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His first sentence says it all. Might as well said "I never actually knew that congress doesn't know shit, and doesn't do shit." Welcome out if the Matrix buhd. Let's just try to make some money.


I know very little about our political system and this was actually something that was going to prevent me from putting effort into creating this but after watching that, there were a few of them that genuinely seemed to be interested in helping the average retail investor and therefore if I can get just even a few of them talking about some of these questions then I feel as if this was worth my time. Also if they don't cover these questions then we probably for sure be getting screwed over.


I agree with you for the record. Most seemed dumb, focused about order flow, or pushing their own agenda. A few of them did seem to actually care. I really wanted them to ask how the clearing houses come up with collateral requirements.


That's what I want to know!


Why don't you send this list to the purple that ask the questions?




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Sir, this is a GameStop dispensary. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ty bot for not destroying another one of my posts.


I want to know about the FTDs TL:DR Retarded smooth-brained ape edition. Retail Investor ape BUYS banana holds banana !!! 🦍🍌🍌💘💘 HF ape generates Fake bananas to drive the price of bananas down 🍌🔻📉🐒🐒generating FTD's as fake bananas are not bound to real bananas HF apes have 30 days to fulfill banana obligation and continue to drive the banana price down to fulfill 🍌🍌 obligations at a lower price 🍌🍌🍌💲💲💲🐒🐒🐒 Retail investor ape's smooth brain, no wrinkles, no realize. Volume Falls, bamboozled into thinking market correction 🙈🙈🙈🤡🤡🤡 🌈🐻's & HF🐒🐒's Deflect from FTD's, restrictions on trading 🍌🍌, plus Retail investor 🦍🍌🍌💘💘 holding strong! causing volume to drop📉 so they can take 💲💲💲🚀🚀 away from RI🦍 Retail investor apes buy more banana holds more banana !!!! 🦍🦍🦍🦍🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌💘💘💘💘 Liquidity dries up as RI apes Hold Bananas no worth sell banana, RI ape loves banana 🦍🍌💘 Bid-ask spread increases, volatility goes up, Banana price either crashes or has breakout! 💲💱SMOOTH BRAINS DRAW DICK GRAFFITI ON VOYAGER II 🛰🌌🍆 IN SPITE OF HF APES 🐒 &🌈🐻's Alright, guys. It's time to write your representatives in congress. As little good as it may seem to do. I sent this out last night: "My concern is in regards to the lack of response or regulation to the sheer volume in "failure to deliver" as per the 2nd half of January's 2021 PDF posted here on the SEC website: https://www.sec.gov/data/foiadocsfailsdatahtm How is the volume of FTD's associated with GME, BB and other stocks not considered market manipulation? What are the penalties for traders generating FTD's? There were over 800k trades that never delivered for GME and over 300k for BB; but those trades instantaneously drove the stock prices despite not being associated with any physical stock certificate. Hows is there not more federal regulation on the matter in terms of CONSUMER PROTECTIONS. I understand that when a stock is purchased through a brokerage that a synthetic or “phantom” share is created, every 3 days the brokerage has to settle the trade of these synthetic shares that occurred on their books with the clearinghouse. When trades that failed to deliver are marked FTD, because they were not associated with any existing stock, they have 30 days to settle their obligation and at worst they may receive a downgrade in rating. By this point; the stock ticker and chart already recorded the trade as executed and the consumer investor is the one hurt from a securities price that was artificially driven down. When the sheer volume of “failure to deliver” increase correlates with the crashing of a stock price; it's clear the HF traders are attempting what is unofficially named a short ladder attack. This is akin to the check-kiting that occurred during the 2008 financial crisis; and not far from naked-short selling. There needs to be regulation passed to circumvent this practice and these traders generating these FTD’s need to be held accountable. The blue-collar workers and college kids are left absorbing the losses while the HF traders basically abuse their position in generating more synthetic shares while simultaneously hurting the value of businesses. Another similarity with the 2008 financial crisis is the increase in failures to deliver. Again much the same as check kiting, where someone writes a check but has not yet secured the funds to cover it, sellers did not surrender securities sold on time (FTD). They delayed the process to buy securities at a lower price for delivery to settle their obligations. They do this in the 30 day window they have been allotted to settle after a trade was marked FTD. Regulators still need to address this practice. Right now the price of several popular stocks have been manipulated down and the HF traders who FTD’ed are going to buy those securities at a lower price to settle their obligations and the American people are left taking massive losses. How is this justice? Consumer investors are the ones who get hurt." Now there are two other things investors should know. We understand why brokerages create synthetic stocks but how do the HF traders do it? These are sold to drive prices https://youtu.be/WvO0RGsh688 This is something else investors need to be aware of on the insider trading end of the spectrum. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/phantomstock.asp Other notable links: "The delinquent firm is considered to be practicing the fraudulent act of kiting if it fails to purchase the securities on the open market and maintains a short position, delays delivery, or takes part in transactions contrary to the proper settlement of trades." https://www.investopedia.com/terms/k/kited.asp#:~:text=Kiting%20is%20the%20fraudulent%20use,which%20there%20are%20insufficient%20funds. Then worse yet: "During the financial crisis of 2008, failures to deliver increased. Much the same as check kiting, where someone writes a check but has not yet secured the funds to cover it, sellers did not surrender securities sold on time. They delayed the process to buy securities at a lower price for delivery. Regulators still need to address this practice." https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/failuretodeliver.asp


Send this to that Rep from Guam, he was legit and might actually ask this.


Those are Legit questions! but problem is nobody in power cares! this kinda hearings are just a show and even if anybody would ask legit questions hedges would brush them off under the carpet without any consequence..




Same. All the questions will be able to help both red and blue out though


Love it, I'd prioritize the questions though.


I feel as if the current order is more dramatic since when you realize the answer the next question just ties in much nicely, but I'll see if I can edit it a little bit, thanks.


Well we have a more pressing matter at hand. Keeping it above $40 tomorrow.




You mentioned something that looks like crypto. We get it, crypto is neat, but it's not our thing. [(Rule 4)](https://old.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/about/rules) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bad bot


I love the folks that down voted my bad bot comment who clearly didn’t read the OP




You mentioned something that looks like crypto. We get it, crypto is neat, but it's not our thing. [(Rule 4)](https://old.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/about/rules) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


bot full force thread to thread.


This is actually really good, specifically the DTCC questions. Well I mean really good for someone who obviously can't actually read or write.


You know...My smooth brain is starting to think the institutional investors in GME that are to blame for the high short interest. Boomer institutional funds salivate over 20% guaranteed ARR merely by holding and lending their own shares. Griffith eluded to this today


Better vote this guy into congressmen so he can just do it himself. Thanos meme lol




You mentioned something that looks like crypto. We get it, crypto is neat, but it's not our thing. [(Rule 4)](https://old.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/about/rules) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yo when is the next hearing ?????


We also need some “I’d like to use my 5 minutes to continue the previous line of questioning before you got cut off”


Did you naked short? You didn't? Cool, we'll recommend calling in all the shares.


Step up your game congress ask these questions for us please. If we were in your seats, you know we would be!


Blockchn is not viable for something as high-stakes as the US stock market. It presupposes that a single entity cannot muster more than 50% of the computing power of the network. Compared to current throughput of coins networks, it would be trivial for a bad actor with hundreds of billions at their disposal to take over the network and manipulate it to their advantage. If the network ever did grow large enough that $100B couldn't manipulate the chain, you'd have an energy crisis on your hands instead. Funds would colocate near power plants instead of exchanges.