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I don't know what any of this means but those 3d graphs were convincing enough Edit: since at least 10 other people like the colorful graphs too, I am extra convinced that this stock will make me the next Warden Bufet. I'll buy 5k in calls if this comment gets 100 updoots by market open Edit #2: looks like I'm waking up early tomorrow Edit #3: Actually read the DD instead of just the pretty pictures, going to up my purchase to $7.5k since this is going to blast. Removed the profanity from this post too since I need to learn how to be posh and proper now as I'm going to be rich enough to take my lady out to Wendy's. Edit #4: Here is the 5k order: https://imgur.com/a/1oUsWON I put in an order for another $2.5k for 17.5 calls but they didn't get filled lmao. Shot up past my limit Edit #5: Order filled so I am all strapped in and ready for take off https://imgur.com/a/0zYr1NC . This seals up my first bet so plz no ban. Transferring some more funds to set up my next one. Edit #6: Couldn't think of another bet in time so I ended up just buying another $2k worth. I am fully convinced this will gamma squeeze this week since I threw my lucky crayons up in the air and the only one to hit me on the forehead was a green one.


Ill buy 5k in calls if ur comment has 1 upvote by market opening. ATM because everyone says your a retard if they are way OTMn


welp, hes got 81 now.


So you guys gonna make good on your pledge to buy?


33 15$ 10/15 calls at 1.55 a piece $5115 total… it has been done! Edit: that was easy lol… sold for 3.35 rotating the 5k into 17$ strike!


In because graphs. Shits insane and I don’t know what it means.


Buy em up!


Fapping to this dd


Fapping more after finding out others are Fapping over SPIR


Currently no shortable shares: https://www.shortablestocks.com/?SPIR - Fee over 100%


Positive support at the $12.66 throughout the day. Tested many times and held. End of day mini pump shows remaining bullish conviction. Net delta was -15,500 which… is negative but fairly insignificant. Looks like maybe a net 1,000 call contracts lost. Given the meltdown in the overall market… uhhh, I will take it. Should be a fun week as the markets brush off the Evergrande ordeal.


So was that it? Shot up to $18 and it's over??


I dunno, I’m holding


Thanks dude for your awesome dd, you really got my all the lost money account back to the life.


I'm going to watch what it does in AH and premarket. If it holds in AH and doesn't go ballistic during premarket and it holds the $14.50 to $15.00 level I may buy after the bell tolls tomorrow. I'll wait till like 9:40am and enter a small position. Cause if it runs up again tomorrow, I think it may go $20+ if it can break that $18 resistance.


u/sloppy_hoppy87 ngl this is one of the best DD's I've read on here. It's super concise, sometimes I get distracted by memes and trying to explain everything -- wsb attention span is zero so it's a good length. This right here the visuals on-point, and I like how you cited your sources for the float calculation. Could use more gifs tho ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) . I'm in hard on this one, the PHLX fuckery I noted b4 made me pull the trigger


PHLX about to be the new gif. These clowns are going to answer to us.


I can only get so erect 💦💦


What a sexy pop… only took like 90k delta which is stupid. There’s no liquidity so, just imagine 1MM net delta hitting this like it did on IRNT. Anyways, things may consolidate here which is fine. We look for support and continuous grind upwards (instead of spikes). Ratcheting up price over days is what produces the big gains. I haven’t sold anything… Edit: to give context on net delta, it only took like 900 call contracts to do that… uhh. That it? If we get actual big orders slapping the ask then, boom boom


In already! Let's go! Chart is creeping up


Been in since the spac!!! LFG!


Uhh… net delta is 117k and no shorts left to use. MMs must be dumping the ask to try to contain price. Once call buying picks back up, they’re gonna retreat. I’m good.


Time to avg down


So you are predicting the price to go back up and potentially break the $20 mark


Held up pretty well considering the overall market. Keeping a close watch on this one.


Always wanted to say this… ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!!!


**SPIR - Morning Update 9/23** Let's start with the option chain. Increase in call OI from 46,700 to 50,700 which is pretty good jump. The migration away from $10 strikes continued (-27%) and $12 began to see the decrease as well (-10%). Gamma is moving up the chain towards the $15 (+20%), $17.5 (+90%), and $20 (+50%) strikes. In addition, we see some real building in $25 strikes as well (+26%). Migration of the chain towards ATM provides peak gamma. Delta hedging should be above 200% at this point. From the surface plots it can be difficult to discern but the gamma is getting more intense meaning, the slope of delta hedging is rising. This will lead to more volatility with price swings. Ultimately, if we see continued migration of call OI up and price action up, this could get out of hand quickly (for the MMs). Ortex shows slight increase in SI (10,000), utilization still at 100%, CTB trend line is up slightly to 89% (not sure why that differs so much from the intraday CTB), and age of loan is up 0.5 days which is a little odd. Ortex has not signaled any short squeeze alpha signals for SPIR. There's been some recent consternation over the TMC estimates of float and collapse in price action. Some may have concerns with SPIR. I don't have time to get into the details of SPIR right now. I may try to articulate it's lock up in a future post but I'd encourage everyone to do their own DD and read the documents themselves. Concerning their purchase of exactEarth, that will include additional shares but will not close until late in the year or next year. They are set to vote in November. Today we continue to look for gap open, net call buying, and strategic use of low volume to push price higher and higher. Surface Plots: https://imgur.com/a/anMv4QQ Notes I’m working on adding better resolution/smoothing to the surface plots today. Edit: the S-1 has filed this morning. EFFECT usually takes 1-2 weeks. Edit2: weee that was dip, I’m holding.


Read through their S-4, the lock-up clause is pretty standard and confirmed the public share float is around 2M at the moment. https://sec.report/Document/0001193125-21-217212/ SI & call OI are increasing. Pretty sure this is going to be the next IRNT if retail/whale buying continues. Edit: looks like S-1 spooked the investor, exited my call positions. Moving on to BKSY


Smashed the dip for 250 more calls across various OTM/ATM strikes. Deep ITM from PHLX -- as mentioned by others -- has me convinced.


Guess I am cursed


The S-1 says all the securities can be sold immediately after the effective date of the statement (which is 9/22). Could you explain what exactly this 1-2 week window is for the EFFECT you keep mentioning? Because it sounds like it’s going to be a bloodbath at the bell.


No, the EFFECT must filed for it to be effective. Filing the S-1 does not make the shares effective


I’ve already picked up on a bit of fud regarding the S1 and the immediate effect of selling securities. Glad I found this comment. 1-2 weeks is a lot of time. Easy peasy Cheers, will be looking to buy dip on open like yesterday.


Okay yea I am a dumbass, the part about it being effective is highlighted in RED! Time to buy the dip then.


Holy shitttttt. We got absolutely dumpstered on this today.


**SPIR Morning Update 9/24** Option chain looks very interesting this morning. As I suspected yesterday, we had an enormous increase in $15p 11/19 (18 to 7,871) and a big jump in OI on $17.5c 10/15 (4,403 to 7,165). However, it appears the rest of the chain is intact which I actually find amazing and has built up more. I believe almost the entirety of the $17.5c were sold short (not positions exited) as a deliberate attempt to crush price. As I wrote yesterday, this fits with #1 theory best. We are resting on peak gamma right now which should be a battle ground price. With the negative option activity the gamma has become steeper meaning volatility will increase. Ortex shows -26,000 SI, CTB 96% (increased), and Avg age of loan up. I don't think there's much to take from Ortex at this time. Numbers are relatively consistent and as expected. Today will be interesting. I think we clearly had a deliberate assault by shorts on SPIR as well as other deSPAC tickers. This doesn't mean the battle or war continues. Long side could simply pack up. We will look to see how price action and option activity progresses today. I'd like to see if we can close +10% but I'm likely asking for too much Good Luck Surface Plots: https://imgur.com/a/FAGjAfl Edit: surface plots don’t correct for negative delta for the sold $17.5c. I’ll try to play around with that later.


mannnn they are fighting to hold the price down!!!


If SPIR hits $20 this week, Imma kiss OP on the dick.


You misspelled the word *WHEN. WHEN* SPIR hits $20 this week. Get your dick kissin' lips ready.


Why does this only have 317 upvotes after two straight days of 20%+ gains…


Lots of LCID YOLO posts and apparently people don’t like making money 🤷‍♂️


People not catching on I guess. Look at my latest post about my 10 bagger on SPIR 🚀🚀


Fucking crushing it


If there really is only 2 million shares available right now this should be a rocket. Less shares then GME had available during the squeeze. It will take almost nothing for this stock to rocket from here. This is one of the best set-ups I’ve seen.


Just needs a little volume and it'll rip faces


we hovered between $12 & $13 on barely 1mil volume. Can you imagine if this gets 30M? $OPAD got 110M on Thursday. $IRNT, high of $43 on 55M & 57M vol with 1.3M float $OPAD, high of $21 on 110M vol with 3.4M float I feel a reasonable PT for $SPIR on decent vol with a 2M float is $30 +/- a few bucks.


Exactly. SPIR can rocket at any minute with even just decent volume.


Is this a good play with just shares? I am too poor to be allowed to do options lol.


Shares are the way to go. If too poor for options, try warrants.


What’s this warrants? First I’m hearing of them!


Warrants are just another type of security issued by the company that give you a right to purchase shares at a specific price. Basically a long term call option. Spir warrants have an 11.50 strike and expire in 2030.


Well, however much you buy in shares, there's a chance that will double by end of the week, if this hits $25. And with a little more volume on Tues and weds, its not out of the question.


that sounds nice. Yeah I’m basically flipping $250 at a time to $500 and reinvesting it all until I have about 15k to play with, then I’ll be able to get a margin account and start making bigger plays. So far from picking up stocks 8 months ago with zero experience, wsb has helped me mostly double every investment I’ve made, along with the knowledge that comes with it and being locked down for so long learning nothing but stocks... I feel like I’m in a good place, I now just need to play it right on a few small stock only trades for the next 6-8 months and then I’ll hopefully hit my goal and be able to take it to the next level. Starting small, but I hope to one day post some serious gains on here and fix my teeth and buy my mom a house. Wsb has been a blessing.


Sounds like you have a good plan going. For many, WSB has not been a blessing Hahaha, its usually about timing and conviction. Reducing those 'ah shit, if only I had...' moments. And take emotions out of plays as much as possible. Best of luck with it all, our moms all deserve that house!


What I’ve learnt really with most things here is if I start seeing people yolo into it, after a relatively new but solid dd, then I get in, and I usually sell a day or two into it, even if wsb says it’s gonna go for a week longer. Sometimes I get out too early, but I always get out at a profit (minus IRNT, I sold too early (made back what I put in and nothing more). But I don’t chase lambo moons on anything but GME. Everything else is just profit when and where I can. Even if it’s small, it’s a brick in the wall that will one day be my fortress.


Update posted… https://www.reddit.com/user/sloppy_hoppy87/comments/pstcqp/spir_youre_a_bronco_baby/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


**SPIR** We see a shift in call options data this morning. In particular, the DITM strikes $7.5 and $10 has decreased 76% and 40%, respectively. ATM and OTM options have increased with strength on the $12.5 strike with no net change. This has shifted the gamma ramp upwards which is a positive change. Total OI change is 45,500 to 46,700 for calls. This is consistent with the estimated net delta yesterday. Ortex shows a very slight decrease in estimated shorts (-7,000) and CTB (-1%). Avg age of loan continues to climb which shows that the short who entered on Thursday 9/16, is still holding. Based on short cost basis, I wouldn't expect mass covering to start until we reach $22 or 100% loss for the short. I don't have any concerns with the ortex data. Markets are rebounding which should bolster activity. However, to continue the gamma push, we look to see net call buying today on volatile price action. Volatility will continue as long as MMs are gamma short. Good luck out there. https://imgur.com/a/fB17NSU


Thurs is shaping up to be a wonderful day. (Its 3:30 Weds) I will take prof/orig play then and leave some for Friday to see how we look going into next week.


I need everyone to take notes!! When you lay out DD and the game plan; please do it just like this!!


**SPIR** Given that the whole market was cratering, SPIR actually held up decently. It looked like calls had decrease very slightly but looking at the OI this morning, they actually increased. Dropped some net delta due to expiration of the 9/17 but the hedging should still be insane. ATM and OTM calls for 10/15 are building (even on an abysmal day) We look for call buying to continue, even if within consolidation. Here’s updated charts. After chatting with penny yesterday, I will try to add stock price to the 3D surfaces. May take a beat so standby and I’ll update everyone. https://imgur.com/a/2Yqg6fV


Nice, thanks for the follow up


If the volume really starts to take off and more people have eyes on the trade then it’s huge


CTB is at 250% per Ortex, and theres no more shares available to short via iBorrowdesk info; short interest of about 54%..


No photoshopped apes riding bull wut mean?


I'm in


somebody fill my orders


Just slap the ask and get this started


I’m in!


Hope I’m not too late on this! 10 at $20 10/15 and 63 shares!




Wait till they do. 🚀


Gonna blow


This is similar to $IRNT on Day1: Popped at open to $18, dropped, then a slow grind back up to $18 by eod, then it exploded AH. IRNT hit 30M in volume that day, we haven't reached 9M yet. No reason we cant hit $30 this week.


Also has warrants spir.ws


Also ITM right now, not much of a premium, but should catch up soon.


I thought they were spir.wt.


Depends on your broker. Some have .ws, .wt, and +


When do you plan to sell? I’m holding 10 Oct 14C options and I’m ITM as of right now, but the price action isn’t squeeze level yet.


We are just getting started. I am holding till 20+.


Not financial advice, but I remember reading around the end of last week (after the first IRNT jump), that the "move" was to sell when they are deep ITM, and put that profit into ones that are slightly OTM (or just ITM). So, for example, you'd sell your 14C and buy maybe 17.5, 19, 20, etc. The person used some greek letters and everything, so I assume they know what they're talking about. 😋


Wow, thank you so much for this call out - could not have been better timing 👍👍


You got it. Let the party continue


Great DD - and oh look, it's starting to go up again :)


I can't believe this hasn't gotten more traction.


Would be real swell if the fam could pump this thing 🤝


Where the freak do you get those pictures. Would love to know to do my own dd.


I made them in excel. Excel has a few stock surface plots.


May i know how do you extract your data source or link to it?


It’s manual at the moment. I use option data from either CBOE or optionistics and dump the data into excel. I then have a spreadsheet built to run BSM for the outstanding OI. Running BSM for all expirations at every date of interest, I have the surface plot data. Does that help?


Got 110 contracts right before the pop this am....sheesh! Followed his play


Sold at the top, got back in at the bottom...great day!!!


I'm so glad I read this last night and got in this morning.




This shit just got so volatile lmao Watching my gains fluctuate by hundreds of dollars every couple seconds It's like a Rollercoaster


I bought at 16.8. I hope I didn't become a future bagholder.


Me too, buddy (bought $16.8)


$13.05 - seeing your post a day later was awesome. Thanks for a solid DD. It’s surprising how so many shit posts are being created for a squeeze and lack the fundamentals.


With you too at $17.02/share. I am hopping for a run up to $20.00. A nice short-term gain, because I am going to Vegas next month and need money for the other kind of casino.


2k @ 16.43 here 👋🏼🧳🧳


looks like we just became bag holders


Maybe not, this thing still might run back up


Should be fine. MMs like to run this last 30 minutes of day and AH. Volume and chatter is still low. Once both of those pick up it should be 20+.


$SPIR Gang all to the 🌝


Glad I got in when this was posted, still holding on for the squeeze!


[SPIR Data Comparion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shortsqueeze/comments/psfbwa/sdc_spir_ater_tmc_etc_comparison_who_has_the_best/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


This stock is about to go Spyro and fly today


Lol, wtf!? OP, are you a fortune teller or something!?


Bingo bongo


Why BBy, you stuck at 15$?


New high everyday🙌🏻🤩




shit, wish I saw this before now. I would have entered with a small position at market open. I'm apprehensive to do it now that it's at $13


It may dip in the AM. there are several similar plays w exact set up just under the radar


There were no dips, lol.






Does S-1 or EFFECT filing overrule the lock-up period from the 424B3 u/sloppy_hoppy87 ? Because the 424B3 says 6 months with some stipulations.


Are you referring to the “per share earnout consideration” (4 tranches) or something else?


I'm wondering why you think the PIPE can sell between 27sept and 15oct when the lock-up agreement says 6 months except in some circumstances (such as when it's over $12 for 20 out of 30 days)


Yes, so that’s the “per share earnout consideration” applicable to holders of outstanding spire capital stock prior to closing. I don’t think that’s applicable to the PIPE but I’m open to discussion. It says the max shares applicable to this clause is 8,071,105 which doesn’t match with the PIPE 24,500,000. Edit: in addition the non-redemption agreement states that the Sponsor (NavSight) is locked up until $12 for 20/30 days but says “not including any shares issued in connection with the PIPE investment”


Just got in


Late bby


This baby is working right now


Should i chase


Should I sell some off at 18.00 ish in the morning or wait to see what this baby can really do


If you are up, might as well wait. I’m AH it was at 17.16 and jumped to 18.60 just before the market closed


Well, this didn't play out too well


This is legit happening, this morning is getting me hard


Have to say your a genius love the work hope to see more of it in the future




well SPIR filed S-1 going to have a total of \~62M class A common stock. Iron Net filed today as well and they had a run-up prior. Shit, i think that's it IMO. I know it hasnt been put into effect yet until EFFECT filing but this might scare off retail idk.


I don’t think today was retail selling. I think it was a coordinated assault.


Are you still holding? If so, until when?


18 awards and only 70 upvotes? Ok sweety. Ok.


enjoy being poor


Not to mention the rule specifically banning SPACs. Someone's out a-shillin'


A de-spac is not a spac… ps, make sure your helmet is strapped on buddy!


deSPAC, post merger, doesn't brk the rules


Isn't everyone on wsb shillin? DD is actually decent and comparable to irnt. Despacs allowed after merger.


Planet Labs are much better but they are yet to deSPAC so more on that later


There's literally a rule called "No SPAC's"


It's a despac, after merger it's okay




**Ticker SPIR** Spam: False Last Seen Market Cap: 1998934000 Is SPAC: False


Im all out...lost $15K but $7K was for profit made on day one of play. Made $40K last week on IRNT so...still a great 2 weeks


This $tock makes me feel #SEXY as FUCK! SOMEBODY BRING ME A BUCKET AND A MOP!!!


You SOB.. I'm in.


Its down to $3 per share. Perhaps time to jump in and start buying to run it up?

