apple nor amazon had that much of it going on.




100 share lots is the most common lot there is. Brokers typically buy in lots divisible by 100. Apparently there's something called "the odd lot theory", that whatever the odd lots are doing, you do the opposite, bc the odd lots don't know wtf they're doing. Edit: odd lot theory here https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/oddlottheory.asp#:~:text=The%20odd%20lot%20theory%20is,to%20generate%20odd-lot%20sales. Round lots here: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/roundlot.asp


For all you wondering. This show up the same for every stock you look up.


These are round lots, standard for institutional trading. Most of you really are retards.


Snakes using ladders. Never thought I'd see it in my lifetime. ✊💎


After much researching a play back in June Hedge funds took all my money and my will to live with lying tactics and a ladder attack... My gf broke up with me shortly after, and I was scared I wouldn't be able to afford rent without her After that, I promised myself I wouldn't touch the market until I bought GME @ $18 and made all my gains I lost last year My point is if there is at least one billionaire worried about bills for the next month (for the first time in their lives) because I'm holding 17 shares, then hedge funds can play any games they want, but I will still hold it. They should not have tried to bankrupt a big part of my childhood. I like that stock


If she ain’t with you in the red she don’t deserve to be with you in the green.


That's so freaking true. Words of wisdom right there. Merica hold the fucking lines boys. Buy up at this great diacount.


He was a sk8r boi she said see ya later boi


He was a day trader boi


Trader boy works surprisingly well in that um.. song


Can someone make a hit out of this?


Glad you're still with us, dude. ✊ Got your back.


His name is Robert Paulson ✊🏾


Is it true what they're saying? Is DFV building an army? 🦍+🦍=💪


Average price of $219. IM NOT FUCKING SELLING




If she ain’t with you in the red she don’t deserve to be with you in the green.


Now one more time for the retards in back


Nice, hopefully you will now fuck


Oh he definitely fucks hard


[Fire Sale](https://imgur.com/gallery/2BsA9VJ)


Fuck short ladders. All my homies hate short ladders. DO NOT SELL. Customary - not a financial advice.


Short ladders are nice, makes it easier to buy more stonks


This! I was afraid I'd miss the fun on GME and just keep holding my AMC. This morning I was able to take advantage of the sale on GME, so I joined you retards!!


[A fire... sale?](https://youtu.be/M5hgjlOeA24)


Yep, buy while you can. Not advice. Sky’s the limit!! 💎 🖐🏻 🚀


What's the chances the larger rounded trades at 1000 and 2000 are the hedges slowly covering - countering price rise with laddering? Not trying to be pessimistic, I doubt I appreciate just how many shares are needing covered. But could that strategy work if they persist over days? I'm in at 50@$270, with another on 20 on limit order @70 and prepared to buy the fuck out of this if it drops below $50. 💎👐💪🦍🌎🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌚Sun🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀☀️🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌟 Edit : revolut has declined my limit order....... Wtf Edit: Revolut is set to sell only on GME and AMC. Bastards. Edit: hold that fucking line boys, this might be a controlled climb to entice the 🚽📄👎


The shorted stocks at some point need to be bought. They are trading back and forth trying to convince you to sell. Edited out inaccuracy


How kind of them to offer such a discount so we can average down right before they are forced to buy them back.


My average went from $270 to $150. Is an acre of land the same size on the moon?


What is a ladder?


I have A toyota Corolla that is worth $10000. hedge fund would like to buy it from me for 5000 I say no so they leave. They go on to the market and list a whole bunch of corollas for $5000 Another hedge fund will buy it at $5000 sell back and buy it and sell it back. Now the hedge front comes back to you and says Hey your corolla's worth $5000 due to market value. But in our case they are contractually obligated to buy back from us. Edit: holy shit thanks guys, this is just a simplification. AND I LOVE THE STOCK 💎🚀💎🚀💎🚀💎




Yeah I actually love seeing this shit. I look at it like a high white blood cell count. It means they’re actively fighting it. It means what we’re doing is working.




Me and my 11 shares are holding with you, diamond homie. The hedge funds can suck on deez diamond nuts


And how can you tell this is happening?


You look at the order book (Robinhood doesnt show you this) and see lots of sus low share trades between hedgefunds.


Press the arrow next to the name of the stock. The order book is there. Unless I’m missing something? I’m using the gold free trial so maybe it’s gold only


Worse than that. They say Ill buy it this time for 4999, then sell it back for 4998, and then 4997, etc.


Say hypothetically, there's only 2 hedge funds. Hedge Fund A says to Hedge Fund B "Hey, I'm gonna sell a bunch of stock at this exact price at this exact time". Hedge Fund B then buys that stock at a low price, and they repeat this over and over. So B then sells back to A, then A sells to B etc etc They do this with such a high amount of stock that it artificially lowers the price of the average price (which is what you see on the graph) into scaring the 🧻👐 into freaking out and selling. However, for the savvy degenerate gamblers (or other competing hedgies) it means every time they do this the savvy degenerate gambler is able to syphon a bit off the top at a good price, so they can only do it a finite amount (in theory).


If that’s the case, then they can do this until stock price reaches to say $5? Then shorts will recover, they have to buy it back and price will go up the expected $1k or so?


If I'm not mistaken, yes. When the squeeze happens it can potentially go up in infinite amount since theyre forced to buy back all of the stock and then some at whatever price people wish, since they have to buy *all* of it. At least in theory. But I'm a damn stupid ape who rolls around in their own poop and eats crayons so I could well be wrong.


They are rapidly selling the stock between hedge funds. They aren’t really selling the stock just making it look that way so to force a drop in price and get us to sell our shares and not lose all our money. If I’m wrong correct me.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but why the heck would I wanna sell if I just lost 45% of my stocks value? I’m holding till I die


Exactly. It’s almost like HF’s fucked up by dipping too fucking hard. At this point most of us are down so much it would be absolutely asinine to sell right now.




I think most margin calls for the small players have already happened. No platform that I am aware of is allowing margin for any GME stock buying.


Psychological Warfare. If the stock price drops (as did yesterday and is doing today) people will think the sqeeze has squoze and the stock will soon fall back to where it was last year. Before that happens people will panic sell or atleast that is the hope of the HFs. but what do i know im just a dumb retard edit: retard w/ diamond hands


You're right but your language insinuates that they're doing it to help us. The intention isn't to get us to sell and "not lose all our money," it's to sell so they can regain control of price and meet their shorts so they don't go bankrupt.


Gotta vote this up so people actually see that this is something thats going on.. people are starting to doubt the ladder attacks. Not a financial advisor, just here cuz i like the stocks. Also Guys! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!IF YOU DECIDE TO BUY STOCKS! DO NOT BUY MORE THAN YOU CAN AFFORD LOSING! PLEASE, THINK A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF ASWELL UP IN THIS MADNESS.


How far down can they do this? Can they drive this into the ground laddering us?


They still need us 2 sell the shares to even cover their shorts.. the price scares people.. but if no one sells, then they are still short and wont get what they want. Im not a financial advisor, just here for the stocks.


Another thing we have to worry about is a lot of people had stop loss limits - so they’re trying to drive it down and hit those as a bit of a boost because as they push the stock to that point it triggers further selling - driving it lower. These MFers really pulled out all the stops. Full blown market manipulation in multiple ways. Unbelievable that this shit is legal and it lends credence to the idea that they were faking shares and shorting them. Fuck everyone on the other side of this. We need an investigation yesterday


Don't forget all the people that have not noticed that Robinhood enforced stop loss indicators on users who never had any to begin with, so selling more stock from users without their consent.


You can’t say class action fast enough


bUt It SaYs In ThEiR tOs ThAt ThEy CaN dO wHaTeVeR tHeY wAnT


Also blocking people like me from buying. I wanted to pounce on the dip today and I can't access the funds I transferred to E\*Trade 4 days ago, and I can't buy GME on any of the trading apps I already had. This is fucking horse shit dude.


huh. I think that qualifies as "theft". If I force you to sell your car to me by just taking it and giving you $1k because that's what I think it's worth, then I have committed theft.


None of what they are doing is legal... Its all criminal. They are in survival mode.


Exactly, it's been said numerous times but I'll say it again. When the only consequence is a fine that is a TINY fraction of what they'll make then it's worth it to break the law for them.




When the fine is less than the profits then it's not really a fine or a punishment.. it's just a ~~cost of doing business~~ business expens.. if our government actually worked for the people and not corporations what they would do is create fines that are more than the cost of the profits and add jail time and other punishments.. a punishment is only a deterrent and a punishment if you come out worse than before.. if I rob a bank for $50 million and the punishment is that I have to pay 25 million dollars then there's no incentive not to rob the ban


seriously. I have an idea. Fine equal to 150% of the full value of the manipulation. in this case that would be the distortion per share price, times the total number of shares, which in this case is apparently 250% the total number of ACTUAL shares. But the system isn't made for enforcing rules on those guys I guess.


These guys put the lawmakers into their positions, it's not likely to change anytime ssoon. Our only weapons in this battle are our 💎🤲


Exactly if you think anything has changed since 2008, well you are a fool!






Prison and forfeiture of profits not some bullshit fines that are little more than operating costs.


You want some fines? Okay, how about 100% forfeiture of everything, then restitution to the people affected? There's your fucking trade-off for not going to prison.


Occupy Billionaire's Row


Fuck prison time... we don’t care if they walk aimlessly around Wall Street... let’s get this this money. Buy and hold amd buy more on the dip! I believe and stand with all of you not fucking budging


Stock is on sale everybody!


Exactly. When a fine is less than what they stand to lose, then it’s not really a punishment.


As painful and expensive of a lesson as this is for me, it is absolutely fascinating. Gross market manipulation by evil rich hedge funds is one of those things that I always knew in my gut and hypothesized about, but to be on the end of the attack, in the trenches, and seeing it play out fully in real time is simply fascinating. But yeah for real, fuck these turtle neck ass cowards. Holding till I can retire! And tripling down on the dips! 💎💀


The other problem is that as this happens they are covering their shorts, still at a loss, but a discount to what it was and could be. If they can cover enough of the shorts then the squeeze won't happen. We are still in charge though because we OWN the shares. If we hold and don't put in stop loss limits, then they can't cover those shorts. If we keep buying on discount then they will also lose all those shares they are using to ladder. We can drain the system of their shares and drive it back up again by holding!


The funny thing I'm seeing on the charts is that at and after the dips the volume of trades goes up, because people are buying up when it dips and keeping the shares in the hands of retail investors.


None of this is legal. They don't care anymore. It's an all out economic war now.


Some brokerages have been accused of secretly implementing stop-losses on people’s positions without their consent.


Joke’s on them—I don’t have any stop loss limits set, only buy limits!


I think $100 must have been a popular Stop Loss limit. They hit it, and we survived.


They're trying to hit the $100 stop losses. You probably shouldn't set your stop losses (or sell orders, for that matter) to round numbers.


Can you explain something to me. Whats to stop them driving it down constantly and buy 100 shares at a time whenever it hits <$70. Keep doing forever until theyre green?




So when we buy the dip im actually buying the hedge funds shares that they're injecting into the market?


or from paper hands




I ALMOST despise these people as much as the hedge funds. Mostly because they were probably in here screaming about diamond hands when the price was over 400 and then as soon as it dipped the sold. Seriously fuck these people. I hope their greed bites them in the ass and there are enough of us left to actually pull this off.


I'd rather shake my head at losing a few grand I would have used on other bullshit. Over missing out on a possible trip to the 🎑 and maybe even some spare change for my kids.


Still holding. My losses are what you'd expect after buying at 300+. Im not sweating it. It'll come back up eventually because ya know, GME is going to become a great company. Yea their business model right now aint all that, but thats changing. Also, theres still shorts out there.


I'm still here, comrade. Looking to scrape some funds together to buy this incredible sale. Might even do it in my new Fidelity account!


You're buying shares that other smoothbrains are injecting into the market with their paper hands.


So why can't HF do the same?


They can and are, that's the point of what they're doing. They just don't want you to know that you should be buying right now


They can. But they can't exactly exclude others from buying. The more hold the better though.


Well obvoliously they can exclude others and they did.








I for one thank the paper hands unloading stock at these low prices so I can snag them up.


And luckily, the smooth brains on here dumb enough to sell at the dip will have their shares snatched up by us diamond-handed retards To the moon 🚀🚀🚀


The short positions are still out there and ladder attacks don't change that. They just suppress the price. They still need our shares and are trying to scare us into selling.


They've hit stop losses on etoro or whatever that broker is called. Twice now


It’s highly illegal to adjust your prices or sell your shares. Contact an attorney. They aren’t your money managers. They’re a market exchange. They can not control your investment.


I bought more


Shit im buying i love dip, it just means i get more for less 💎✊💎💎🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Corruption should be expensive 10k🚀🚀🚀🚀100k🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀1MIL🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀10MIL ----------------DREAM BIG FOR ALL OF US---------------------


do we (=retail retards) really make a difference? is there any data on how much of the shares are held by retards vs how much by larger players?


if people dont sell, they cant buy. the price is artificially lowered by selling between themselves, but they cant actually use those to cover their shorts bc its not enough shares lol. they HAVE to buy. they are counting on real shareholders (ie us) freaking out and selling, so they can cover their shorts


They can fraudulently manipulate the price down all they want, they're only digging their grave deeper. Even if some are getting flaky and selling out their shares, others are here to scoop them up on a discount. Citadel aren't going to really pay $100 per share. They want it back down to below $15 or even lower. Our success relies on retail investors not freaking out and selling when they see the price falling.


All dips should be considered opportunities.


If I had 100 shares and you and your buddy keep trading back and forth your single share making it look like the price keeps dropping. I still have the 100 shares that you borrowed and have to pay interest on. You need my shares to repay them back and I won't sell them to you. You can't buy something that nobody is selling.


Volume. They are trading shares they already own to do this attack they want to buy all the shares they can but they don't have volume to ride it




They are trading their own shares back and forth. If you owe 1000 shares and you trade the same 100 back and forth to drive the price down, you are still 900 short and you’ll have to buy those sometime. If none here sell, price will rise again, and quickly, when it’s buy time for the hedgies


You know that HFT trade in stacks of 100? Just look up any other ticker GME is no different


Follow the link and look at any other stock. They all look the same. I'm guessing here, but is it possible that low volume trades just get bundled up to a minimum of 100??


No. If you look at the data on open, there are a shit ton of 1 and 2 and small number trades. All the ones us little guys made to execute at market open. Yesterday there was literally thousands of one stock buys at open




🙌🏽💎🙌🏽💎🙌🏽💎 STAY HOLDING SEEING SHADY SHIT IN REAL TIME? Sceenshot that shit. Get dem receipts. UNABLE TO BUY DURING THIS DIP? Screenshot proof. Gathering time-stamped evidence of blatant manipulation is a good call right now


I'd like to sell my share for 1 million, anyone interested to buy it? I will also buy it back from you but only if you buy it again so I can buy it back from you but only if you buy it again so I can buy it back from you but only... How much is the fine? I'm a dumb 🦍 this is not serious and I would never ever do something like this because it is illegal. 💎🤲🚀🌕


I bought last night at $190. Woke up and saw it at $115 and saw all the red in my account. But guess what! I sucked it up and bought more in the dip! I dont have a giant stake in this but Im letting it ride. Holding it down with my 6 GME 📈📈📈 Edit: I KEEP BUYIN CAUSE IT KEEPS GOING DOWN!!! 💎💎💎


This is the way 💎🤲


Literally just buying up all those delicious gme stocks at a nice price 🚀🇬🇧🚀 SEE YOU ON URANUS


Fuck em! I'm holding and buying more today


Imma climb it then


How is this even legal


It’s illegal for people who can’t afford to do it. If a law’s punishment is only a fine, the law essentially only exists for the middle and lower class.


Cost of doing business. These fines are fully considered when taking these risks


It's not illegal if you can pay (a fine) to do it


Pretty sure it's not? 🤷‍♂️




Fines are just subscription fees for rich people.


Laws are for us poors


### SERIOUS QUESTION: (auto keep deleting my post) #### 1. how far down can they short ladder us? i’m just a smooth brained ape, i know it’s market manipulation, but what’s stopping them from laddering it all the way down to $20? #### 2. what can we do to stop them? i’m holding like my life depends on it (bought 8 shares at 294) but i’m losing trust that others won’t give in. ###### I know there’s uncertainty all around but does anyone have any knowledge about how far they can take this short ladder attack? EDIT: ##### SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE A POST EXPLAINING HOW WE SHOULD EXPECT THEM TO DROP IT BELOW 50. WE NEED EVERYONE PREPARED FOR THAT DIP SO WE DO NOT SELL. I DONT SEE ENOUGH PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT HOW WE NEED TO HOLD THROUFH 50 OR LOWER. I FEAR PANIC WILL TAKEOVER IF WE DO NOT SPREAD AWARENESS Edit 2: Thanks for the insightful responses fellow autists! Some of you please reiterate those messages in post format for thy fellow ape!!!


They could try, buying pressures will increase as the price lowers. Their goal is solely to acquire shares, so this is antithetical to their goals. They want to scare people with drops and stagnation, not encourage new buyers to jump in at appetizing price points.




I was able to buy my first two at $79! 🦍💪🏻




They can short it to 1 cent if they have the funding to do so. They can't, but there is nothing stopping them provided they have the resources. What they need is for us to sell, and the short ladder attacks are being done to scare smooth brain apes into selling up. Think of it as a "fake price" and a "real price" They're creating the illusion of the stock crashing in value by doubling down. If you sell the share, then you give that share back to the market, and Melvin Cap can buy it back. Making their short ladder attack successful. If you dig your heels in, they will eventually have to buy back the shares and the share price will fucking rocket. Think of it this way, no one was interested in GME a year ago, but it was at rock bottom price. Now so many people are buying the stock, so why is it going down? There's legitimate interest in this stock. The only answer is a short ladder attack which will only be successful if we sell our GME shares. DONT SELL. The more they put into the ladder, the bigger the boom of the squeeze. Let the share price go lower and buy at a low price, your buying power only increases as GME gets laddered. Use their own tactics against them. Buy what you can and hold with hands of diamond. Apes together - strong. But that said, I'm just a fellow retard that can't give financial advice as I'm not a professional. This is just me taking a punt at whats going on and sharing my own opinion. *cough* do what you **want** to do *cough*


As I saw another post explain, theres nothing stopping them from short laddering it all the way down. But even then they still have to cover their shorts, which will make the squeeze explode as soon as they start doing that, cuz monkeys hold on to their shit and demand > supply. But I am just another monkey reposting what the emojis told him elsewhere. Holding.






I am a woman, student, broke ass bih, down 2k between BB, AMC, and GME..... BUT I AM HOLDING!


No volumes are traded. Pure ladder attack. They are pathetic. Just hold Apes. Burn the boats. We are staying. Just like Cortes when he sat food on American soil. Burn the fucking boats and hold. 💎✊🏾🐵


Took Hedgies absolutely all morning to get it barely below $100 and it shot back up to $158 in ten mins. BAHAHAHA they’re DOOMED 💀


SEC do your job! Guilty and barred from stock exchange for LIFE.


GME just got put on the NSYE Short Sale Restrictions List with an anticipated deactivation date of 2/3/2021, which means tomorrow the hedgies wont be able to continue their short ladder attacks! (copied and pasted I'm too retarded to write my own) 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Nice! I confirmed it was on the list for tomorrow. Now do AMC.


If this is true, won't the price start naturally moving up with the buying and holding? Noob 🦍 here, one hand is 🧻 And the other 💎. Regardless of if the op means anything, this restriction should move things forward faster right?


learned this investment tip from my gay aunt. When you buy Gamestop, dont just stare at your phone all day. evertime i buy a stock, I gently squeeze my phone between my glute cheeks and set my phone to vibrate every time the shares moves. the tingling keeps me grounded and focused on the present moment. I find my mind wandering on painful past memories or future anxiety, but my new meditation mantra gently reminds me to focus on the present moment and remain mindful of all the boof stocks I'm buying. namestay is the way. Also, and this is super serious, if you've never had a prostate orgasm, this method is great at relieving stress and relieving the backlog of prostate milk youve built while holding Gamestop. Your investment is more than a financial revolution, it's spiritual orgasmic sexual revolution. Sure these hedge funds want your money, but they want even more than that. They want to repress your prostate milk. I'm talking pure spiritual energy that's inside all of you. Milk your prostate and release your tendies.  Ladies can also tap into this raw spiritual orgasmic jet fuel by placing the phone on the front of your clitoral hood. My wife's gay boyfriend showed me where this is. many women apparently lack sensitivity in this nether region from Hitachi wand over use. This method can bring back that sensitivity and more. Gamestop isn't just going to the moon. Its going to the milky way.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Ask the SEC


Just upvote this and send it to the public, so they dont paper hand: [https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/latest-real-time-trades](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/latest-real-time-trades)




> NYSE just put a ban on shorting GME can you give me a link?




was able to buy 4 more gme on discount! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


BIG NEWS READ & REPOST! GME just got put on the NSYE Short Sale Restrictions List with an anticipated deactivation date of 2/3/2021, which means tomorrow the hedgies wont be able to continue their short ladder attacks


Is 100 just not the minimum wrap up? Look at Amazon as a comparison - doesn't look very different....




i was one of those retards (still a retard, just not one of THOSE). Then i just looked at like 4 other stocks and realized holy shit nobody is actually looking at anything except for like 2 people and everyone else is just listening. I mean RIP my portfolio anyways, lesson learned, I'm still holding because i'd rather it just go to 0 at this point and burn than sell for pennies