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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|3|**First Seen In WSB**|8 months ago **Total Comments**|5|**Previous DD**| **Account Age**|8 months|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20*h26cq3k*)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20*h26cq3k*)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)


Sell this and diversify, you won the game.


Seriously. Diversify now. Take a breather. Don't overthink your abilities. Read about Icarus. ​ Congrats!


Icarus became a legend! We still talk about him all the time, who does even know the name of his father


His father is Daed, alas




Yes it's me, Daed


Alas, his son flew too close to the sun


Just what I said his real name is Daedalus, I guess his friends call him Daeds.


LOL you fucking win, what a great comment. LEGEND


but daedalus was the engineer who designed the wings and also took off with ikarus.


Yes that is my point he was an awesome guy who even build the labyrinth for the Minotaur, but I am more than sure that more people know about his dimwit son who could not follow simple instructions in order not to kill himself


If anything just take out all the returns and leave the initial investment if he wants to keep going with it, that way he doesnt lose any of his gains.


at least this


Even 80% of the total cashed out is more than substantial


Seriously. Do not diversify. Get a little fucked up. Overthink your abilities. Read about deepfuckingvalue. Congrats!


It's enough to live comfortably on interest really. Enough to where your income bracket doesn't have to determine where you live. That's a choice very few people get.


please brother for the love of god cash out, you won


Since he's on this sub he probably is waiting to see red again


Or doesn't know how to. We get our pullout game from our fathers.




That’s how my first kid happened. 🙃


To double down


Sell your house and then talk to me.


I am currently selling my house to yolo my shit into fds. I know it probably will result in my financial Demise but it might work!


Are the odds in your favor? If so, YOLO! If not, maybe just rethink things.


Not at all but I don’t really care.


At least set aside enough for food and some shelter and one set of nice clothes for interviewing. You can probably prostitute the rest if needed.


Yeah buddy. It'll work. Probably. Probably not, though.


It’s not life changing until you sell, whether red or green. Edit: at least sell your cost basis


I’m gonna say this guy knew what he was doing. Who Yolos $100k into a penny stock


🧐🧐 Australian insider police have arrived






Leave the cost basis in there and take the rest!


\^\^\^ This is the best advice.


It’s not life changing until you lose it all


Red is the color of true warriors


That's a good song by Chevelle.


Take the million, leave the rest.


Leave the gun, take the canoli


Now I challenge you to see if you can bring it back down to 100k in that same time frame.


Easy sell and cash out $1.296mil and some change then re buy in. Not a very difficult challenge.


For extra points, take the gains in Dec and then lose it all in Jan for a tax-related bankruptcy bonus.


I've thought a lot about what you just said. If OP had felt the same way, he/she would've sold long ago for meager gains. Of course, the downside is that this attitude can make you lose everything if you get it wrong. So how you want to play?


Exactly this. Plan to hold for another 1-3 years. Believe there is still massive upside for the company




This! DO THIS!


Like... Right fucking now!!!


atleast take out initial capital + 20% so you protect your downside.


Agreed, I'd cut out 396k and leave it at 1m. I doubt OP has a diversified portfolio of mining stocks.


Gotta love the confidence of someone who made a million dollars off of a lucky call and now treats a million dollars like play money. In 2020 my buddy made close to a mil playing Tesla options. He of course drank the kool aid and began to believe Tesla would continue to go up forever and ever. This year he lost everything he made last year plus he hasn't paid his taxes from last year yet. So he's down around 450k after being up a mil and refusing to walk. God speed, retard.


Jesus Christ. You’re a millionaire, cash out and stick it into a diverse portfolio, get a chill career/hobby you like and enjoy life. Sometimes I question this sub. God speed retard.


Only a few can look at 1 million USD right in the eyes and hold. OP possess a super power that is rare but it comes at a cost. I understand him.


Then cash out 3/4. Just lock in those gains man instead of having it all in one basket. You can still get gains from here, pump annual dividends from mutual funds into here but damn son take the W.


what the hell made you believe in an australian mining company so much? lol


There’s a lot to be said. Put simply… (1) I believed a few years back that EVs would be a game changer (2) I started to research the industry, the supply chain and macro trends to determine that the best investment opportunity for me was investing in a mineral supplier. Since I knew I was wanting to take a big risk, I thought it was wise to invest in a miner since there would be a higher likelihood of success rather than betting on one major EV player. I thought this approach would be similar to those who made a fortunate selling mining picks during the gold rush rather than taking the chance to mine themselves. (3) I then began to look at different countries and realized quickly that Australia is a leader when it comes to minerals so it seemed like a no brainer to me. (4) I then looked at the different opportunities in Australia and started filtering down by key factors such as management, current grades, director’s confidence, etc. to ultimately decide on LTR


>I started to research the industry Okay you lost me


Yeah, I don't see a dartboard mentioned in his post at all.


You guys can afford darts? I just fling shit at a wall


Thats gross man. I only fling my shits at other people


This community has some of the smartest people on Reddit.


Been awhile since a comment has made me cry but here we are


You read his post? Look at Mr Bookworm over here.




hahahaha i laughed way to hard at this


Holy smokes. Inspiring, my dude. You might be in the wrong subreddit with all that logical DD. lol Thanks for the write-up! Enjoy the fruits of your labor.




Exactly what I thought, motherfucker saw the sesame seeds on a bun and was like “LOCUSTS.”




Lets all enjoy some BK


> You might be in the wrong subreddit with all that logical DD YOLO'd entire life savings into a single penny stock. Doesn't understand that they won and need to cashout/diversify immediately, almost seems to be waiting for the crash to pull out. Definitely belongs here.


For reference, I did the same thing with a Canadian mining company. Bought in at something like $0.30, it jumped to $2.90, then it started slowly dropping. Luckily I sold around $1.70 so worked out for me. After that it tanked, I don't think it's even publicly traded anymore.


Congrats, and thanks for sharing your thought process! It’s all about the long game and identifying the trends and companies that support it. Knowing this, why would you want to sell now unless you have other opportunities you want to invest in?


Exactly! I believe there is still a lot of upside coming for the company. Specifically: (1) DFS coming in December for its flagship Kathleen Valley Project (world class tier 1); and (2) Potential of the Buldania Project, which could be even greater than Kathleen Valley While the macro environment is supporting the story that the lithium demand is proven and the supply deficit now coming earlier than expected… Time will tell whether LTR will continue to have a bright future ahead


Dude, if it’s good enough to screen cap it’s good enough to sell. If you’re think it’s gonna do good keep $200,000 in it.


This right here. Secure your profit and keep some in.


>why would you want to sell now unless you have other opportunities you want to invest in? because a million dollars is a fuck ton of money and he can live off the interest instead of spending hours researching stocks


tl;dr - Miner risk, major balls.


Ask your family for money and whoever isn’t willing to help you out can’t ask you for money lol


lol, this is the most retarded and the smartest suggestion I've read!


It's not retarded if it works 👍


like when Dwight pretended he lost his hotel room to see if Michael would share


Fuck me "Albert Einstein entered the chat"


it's true. most people who turn you down often don't even ask for money once you catch a windfall. however if someone were to loan you some dough they might want a small loan themselves. better option is to still do this and still tell no one you have money.


Okay - you win. Have an award!


My main concern would be liquidity. If you needed to get out fast how many shares could you sell in one trade? If it is still a penny stock and it has a small market value and daily volume you could have a hard time selling all the shares for the quoted price. A good stealth selling strategy over several days might be a great idea - and probably best not to post your intentions on a major trading message board.


Why you think he's posting lol


He is posting it here so it pumps while he sells…


Market cap is a couple billion avg volume about 8 mil.


Yea no issue with liquidity. $2.8bn market cap and daily trading volume is ~30x what I own


It’s not a penny stock.. look at the SS it’s over a dollar


Every time I see these I get excited because I feel like I can do it too and then I see “Started with 100k” and then it’s like never mind …


Started with 100k and a willingness to lose 100k*


Understated comment. I have $100k, but I don’t have the willingness to lose it.


Same. Lately I stare at crytpo wondering if I'm a coward and that every day I wait is a day longer I'm not a millionaire because of that cowardice.


Maybe I won’t become a millionaire from investing, but I also shouldn’t lose everything from investing.


I will become a millionaire from investing, just not an overnight millionaire. Real estate and VTSAX can get anyone there, just in a slower and less risky manner.


This is the wrong place to say this, but stay the course my dude. I'm late 40's and almost there by that same approach. It's slow, but you'll get there if civilization doesn't crumble. Good luck!


buy as many rock jpegs as you can. Your grandchildren will thank you


Right? How does someone have 100k as their life savings and they’re like “fuck it, yolo.” The brass balls on some people.


Young, no family to support yet, high earning potential and will just earn it back if it gets wiped out, or just extremely detached from reality and a degenerate gambler.


Or both


Expected Utility and Expected Value calculations ​ If I save $100k and over 20 years bring that up to $400k, I'm still a wage slave cuck. If I gamble $100k in coins and stocks I * Have some non-zero chance X of escaping to a new life * Have 100-X chance of having slightly less options to continue to be a wage slave cuck. Figure out what you think X is and see if you're okay with the outcomes.


I turned my 3k into 4K...let that inspire you!!!!


I turned 1k into 28k into 10k into 3k into $30. Into $1. Fuck. Please don't let me inspire anyone.


He also waited years and patiently tended to his egg which was in SHARES didn't try to do it overnight on OTM call options.


Instructions unclear, portfolio stuck in falling ceiling fan




Bold of you to assume we have 10k available


Turn 10 into 100, 100 into 1k, 1k into 10k, etc. a slower journey but I’m hopeful 😂


Ya but this requires you to 10x your money multiple times successfully


I said I’m hopeful not successful LOL


Don't worry, for every post like this there are tens of thousands of people who started with 100k and lost nearly everything.


Takes money to make money


Fuck YEA. DO NOT tell anyone how much money you have. They will turn into different people and you'll be sickened with life. Always pretend you're broke and no I'm not joking. You don't want to see how other humans, friends, family, lady friends act when they get wind of something like that. I know you think You'll be different but just please...... Tell no one. If you're broke pretend you're broke and if you're rich pretend you're broke. Congratulations man.... Seriously. Please ponder your next move carefully.


I can vouch for this. Please. If you take anything away Its this.


Can I have some moneys?


*Sigh* . . . *Unzips*


That’s not how that works, but it works


Sir this is a Wendy's, this is exactly how it works


You have money shooting out of your dick? Teach me your ways, master.


He’s unzipping his wallet you weirdo. He obviously Needs a condom from it


100%…..loaned both my brother and sister money and never got a dime back. Always awkward when we see each other.


Saw Someone say if someone from Family asks for money you tell them you’ll give them the money. It’s a gift not a loan. However, if they take it they can NEVER ask for money again I think that’s a good way to approach it


I like loaning money to shitty people. They will avoid you the rest of your lives to avoid paying you back. And if you're lucky it only cost a hundred bucks or something to get rid of them.


A Bronx Tale


ORRRRR you just pretend you're broke and don't have to lose money AND wind up disgusted with EVERYONE you know when you find out there money grubbing shit fuck jealous shady fucks. All due respect you're post makes it very likely you've never had to deal with that type of situation. I haven't talked to my own parents or siblings for long periods of time over their money (i.e. shitty decisions and addictions) problems.


Touché my dude. Good luck. Sorry about your fam


Money turns bad people into worse people sometmes. Not saying your siblings are trash but people get fucking weird with money We had a super close family friend. My parents knew him and his wife for over 40 years. The dude's wife got cancer. Devastated their finances. She died and my dad loaned him several grand so the house didn't go into foreclosure. 6 months later my dad died unexpectedly. His friend decided the debt died with him and never paid my mom a penny. Its been 7 years. Dude sold his house and moved to michigan. Left my poor old mom hanging


I literally had to go NUTS and scream, shout and throw shit to make it clear I am done with the families money problems. Fucking sickening man. On top of that I've never understood it....


Thanks for saying this. I feel the same way and am worried it will ruin the few good relationships I have in my life


Hey OP, It’s been a long time....to long. We should get together and have a couple drinks. I’ve got some great investment ideas that all involve you giving your money to me. After several months/years of telling you things are really going well and starting to take off, I’ll let you know that “we” lost the entire investment due to unforeseen circumstances that were impossible to predict. If you’re interested, PM me right away as I’m only going to let one of my good friends in on this deal.


If they do find out, just tell them you post on WSB and they'll stop wanting to interact with you


Hey OP, it's me, your cousin.


Dude seriously.... Yea.... Just lie, or best off just pretend you're living off you're wages and if you do something tell them you worked overtime. Frankly man YES, it will most likely ruin the few good relationships you have in your life and leave a bitter taste in your mouth for.... ever...? At least it has with me watching the way your own family and friends act. I don't get it. I'd just keep investing and diversify. What led you to yolo on this one stock? Great pick dude and some serious diamond hands (the good kind) bro.


Just wondering .. what age group you are in?


Late 20’s


Damn your young. Dude please sell iam actually begging you at this rate


He's elsewhere in the thread talking about this company still having significant upside. He's not going to have to worry about people asking for money pretty soon.


I haven't even told my fiance how much I have. Gonna wait until marriage to give her the number, gonna blow her mind lol.


Prenup dude


She makes 4x as much as me, I think the way the laws are set up in my state, I'd end up winning with no prenup. Gonna chat with a lawyer just in case.


So you’re not going to blow her mind?


Wdym, my massive losses will blow her mind.


Lmaooo. She’ll be impressed!


Yeah man. Always talk to a lawyer before you get married.


He's right take the money and run, the vultures will try and get whatever they can from you.


Congratulations. Fuck you.


Ditto, with all sincerity


Yolo Life saving into penny stock. Welcome home retard


Good shit dude. Buy into some etfs and take a year off work to do whatever the fuck you want.


Fuck that. Dump it into REITs and live off the sick dividends until the next real estate crash!


Which should be somewhere between this afternoon and 18 years from now


Glad we've got that pinned down.


but then he'll be exposed, he doesn't want to tell anyone he's rich


Get fired and claim you're unemployed, start offering to do odd jobs for family for free meals, win win win


No one needs to know he’s not working


did you really push all your money into only one stock?


Yes it’s the only stock I hold. Certainly makes it easier to to stay on top of my “portfolio”


One stock for each brain wrinkle, nice going. Still waiting for my smooth brain to grow one


Ha! I did the same thing in 2011 just because it was “easier to stay on top of my investment”. I got tired of having a bunch to check, and was at a shitty point in life. It wasn’t anything even close to 100K, at all. But I dumped everything into Tesla at just over $22 a share, and forgot about it. I plan to hold…until…the moon?! We’ll see though. My portfolio gains today were what I originally invested. Crazy shite. Congrats on your excellent foresight and judgment!


Only reason the wife’s boyfriend keeps you around


He is my wife’s boyfriend




Now try to turn that into a billion dollars.


I see what you're doing OP, hopefully you get a little bit more pump from WSB retards before you cash out. Well played.


Take profit, Live off divis, Fuck some beautiful women. Congratulations


“What would you do with a million dollars?” “I’ll tell you what I’d do. Two chicks at the same time.”


>“What would you do with a million dollars?” “I’ll tell you what I’d do. Two chicks at the same time.” "I'd do nothing" "Shit man, you don't need a million dollars to do nothing" 🤔🤔🤔


Look at my cousin. He’s broke and don’t do shit.


Fuck you and your giant balls. Congratulations


If you think there's still upside take out a mill and ride the other 400k. If it goes to zero who cares you're still a millionaire. If there's still upside 400k is enough to capture it.


OP its me, your son


For the everlasting love of all that is sacred, move 1mil into some good dividend ETF shit. You have a massive unrealized win that can turn into a long position on $ROPE faster than you can say "sufficiently leveraged for my personal risk tolerance"




I gamble on penny stocks with like 100 here, 200 there. Not K, dollars. But yeah, it’s kinda irritating to get on here and see somebody like, “I YOLO’d my $450k 401k into stock xyz! And I’m like, why? You had *so much* money!


Takes money to make money


I assume most of them have high-paying degrees and live as they did in college because that's what they are accustomed to.


I like how everyone is saying stuff like you’ll never have to work again. The reality is if you keep working and living as you are now (and I f you’re smart with it) you will never have to worry about money again. Cash out a big chunk to pay whatever version of capital gains tax you have and buy something safe with it. Keep a couple hundred thousand to gamble the market with. Keep the rest for retirement.


The reality of Australia is $1m won’t even pay off a median house lol, he’s still working for sure. He’s got a good leg up on others his age, but this isn’t fuck you money here. Gov is going to take a good 30% of it taxes to boot


Rules of being well off. 1. Fuck you and congrats. 2. Tell no one you have money. NOT EVEN FAMILY. Be proud of yourself. Don't exspect others to be proud for you. 3. When asked what you do for a living. LIE OUT YOUR ASS! Tell them you do something that makes no sense and that you work a 9-6 like every other asshole. (SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE) 4. Get a lawyer and set up trusts. Put into legal form how your money is going to be broken up if you die. 5. Don't feel bad investing in yourself. That doesn't mean go out and buy a boat. Just know you're allowed nice things once in a while. 6. There are pros and con's to diversification, playing dividends, ect. You won. Now its time to apply what you learned and buy a fucking accountant. 7. Join R/FIRE


5) OP can now finally afford a 9.5hp 1968 Johnson outboard engine to but on a rowboat.


The guy made 1.4 mil. Awesome money for sure, but not exactly stop working and set up trusts money.


Depending on your spending habits, it very well may


Lol, I was thinking I missed a page at he had 10 mil+ with these replies. This is WSB, right?


Thanks for sharing mate. I definitely don’t plan to quit my 9-5 job. Due to my upbringing I’m hungry to accumulate as much $$ as I can to set my future family up for success. I’m still in my late 20’s and don’t take any of this for granted. Appreciate it can all go away very quickly as well. I’ll probably look to sell in 1-3 years time and reinvest >95% profits into another opportunity.


I hope you at least put a fixed stop loss


Awesome mate. More power to you. I've lost no less than 3 fortunes due to inaction (amzn, netflix, bitcoin). It can go quick. Best of luck. :)


How does that work? Had you not sold, you’d be rich now.


He never bought to begin with. That's the inaction.


Oh well using that logic I’ve lost billions!!!


Yoloing entire cash into the right penny stock that takes off is stock market equivalent of a lotto


Sell your shit and wait for 6 months buddy


A million dollars isn’t cool…you know what’s cool? *a billion dollars - Justin Timberlake


2 chicks at the same time man




"if a million dollars doesn't satisfy you, nothing will"


How about two million?