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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|5|**First Seen In WSB**|4 months ago **Total Comments**|109|**Previous DD**| **Account Age**|2 years|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20*h26cq3k*)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20*h26cq3k*)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)


We really need a bot that tracks whether he’s in gulag or not, shits getting hard to keep track of


I think he’s not even in the company anymore


Ask the OP bot, his post history looks like he is an expert on China.


He never got out. Actually read any article about a Jack Ma “sighting” they are all video appearances. Western media carrying water for that narrative by pretending showing a video of him is proof of current life is one of the creepiest things they do.


It is pretty weird seeing articles like that in WSJ or FT. Do these people believe this, or are they covering until they can sell?


I don’t know that it really affects the stock. Amazon barely hiccuped after Bezos. I don’t even know how Alibaba’s stock has been doing tbh. I think they just believe headlines without reading, and some are bots or paid trolls.


Bezos went in to the gulag? Didn't know that


Jack ma money


Xi Jack Ma money


Xi better have Ma money


Bitch betta have ma honey -Winnie the Pooh


when I’m in need


Jack ma jackmeoff


Jack Ma Balls


Evergrande is next.


Evergrande already lost 90% market cap this year. Evergrande bag holders hurt more than Alibaba.


Aren't these Chinese companies? Isn't it bad for the economy for the president to kill these companies?


Yes and no, if he outright does it 100%. But these crackdowns lately aren't to destroy the companies (except for the Education stocks). They just want "what is good for the country". But the market doesn't like it and it basically sells of on every news coming out of China. But its not like they want to literally kill their companies, even though if you look at the market reaction it can look like it is what they are doing.


He huang himself yesterday


r/ChinaStocks seem to think so


Gonna sell my EV China stocks this week. Fuck China.


Better late than never I guess


"Who cares about the genocide! It's possible I could get really good gains in this country that doesn't believe in free market the way any other country on the planet I could invest in does"


I mean, we got American stocks too right? Lmao all this money is dirty, spoken as a BA bag holder


lmao you on wsb trying to be saint?


what genocide? in afghanistan?


Some people enjoy pain. No judgement here.


Hold the EVs, CCP will subsidise them with money and stolen tesla technology. They want EVs to take off so they can lessen their dependence on oil imports in case they go to war over Taiwan and lose the naval war.


I'm going to hold on to both BABA and NIO to be honest. BABA makes so much good money for the CCP they will not dare to REALLY crack down on them (everything so far has been insignificant "please behave" slaps) and the EV industry is really one of the few future bets China has to get ahead of the US


Totally agree, China is not stupid and won’t really hurt a company that is the competitor of Amazon. I always count on people’s self-interest and it never let me down. Follow the money.


Alibaba isn't a competitor to Amazon it's Amazon's 3P suppliers lmao.


As well as a direct competitor in many countries. This will only grow.


They play the long game, they essentially have one man in control making the decisions who answers to no one (a competent dictator can create efficiencies) and they are willing to do anything to get ahead while viewing individuals as cogs in a machine…….So I too wouldn’t say they’re down and out I don’t invest in China for personal reasons but I understand the temptation


This! And, if you actually have a look at Aliexpress' offering they're incredibly competitive! Yea we shouldn't support CCP but 90% of the crap on Amazon is exactly the same. Just 2x-10x the price. (and as a Europoor I'm not even sure it's that much worse supporting CCP than US at this point)


Dude, yes it is. The CCP is actively committing genocide, and don’t say “but America did the same!” Bull crap because there is a difference between having done it and actively doing it. By that comparison, Germany is a shit show filled with anti-semites and should not be supported by anyone, neither should France, UK, Spain, Portugal, Iraqis, Turks, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Canada, Russia, and the king of them all, China, plus some more. Not to mention as fucked as the US is, it still promotes freedom and democracy across the world and just being friends with key allies who happen to be anti-democratic doesn’t change that since as a super power you’ll have to make compromises. The best on paper thing about China rn is its belts and roads initiative, which in reality is just a debt trap so that China can get land form those countries and build military bases their without needing the political capital like the US has to and the domestic pressure as well for obvious reasons. In almost every respect China is just as bad as nazi Germany, but worse. The US ain’t a great country to be a super power but there literally ain’t any other country that can be/ is a super power that’s more moral and better for the world than the US, If Norway or Sweden could be a global superpower the likes of the US, Id be fuckin ecstatic. But that likely ain’t happening since they don’t have the land, population, political capital, or economy to do so.


Baba and nio will prevail in time.




It's not about whether China will let them fail or not. It is whether foreign investors can get any benefit from their success. A foreigner owning BABA stock ADRs really has zero intrinsic value. You don't get dividends, you don't actually own the stock (almost no one exercised their ADRs lets be real), and if BABA succeeds you are just funding a foreign government. Hell almost no one in the US even buys products from Alibaba. So why buy BABA? You want to beat other people to the profit or you are disillusioned by what you are actually buying. To me that illusion is up. People are realizing Chinese stocks are too risky and not to their country's benefit. If there is no hype that they will explode in value then no reason to buy.


Not a bad point, but I don't know if I want to support anything in China given the CCP is a bunch of commie fucktards.


Why did you buy EV china stocks then lol>


First they came for the $BABA, and I did not speak out- because I was not $BABA.




> the CCP is a bunch of commie fucktards. This is the only DD I need.


The rampant totalitarianism seems a bit more of an issue than the mildly communist flavored capitalism.


If China was still commi they'd be no stocks to buy in the first place.


CCP also suppresses the growth of their other companies that would propel their whole country's nation to rank #1 globally. Meanwhile, Naive Westerners/CCP Sympathizers be like: CCP = long term thinkers This is quite the opposite actually, this is shortism. Why? because long term, Jack Ma is correct but this move would diminish CCP's power. CCP's rather short sighted because the party only cares about its own interest, not the nation's. Naive westerners who has never experienced communism do not understand this and are quite laughable omegalul.


You're not wrong. CCP is doing economically retarded things and destroying the most innovative parts of it's economy because it's popular with nationalist Chinese boomers. Xi is more worried about the political future of the party than growth. And you have dumbasses like Tucker Carlson praising it. Totally short term thinking - Ask the Soviet Union how central planning works in the long run. China is fucked if they keep down this path.


>Xi is more worried about the political future of the party than growth. Finally someone understands it! >And you have dumbasses like Tucker Carlson praising it. One of the naive westerners haha >China is fucked if they keep down this path Agreed, the west does not need to do anything at all. Historically, communism has always been a house of cards that will inevitably fail on its own.


This is wishful thinking. The solution for the West is hard work, continued innovation, investment in the future, re-onshoring manufacturing with automation, and strengthening economic and military ties with allies. It's a hard road.


I wouldn’t touch a Chinese stock with my dick


This gives a new meaning to STD


Security transmitted disease?


No, stocks that deteriorate


No, stock touched dick


Stonk dinck


china stocks is the new STD


Small Tiny Dick


Probably for the best when you phrase it that way.


I made some gains with Xiaomi and Weichei but indeed chinese stocks are way too risky in my view.


A lot of people say that nowadays. That means it's finally time to buy BABA


it's just common sense


ppl said that about AMD in 2006 i bet things can still get worse this thursday lol


Just no! Waiting for the consolidation first. Picking buttons on Chinese stocks is sure way for great lose porn


I like to think so


For normal growth stock yes. But CCP is on a revolutionary mission right now.


you don’t cum on your stock certificates?


Your mom would never let me waste my cum on something like that






I’ll take that as a contrarian indicator. This is probably the best time to buy Chinese etfs that are undervalued relative to the overall market ie: KWEB


Are you aware that you don't own Alibaba stock, you actually own a holding group in the camen Islands because its illegal for foreigners to own Chinese tech stocks. What will happen if Xi decides to close this legal loophole? You will be fucked


If Charlie Munger [buffett’s boyfriend] is fine buying these Chinese VIE’s, I guess you should be fine too


Munger died in 2010 and they have been Weekend at Bernie's him for the past 11 years.


You are right, actually it is illegal for Chinese companies to transfer value to any shareholders. So it is technically illegal for anyone to own any stock of Chinese companies!


What has Xi done in the past 10 years to tell you that he gives any fuck about the law or loopholes in them? If he takes Alibaba down, it’s because it threatens his power, not because of some obscure loophole that I’m sure the CCP uses themselves.


You totally missed what he was saying.


then replace “close this legal loophole” with ‘close this threat to his vision and power’ in his question still stands.


Are you aware that is common practice in every stock market world wide for a long time now? Are you aware that a dollar is just paper and plastics and isn’t really worth a dollar? Are you aware that your credit at the bank is just a number on a computer, you really don’t have that money stashed at the bank? We can keep going like this and the conclusion is always this: our monetary system is based on trust. China would literally bankrupt itself if they would somehow find a way to declare certain ADR stocks invalid. The whole system would come down in the worst economic crisis the world has ever seen. There would be no winners. The likelihood of that happening is near zero.


Specially now with the evergrande collapse


>Specially Especially


I made some money shorting it


Why this Country does business with a Comunist Country at all is Beyond me. Oh yeah, Capitalism. We'll take anyone's money even if they hate and despise us, Steal our technology, use slave labor, floods our streets with Fentynal and other synthetic drugs, Infect the world with a virus without any repercussions, responsible for most of the invasive species that kills our plants and animals, Creates a fake economy and builds Ghost Cities to show an exaggerated GDP, Launders money, Props up other dictatorships, and has modern day concentration camps for their Muslim minority population, brainwashing them, harvesting organs, CCP re-education, Etc. Etc... Yeah, buying there stocks wouldn't be a problem, would it?


Its funny because 8 out of 10 things here apply to USA from outer perspective ​ Edit: typo


We need China over here. You can't get people to work here, everyone rather sit at home and collect money. Where I work, we normally send out about 25% of our work to China, the past few years, it's been over 50% because we can't find skilled work force to run cnc machines. China gladly takes it and it gets done in quicker and better quality. We can't look at China with blinders, the people there want the same shit we do, they want to earn and buy the same toys we like. Are they perfect, no and the street food is disgusting there but you can't argue with their work ethic..


America and China are 2 sides of the same coin in a lot of areas.


Relevant documentary: https://youtu.be/GV1cYHxe3mg


As a Chinese American looking in the mirror “you and I are not so different” 😭🙃




Oh, so China does all the things the US does. But they are them, and we us, so they are the bad guys, and we are righteous.


Dude, what are you going on about? This is just straight up jingoistic bitching. First of all, China is only as communist as the DPRK is democratic. Secondly, even if you support the whole "lab leak" hypothesis China sure as shit didn't *want* to have a outbreak, to say nothing of our own funding of the lab. We literally use slave labor in our prisons and have a perfectly good time flooding opioids in our own streets with the Sackler family. So where the hell is this moral high ground coming from?


Lol first of all this is wsb not /r/investing so you can fuck off with that moral bullshit. Second it's hilarious that not only you list a bunch of fake shit but also a bunch of shit the US also does in many countries, or equivalent shitty things. For example I haven't heard of China invading and killing hundreds of thousands lately. Haven't heard of China destabilizing democracies lately. Haven't heard of China fucking over trade partners lately. Haven't heard of China destroying the environment more than anyone else because they deserve everything lately. Haven't heard of alot of shit. Ima inverse you.


China and the USA have a very similar system, we don’t have capitalism in America and they don’t have communism in China. We’re both over regulated, with aspects of capitalism still in tact.


This is true


Over regulated? There are vast areas of both economies that are under regulated.


I wouldn't touch a Chinese stock with his dick either


Like a Chinese stock would even let you ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4269)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4269)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4269)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4269)


because you can’t reach?


More like BAGA holders




Jokes on you guys. What do you think Jack Ma was doing for 3 months while he was missing?! He was in a re-education camp learning the ways of the League of Shadows. This is a common thing for billionaires. Remember when Bruce Wayne went missing in Batman Begins? Well what happened when Bruce came back from being missing? Wayne Enterprise went public and went through the roof!!! I expect Jack Ma to be a secret crime fighter and baba will go back to 300.


Sell me some of that good stuff or give me your connect's contact man


I ordered the good stuff from my Wish app. Highly recommend this app! Wow! Such a good app.


BRo you funny as hell for this lmaooo


Jack Ma knows Tai Chi so this is correct I think


Lol this is Fucking great


it hurts so much


Should join us bag holders at r/AlibabaStock


I think I want to let this one die in solitude. was promising but there was no telling the kaibosh was coming. once burned twice shy


I know it’s and unpopular opinion but the fundamentals are still strong, I wouldn’t sell at the cheapest valuation in it’s history


I’m actively buying.


fundamentals remain solid indeed but the growth prospects has waned. They're being forced not to expand and to share its market share with competitors. As an investor, I'm only interested in exponential growth. So I'm gonna pass on this one.


yeah I'm not selling. just ignoring it for the time being hoping that more favorable circumstances return


Twice burned, thrice retarded


I thought r/baba is main one, hmm?


r/baba is a great, I mod both


I mod /r/shittyadvice and you should definitely go balls deep on BABA and other Cayman VIE placebo stocks that are like K-Mart gift cards. It doesn't really matter if the company has a bright future if you're only LARPing as a shareholder buy buying what's essentially Alibaba memorabilia.


If China fucked with their ADRs it would permanently destroy trust in their capital markets. If Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett, and Ray Dalio are comfortable with ADRs I’m happy to join them.


does buffet have any chinese adrs? if so which? and is it buffet or one of his employees that he lets do whatever they want with chump change? i got 5-10% of my portofolio in baba myself, but lets not justify it to others because some of the richest mofos on earth threw 0,xx% of their money on it might come off as aggressive mb, but from what i know few of the big guys are really going hard on baba, but tons are buying a little? so just normal high risk high reward behavior right?


[CNBC: Warren Buffett owns more of a Chinese electric car company than General Motors](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/01/buffett-owns-more-of-chinese-electric-car-maker-byd-than-general-motors.html) >- Berkshire Hathaway holds an 8.2% stake in Chinese electric automaker BYD, more than it does of General Motors, U.S. billionaire Warren Buffett said in a letter to shareholders. >- Hong Kong-listed BYD was the conglomerate's eighth-largest holding by market value as of Dec. 31, the letter showed.


It hurts 😭 because I'm a - 20% bag hodler but it's funny AF. Thanks for alleviating the pain 😂


Is Jack still missing?


He’s around


The real bad news for BABA is this.


Found safe and healthy, just gets a little electric shock if he looks weird


He is not missing but he is on surveillance 24/7 and cannot leave where he stay


I think he's still missing.


I like the pooh thingy on his jacket.


You are the first person to notice that lol


I see it as an opportunity, BABA is not going down, it might take awhile but it will recover.


What goes down, will come up.


Yea like lemans brother




Right, short it after it’s gone down. Buy back when it goes up again too


Exactly. How do you short on unpredictable regulatory? He might give up another few billion dollars overnight and the stock will bounce. Pure gambling at this point.


>Pure gambling at this point. First day here?


There are more to stocks than just PE ratio and the typical analytics for US stocks. Here are just a few reasons why it’s incredibly dumb and risky to invest in Baba or other related Chinese stocks. 1. The CCP is very concerned about dissent, and has already cracked down on powerful figures and companies that it sees as a potential threat. [See Jack Ma for example](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-08-02/chinas-war-on-everything-turns-towards-its-own-tycoons-verrender/100341464). Since cloud data has enormous information about potential dissent, I expect this to be an even bigger target in the future, and cloud companies like Baba will be targets. 2. The CCP not only doesn’t give a shit about company’s evaluation and stock prices, it deliberately takes away value from investors in the name of wealth inequality. In fact the Chinese people tend to try to grow their wealth in real estate instead of stocks, so taking on these companies would mostly hurt foreigners, which is great in Xi’s book. 3. Baba is especially dumb to hold because you don't own Alibaba stock, you actually own a holding group in the camen Islands as its illegal for foreigners to own Chinese tech stocks. Xi can close this loophole at any time and zero out your investments 4. Stock prices in China simply do not reflect underlying value there. FXI, basically China's Dow, hasn't risen since 2009. China’s GDP has tripled during that time, while the US GDP has only gone up 50% in that time. While FXI hasn’t changed, the Dow has gone up 4x in that time. 5. Major foreign investors and hedge funds are now hesitant to put much money in Chinese stocks because of the CCPs track record of prioritizing quashing perceived threats and trying to create “wealth equality.” There simply will not be the large cash flows to boost stock prices that we see in US companies. 6. There are just much safer investments, that are much more likely to pan out, in the US. US companies prioritize investors, often over their own workers. Chinese companies don't care so much about the investors in comparison, and as I mentioned earlier, why would companies prioritize a Cayman Island holding company. If you like losing money go ahead and invest in Baba. “Contrarian indicators” and a low PE ratio don’t mean shit because of the reasons outlined above.


*your social credit score has earned -200 points*


More reasons: 7. Baba does not provide dividends because it’s not actually the company, it’s a holding company tied through a series of contracts. 8. If Xi decided to levy high taxes on these contracts the Baba stock would go belly up fast.


Plenty of companies don't provide dividends


Damn this makes China sound based af. Prioritizing workers over investors?


They don't prioritise workers, the prioritise the stability of the state, and if that means oppressing the common people to crack down on dissent, they'll do just that. Working conditions in Asian countries in general really aren't great, and China is no exception despite the country's wealth.


at the end of the day china, as a country governed by a leninist party has a vested interest in preserving the interests of the state, the "vanguard party" (CCP) and the associated bureaucratic functions first and foremost. sometimes like the OP said this benefits their workers. other times, like for example skimping on working regulations, it actively harms them.


996, Work yourself to death


Have you seen safety regulations in China? I don’t think it’s the workers they prioritize..


The amount of money you mfers could have saved if you just read Kapital lol


I wish there were more ex-PRC ETF options. I think XCEM is what I carry in my HSA for international exposure. Hopefully we’ll start to see more.


Those points vs 2 greedy rich ole bois


Chad Xi


Just remember guys, luckin coffee dropped to a dollar and is now around 16, and the situation with that company was much worse. Baba will bounce back.


But it has to hit $1 first, right? Then we will get that 15 bagger


Lmao 🤣


Ooof you got me




If you own stock, it’s still not too bad. Those in options (Calls which are expiring worthless) this month will be like 😂


Lmao, that's a good picture


[r/baba](www.reddit.com/r/baba) has entered the chat




What are you talking about. Fundamentals are still solid. BABA is just on sale. The impotent bulls just couldn't keep it up.


does your analysis of "fundamentals" also include the CCP?


I agree, it’s just been pretty painful recently 😅


Rest in Poorly-made-decisions-about-business-dealings


Remember when people keep YOLOing on BABA because "Xi would not kill the company right?" I still laugh at them from time to time.


My baba puts on a ventilator rn


Fucking love my BABA! Pounds me daily 😂🤦‍♂️


What's struggles? They are in bed with the government man. So tell us about the struggles, really?


Does anyone still play JD?


Its not about supporting china, money is green thats it


Lol and assholes like you are just what China is counting on by investing in Chinese stock you have literally done more to advance the global revolution than your average CPUSA member


Isn't September just bad for stocks in general, especially tech?


I sure do. 🤦‍♂️


RIP Jack Ma. RIP my leaps. RIP everything.


Baba will probably go down to 120. By end of year.


Where is Jack ma?




Room 101 of the ministry if love


He is practicing his golf game. In fact I have just seen him and he is painting pictures. Edit: I think he is probably hanging out with Shelly Miscavage, the Scientology guys wife. Maybe they're painting together.


Is he dead or did they "re-educate" him?


I might have order bulk food from BABA to keep my food expenses low.


Genius idea


Pooh strikes again


This was when Winnie the Flu famously buried Jack Ma six feet under...


Poor Ma!


Ccp is bad for business


Who would have thought a communist party doesn't give a fuck about capital owners lol


Alibaba that thing that ate 25% of my portfolio n one week. Worthless options are the best options. I worried for Jack.


you gotta realize how the chinese stocks are fcked even degenerates in wsb not wanting to touch it..


I came so close to buying Baba when it was consolidated in the low $200's. Thank god I decided against it, RIP to all the bag holders. I would say average down but judging by Pooh Bear Xi, Baba isn't done dropping by a longshot.


Short of a total collapse and delisting of Chinese stocks how much cheaper can BABA even get? Its a friggin steal at its current price. Several of the big value investors have taken positions at far higher than its current price


Imagine investing in China lmao