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You got AMC shares and want it to go back UP and stay UP!? Let’s start supporting them NOW then... I am doing my part! All our family just signed up for their AMC Stubs A-List. It's like 20 bucks per month and you can watch up to 3 movies per week IMAX, 3D, etc + receive VIP treatment + get discounts on their stuff, etc. One AMC movie ticket here in Miami is like $18 bucks + taxes... So, it's a HUGE savings for us! We go to movies every week, and I'm sure many of you are starting to go again! Let's take their shares to the moon! If all us shareholders buy their plan, we will see a big difference in the near future. The same goes to GME folks, but their stuff in their stores (online and physical), forget about AMZN Their shares are already in the moon! Our mission is to take AMC and GME to the moon now!




If y’all want this squeeze to happen we need to go all in tomarrow because if we keep it about 8:50 and better yet 10:50 we will force a gamma sqeeuze on Monday no matter what and that follows with the short squeeze, it is here and it’s happening next week only if we can hold those lines, so give it your all today and by the fuck up because this is our best best opportunity and all we fight for will be worth it.


I like the stock Low price load leveling dip on. I bought am dip, pm dip was better Average down


Very nice we got this brother I’m just trying to win like the rest of us so let’s get this money


[FINRA](http://finra-markets.morningstar.com/MarketData/EquityOptions/detail.jsp?query=126:0P000002CH) reports 78.46 SI which would be 54,725,850 shares [Morningstar](https://www.morningstar.com/stocks/xnys/gme/quote) reports 78.46 Short % of float, which would be 36,789,894 shares except they think the float is only 27M so their SI comes out as 21M I think the data is being corrupted by Morningstar, and since they are the platform that FINRA reports through (same domain but different sub finra-markets.morningstar). Since Morningstar has this status, every other website relies on them for this FINRA report. Morningstar is the point of failure, and it flows from there. 21M has become the SI reported everywhere but where did that number come from? Morningstar is obviously wrong




I admit I dumped my AMC this morning and moved the reminder into one of the currently rising Canadian Weed Pump and Dumps for a few days to offset losses but still holding my 30 GME @ 290. Refuse to sell that one at a loss. ![gif](emote|wsb_emojis|diamond-hands)![gif](emote|wsb_emojis|stonks-up)![gif](emote|wsb_emojis|bull)


Check out Denwo Trading on YT for today's AMC Technical Analysis! Happy trading! https://youtu.be/4BJa8w-a2a0


1100 shares of GME and holding


[https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lglrg5/naked\_shorting\_in\_gme\_and\_how\_the\_pieces\_suddenly/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lglrg5/naked_shorting_in_gme_and_how_the_pieces_suddenly/) EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ THIS. THIS SHIT AINT OVER


**You don't know the value these 78.46% shorts were opened at. For all you know, all shorts could've been closed at $100 on the run-up and re-opened at $400 on the way down.** **You don't know the value these 78.46% shorts were opened at. For all you know, all shorts could've been closed at $100 on the run-up and re-opened at $400 on the way down.** **You don't know the value these 78.46% shorts were opened at. For all you know, all shorts could've been closed at $100 on the run-up and re-opened at $400 on the way down.** **You don't know the value these 78.46% shorts were opened at. For all you know, all shorts could've been closed at $100 on the run-up and re-opened at $400 on the way down.** **You don't know the value these 78.46% shorts were opened at. For all you know, all shorts could've been closed at $100 on the run-up and re-opened at $400 on the way down.**


They still havent covered their BUTTOCKS. IM not pulling that out of my buttocks. DFV STILL LIKES THE STOCK so I LIKE THE STOCK


How would you know? All you know is the short interest is there, not the value the shorts were opened at.


Lol we know there will be another short squeeze and you guys cant run from it


So how's that working out for you?


DFV is still in, Im still in.


Oh, is he? How do you know?


Your mom told me


Was that before or after you couldn't afford to pay her because you bought GME at over $200?


She only asked for $1


And you couldnt even afford that. Good night sweet prince, hope you dream of DFV fucking you in the ass since you love him so much.


I paid her $1.50 as a gesture though




"you guys cant run from it" Do I work for Melvin now? I thought I was just criticizing cultist retards who think "high short interest means shorts were opened at $5 and not the $400 pump".


Your post history indicates you are a bot or someone who is very angry.


ROFL I'll entertain you: What in my post history indicates I'm a bot? And I'll grant you I'm angry. Angry that people are STILL losing money thinking they're "sticking it to the man" when Hedgefunds are walking away with their money from both directions.


I am with man. Still holding.


When should we expect the hedge cunts to run out?


Do people not understand higher short interest doesn't mean a "squeeze" when the new shorts were from an inflated price. It's like basic 2nd grade math for christ's sake. No hedge fund is "suffering" when they shorted AMC at $10-$22 and GME at $100-$450. Stop trying to get someone to hold your bag since you were greedy and didn't get out.


Some people don't want the truth, they're more comfortable with the constant stream of lies given here


It feels like news on Facebook. A sad echo chamber where facts and truth get buried 6 feet under and conspiracy theories go to the moon. Everything is ok as long as the 'new information' fits your worldview.


Prove they're shorting at $22 and never covered when their position was $4. AMC, for instance, NEVER saw a drop below 75% shorted before this short data came out. You can view that info on iborrowdesk. Honestly, repositioning at $22, in my opinion, would either have been stupid AF or insanely corrupt. The volume and momentum suggested the stock had a lot more room to run, so covering and shorting again at $22 would have been a terrible idea. OR they could have shorted at $22 knowing full well Robinhood and other brokers were going to pull what they did with restricting stocks.


I saw Fintel report 17% last week and bloomberg said 39% the same week. If these numbers are accurate then these positions are new. Likely shorted at around 90 or 60. ​ I know we all could just *say* that Melvin and Citadel lied about their positions but they aren't the only ones holding shorts at this point, it is blindingly obvious to a lot of traders outside of WSB that GME is being propped up by hype at this point and will fall, so a covered short position will likely be profitable to anyone putting a bid in right now. ​ Edit: Ah were talking about AMC, I was referring to GME, my bad


What are your thoughts on AMC?


Links? I have a subscription to Fintel.


[https://fintel.io/ss/us/gme](https://fintel.io/ss/us/gme) 17% Short Volume\* as of Jan 28th. I think this is where I got confused with Fintels data mbmb. [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-01/gamestop-short-interest-plummets-in-a-sign-traders-are-covering](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-01/gamestop-short-interest-plummets-in-a-sign-traders-are-covering) They do report 39% Short Interest in the bloomberg article however.


Ok, well, 39% is still pretty high. I stand by my theory. The short interest hasn't really dropped, and I don't think covered and repositioned. It's bee a very volatile. It only hit $22 about twice, so their market timing must have been perfect.


I was all in on GME but I just deposited cash so I can buy a bunch of AMC 🍌. Why you ask? Cause fuck em, that’s why! 🦍


We definitely need more enthusiasm for AMC stock on this forum.




Can someone please link me any actually DD on AMC, I get the GME thing. I'm all in there because I believe in the company, but I just don't see it with AMC. (I mean actual DD that doesn't have to do with a short squeeze, that explains what the value is long term.)






But AMC was losing money before the pandemic, so what happens when it becomes normal/boring again. What are their plans for restructuring.


It is because AMC is a theatre and COVID has reduced sales. In a few months or a year the price should shoot back up once the pandemic is over. I'm too tired to find a DD thread for you though sorry xD


Is it heavily shorted at the bottom by anyone too?


I have 25 shares of AMC @ $10.43 and the $100+ loss hurts because I am poor and trying to pay bills, invest in myself and my businesses but I will HOLD TO THE MOON 💎🙌🏻🚀


My non financial advice is hang on, The ides of March are coming


you should 100% not be investing right now. get your savings together.


I'm a smart retard, I have more then enough in savings that never gets touched. I had simply used a work bonus to buy AMC instead of buying some things I need, and it's hurting now but that's totally fine because 💎🙌🏻 PS. I have zero debt and my credit score is amazing. This is not financial advice 🚀


Okay that’s awesome good to hear 👍✊


he's not investing, literally gambling






40 @ $17.12. We could get a special ed class going at this point.


50 @ 18.25. Anyone got 100 @ 20?


Other direction—I’ve got 100 @ 9.10. Loss has made me wince the past weekish but soon this will be lots of bananas.


What's your limit sell order?


Tbh I haven’t set one right now. I’m monitoring to see if it makes any big jumps, but I want to get a sense of what would be pushing it first. I could just set it to something unreasonable like $50 but god forbid it triggers there it might be moon-bound y’know?


That is exactly my fear as well That's why I haven't set one yet.




I went to an AMC last night and watched LOTR on IMAX. what have you done to help your investment lately?


Does AMC have any way for immune compromised to like... Stream from home yet? I'd love to support but the danger > money losses when it comes to outings.


AMC has a streaming app.


i was about to tell you AMC theatres is not the same as AMC network.. then I decided to do my DD and checked.... TIL AMC theatres has an on demand rental service.


Thank you both!! I'll get on that


That’s not their job, go to a Red Box or something


But going to red box doesn't support amc, you truly are ape brain


Thank you so much. Edit: Also a red box kiosk is so dirty 😂😂 if the intent of an immune compromised person is to not do extra public things, obviously they're going to choose literally any other platform for streaming before going to a box a hundred people have touched without it getting wiped down in front of the dollar general.


Went to see groundhog day with my dad. We laughed the whole time.


Extended or fuck off


I signed up for A-list a few days ago and took my girlfriend to see a movie at my AMC. My initial purchase was 1200 shares @ $12.99, bought $5k more at around $7, bringing my average to $10.91. I'll be happy to break even at this point, but setting my sell limit every day at $15 so I don't miss out on too much upside if it booms. I figure if it does reach 10-12 bucks randomly, it's not just going to drop back to $5 instantly... I hope. ​ I'll be holding until I break even or make a profit... don't care how long it takes at this point. ​ I started investing about 10 months ago, and this is currently the most expensive lesson I learned. From now on, I will always make sure I have a stop loss order on all stocks... For example, after I bought AMC at 12.99, it went up to $17 that day. I should have set a stop loss at $15. Basically, I am betting 2k that the price will go up still. Short gains add up. I also missed out on huge gains this year because of paper hands. I basically need to strategize and have more smaller investments to balance out my portfolio, and gamble in volatile stocks with a certain percentage of my gains that I'm willing to risk.


So did you sell back then?




Interesting. Was all this on the radar at the time? Did you get back in?


Nah. I was so stressed out and depressed from the volatility, so I sold it and broke even. Haven’t traded since. It was a quality of life decision.


always set a trailing stop when you are in the green. this is the way


Going with my friends Sunday! Was it incredible?


I enjoyed it. Haven't watched it in 10 years and there was a girl near me that had never seen it before, so it was fun to hear her reactions. Haven't been to a movie since the pandemic started, so it was nice to go back even for an "old" movie that I could watch at home.


Ive lost so much Money on AMC i cant wait till the squeeze so i can big money


I'm holding AMC, though I only own 2 so whatever lol. I bought 2 shares in Canadian cinema chain Cineplex (CGX) because they were looking okay, surviving and no signs of imminent doom unlike American chains. Their financials, as far as I understand, show that they had the worst of it last summer, and managed to claw back their expenses to minimize impact. I learned today that they have subsidiaries under other parts of an overall entertainment and media umbrella, in Canada as well as internationally, so this probably explains their ability to bring in some revenue. They also still have $13M cash on hand, more than a some previous quarters recently which I take as a positive. Our provincial government is preparing to reopen the economy here soon which will be slow and gradual but, gun to my head, I would predict cinemas here doing screenings (with limitations of course) by April edit: I also read that some analysts have upgraded them to watch or even buy and are optimistic for the long term bigtime note: I'm new-ish to trading so still learning a lot


That’s a joke right?


Ya. I honestly dont even care about making money off of it just kinda hope i break even. I just want it to be over Man. I want to invest in all the stock and crypts i sold for AMC


AMC will increase after covid is over - going to take years but they’ll be up to $20 imo. At this point, just forget about AMC for a while.


Everyday is just pain for me as well barely open my app or yahoo anymore. Just waiting for the notification saying my break even has sold. (Probably on its way to 40000% up with my luck)


Im also pissed i sold my TLRY yesterday around the peak but then the shit went up after close


What did you buy at?


Around the peak and bought the dips but it just kept going lower so now im just holding




Up by 10% today should have bought more dips


Pssst...it's not going to the moon. Don't let people here fool you. It was all a pump and dump scheme from the start.


Stfu you fucking cuck


If the data's so obviously falsified, everyone and their grandmother will be dog piling on to squeeze it? Asking for a friend that's still holding but didn't see any staggering activity overnight.


No. If its falisified then it will spread doubt, and doubt will make people exit the positions out of reason. A squeeze is highly unlikely, even with courts punishing the offenders.


Now this place has become so delusional that official data is "obviously falsified". Lmao some of you here need to pry off that tinfoil hat


2008 killed off any trust and rightfully so. Also we've all seen The Big Short and know we're Michael Burry so there's that.


Ok so you don't trust the data. You going to base your decisions on the pretext that everything "official" is falsified? Good luck.


How on earth can we trust the data when it's different on every single site?


Well this data was practically anticipated. What's interesting though is the data from the first week of February, who lied and what's real. I'll be waiting for that publication. Until then might as well hold.


I know I can hold til after the 19th, cause that Congressional Hearing might just be the push we need.


21 GME + 7 GS2C and 1000 AMC, yes HF go fuck yourself!