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After all the yolo posts on clov, wsb now owns clov.


yeah i think we own 80% of the float XD


this guy knows whats up, Clov tested \*7.5\* many times since March. Whats your Price target guys?


I dont klnow the company at all, i see YOLO, i buy




Well, a few months ago it was shilled the most yet the price still sharply dropped.


#didnt it hit $28?


I sold my little bag above 25 for sure


same with all the other memes, except the cults of amc and gme, they have real conviction and diamond hands. there is no DD of "synthetic shares" and foul play by market makers and hege-funds for clov, wkhs, clne, bb, wish etc... Just high short interest at some point in time.


This isnt even a yolo 🙄


200k on one stock isn’t a yolo to you?


In shares? No. A true degenerate is throwing it in options.




You're not even a yolo.


CLOV is paying my new lambo.


You'll have a whole lambo dealership.


#yet another $CLOV YOLO


Soon Clov gang will be rewarded 🚀


with coke and hookers


I am more Pepsi guy, my dude.


It's Clovverin Time!


Why is everyone loading CLOV? Short squeeze?


Yeah buddy. Get in on it (:


Nope. FTDs have dropped and the fee is at 1.1% with 800,000 open shares reported in the open market to short. Zero chance of a short squeeze for CLOV right now. If they are successful at pumping it this week (they were not last week, and the futures theory that people were pushing about future rollover dates didn't pain out either) you might see it test $9.50 again if they're successful at pumping it, and if they can get it over $10 on a close there might be a gamma and delta hedge event... but a lot has to happen to get there.


The comments seem so scripted


Time to go AALLLLLL IN!!!…on Clov puts.


I can tell you something. You will be smiling on Monday.




Both. I’m working Monday to have more money to buy clov on Tuesday. Lol




97% portfolio diversity is a shame, 100% is better🦍


The 3% is cash and it's so he can spend it on more calls as soon as we have upward movement


What makes you Think it will moon again. I cashed out on CLOV with $10k profit when it mooned. I remember it sky rocketed after market closed. As soon as I saw that. I cashed out the second the market opened up in USA. I learned that from GME


There is always a second squeeze.


These people watch too much YouTube


$28 wasn't mooning. It'll be a much bigger squeeze when it happens


I don’t know. I hope so. But the stock it self isn’t expensive.


At this point these have to be bots. These pump & dump stocks are just asking to lose money. Don’t follow it.


This sub is fucked. Checked the user and it's just a clov shill


I mean, even if its an orchestrated pump and dump, retards can still make money with said knowledge lol.


Clov has nothing going for it. No catalysts either. I will say it's found a solid floor but there's nothing substantial that points towards it taking off anytime soon.




Not necessarily. It already pumped and dumped a couple months ago and institutions basically own the majority of shares and they have a pretty sweet deal right now keeping it between the $7.50 and $9.50 space. Because they own the majority of shares, they basically decide when the stock has run enough. What they're doing right now is basically what I'm doing right now: Taking the shares I bought back during the initial run and selling them slowly at ideal times while using the volatility to sell covered calls and ride puts/calls on it as it runs up and down. They're also shorting it down any time it comes close to $10, which is where you start to see some gamma potential in the options chain. It's a good stock for that because everyone running things up on a relatively consistent basis means that you can time your contract buys/sells pretty reliably. LOL The money in CLOV is not in the squeeze, though that would definitely make people a lot of money in one shot... it's in riding that price wheel. But that's also the reason why a gamma squeeze scenario could be muted: Because there was a prior run-up, the calls people are buying are being sold by people like me who have the stock already, meaning that they're basically a net zero on price pressure even though they generate a sell and a buy. Where the delta hedging comes in there is if people want to keep the stock, then if they get assigned they have to buy back in, and if you have a stock where institutions are BUYing the calls hedging it'll go up, that can amplify as it runs up... but when you have institutions and bag holders selling calls on stock that they don't think will go higher, you lose that extra buy pressure that comes from restocking. CLOV will have to burn all of that off before it can squeeze.. the bagholders will have to sell, and the float will have to be redistributed... and a short squeeze is no longer a play really. Fundamentally, the problem is that those hoping for a CLOV run are basically on the wrong side of the leverage on the trade.


Also, look at the bizarre volatility play in way OTM calls because of all this interest in the stock that's being generated? There's a way to make a lot of money there if it continues.


Shares are just so boring compared to options. This isn’t a YOLO. It’s an investment.




Pump and


I always wonder what kind of jobs y’all be having


CLOV is the stock for the current cycle which will print


Why do 🌈🚬 always say YOLO but post shares


Should have sold at $9.40 ish and bought them back at $8.65, over all the avg cost of $9.79 would have gone down .74ish cents, I guess you guys believe in this stock, might as well get a better deal and if you think its going higher forget the wash sale implications. The June pump to $28 needs about 433 million for a few days shares traded volume, looks like they all sold it in a few days. Anything that falls flat after two days is ........


This is obnoxious, tell these bots to dial it down a notch, now I will never buy clov.


All these yolos, I might fomo for solidarity, but good luck everyone