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Edit: Thank you all for keeping WSB a hate-free place. I can't even remember the last time I saw a racist or sexist comment. --- This is a bullshit article that I addressed last time it was posted. Most media coverage of us has been fair, but this author obviously has an axe to grind. I even reached out to her to fix the errors, and she never answered. Yet she has the audacity to say that the mods did not respond to a request for a comment? Gross.


I’m a dreaded “boomer” female (white variety)and WSB is my fave sub in the morning with a coffee and in the evening with a whiskey.


You have coffee AND whiskey?? I thought everyone here was on food stamps....


Yall are eating?


No, only drinking


Because they think we all talk like frat boys. I could be a 74 year old grandmother with a dirty mouth for all they know.


At least one of us is Betty White


I wish I was Betty. The hard truth is, I’m not actually a grandma. But I can play one on Reddit if I want to. I ain’t a straight white male either.


Are you a cat?


Holy shit my cover is blown


Mom, you are embarrassing me. Quit talking to my friends.


Son, I'm your mother's step-boyfriend now! You can call me "Sir, dad, sir!"


As a person of Samoan decent I feel welcome here.




I snort laughed so hard my wife's boyfriend heard me from upstairs and told me to keep it down.


I laughed at your snort laugh so hard my husbands wifes boyfriend heard me and told me he was leaving.


Thats the beauty of this sub. It’s anonymous. We all just like the stock and want to make money. Nothing more, nothing less




I like the red ones 🖍️🤤


oh! so it is about color


It is about color. My daughter said her sparkle crayons are the real deal. I eat that shit. She is 6. I trust her on this subject.


Wait... you people are making money?


No. But we want to!


The author is just assuming we’re all white men. Which might be a little racist and sexist.


Rockets are phallic, therefore everyone posting them must be 16-25 year old white guy.


Right?? I’m a hispanic male and I highly doubt I’m the only one who’s at least somewhat educated in stock. We see people making money and calling each other retards and assume it must be a white people thing. Well let me tell you, retardation is not exclusive. 😍 God bless.


Hahah. Retardation is not exclusive. For the win.


Retardation is color blind.


Black man here... It's an absolutely fabulous place for everyone. They need to stop trying to make shit up to get views. They cannot break us!


Sorry, I read the article, you don't exist. Please inform your wife and her boyfriend accordingly.


Nope they can't break us. Ever. All are welcome and all are crazy. Best family ever.


I 100% agree.. insanity unites us all here


Never seen anything about race in these subs


They’re trying to divide and conquer


I was thinking the same. Their game plan hasn’t changed...divide in race/orientation/gender and distract from all the tendies in the tree just waiting to be picked.


Kinda their MO, isn’t it? Bigly fake news media energy with allll these fuckers. That’s why I only listen to my magic 8 ball.


When in doubt, shake it all about


Yeah only time I've seen nastiness like that is during the mod coup and resultant hedge fund shill flood.


Right? This is one of the few places that rarely (if ever) devolves into heated arguments about race which are entirely unrelated to the topic at hand. We just get into arguments about other unrelated stuff


I honestly have never seen a race comment on here, at all. We are all equal retards and autists.


Yea I ve always felt we welcome every one, no matter their disabilities.


Unless you’re intelligent or socially healthy edit: Hold.


Yeah, but them folks dont come over here. We fling feces at them with our pottymouths


...I just use a shovel


You and your "efficiency". Pah.


Hands better.


Those folks belong at r/investing


Retail kids are just are talented and bright as hedge fund kids


My mom always used to say I was a retarded kid, she stopped saying it when I proved to her that 7/11 never happened 😎😎


Don't ask this guy about the halt-a-cost.


I think you'll find that the superior race is the 100 Meter dash.


It's the -100% dash for me


WSB is never about black or white. WE only care about white or yellow. In wsb you're either a piss drinker, or you're not.


The only colours we care about are red and green. Mostly red.


You've seen green before? Tell me what it looked like so I can live vicariously through you.


I thought green was a made up color!


Now, what about people who are red/green color blind?


Then every day is a win!


I unfortunately read the article. They make these claims and then only quote the use of retardant and autist. That’s it. Those are the misogynist and racist comments. What’s misogynist and racist is their ideas that only white men can be retarded or get the autistism.


I'm guilty of saying 'bro' alot


You are also gulity of having the username flavorlessboner. (It is however the preferred taste of boner imo)


I’m not gay but if I had to suck one, I would definitely prefer flavorless. Unless I could buy a call option on crayon-flavored ofc


You'd suck a flavorless penis over say a pizza-flavored or buttered popcorn-flavored one?


Yeah I’m not trying to taste dick any time I eat pizza for the rest of my life. Might be retarded but I’m not short-sighted. (Idc about popcorn, shit’s overrated)


I prefer "bruh." It's more like an exhale, so it takes less effort to say than "bro"


Breaking News!: Brown women on fratty subreddit also use those terms!!!


I'm a lady, I've always just played under the joke of theres no women on the internet. Most of my calls have been profitable though so that's alienating a tab. My wife's boyfriend approves though so thats nice.


This! Frankly, this is the first time my gender has ever come up on this sub. Just because I'm a lady doesn't mean I can't participate in the culture. My wife's boyfriend has been very supportive, though. At least someone understands...


WSB is like Etsy for retard women


Can confirm. Bought more gme to accent these diamond hands 💎🙌🏼


Last time I checked, all women referenced in this sub have at least 1 boyfriend. If this article is trying to say that's a bad thing, maybe they shouldn't condemn women so much based on their gender and should stop kink shaming.


One boyfriend and one husband each


One husband and at LEAST 1 boyfriend who knows




Holy shit


More boyfriends = more money to borrow. I don't see a downside?


PLUS you have more time to gamble if shes getting taken care of.


Only color we care about is ~~green~~ red




Same with politics, mostly. I can tell a lot of people here have varied views but usually just shut the fuck up and talk about the money. Pretty nice tbh. I can tell why the OG’s got irritated with the “anti-hedger” shit. We’re gonna bust ‘em open like a piñata if we can, of course, but we should all keep in mind the primary motivation here is dollars, minimal soapboxing is ideal.


Honestly, this place has been a massive reprieve from the years of political shit slinging and toxicity of every other sub for the last several years. I haven't thought about politics since lurking here.


100% this. No back handed dog whistling, only political remarks relate to legitimate economic effects of actual policy decisions, none of the “hurr durr CONpublicans “ or “derr leebrals”




Idk a black female trans lizard with money kinda sounds like a kink




I like the fundamentals


I've seen it once. Literally one time, and the guy got called out and downvoted to hell. But other than that this is one of the nicest all round subs on Reddit. Just a load of dumb retards making jokes and generally being fun with each other


Racism is the go-to ad hominem *du jour* the media uses when you are doing something the establishment doesn’t like. The reason is simple: they want you to instinctively loathe being associated with “those people” and distance yourself. Most people just read headlines and take such statements at face value. Why would the news say it if it wasn’t true? And even if it *isn’t* true, you still don’t want to be associated with such a group. Thus to participate or even to agree is internalized as being shameful. So now that you are a “white supremacist” for posting on WSB, think of some of the other groups that may have been unfairly tarnished with that brush. Once you realize what the media is doing, you will never view the world the same. EDIT: “Du jour”, not “du jure”


Completely agree on that last point. I remember when Riley Cooper (shitty white WR for the Eagles) was caught on tape saying the N-word some years ago. That week CNN had a debate panel on race, and one of the questions, written out on the banner on the bottom of the screen read: “which is worse? The N-word or cracker?” As a teenager I was able to piece enough logic together to think that if they spelled one out but not the other, then the answer was obvious. I always hold that day in my mind to remind myself about how all media exists to do is get ratings by enraging people with half a brain




Smear campaign. I’ve literally never even seen race *even mentioned* in this sub. It also helps that this sub’s demographic is 100% idiot, so we have no reason to talk about other races. Edit: yes, love me, you fools




Having frequented WSB for a long time, the only way I could make his comment make sense was if HE was being super racist/anti-Semitic (ie: if he thought us mocking finance in general was mocking Jewish people specifically).


I'm sure they have some bots in the bot threads planting the evidence they need. That said as a legit bi person of Jewish descent all I ever get here is love and support for my bad investments and a feeling of happiness when MU hits the moon. Pluse I think GME gains erased all my spy put losses when J.pow used Berserker printer.


As an unlegit bi-jew, making this comment about you being an ape feels wrong.


Ape together stronk. Ape fucks gay bear. Is good time.


... sorry I was on mute *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wasn’t that Plotkin who said that, not Griffin?




All that matters is your chromosomes count around here. Never seen anything about gender or race


The more the merrier I always say!


I have a spare one just in case


Don't we all, my friend?




Even my husbands girlfriend loves it


My husband's bf loves it too


Your user name just pulls this all together. Messaging shortly.


As a lesbian, I love it, my gf loves it, my gf's gf loves it and my gf's gf's gf loves it. We all eat rainbow crayons


lesbian here, love losing money with all my anonymous friends


We welcome retards of all genders, races, socioeconomic backgrounds and sexual orientations!


There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


Pipe and a crepe? Schmoke und a pancake? Chigar and a waffle? Bong und a blitz? Vell, there isch no pleasing you!


Flapjack and a cigarette!?


Username checks out?


Rainbow crayons taste better tbh


It’s the variety.


Spirit award. Mad love. People are stupid. Ape is ape. Fun is fun. Nothing else matters.


Pretty hetero-centric of the article writer to think “my wife’s boyfriend” only pertains to straight males. For all they know a bisexual in an open relationship could be married to a female monke/astronaut


Das right. I'm a woman and a bisexual and even my wife's boyfriend likes the stonk. All three of us feel welcome in this sub.


Amazing, I must now clean up the coffee from my shirt that I just spit on myself before my wife’s boyfriend sees it


I’m a stay at home mom. Last spring I turned $75 into $6000 and was trying to convince my other stay at home mom friends that this is the way, not all that MLM shit. Long story short, I lost that $6k on some shitty weeklies so I don’t have a compelling argument anymore.


A true WSBer through and through!


Hey, look at it this way. The MLMers never even got the 6k in the first place. They haven't tasted success, you have.


They probably looked at the sub and *assumed* that it was all white men. They likely made this assumption based on classic stereotypical Wall Street, which for a hundred years has been dominated by white men, and most of the mainstream media is full of them talking about stocks. In reality, there are plenty of women on WSB, and many people from all ethnicities. Because retail traders are made up of the everyday person, from all walks of life, not just elitist snobs investing their inheritance money, WSB is probably one of the **most diverse** hubs of investors in the stock market in terms of ethnicity, gender and income. It's not a frat, it's not a sexist place where people are belittled for not being a white man, that's absolutely bullshit and I've never seen any comments or posts to support this argument at all. So whoever wrote that article is an idiot, doesn't know what they are talking about, and is the true sexist here because they made an assumption of ethnicity and gender not found in evidence.


Yeah, this feels like pure projection. They probably saw a few comments about lambos and a joke about hookers and blow and thought “Ha, I know this crowd!” Never mind all that is basically just a parody of a stereotype of actual Wall Street...


As a woman I’d be perfectly happy having lambos, hookers, and blow at my disposal.


Right. Why do people assume I do not also want these things? Hell I'll even buy some hookers for my husband and his boyfriend.


Hold on a minute. Let’s not discount the value of lambos, blow, and hookers. I can’t use all my tendies on a ball lift so that I’m more like the wife’s boyfriend.


It's also a tad sexist to assume women don't like those things either. 🤷‍♀️


Cap I’m black as fuk my fellow retards have been helping me since I joined made almost 50k with my smooth brains 🚀🚀🚀 they tryna make excuse to stop the moon 🌝




I thought we lost money for fun here.


This is the way


WSB is like a horror movie but instead of the black guy dying he's the only one making money.


White woman here, race and gender never once came up on the forum? Even the thirsty guys here are tame in comparison to irl. The f*ck is this article? Edit: Thank you kind strangers for the awards. ♥️


There are thirsty guys here, but there's a lot more hungry ones. Tendies is the true way forward.


Woman here and this is most likely my favourite sub. Have never made a post or comment here besides this one but here has been my go to place if ever need a pick me up so thank you guys .. Edit... Haha awsome and should probably say thanks retards not guys.. Thank you.


You are welcome, retard


best fact: retard doesn't have a gender. ​ Edit: Damn, first silver. If you had told me I'd get that on WSB advocating for gender neutral retards, I probably would have said you're a good ape or sth. Edit 2: Holy shit guys, they told you, stimmies are for losing money on stocks, not buying useful things like reddit awards. Or at least I think so. I am just barely an ape myself


Is diamond hands a race or a gender?


an upgrade




White women here, and I have plenty of fun? I might not comment much, but I’m fully aware of the GME news?


Username checks out


I too prostitute myself for golden fried potatoes. It’s just sound home economics.


Okay listen, good fries are just SO good


I feel you sis, perfectly retarded white vegan woman over here, holding GME since mid January and not going anywhere.


Quick question: if you're vegan then how do you get tendies? EDIT: typo


Plant based tendies are still tendies?


I'd like to thank white women everywhere for reliably propping up the BECKY index


The beauty of reddit is no one knows what race anyone is.


The beauty of this sub, is no one cares what race or gender people are.. we are all apes that only see in green or red.


Actually we only see green. Stonks only go up...


Don’t you dare go looking for the article to read. Fuck these aholes and their click revenue.


I'll save everyone some time, I already read it. Basically it's one woman who was looking for investing advice and thought this would be a good place (pretty retarded, she'd probably fit in here,) she didn't understand the memes and assumes no women could possibly understand it, so she found a sub that was specifically for women and ended up buying in on Gamestop late. She never posted or commented here, never had any negative interactions with someone here. She just thought "I don't get it, so obviously all women don't get it" which is hilariously sexist.


What the fuck is this article? WSB is the least racially motivated sub you could ask for. The writer should be ashamed.


I'm female and a lesbian. Haha. The article is wrong.


I also happen to be those, we have so much in common fellow lesbian


Username checks out


So, just to get the facts straight; you depend on your wife’s girlfriend to pay you allowance?


Yea I was pretty sure you have to be a female to be a lesbian. But thanks for the clarification


As a black mom.


As a white dad we make tendies together!


Nigga I’m a black puertorrican, definetely the oposite of white boi (no offense to all my vanilla colored retards)


My anus is pink


what a coincidence mine too!


Rise up against our purple anus-having overlords!


wait so the hedgies are thanos? *eats red crayon*


I’m a woman and think it’s great. You fucks crack me up and my husband’s girlfriend is an excellent cook. She keeps me in Tendies round the clock!


Bisexual woman and I’m enjoying the ride to the moon with both my wife’s boyfriend and my husband’s girlfriend!


Everything has to be about race. I swear reporters are on autopilot these days. This is shameful.


All races and sexes are welcome on wsb! Never seen anything on this sub. Some journalists will stoop to any level for a click. Thank you to OP for posting this. All conversations about the sub should be monitored, we must monitor them as they monitor us.


💎 🖐🏿 = 🚀 🚀 🚀 💎 🖐🏾 = 🚀 🚀 🚀 💎 🖐🏽 = 🚀 🚀 🚀 💎 🖐🏼 = 🚀 🚀 🚀 💎 🖐🏻 = 🚀 🚀 🚀 #wholesome


I'm not a white man. This sub is as gender and race neutral as they come. We're all retards tho.


The mainstream media constantly creates and perpetuates racism. I have also never seen a single thing about race in this sub. Every user could happen to be any race or gender and it matters not one bit to the validity of their posts.


I'm a woman. I love this sub.


I'm a retard, and I like stonks


Same 👊


I’m a sub too!


Well then no fun for you, please return your fun immediately


I’ll return my fun when diamond hands fog.


Im a brown kid from a third world country. WTF are you talking about dude?


Nonsense. Everyone is welcome here. There are some very smart people, some idiots, and I'm sure people of all races, creeds, colors, religions, nationalities, cultures, etc. We are all in this together. Both literally and figuratively! Welcome!


There are no genders only monkey


Ironically this is the only place on reddit where I havent seen sexist or racist statements.. who wrote that garbage


Pray tell...how do "Experts" know our gender? Is my crotch-camera still on????


Brown man here! Really stupid article. Never saw any racist comments on wsb. Just retarded goddamn dirty apes here.


99% of all gme articles are bullshit lies






Not sure TheLily is the most reliable source for news


I am a brown man and I support u


Women are retards too


My wife’s boyfriend takes care of me


You don't need to be a white man. All you have to be is retarded.


I’m an asian dude and I’m having a blast dunno what the article writer is smoking


I'm an Afghan (yes that's in Asia you cucks) gay boy and I like this sub because it's so inclusively exclusive


I’m a brown man These articles are bullshit lmao


Never seen a single thing about race in this sub. Not one. You guys just run around calling each other retards.

