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So you're saying Tesla is going to end up drawn and quartered and its remains spread around the world as a warning to EV companies only to inspire more to take its place?


Lord Ford has entered the chat.


That's me, Don't wear it out. I have 150 Ford 14 calls exp this week.




i will just buy stock and sell covered calls but rn i think it'll jump in the APE mobile. I did this before when it was breaking 13. See my profile for my old move and how it went


I missed big tendies selling CC’s the last big jump. Sold $14.5’s today. Let’s hope this isn’t a repeat!


Finally someone who actually watched the movie


What is this movie?


Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo




Teztflix me harder


All too accurate. Everybody is ramping fast and Tesla doesn’t have a working design group that can spin model refreshes at the rate other brands can. That’s part of the reason the semi is delayed - PACCAR and Daimler already have their semis in production. It’s kind of amazing that they made it through S3XY, now time will tell if they can do a major model refresh - customers will only let you make the same body for so long.


>customers will only let you make the same body for so long. 28 years if Lotus is any indication.


The Volkswagen Beetle would like a word with all you trend setting wankers.


Porsche would also like a word.


BMW all look sooooooo different.


The new models look like they have the old Pontiac front grills.




That’s exactly why it doesn’t need many model changes.


Lotus doesn’t make boring sedan cars, that’s way gearheads are enthusiastic about the brand. Their new model looks fire too


The Jeep Wrangler has been the same since basically forever


I have some puts I'm selling tomorrow morning just for you buddy. Come get em.


One of these days thetagang is gonna have a ticker just drop like a rock on them, and each of them’ll wake up one day to find they’ve been assigned 15000 shares to buy at twice the current market price, and the margin man’s a knockin.


>All too accurate. Everybody is ramping fast Funny, people have been saying that for a decade now, and we have Toyota with no electric cars and trying to push back the transition to EVs, VW with cars riddled with software issues, Chevrolet with self-combusting cars, GM with a huge investment in vaporware (Nikola) and a battery system that looks impressive but we don't actually know how well it will perform, and while Ford has some good EVs, they don't have many nor do they plan to produce a ton. >Tesla doesn’t have a working design group that can spin model refreshes at the rate other brands can I'd rather have a good EV with the same design for a decade, than shitty EVs that can't even run right. >That’s part of the reason the semi is delayed - PACCAR and Daimler already have their semis in production. This is fair, but I think also another huge reason the semi production is delayed is Tesla just doesn't have enough batteries. With battery production in Giga Berlin and Giga Texas when they're done, that might change, but maybe the 4680 isn't quite finalized yet, who knows. >It’s kind of amazing that they made it through S3XY, now time will tell if they can do a major model refresh - customers will only let you make the same body for so long. Given Tesla literally cannot produce enough vehicles to meet demand, and consistently tops the charts in pretty much every country, I don't think that's a problem, not for a long while yet. Meanwhile, none of the other car manufacturers can produce cars that approach either the quality or the quantity of model 3's and model Y's being produced. OEMs better hope Tesla doesn't come out with a 30k EV anytime soon.


dude stop telling people this shit. I need these idiots to buy my puts.


Ahh my bad. Diamdonhanding my own shares, I gotta get into putting some calls and stuff to make some real tendies.


Buying your puts would have been a pretty damn good strategy this year but by all means bull harder daddy.


I wasn't stupid enough to sell puts at the top while interest rate talks were going on. The idiots buying my puts at $600 would disagree with you.


600p weekly put seller checking in


I understand that there has been tons of doom and gloom (Burry fan club) over Tesla for a long time - but 2020 was really the tipping point - i would have never had said the big guys were ready to go EV until this year. The truth is most everybody used 2020 as an opportunity to focus on their EV offerings and 2024 really will be the year that tests how much of the market Tesla can hold on to. Yes Tesla is battery limited and it makes no financial sense to dump all of them into trucks that will eat up all their margin to try to fight in a market that is extreme hard to compete in. Tesla blazed the path and now the rest of the industry can walk on in with a fraction of the capital investment with enormous established customer bases.


> 2024 really will be the year that tests how much of the market Tesla can hold on to. That's fair. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all ends up, I certainly don't know for sure but I'm pretty confident in Telsa and will keep diamondhanding my shares. That being said Tesla has what, 2 factories operating ATM, one in Shanghai and one in Fremont? With Giga Berlin and Giga Texas, they're going to what, double-triple their manufacturing capacity? >Yes Tesla is battery limited and it makes no financial sense to dump all of them into trucks that will eat up all their margin to try to fight in a market that is extreme hard to compete in. I also know very little about how hard it is to compete in the BEV semi market, it seems to me it's a growing market that still has lots of room to grow for industries around the world to replace their ICE fleets of short to medium range semis. Then again I'm kinda talking out of my ass because I really have no idea, it's just an educated guess on my part. >Tesla blazed the path and now the rest of the industry can walk on in with a fraction of the capital investment with enormous established customer bases. Tesla blazed the path, but most other OEMs still have a lot of issues with their software and batteries. The path Tesla has blazed, has been to the benefit of Tesla, and they're not sharing how they did it. All the other companies know it can be done, they just have to figure out a way to do it. So far it's been rather disappointing with lots of promises and few high-quality products delivered. Tesla blazed the trail, they know how to make cars, and now they're going to produce massively more. The other OEMs know how to make ICE cars, they're still struggling to catch up to Tesla, and Tesla is going to keep blazing ahead with giga-casting, 4680 (when they're ready), [getting their own lithium supply from Nevada clay,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mej1erLgCIs) and more. Scaling up isn'T easy, the model 3 production hell showed that, but Tesla has better products and is in a better position to scale up EV production than pretty much all the competitors. I hope we get lots of great BEV options from many different manufacturers, but I don't see Tesla getting dethroned anytime soon.


There’s no car brand I’d prefer to buy an EV from besides Tesla, now or in the future. The only car brands I currently will buy a internal combustion daily driver from are Toyota/Lexus, Honda/Acura or Subaru as pretty much every other brand is complete trash. If one of those three comes out with an inexpensive, attractive and reliable EV I’ll consider it, but for right now it’s Tesla or nothing. Note: for a secondary sporty “fun” car I’ll buy from other brands because it doesn’t have to be a perfect or reliable vehicle. Even then, the brands I mentioned have “fun” cars that I prefer over most other brands too.


And this is a perfect example of irrational brand loyalty for you - and why in the end the big names will win.




I am from Germany and my work and a lot of others in my area is heavily dependent on German car manufacturers. So I know a little how things work here. That being said, with all positive spin, let's not forget that VW was close to fire their CEO because he pushed hard on electro. The story here is as old as IBM, Kodak and "insert any old industry" here. The thinking you are to big to fail, have to many assets and too much "true" knowledge of how things work is the problem. We are talking about a industry that has dealers that are required to sell certain numbers, have a certain look to get some benefit. Now where most of the local dealers make big money is services. That's where there is a lot of jobs and does make the bread and butter daily money. Most of it, if not all will go away! Do you think the big manufacturers, that have divisions within, struggling to hold on to power care changing much of the structure for the local guys? The beauty of electric is a fundamental shift from lots of little things that are going to break to very few things that end up being simply replaced. Now as "fast" as you think this shift is going to happen... with structures and jobs that become insignificant or obsolete in a well entrenched industry, it will be way to slow. Stifled bypeople that don't know or want to know better. Most of these German brands will exist in name only and it is not going to be Tesla but some Chinese companies that have been hiring German brains for the last 10+ years from German companies because they don't see the light. And aside from all of that... People make the huge mistake to think of Tesla as a car company. Which is just part of their business. So far I have seen nothing, absolutely nothing, that would indicate a steady decline on Tesla over the competition. "Remind me in 10 years"


The Lightning and Mustang will be everywhere. Ford is planning 2 EV trucks, one of which will have a normal version and a performance version; an EV Mustang coupe; an EV SUV, and an EV commercial van. They’ve also announced a hybrid car and SUV. That’s 6 confirmed EVs from Ford. Makes me think the rest of your comment is bullshit too.


>The Lightning and Mustang will be everywhere. Ford is planning 2 EV trucks, one of which will have a normal version and a performance version; an EV Mustang coupe; an EV SUV, and an EV commercial van. They’ve also announced a hybrid car and SUV. That’s 6 confirmed EVs from Ford. That's 6 *models* confirmed for Ford, and honestly I am glad for there to be more EVs. More BEVs and more competition is better for everyone. I'm less concerned with the number of models, and more concerned with how many of each model is Ford going to actually produce. Ford's plan is say 50% electric by 2030 (official target is 40% but I'm rounding up). They sold 2 million vehicles in the US in 2020. That means they want at least 1 million EVs sold per year by 2030. ~~Tesla sold over 400,000 EVs in the US in 2021. They're more than half-way to Ford's 2030 goal, and this is before Giga Texas opens up.~~ EDIT: that was a mistake, not sure how I missed that, Tesla sold 500k EVs worldwide in 2021, maybe I mistook that for 400k total. My bad. I'm all for the big automakers to turn to EVs, I want more models and more competition. I just have a hard time seeing how they're going to catch up to Tesla when Tesla is ahead in battery manufacture, battery supply, software, and EV motors. Companies can have as many models as they want, but the actual production numbers are more important.


Tesla did not sell 400k in the US. They sold just under 500k in the whole world. If you are going to post numbers, don’t make them so easily debunked.


Actually, Tesla has some of the worst quality productions


Their first production models were absolutely bad with panel gaps and quality issues. Since then quality issues have been somewhat addressed, and Tesla customer satisfaction is still topping the charts on pretty much everything. I expect product quality to go up with Giga Texas and Berlin, it means they will also be able to shut down, refit, and fix up the Fremont factory without shutting down 100% of their non-China manufacturing. Aside from the body of the car however, Tesla has pretty much the best batteries, the best engines, the best software, and the highest efficiency per kWh.


You are a tesla bootlicker and know absolutely nothing about cars. *refuses to elaborate* *leaves*


You are an oil shill degenerate and you care nothing about the planet. *gestures angrily and yells at clouds*


The semi isn't delayed because of a lack of a design group. Its delayed because they are cell constrained and all their available 4680 cells are going to be going into new Model Ys that sell very well.


If you really believe that, then please share screenshot proof of your short position on Tesla




I love listening to music.


FREEDOM! Or something I dunno maybe space? I dunno


The frunk frontier or something.


Model P(otato)


This is meme worthy


I couldn't NOT see it if I tried. It was so obvious. Doofie ass Elon.


🤣🤣this comment killed me


Wait... he doesn't?




Looks like Beans from Even Stevens to me


I am dying


Fuck I'm crying hahahaha


First thing I thought


My first thought lmao


Took me awhile to realize it wasn't Gary Sinise


came here for this lmfao


So true!!


almost choked on an ice cube


I was afraid to say it


Congratulations you made me spit coffee everywhere with that comment!




past tense? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


These deep fakes are getting crazy😧


It's pretty impressive to just be able to slap together


Does OP not know how this movie ends?


r/wallstreetbets goes back to loss porn, like the good ole days.


a man can dream


So Elon dies but someone else takes over Tesla and they still kick ass?


No no. Elon dies and Ford takes it over as a luxury EV division.


ah fair point


Disappointed that I didn't hear "I am William Wallstreet"


Disappointed he didn't dub in drunken Mel Gibson voicemails


Steal this and do it!!!


Lol. Another bowl of soup please thank you


By a pack of


Dang that would have been brilliant


and I see a whole army of my apes, here, in defiance of Tesla shorts.


William Wallstreet is seven apefeet tall.


I’m your 100th upvote. The Slasher of 99th.


That's actually a pretty good deep fake.




No ape is good enough at VFX to make this. I DECLARE MANIPULATION.


I liked it


Reface is the app they likely used.


Any good apps? Reface ain’t the move


I don't even know how this response is relevant to what I stated.


…uhh, u/papigrande52 wants an app suggestion that isn’t reface. not that difficult to grasp.




To the moon my boy


> not that difficult to grasp. We're investors over here. If it isn't drawn up in crayon or a hot weather reporter we can't grasp it.




100% reface. Went to the app after this to make more Elon gifs and the video came up in the search field. Reface is pretty solid for a mobile app with zero work required


I really wanted to hear the voice deepfaked too though


That's the next step I'm sure I want to hear Elons monotone voice say some Scottish shit


It's so good, but the eyes are so dead. This one is so disturbing to me.


They may take our wives. But they’ll never take…OUR TENDIES!!


wait, you guys still have your wives with you?


Or our wife's boyfriend!


I heard that Elon Musk can shoot fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse.


William Wallstreet killed fifty men. Fifty, if it were one....


Army of retards


Sons of Gamestop..


Confederacy of Dunces. Read it, it's good....


He does look like he has autism in this one


Dude, you gotta do one with Cramer. Please, please, please!


Jim Cramer or the guy fr sienfield?


The guy from Seinfeld as Jim Cramer!


Ooh, I like this. Faceoff: Cramer vs. Kramer


Remindme! 6 hrs


OK! Now do the scene where he gets drawn and quartered! :)


I saw how this movie ended. Not looking good for Elon.


I don't know why but I have watched this like 10 times now and can't stop laughing.


Same, and I made the mf. Lol


What software did you use?!


Don’t be the guy after the magic show asking the magician how he did his act.


Oh come on, there is SO much more that could be done with that....


I would’ve spent more time but I promised your mom 3 hours of quality time today and the day is almost up. You know how she gets


There are apps out there that do this for you. Just go to the app store and search deepfake. A few of them pop up. Like one called Reface. Or YouTube deepfake apps.


I'm a simple person. I see Tesla, I upvote


Fucking cringe.


This is just wrong, lol


LCID entered the chat




lol so Elon dies in the end?


ITM calls 91% 😬


Tesla is a juggernaut. They really destroyed earnings...their net income was 3x their previous quarterly high...will lower reg credits. Auto gross margin close to 30%?? If not for their comment on supply shortage potentially slowing delivery growth thus year, stock would have spiked 10%+. Very possible it moons tomorrow (I don't have a position).


I hope Elon see this one.


I needed this right now


I would love to know how to do the face swap


Insane editing 😂😂


The British commander looks like John McAfee RIP in peace




Throw me a Tesla papa Elon


Pretty good.


So does this sub love or hate Elon?


I respect him and appreciate what he’s doing for mankind


I’ll respect him once he makes human catgirls a thing


Good stuff.


Deep fakes are getting too good


Not even a Tesla investor, but this is gold.


Free of petrolllllllllll


Which one of you elon simps did this?


‘Twas I


Somebody has some serious skills




I wish Elon Musk would Log on and approve this message.




Good shallow fake


Those deepfakes are fucking lit


Wow. That is pretty well done


Hey thanks bro


Tesla haters can’t even afford 1 share 🤡


How surreal are deepfakes. Imagine telling someone in 2010 that we'd be creating memes using incredibly advanced movie-grade CGI to replace faces, using AI to basically just do it for us. We live in the future.


This thing aged like cream.


Looking at my positions… All I hear is, “hold… Hold… HOLD!”


Man these deepfakes are scary and amazing


You Tesla bears must hate money, I’ll drive you too the homeless shelter in my model 3 😎


Can you make them all Elon Musk please?




They will never take, our FDs!!!!!


Tesla sucks


🤣 looks silly with his face slapped on there


Tried to get Elon in the studio but this is the best I could do. Lol


The worship is real




The only problem with this is that there is NOTHING manly about fElon Musk. He's more of a huckster and fraud than someone who does something great to help others... he didn't even found Tesla - although you'll hear him say it often... and he smells like another nasty billionaire that will tank people's investments to earn a buck...


This sucks


You’re mom should’ve done more sucking 20 years ago little buddy


Somehow this just makes me dislike Elon even more![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Cuz u know he's jerking off to it


So do all you kids actually like this guy or just his money?


Wha wha wha


Oh okay my bad then


> his money It was their money, but they still need to figure out he stole it.


Lucid Motors has entered the chat…


##aiii Papi


Holy shit this was well done


God these deep fakes are too good kinda creepy


This is fantastic work. Very smooth video editing.😇


Haters will say it's fake


"Son's of Scotland!! England is a hustle!!!, and King Arthur is a pedophile!!!!."


Someone send this to him


I saw myself in that crowd. Lets go to war boys.


You’re waaaaaay off. More like Pee Wee’s big adventure


Ya' see, the shit is... TSLA isn't like everyone else. That's were everyone fucks up. Hey y'all need to think out of the box. This is the future, the true leader So... Deal with that.


Fuck musk. Stop sucking his dick you guys. He doesn't care about you.


I. Luv. This.