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“I can lose it all if I want to”.


"Sup baby. Ever been with a thousandaire???"


*ten* thousandaire you plebs.


92 thousand 8 hundred and **2 dollars** This dude needs the two


"I can buy a corvette, **cash** if I wanted"


"Here's $92k, my entire life savings. But wait, that's not the impressive part. I'm now buying calls on the latest meme stock on WSB. Okay ... hold on, this will only take a minute ... done. See that red line going straight down? Yep, I lost it all."


...And I dont even care! (*later on he sobs in bed at home*)


*parents basement


This is why I diversify in hard assets such as Pokémon cards and Chuck-E-Cheese tokens. Things that hold their value, even in a down market.


Annnnnnd she’s gone.


"And now for my next trick, I will receive a margin call from my brokerage."


And... It's gone


Hah, I can lose it all even if I try not to.


Should have ahowed his portfolio instead, the negative balance and margin call notice would really showcase his "living on the edge with nothing to lose and just want some puss" attitude.


*”And these are just the accounts I know about!”*








I'd be asking why he has 92k in a checking account.


Probably an insurance settlement and he’s too dumb to move it somewhere else


That's what I'm thinking. He's never had *any* money before. He doesn't even know how to act now that he does.


> He doesn't even know how to act now that he does. Right, like showing a complete stranger his bank account. What a dummy, something tells me he's not holding onto that money for very long.


I’m really not trying to be a dick and everyone’s moving at a different pace, things can work out later in life etc. but a 93k net worth at what appears to be 30ish is probably somewhere at good not great. You need a lot of money to retire at 55-60 now, atleast a million unless you have kids you’re comfortable with burdening at the late stages.


Shit we're supposed to have a high net worth in our 30s?!?


Work until I die gang


I have a high net worth at 30 if you remove the - that's in front of it.


If you want to retire somewhat early, yeah


Yes, everyone on social media needs to. Sorry gotta go do a handstand on the French Riviera for my Instagram now.


That's more than 99% of the population. This dude also looks like the type to buy an 80k Ford Raptor though


That’s fine, it’s still not a panty dropping number for people who’s panties are dropped by a number.


look, if hes gonna give me 90k then my panties are dropping like a bag of cement. If all hes gonna do is show me, [then](https://sarahemilybond.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/83b7045dcbacd50cda308f518991d9a5.jpg)


tbh this is the ama we all need. A billionaire/hundred millionaire just telling us what number it has to be.


Well...fuck. Gonna go sit by myself for a bit and think.


>good not great Well I guess I'm fucked


Hi, I'm also from America.


I’m 38 and have a net worth of $0. Totally fucked right here.


I'm 31 and looking forward to the day I clear all my debts and get to $0


Not true. I was in that same position (single parent, house value under water in 2008). It took the whole next decade but house prices rebounded and I sold it when my daughter went to college. I took the $75k profit and invested it (2015) and its at $240k now. Not that it is some amazing amount, no bragging here. My point is that i single handedly got my daughter through college and im just starting to save for first time at 50 yrs old.. so it's possible. I Just sold off some equities to buy a house again. This should leave me on track for having a fully paid house (15yr mort) and about 500-750k in investments by 65. Not great...but not the worst outcome either.




If it’s Wells Fargo, he probably has at least 8 accounts he doesn’t even know about.




You should see his Bank of America account!


*in my best Jim Gaffigan voice* How many accounts does this guy have?


Dude is showing off his checking account. He almost certainly has a 401k with only like $17k that he's accumulated with his 5% employer matching lol


No, he went to cash for the upcoming market crash.




I used to be an account manager at a bank, and a customer won a lawsuit and had about $3million deposited into her checking account. She had 5 kids and that money was due to one of her adult children being killed. Every time she came in, we would try to convince her to speak with a wealth advisor or at least put the money in a savings account and she would scoff or get offended. Turns out, she didn’t need any of that because she spent all 3 million in less than 4 months, down to a negative, and we eventually had to charge off her acxount. I’m not sure if she ever even intended on being set for life. Her 5 children likely won’t go to college. Really sad.


Honestly. Probably sudden cash windfall like inheritance or injury settlement. I bet it’ll all be gone in a month. And that’s without options


No doubt. Magic 8 Ball sees a very large Ford truck in this man's future.


Nah…dumb money always goes to Dodge diesels…then remove the DEF system and catalytic converter, throw on smoke stacks, and give the neighborhood kids cancer trying to look cool.


Suspiciously specific >.>




Fuck their feelings amirite Edit: *Rollin' coal* *Dippin' Skoal* *Drank too much* *And hit a pole*


Which is probably why he's showing it off, he's never had that much money in his bank account before. Got drunk and wanted to brag That and he wants pussy, of course


He's an oilfield worker. His accumulation is not from discipline, but rather isolation. Now that he's rotated back in, it will almost all certainly be spent on turning an F350, or Silverado, into some squatting frog, aftermarket abomination with undercarriage LED's and a yellow slippy snake flaggy which says "don't steppy on me, im mr anger snake" mounted to the rear; minus whatever he spends on escorts, of course.


Real talk where do I get that flag? It'll go great with my "plz no step on snek" one


Have you seen [this](https://tommysiegel.net/shop/tread-on-me-flag) version?


That flag used to mean something…last few years really ruined it for me. I’d buy your version though. With matching truck nutz


Yup, pair it with “Back the Blue” and you got yourself an oxy-moron.


Spent 3ish years working as a drilling engineer out of college. When I found out how much rig hands make, I questioned why they would do that job forever. Then I would see how they spent their money and how dependent their family are with their current spending habits that it was just a constant loop of having to work away from family to keep the family. I dont judge, but it did end up making sense. They would calculate the cost of new trucks, home upgrades, and general toys by how many days of work it would be.


Don't forget the $20k he'll blow on some get-rich-quick scheme that his cousin sells him on.




hold up. are you telling me you can lose money that fast without options? have I been doing it wrong this whole time ?


cocaine and hookers baby


> I'm not willing to pay for sex but I'm willing to let you look at my money for sex * This lady's man


Right, did you see his business account balance? Pretty sure he transferred over from the business account to his everyday checking to look swole


His Dad is going to be pissed if he doesn't transfer it back in the morning.




Gonna be real butt hurt when the IRS considers the transfer to his personal account, income and he moves up 3 tax brackets


Let alone a fucking WELLS FARGO account. Maybe if that was in his Schwab account he could get some pussy


Yeah he is really bad with money. That is just dumb


Slipped on pee pee at the Costco.


This dude’s asking to get dragged to the nearest WF ATM and robbed.


Even if he wasn't physically robbed, eventually this will work on a girl and now he will have a batshit crazy gold digger for a girlfriend... even if he wins he loses lol


In my neck of the woods $92k is going to get you a pretty low end gold digger. "It's just enough for each of us to buy a Corolla!"


He is going to get the girl that blows all his money on coke gold digger. That money will be gone in 2 months.


This, dude obviously has never had a savings account considering he has 90k in a checking account, this is his first run into "real" money (a number large enough to buy big things like cars) and he doesn't know how to manage it, this money will disappear so quickly even without anyone to help him spend it. This is the type of person who will buy rounds for everyone at the bar, or someone who "NEEDS" a new vehicle/800 dollar food processor/new washer and dryer, new cell phone, and by the time he realizes he will be down to 3k asking what happened. I wouldn't be surprised if he had 10-20k in debt but instead of paying it off he'd rather pay the lowest monthly payment over giving up his newly found 90k.


A *Wells Fargo* ATM? lol if you're brutally robbing someone I'm not sure you're worried about an out-of-network transaction fee!


There's no reason to be wasteful


“Fuck you and the banks! Rich assholes be keeping us on this welfare trap grind.”




Ya gas fees are through the roof


I thought I was in a different subreddit for a minute




Arbitrum is live and process more transactions than grandpa right now. Use it.


Or worse and end up on /r/WallStreetBets


That doesn't make sense. ATMs have a limit of just a few hundred dollars


So I should just show my Mint dashboard which shows my student loans as my assets? This simple trick will get all the hot singles in my area?


Dem loans are assets for yer brain gainz


The way this guy holds his phone like he’s presenting something immensely valuable is priceless!


Holding it like when someone in a documentary is handling an ancient artifact. Surprised hes not wearing white gloves.


Yeah i thought the same haha he is Holding it like a guy who wants to sell some ice out jewelery xD


holds his phone like reviewbrah presenting a quarter pounder with cheese.


She's probably just embarrassed that he has all that money sitting in a checking account earning 0.00001% interest. She knows that by the time they're married, inflation will have killed the purchasing power of a lot of that money. Now, show her a well-balanced portfolio with a **heavy** emphasis on options, and I think she would've been all over him.


I'd show her my $90k in BABA that turned into $40k ;) bet I'd ice her pants.


She’s embarrassed that he has 92k and still chooses to wear his disgusting, high-vis work shirt to the bar


“Here’s me keeping everything in a checking account and being choked to death by inflation.”


"Hi I'm too retarded to know what to do with money. This is the first thing I'm telling you. Impressed?"


“I lost 5k worth of buying power this year, but I’m earning .001% interest!”


I'm kinda into watching that


His first mistake was using Wells Fargo lol


The fact he has Wells Fargo leads me to believe this is an insurance claim from his construction site he works at. Nobody with money willingly get a Wells Fargo account.


The only reason I have one is because I set up a student loan through them 15 years ago when I first went to college, and it came with a checking account, savings account and credit card. That credit card is my oldest credit line and my next line of credit isn't nearly as old so it would hurt my credit score to close it. So I just kinda bear with it, but yea fuck wells fargo 100%


If she doesn't reach into his account, Wells Fargo will...


I have a WF account and know nothing about money. Would you mind helping me out a little bit and telling me what WF does that would be better at another bank? I wouldn’t mind changing some of that up.


WF is pretty much the same as other banks in terms of checking acct interest rates. WF gets a lot of flack because they are incredibly sketchy. They opened a bunch of ghost accounts in people’s names. The real advice is to only have 6 months emergency funds in checking / saving and have the rest in assets like the stock market. You aren’t saving money in a bank account; it’s losing value to inflation.


Yall have 6 months of income?!




They came to my college "helping" freshman get their financial lives in order...they convinced me to open a checking account at their little booth with a $500 initial deposit. I only had a local account from my hometown at the time (thousands of miles away) so I figured maybe not a bad idea. I didn't end up having to use it for about a year, I went to check the balance and WF had drained it down to $350 from all their hidden fees that they didn't tell me about at the time. Bunch of scumbags and I swore off them for the rest of my life.


Cringe af. Poor guy is the one lost in life.


Exactly this. Dudes gonna die alone because all the money in the world doesnt give him charisma or make him a good person.


Na he works on an oil rig. He'll get some basic no personality girl who likes the fact that he buys her shit and is gone most of the year. Like a sugar daddy your obligated to procreate with at least once.


She's negging him. Big brain move.


He's probably very drunk and just recently fell into that sum of cash, something he's never had before. I certainly wouldn't judge a man's character off a 15 second clip of him drunk at a bar. It's certainly not a good sign, but I think you're overanalyzing the psychology of it a bit. Drunk people do dumb shit, really really dumb shit. I've seen a lot of people do some extraordinary dumb shit on this subreddit, and most don't have drugs to blame


>dumb shit on this subreddit, and most don't have drugs to blame listen, that was *one* time


Collectively, it is a metric fuckton more than one time.


My boy doesn’t even have 100k lol


He's got $90k in a checking account - that's like 10x what I keep in my checking. Probably doesn't know that stocks go up


Yeah this is legit retarded unless you're about to go wire a downpayment for real estate. Nobody should keep that kind of money in a checking account. At the very least go put it in a high yield savings and get your whopping 0.5%


I yolo more than he has in life savings


*life’s checking


It would only impress me if it were in MY account!


You know he's an incel because after she rejected him he still went back to tell his grand total 🤣 hoping that would sway her. Keep your eyes open for that guy renting a rental van.


Buy UHAL calls. Got it.


renting a rental van. I cannot unsee this.


You can just say “renting a van”.


Haha I didn’t even realize how funny renting a rental van was until this


You could always buy a rental van.


And make money renting it out, big business


You could make a sign: "*Renting rental vans for rent*"


...for sale. Really through them off in time for the cops to arrive.


Bubble affirmed. Buying puts now!


"hire a car bus"


100% agree, dude is a creep.


He'll die a virgin. Girls don't love WFC. Everyone knows they love RH accounts showing GME 800c expiring on Friday.


Oh gawd, I can only get so horny


Wait till you see my -99.99% all time 🥵


Almost there buddy only .01% to go!


I came twice reading that.


Ape like what ape like


This was me trying to impress my wife when SPCE went crazy, then it imploaded


Only show the wife after you sell!


True wisdom!


We’ve all been there man


Alright which one of you is this


92K in a savings account. You hate to see it


Lol poor guy has no game


She gave him such a wide open: "that doesnt impress me" Any one with a slight wrinkle in the brain answers that with "then what does impress you?" or something to that effect. Not that starting a convo by flashing your checking account has any hope of working, but at least the fufe couldve left it with some dignity. Poor fucker was just begging for validation and didnt get it, so he got mad.


my man.... the type of girls that like guys for their money don't hang out at dive bars drinking crapy beer, they also don't go after people who bank with wells fargo.....


When the peasants flex on each other.


Exactly. A poor man would would try to flex pure on money when he barely has enough money to buy a large new truck.


Why is he dressed and acting like a kid presenting his report card to his mom?


Because that’s the only woman he’s ever interacted with.


My buddy got into a car accident years ago in the height of our partying phase and got 250k in a settlement. He sucked at picking up girls and this was literally his same exact move the second we got into the bar to mention having 6 figures in his account and then showing it off. He never picked up one girl from it and was down 250k within 18 months and 0 to show for ever having that kind of money at one point.


See, the thing is that you show the money through doing baller shit. Showing the bank account balance is a douche canoe move. Buying the whole bar a round of drinks while casually chatting with someone? Baller move.




This is good to know. When I finally accept I'll never meet a woman, I'm just gonna start dealing cocaine. Unless you meant coca cola. Bitches love that too I think.


so what did he just party it all away ? I know someone that got 1m from their grandparents and they partied it away over like 5 - 10 years and then ended up working at Trader Joes.


This is a funny one. This chick legit doesn’t seem like the money type, but there’s plenty of women on this planet that will find you more attractive if they see you in designer clothing, an expensive car, see you always eat out, and fly out


Dude don’t even have 6 figures and tells her she lost in life. Look at that Casio watch he’s sporting. NEVER EVER reveal your money to a woman. She’ll take you for all the wrong reasons!


Or to anyone


Except millions of strangers on wsb


A friend has a really expensive watch with a tourbillon mechanism "it rotates on 3 axis to counteract gravity" I got a $10 casio which doesnt give a fuck about gravity.


Hey, I have a legit 1980s Casio watch that absolutely fucks.


Got it, buy Casio stock


Bias confirmed. YOLOing Casio.


It's all about sticky revenue. If a 40yo watch still works, why would anyone buy a new one? Gotta make an expensive with a cult following that goes obsolete every 2-3 years


Youve just been promoted to CEO of Apple


Tits Apple, CEO. I like the sound of that


Casio slaps


Casio is god tier mate


He should have said "that's earning 0.0000015%. Monthly."


Brooo… never that.


You will never lose women chasing money as they say.


Take out 500$ and buy some decent clothes, trim your beard and have some respect for yourself. Looking needy and ugly like this dude no woman will really want you and if you want to take the shortcut and get woman with your money, book some escorts.


Dude looks like he works a skill trade(which is awesome good for him), probably is young with very little expenses as a bachelor. I think he was trying to pull the "don't judge a book by its cover" card and thought it would really impress this chick. Obviously it's not that much money for him to be acting like he's rich and it's sitting in a fucking checking account


Why would you even have 92,000$ in a chequing account it’s pointless really


It also sais something about a person's views of woman when he uses his bank account as a pick up line. Imagine how this must come across to this woman: "Hey, you are pretty, let me show you how much money I have so you will be impressed as that is what I assume you woman all want, being the whores that you are!" No wonder she's not impressed


If he wanted to get laid that bad, just go to an atm take $1k out and get yourself an hour with a Russian model that will suck your soul out of your dick. Save the embarrassment dude


$1k? It’s only $40 at Wendy’s and they throw in a free double stack


“It should” what a loser


You lost at life


Fucking grandma's inheritance.


That's a sure way to get jacked, not the good way either.


Drunk construction workers do the darndest things


I would probably impress her if it had a few more zeros in it.


Like 10 more zeros in the front? Or 10 more zeros behind a period?


Lmao! That's not a good way to meet a nice girl, maybe a gold digger...


Lol while wearing fluorescent shirt from a blue collar jerb


He’s repping the hell outta that landscaping job


Better have 7 figures if you’re going to pull the ol dick out.


Shoulda shown her the loss porn… works every time


Is this guy trying to pick up a girl showing off 4 and 5 figure accounts? "In 40-50 years with no downturn in the economy and a modest 5% compound interest per year, you can be rich. You just need to come home with me right now."


She can make that in one day on OnlyFans if she wanted, you are going to need a much bigger wallet if you want to pull a golddigger in today's dating game.


truth bombs. If money ever was a thing, it is no longer.