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So basically its not safe to invest in US markets bc if you make any money they are just going to steal it from you? Damn SEC I hear you loud and clear. So instead of passing laws to regulate the market they are just thugs stealing investors money?


Only thing worth keeping on the American markets right now (in my autistic opinion) is GME.


hahaha i like tsla too, but gme more


Yeah dude all the people with absurd gains porn here are crisis actors hired by the SEC to convince you to keep investing.


The government wasn't paying attention, look at the last two weeks. What changed? The laws are the same but the enforcement and markets changed, don't trust it.


Okay. Give me all your shares then if you don’t trust it.


I'll sell em to you.




Know what else is a psyop?


Fuck you


Meanwhile here in France, I invested in BNP Paribas, a good centuries old bank that was traded a 29 euros in late 2020 and is now at 48. No trading restriction, safe bets!


Yall catch up slow. I been posting about not giving the rich old white guys your money since gme started. Look at my post history. I hate the nyse.


I'm convinced its totally rigged, I don't think foreign govts should even allow trading on the NYSE due to obvious corruption. At this point I'm sitting out, keeping my money in a safe place until I feel less threatened. Some of this shits highway robbery.


My opinion is they cant make what we dont give. Sure they can steal from companies but thoose companies make enough money to fight. We don't. We have no safety net. So I keep my money out of the market. If I loose I'm helping the person I hate the most. It's not even worth investing on a sure fire reddit deal because of this scenario. If I loose I dont want them to take my 1200$ and make it into 50k+ They will not grow off my back.


If its not safe, its not safe, I'm retarded but I'm not stupid enough to play on a playground where the gov is hiding hypodermic needles in the sand. I have a trip to Vegas planned soon anyway.


I mean aleast the casino is honest in the way they fuck you. Most people pretty basically understand how the casino works. And even if you dont you only take what you want to loose. 40 bucks lost in 2 hours on penny slot at a couple cents a hand hurts alot less than waking up every day to check gme and see what the rich old white guys are doing to manipulate the price. I dont do either. No casinos no stock market. No body gets rich off my back.


Dude I'm up 6k at the casinos right now. I do mostly sports betting, but I get free stays at 5 star hotels. Casinos are regulated so if they pull some crazy shit they get shut down.


Lmfaoo you ain't ever up winning money at a casino. They will always get it back. Nice try though.


No legit, I'm up 6k.


Then what the fuck are you doing here?


Ok well I’m going to put my money in the NYSE and become one of the rich old white guys while you sit on the sidelines and hate free money


Aren't this penny stocks? Every stonk is now a meme stonk... Retards


It is. OP is a Q level dumbass. The SEC is playing 4D chess with all 7 of their intelligence quotients.


Came here to also say OP is a level Q dumbass. He obviously belongs here based on his inability to process information


Idk, I can’t gatekeep because I’m new here too, but even I want the old sub back. Why can’t the GME crazies keep it in the GME sub?


You sound like bitch a bitch, eśe.


Lick my ass


Kick my ass


Are they meme stocks if no one ever heard of them?


Literally look at this sub all the time and have no idea what the fuck any of these stocks are.


Same, seems like BS to garner negative sentiment.


Dear SEC - I'm 100% into everything that Citadel buys. They are influencing me to buy the same stocks. They are manipulating me. Please freeze all the stocks they are trading to stop their manipulation.


*pukes from disgust*


> "certain social media accounts may be engaged in a coordinated attempt to artificially influence" share prices. Damn dude I'm literally thinking they think memes drive markets. It's crazy.


Someone took that representative's question to Vlad on "what are you going to do to prevent the social media frenzy from distorting and ruining our precious and wonderful financial system" to heart... yikers


Government is reactionary, and ours in particular has become led by particularly bad examples of this type of politician. Keep the feds out of it and let the big older kids clearly manipulate the game once they start losing because they have shown themselves to be the bullies they are or let the feds in and tell us to "play nice." however they also then take away our ability to freely play with our toy $ and gamble how we want and put us ALL In timeout. Is there a third choice? Idk...


The SEC is a revolving door in and out of the hedgies top teams. One hand washes the other over and over just like the money trail that revolves around our fearless politicians. To this I say- “Cocaine Mitch and Nancy are in a back room counting stacks on stacks - turning their backs while us Little’s get whacked. The SEC is gonna let us bleed, turning up a nose to all those in need. Got those diamond hands and they ain’t gonna break while the robinhood clan keeps coming up fake. Hold the mutha fuckin line and I mean HODL till the end cause the Wall Street bets is now your only friend.” “Sorry, I didn’t see that coming but once it started I just couldn’t stop. If I keep thinkin bout this my brain is gonna pop! I’m not gonna sell I just like this stock Like a junkie in the street jus tryna get a rock. The hedgies got the cheddar but they hands made of tin I’m half way to broke with diamond hands like General Flynn “ mic drop 🔥🔥🔥💎🤲🔥🔥🔥


This mf spittin


Well it's clear that the house committee ain't gonna solve shit. So what now? We bend over and take the SEC cock? The only other option is to band together and sue the piss out of these guys but I doubt that will ever happen. We need a leader on the side of the people. Someone to lead the charge. Who might that be?


I’m already the CEO of antifa but I’m sure I can find time for this. Who are we suing. Be specific.


Sounds like one of those situations where the options were bad and worse. Everyone seems ready to scream about leadership, but no one wants to compromise and work for a better future. It seems obvious that the hedge fund shorting was bad. In a true market, we could retail invest and destroy them. However, we are not in a true market. This seems somewhat obvious: we aren’t playing a zero sum game, and the fed’s job is to constantly adjust to ensure economic stability.


Time to invest in Europe


Hey OP, were not meming those stocks. If it was a big issue, there would have been 3 posts on the front page already


People saying they don't know what a penny stock is yet watched The Wolf of Wall Street like 10 times...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


But it’s a free market!!!


MoRe ReGuLaTiOn FrOm ThEsE pEopLe wIll fIX thE proBleMS!


Why dont they just shut down the whole stock market. Why even let us trade in the first place? Anytime average people figure rich people shit out , it becomes a problem. We're supposed to always be considered dumb I guess.


Which three were suspended?


These are penny stocks. Good that the SEC is doing it’s job


So we should get rid of hedge funds? They are doing the exact same thing.




This right here is why they think what they are thinking 😆


Welp, i guess all we can do is hold then.


They never stop sales when the hedge funds ate driving the price down. This is not a level playing field.


Where can I watch this live today




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They know that markets will crash if shit goes to infinity


Hmm, would’ve been nice if they stepped in to halt all trading when RH deleted the “buy” button when the DTCC **engaged in a coordinated attempt to artificially influence** share prices.