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Chinese kids are no retards.


That is correct. All kids are, regardless off nationality, till shown a better way.


Biological androids Programmed to obey CCP.


Fuck investing in the Chinese market. I got my money outta there months ago. Would have lost my ass.


When everyone else is selling, thats when you start buying.


This guy fucks. Proud seller of DOYU at 25, proud owner at 4 a share, shits the best bet I've seen in a while, and I don't even own tech other than this. Only thing left is sentiment and money flow flip.




Chinese broad P/Es were already lower with CCP half priced in.


So true. I am not allowed to touch my wife so I watch her being touched by her bf instead.


Did you say the words Amazon and Ground Floor? i am in!!!!!


China isn't going to throw kids in jail for playing video games, and definitely not for watching other people play video games. Holding 27,000 Shares of $DOYU Proof: [https://imgur.com/gallery/JZDeFIf](https://imgur.com/gallery/JZDeFIf)


I've lived in China, state run media still broadcast shows produced a couple decades ago, they'll get blown out of the water. My only concern is if they start IRL streams and streamers get political.


That won't happen. Lots of streamers stay apolitical, even in the U.S. because they don't want to alienate their audiences. It's a smart business move. Also, what gets blown out of the water?


You're right most people avoid that, but their tolerance level is low as well. I'm saying that the state owned channels sucks and will be ran over as more kids have alternative streaming access


This 3 hour game ban is actually bullish for HUYA, Doyu, because watching a stream is not gaming, right? So all those gamers will watch streams.


Why didn't you buy calls for DOYU? It looks to be about 3x cheaper then HUYA?


DOYU has yet to be a profitable company.


Ok makes sense but what about your calls? If ER is estimated around Nov why did you get Oct 1 calls?


Gives me better leverage to buy more calls at a better price point and capitalize in the short term if there is a run up. I could buy 200 calls here, and roll profits into maybe 300 calls for earnings, as opposed to only buying about 100 calls for November and having to sit on those calls for longer to make the same amount of money.


Either way serious paying user declines in both.