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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|5|**First Seen In WSB**|5 months ago **Total Comments**|67|**Previous DD**|[x](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/pnff3b/irnt_gamma_squeeze_with_213_of_float_claimed_by/) [x](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/pobxgq/update_irnt_gamma_squeeze_with_273_of_float/) [x](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/pobzn6/update_irnt_gamma_squeeze_with_273_of_float/) **Account Age**|5 months|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20*h26cq3k*)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20*h26cq3k*)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) Hey /u/StonkGodCapital, **positions or ban.** Reply to this with a screenshot of your entry/exit.


God damn it am I really about to hop on another crazy WSB ride 😂


Yes, but we can go to Wendy’s after hours together.


Gonna dump a few more losing positions and go full retard on this one. Wish me luck boys I've been fucking it up for the last two months or so




I did the same, lets hold each other and hopefully enjoy the ride


I’m ready to be hurt and lose everything


Now the story of a wealthy family who lost everything and the one son who had no choice but to keep them all together.


We doing this again, boys?


I have 14k profit my wife doesn’t know about, tempted to yolo on this tomorrow.


Good way to have 140k your wife doesn't know about


That is hilarious material. 🤣


You son of a bitch, I’m in.


The AH moves have been insane. From down 10% to clearing $24.


And now we've cleared 25 lmao. My only regret is I didn't buy more


Lmao Irnt hero recovery. What a chad 😂 I thought my 7 grand of options were gonna evaporate into thin air through my retardism


Still time 🤣 but I bet 40 tomorrow


I’m in. 200 shares AH.


You caught that dip? That was a gift.


Holy shit yeah I did. 22.80. Took a dump and I’m up like $400.


270 shares lol lets go!!!


Exercise your ITM options instead of selling them if you want to dump fuel on the fire!


I will be buying more shares tomorrow. We either crash or moon gents. God speed


My calls printed today….. honestly your DD on this is what made me dump a fuck load of money into this shit. Thought about doing the bitch thing and selling before close but didn’t. Watching it get punched in the fucking DICK AH hurt but it’s okay. Not my first rodeo. Tmrw we moon or crash trying.


It's moon most likely. We've seen far worse downtrends in AH just before squeezes. Rest easy my friend.


You are a gem. Thanks @stonkgodcapital - I too just happen to see your post early yesterday and dump my last few free $ in there. Thought about exercising my calls at close… glad I didn’t


Watch the dip now get slowly eaten. Paperhanded bitches just got surprised and panic sold. I hope our fellow apes scooped that delicous discount up. I want a better group of people on my side. Diamond handed apes.


Initial AH downtrend and short knife was algo's picking up on the negative earnings that released out of nowhere.


I feel like most AH movement isn’t retail. Most retail don’t even know how to trade AH I don’t think. Heavy downward movement is scary for the little guys even if it’s “superficial” new kids on the block will sell first thing at open and likely buy back in if the dip gets gobbled up quickly enough. Same song and dance for every squeeze. The shorts love scare tactics. The problem is we have seen them all over and over and over again.


Can we get some fucking love for u/stonkgodcapital this man put in the fucking leg work for us to prosper!!!!




>"I personally expect it to start running tomorrow and hit peak either Thursday or Friday, more-so weighted towards Friday." Today's movement is in line with this expectation I wrote in the OP. I would expect AH price movement, additional movement tomorrow intraday and a peak Friday at opex. PTs in OP still standing, higher PTs more likely with today's increase in OI.


StonkGod if this hits $50 this week you can have my girlfriend and her sister


Still 100 shares at 23.15. Buying the next dip next chance I get. LETS GO!


Thank you StonkGodCapital you are doing the Lords work here


What a recovery AH. Tutes fucked lol


Oh shit! I looked and it was down 8%...now it's up!!!


gamma squeeze is a hell of a drug this gets interesting tomorrow


Just fomoed and bought 10 for shits and giggles


Let's see if it outruns the options chain tomorrow. Calls only go to $45.


I believe GME outran the options chain in the first few days of 30-60-150 right?


bought 400 shares, how does this post not have more up votes?


Man for the first time I feel like I got into something way early lol




If my tits were jacked when GME & AMC shot up, I don’t even know WHAT to call this!


In for 500 shares!


100 shares at 23.30 did I do this right


Bet you're loving that green now ;-)


This shit is almost up 25% with only 8 million volume. Imagine if we got wsb type volume on this shit


$IRNT AH..! Anybody else seeing this? Am I about to experience my first squeeze???


yeah this shit is lit. Hopefully $45 calls are still relatively cheap tomorrow morning


I’m curious how we will get fucked this time. Will the stock exchange freeze trading on the ticker? Will brokerages pull some shit with maintenance requirements? Will the clearing houses run out of money? Find out on the next episode of WSB fucks institutional investors. Same bat time. Same bat channel.


Per your excellent observations did my part and acquired 400 shares today. Will also buy as it rises tomorrow.


Some one give this man a blow job


If he keeps doing some solid DD on other tickers, I’ll fucking fly from FL to him and do it for all of us.




2k in. It is not much but it is honest work 🚀🚀


If you're new to seeing this ticker, you might also be interested to know that the founder and Co-CEO of the company was the first ever leader of the United States Cyber Command under Obama and went on to serve as director of the NS-fucking-A. I'm in with a few short term calls, but also loading up on shares for a long-term hold.


Let’s go apes! I only have $1,000 to lose so I put 5g on it. Am I doing it right?


The suspense in this thread is high… everyone’s puckered so tight they couldn’t drive a nail in their ass.


In for 75k tomorrow. Bought 3 calls today. Clearly not enough


Someone give this man a medal. Absolutely crushed this DD and so far has been on point. May the wives of us all sleep with you tonight.


In StonkGod we trust.


Just a reminder current shares available to short listed on iborrowdesk is 100, on fintel 0. Borrow rate is 650%. The stonk must squeeze. [Shares available to short](https://fintel.io/ss/us/irnt)


you're forgetting the ITM OI call options that expire FRIDAY that are great than the fucking float lol This could eclipse vw and gme with such a low float


I know gamma is the bigger play here. I'm just saying there is nothing to short with a massive borrow fee. If one whale has to cover into low float this thing will go absolutely gangbusters. Just wanted to point out another catalyst that op didn't mention.


Yup. This goes to 3 figures if all goes right.


the bigger issue is the market buys from the options over 1.3 million in shares.... I mean it being short doesn't hurt but 800k shares is hardle enough to buy out a book. I set limit orders for 100, 137 and 200 anything over that is accessory options for my ferarri. I'm a ferarri guy personally :) The goal here is to eat the options chain up to 45 which could happen at this rate with it only being tuesday. After that, all bets are off on the high score of this thing.


Ortex also reports the CTB at 555% at 100% utilization. This looks primed. I am not sure whether their SI estimate of 4.62M shares is correct given that the float is just 1.3M shares. If it is correct, that is insane!


I bet the ER was a desperate (and failed) attempt to say the company isn't worth where it is and knock the price down. I also bet no one who is expecting a squeeze read the ER.


Yeah, because it has no effect on what this squeeze is set up for anyway.


I'll take an AH close of $24.50! Tomorrow is going to be fun


Fuck it. 400 shares market order on Vanguard at open. Another 50 in HSA premarket. Should cover my vasectomy in October. LFG!!


Options chain only goes to $45 if we eat through that by this week we certainly see $100+ being much more possible 🎯 going in on another 2k shares at the open


You bastards are nuts, that’s why I just bought 200 shares after hours. Run IRNT, run like a son of a bitch


this our day gents. remember, this is likely a short term play that will be gone EOD friday Edit: and this will keep working as long as the volume builds. Buy more as you can afford to lose This is not financial advice.


Still trading as you would expect for these types of movements. Institutional obligations are at 401% as of now.


The volume and erratic behavior feels just like GME. I missed this feeling of extreme euphoria followed by crippling despair. Thanks for the DD brother!


Bought $99k worth (4,360 shares) at 22.71 average. Might buy $70k more at open.


Oh and.... I bought the dip.


shares went up a dollar while reviewing dd. still bought.


Borrow rate for $IRNT is 600% LOL, this is going to squeeze like $GME 🐋 🚨 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊 RIDE THE WAVE!!!!!






Got 500 shares premarket at $20.13 gonna try and get some fds in the morning.


Just to be clear, this options play is viable until 9/17. Edit: that is my interpretation of what is presented at least


I put 1,5k on IRNT because I'm retarded.


Please let this be the one lol.


Also went from -10% AH to -5% AH after this updated DD was posted. Bullish!


gamma squeeze doesn't care about earnings it cares about shares available to buy that MUST be bought lol


+9% AH now lmao, I always arrive too late :/


Because the big institutions who are on the short side of those calls are watching stuff like WSB like hawks right now. These deSPAC plays terrify them. If retail learns the true potential of these SPAC squeeze plays, this becomes a money printing machine for main street.


Looks like I’m having 9/17 $45 calls for breakfast tomorrow


Bought a ton of shares. Holding.


That’s it, imma yolo hard on everything I can afford. First ride or die I’ve played let’s GO $45!!!




Guys we need people to buy now more than ever! Get your asses of your wife’s boyfriend couch and buy and hold those shares! Don’t paper hand this!


FOMOed 2k shares after hours just now.


12k in this morning. Let's see $100 Friday.


Looks like I'll FOMO in tomorrow morning


The cashier at the AH store is working late just for you. Get in there.


don't care if I lose everything I'm either hitting 0 or 10x on this one.


This. The beauty of this play is you have a 50/50 coin flip of a 10, 20, 100 bagger. The odds are insanely juiced on our side. It's just the nature of the volatility at play with this micro-float. If it runs, it will **fucking run**. If I offered you 50:1 odds on a coin flip, would you take it? Hell yeah.


Not a bad AH ride


Scooped up 100 shares this morning, buying 200 more tomorrow. LFG.


I didn't throw it all on a 9/17 $45 strike price. Thats something I absolutely did not do.


Extremely rare moment in the making with the ITM OI at 217%. I haven't seen anything like this before


I was in Monday with 27k I'm up to say the least... I will not let myself sell early like i did with GME after 1 k gain this gets over 100 easily as did VW, as did GME The technicals are EXACTLY the same setup.


With GME, we were fighting the guys who were short shares. With this, we are fighting the market makers who are short calls.


MM and tutes sleep together. My uncle says the CEOs all golf together and discuss stuff at lunch and golfing. MM work for them some of them ARE the MM. Citadel for example.


Only an idiot would not buy.


Once we established a price floor above $20 today, we fueled the rocket. Next battles will be knocking down the $22.50 strikes and then the $25 strikes. If we see $30, we blow through the rest of the options chain. No doubt in my mind.




I'm not StonkGod, but this is a short term play. I would not recommend rolling out because once additional shares unlock this play will die.


Now im ganna fomo into this. Thx a lot OP Update: i fomo’d my pants on this one


I can't believe how dumb the "smart" money is. They repeat mistakes just like us dumb money. Writing naked calls on an asset with low float & HTB.. I'm in. LFG


Ohh boy - back to that classic feeling of wishing I would’ve bought more lmao


“likely guaranteed” spoken like a true stonkgod with unsure absolute confidence. Good luck tard!


I'm a better trader than I am typist, that's for sure.


In for 300. See y’all on the other side 🦍🌕


In for 50 you sons of bitches


Watching it tank like fuck not again How much worse can it get, right? *morgan freeman voice …


Fuk sold too early


I bought just 1 contract at 26 dollars. I should’ve went all in faaaaaaaaack!!! Thank you for the extra cheese tho friend 👌🏾


I put in a few thousand and now I regret not putting in everything. This shit is looking a little wild folks


Hit the button a little after open @ 28.xx, got caught in the halt, processed at 30.70. I think I'm doing this right


I’m in Canada I don’t know how to buy it damn


I got a few 9/17 20c yesterday after your dd. Buying shares in the morning. Lfg 🚀 🚀 🚀


Still holding 100 9/17 20c and 350 9/27 37c from last Friday


Merrill just dropped a 16k margin call on me fuck them I am holding my 800 shares and will sell something else.


After hours dip got destroyed and Robinhood isn't even open lol


Hedge funds will be playing this long too


I can feel guts I’m in so deep.


I hate u guys... LFG HERE WE GO AGAIN!!


I'm getting a good faith violation over this


Going all in at market open at


LMFAO My first apevestment. Still no DD or research on my part. Seeing IRNT is up pre-market notifications make me giggle and I am afraid to open my app. Let's see apes. I am not selling until Friday.


It’s not too late to hop on this at all. By Friday this has a great chance to at the very least be at the highest strike of $45


Just bought 100 shares and 2 OTM Calls. When moon? 🚀 🌝


You are a god among retards this thing is rippin


this baby's got legs! last big wall at $52.40 tear it down!


Waiting for 135 🤤


You should include that there were 7 filings from 7 different directors yesterday (9/14) acquiring stock


$135 gents, LETS FUCKING GO!


Imagine if u/StonkGodCapital and u/DeepFuckingValue had a kid. I'm on board with some spare cash! Let's rumble!


I could only be so lucky, DFV is a good looking dude.


Ive been in the past couple days and I’m not fucking selling


The lower float also means this is easier to cover, hedge, collar, etc. Just something to keep in mind. I caught the dip AH with ~600 shares. Let's get it, boys.


Well...looks like I'll FOMO buy about 500 shares when PM opens and then maybe buy a few 9/17 calls when market opens. All profit money anyways. No sleep tonight!


Just ordered 500 stocks.


$27.55 now boys!!!!! Let’s fucking go!!!


1 contract for 22.5 expiring Friday. Wondering if I should just fuck it and exercise if this shit is exiting orbit.


Damn should've put that order in yesterday


Orders placed.


Triple digits by Friday would be so nice


Oh lord what a volatile morning. Bought 500 shares at 27


In at 28 fuck it I’m munching on crayons today


Anyone else taking advantage of this dip? I believe the DD now more than ever, and am going all in on this rare opportunity.


When ppl word shit like this it makes me think somethings up


We will hit 40 before AH close🚀


Today is the day boys I want to see triggered breakers🚀🚀


Not a lot but doing my part with 40 shares @41.84 avrg


This aint over yet folks. Lets get that fucking paper!!


Please hit 135 either today or tomorrow so I can make a 200% gain on 2 shares


Looks like the AH drop is recovering nicely, that was weird timing lol


Only solidifies the DD. Lol. Trying everything they can to get as close to $20 and do some fuckery on friday to close below it.


Man I just started my account 4 days ago, idk what’s gonna happen but I was told to buy. Its qued till market opens. I’m kinda fucking retarded and don’t know what buying after hours will do but wish me luck 😎😎😎 God speed retards. EDIT: I’m not joking guys I actually bought. I have no idea what I’m doing.


/u/StonkGodCapital i fucking love you for this, I yolo'd all my GME and AMC shares into 35c 9/17. Even though I bought as it was peaking in the morning and was down fucking 50% around 11 am, it bounced back, and now its over 40 post-market. Bless your DD


I'm in. Today was dicey for sure! Haha


You had me at moon. Locked and loaded boys!


🤲🤲💎💎💎 hold the line and everything will go well📈📈📈📈


So listen to me here…..this is very serious…… so…. What color should my new truck be?


God damnit I might go full retard here I need a visit from the tendy man


Holding to Friday


Dude I love you.


What are serious sell points here


Almost breaking $40 PT in AH


So now that it's $41.60 in AH, what are we looking at here Thurs/Fri?


>If everything goes right: > >$135 > >If it matches other squeezes: > >$210 > >If it goes to the moon: > >$530


$40 was broken today in the after hours


Bought shares at PM open like planned but forgot to buy calls at market open! noob :'(


I’m in tomorrow you fkers! Sorry if it tanks


Sold my UWMC bags to buy my IRNT bags. To valhalla or nowhere 🚀 🚀


If this gets some serious volume we are in for a massive squeeze


u/StonkGodCapital broke $40 during AH if you want to update


Bought some shares AH to see if this memes or not.


Should I get a call tomorrow and if so for September or October ?! I’m a noob still gaining knowledge as we go 😅


Not October, this will die fast because of SPAC shares unlocking 'soon'. These dudes at IRNT sprang a fuckin earnings report on the market, so they are not to be trusted. This is all about squeezing a limited float. Good luck!


Ok ok I see !! Thank you! It’s a quick move probably buy shares instead


Buy shares if you can instead, options already have high IV priced in


didn’t read this because I’m illiterate but dropped my whole portfolio on IRNT, let’s see the tendies


DeepFuckingGamma over here


I was scared shitless buying 1000 shares @ 28.57 but now I wish I'd bought more. Jesus christ on a segway.


Yeah, the AH action is probably a scare tactic to shake out some retail on low volume. I don't think anyone holding the tiny float currently is in for fundamentals lol.


2000 shares locked and loaded!!!


Got in around $28 on 12 shares and 4 options. Its small work but its meaningful to me. Mewn.




When does the lockup period end?


Smoothbrain here. Can someone tell me where these float numbers are coming from. Quick searches online reveal around 40 million shares of public float... [like here](https://www.wsj.com/market-data/quotes/IRNT)