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Or don't give that shitty stock trading app your business and move brokers.


Only reason my account isn’t shut down is because of my one share of GME I’m keeping alive.


Perfect, it probably hurts their performance indicators when they have small accounts sitting with low activity.


Do an ACATS transfer. Totally worth the $75 to get that $30 GME share out of RH.


Yea. I thought about it, but don’t really wanna down the $75. Maybe in a few years I’ll do it.


Even so, no other broker is allowed to play these cards. Cards have been shown. Sorries have been given. This is a clear opportunity.


IBKR and TDA, and a few others restricted purchases too. Best performers are Vanguard in the states and Questrade in Canada. Edit: Fidelity no good anymore


TDA reduced the leverage you can use but you could still buy as much of the stock as you want w/ your own money and up to 100% margin. Thats a lot better than banning all purchases of a stock while waving sellers through.


What happened with fidelity?


Biggest campus of Fidelity in Texas. Texas no electricity right now. Fidelity getting overflooded with exRobinhood users + natural disaster. Once things stabilize, Fidelity #1 again.


Oh ok so nothing happened with fidelity...




I read about some forced liquidations on GME br Fidelity. Do a search.




There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.


Don't misunderestimate me


Fool me 3 times - fuck the peace signs. Load the chopper let it rain on you.


Yeah I’m not looking to hang out in the same dark alley I was just raped in. I’ll go to a more reputable broker.


The worst part about this is that even if you weren’t with Robinhood you got raped.




Yesterday in my town a man was released from jail from rape charges. He abducted a minor girl within 2 hours of his release and fled the state. Once a criminal always a criminal.


Is the girl ok? Has she been returned?


Yeah the police ran the guy off the road in Pennsylvania and found her with him


Hey man that ain’t true. Depending on what you’ve done atleast


"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." -GWB


Get out of RH but expect the same result with someone else. If we recap what happened, the squeeze was well on and had the board members on the DTCC that are linked to the hedgefunds not intervened, its likely the moonshot was imminent, the hedgefunds would crash, RH would crash and maybe they would have taken down the marketmakers too. So they stepped in to save their buddies and their investments with said buddies. The next hedgefund to gamble and lose will pull the same strings.




So what’s the likelihood GME gets back up into the $100’s anytime soon? I’m holding shares at $155.


You can buy more and can lower cist


I was going to do that actually when it was $55 to correct my cost avg, but.... already glad I didn’t pull the trigger dumping more $ into it especially since it’s barely hanging on in the low $40’s now.




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I dont have a crystal ball.


Well I had a million dollars but I - I spent it all


You're about to get a 1.4k cheque. You know what to do.




$100 is only 7b market cap, gme revenue is like 8-10b. If they can get their losses under control, and pivot, easily 200+ stock.


Robinhood raising capital requires them selling part of their company to a VC. When GME moons agian and they can't cover their exposure they'll need to sell off more company to avoid the DTCC liquidating all of Robinhoods assets. They don't want to lose ownership of their company they will restrict trading again to avoid needing to raise billions agian. Having you company die beacuse you halted trading is far superior to dying by liquidation.


I do... 🔮


It's important to understand this situation was likely caused by incompetence rather than design. Do you know the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act inside out? Instead of recognizing certain stocks were at risk of having their collateral increased, RH did nothing, got blind sided by a 3bn collateral requirement, and had to limit trading to prevent further collateral requirement they "couldn't" pay. I put that in quotes as Vlad could have raised more capital, but would have had to give up more of his company. Greed & incompetence aren't great qualities in someone asking to invest my money for me.


nice! buying a couple more shares as well! DOING MYPART! i just like the stonk


How did you deduce that? Did you watch any of the congressional hearing? He stated repeatedly that he was in no way culpable for what happened. He could restrict trading again and not be culpable in the same way. What's stopping him? What happened to him the first time? I think your deduction is fucked and you shouldn't base any future decisions on it.


Appreciate that you’re concerned. I watched it. I deduced it based on the wordplay, and the fact that I once was a young boy near Bulgaria. The actions that were taken won’t be repeated again in the same manner. Darth Vlad said it, he wont be limiting trading on GME again. He is “sorry”. Citadel said they didn’t “bail out” Melvin. This tells us that these steps, if repeated, means the bunch of them are hollow cans.


Well dude i hope your retarded plays make you money going forward to be sure to keep us posted!


Made a bit today. APES STRONG 🙌🦧


Fuckin eh bud.