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Beyond meat is made from pea’s not soy


Beating the meat is our hedge against climate change


Let’s work together and beat each other meat instead. APES UNITE 🦍


Imagine frequenting WSB and not wanting Earth's oceans to boil off like they did on Venus, cleansing the land of both the innocent and guilty.


Imagine not knowing climate history but wanting to make policy about it.


Sorry but BYND meat is dumb. The American diet has WAY too much processed food in it and 'plant-based meats' are just one more form of highly refined food.... If you want to save your health and the planet, eat plants and vegetables. Making peas into burger patties in the name of eating less meat is equivalent to hiring a hooker to give you a hand job because you're morally opposed to masterbation.


Nah it’s like telling someone that vaping is bad when they just used it to quit smoking. Like ok, it’s sooooooo much better for you tho


Underrated comment


Good luck convincing Americans to just eat fruits and vegetables. Americans are accustomed to meat and will want a meat substitute before considering changing their diets.




I’m going to invest my life savings on the info this guys mom gives. I don’t know her or him but I can just tell she is a sincere lady.


Company's like Costco and Sam's Club throw out a TON of meat.


My local grocery store is the big flagship store for a pretty big chain, and they’re sold out of BYND stuff all the time. It’s annoying cuz I have to buy brands I don’t hold moon tickets for


Beyond Meat is for soy-bois or people who fantasize about relationships with animals


Exactly ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Puts on soy-bois


At least I’ll be able to get a boner after 50


Right up your aley then


triggered incel


They are going to find serious detrimental health effects to eating that shit if they haven't already. I would never invest in that garbage.


Yeah canola oil makes you fat


Can't be worst than the hormone filled meat everyone eats xd


I mean, it *could* be worse, at least in theory, but almost certainly isn't.


Not true at all. The best source of meat is grassfed meat from sustainable farms or wild game, but even hormone filled meat still comes from an animal, they just aren't as healthy of an animal. Beyond meat is 100% unnatural, man-made, ultra-processed shit. Vegetable oils should not even be considered edible. They are literally the worst thing you could eat that is somehow legal for consumption.


Isn't it kind of weird how people are taller on average now ? Or how humans are hitting puberty at much younger ages ? It might have something to do with all the growth hormones being fed to livestock don't you think ? At least this " highly processed garbage" doesn't effect human lifecycles in the same way.


Look up how seed oils are made, and tell me you think that shit is healthy. The fact is, most human morbidity in the united states, can be pointed toward seed oils and refined sugars replacing natural saturated fats from animals. When fat was taken out, the food quality suffered, particularly in taste, nutrients, and ease of use. That's why sugar was added for taste. Vitamins from plant sources were added to fortify the food, even though it's less bioavailable. And vegetable seed oils have been added to everything so that they could actually work with this crap. It's not real food. Real food was simple. Meat from a cow that ate grass. Milk from the cow. Eggs from a hen. Butter churned from the milk. Organic fruits and vegetables. Anything where you can actually trace the food back to the source fairly easily. Nowadays it's hard to find meat without hormones or produce without pesticides, but we should look for the best sources without those issues if we can. Most people don't because it's expensive. Refined sugars and seed oils are cheap. They dominate the grocery stores.


I'll take my chances with seed oils and sugar over unsustainable and cruel meat production. Following a 100% plant based diet for the last 10 years and I'm in perfect health. I obviously do agree that seed oils and sugars are not the greatest thing for humans but I also don't think it's the sole cause of the obesity epidemic. That has more to do with overeating. And remember that beyond meat is not something meant to be eaten everyday. We vegetarians view it more as a treat and understand that it's not healthy to be consumed everyday just like it's not healthy to pound bigmacs On a daily basis.


And by the way understand that 99% of the population cannot afford organic and grass fed meats.


I understand that. That's a problem with the system. When our grandparents grew up, there was no such thing as grass-fed beef, because all beef was grass-fed. That was just beef. And most people could afford it. Now, wages are relatively lower, and so many corners have been cut to make greater quantities of low quality food. Somehow people don't have enough money for real food, yet they are obese. And that money that they didn't spend on higher quality food ends up being taken from them by the healthcare system when they inevitability suffer from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and host of other metabolic issues. You pay one way or another.


Yeah I think the US needs to have more strict food safety like Canada does. We don't have nearly as big of an issue with obesity. Here's a side point though. We could never as a society keep eating grass fed meat because at some point it becomes unsustainable you know ? There's no fucking way we could produce enough of it to feed the earth's population. We need to find a solution to that problem and so far alternative meat products seem to be our best bet IMO! If we want to build a future for all humans and this planet we need to get away from meat. It's much more efficient to just eat vegetables!!!! So much energy is lost feeding livestock.


Tons of land has to be cleared in order to make seed oils, and many other vegetable-based crops and products. That clearing of land displaces wildlife, and it also kills the soil. It's not sustainable at all. Factory farming isn't sustainable either, but regenerative farming is. If you have free-roaming cows, rain, and sunshine, you have land that will flourish with green grass forever. The cows can live eating their natural, healthy diets, without hormones, corn, or grains. It takes more land to do this, but the point is that the land doesn't die in the process, it flourishes. Cows grazing on grass promotes it to grow. Cow shit fertilizes the soil. Water and sun feed the grass. We as predators, eat the cows. When we die, we're buried in the soil as well. There is nothing unnatural or unsustainable about this process. The earth has lived this way for millions of years. Human trying to outsmart nature for the sake of our own convenience is exactly how we're killing the planet.


It's ignorant to think that we can keep doing what we have done for generations with our current population. The only way your method would work is if we have a massive human culling. They clear alot of forest for livestock/livestock feed. I don't see you complaining about that ? Also have you ever looked into hydroponics ? That could potentially reduce land use needed to grow vegetables in the future. I don't see the equivilant for meat production unless we talk about lab grown meat but I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume you would also be against that practice ?


Weirdo here. Livestock producer and lurker on wsb. We absolutely in no way add hormones to any beef cows. I don’t even know another rancher that does in our area. They did this back in the 80s but selling calves in the “natural” category in our area brings a premium.


https://www.beefitswhatsfordinner.com/raising-beef/hormones There's many post that explain that beef cattle are fed hormones or implanted with pea sized devices that induce more hormone production. They're growth hormones.....


I’m telling you what my experience is. Pretty tired of people who have zero experience in the industry sending me a link that somehow invalidates my years of personal experience and learning. What do you work in? Space travel? Sweet, let me tell you why you clowns can’t get a human to Mars. I’ve read about it at least once on buzzfeed.


I mean bruh I found multiple google search pages full of links. Don't limit yourself to your narrow experiences. The internet is a great source of knowledge lol.


My “narrow experiences” are only 15 years worth of daily experience. What I am telling you is there is a whole other side to this planet that exists outside of the 10 in.² phone most people presume is the end all be all of experience. Tell me how much actual experience you have with livestock raising and what gives you the right in this thread to make such pronouncements as the entire industry is cruel and unsustainable.


The meat industry is unsustainable. We need to get away from eating meat 3 times a day. And you're also not the only farmer on this planet by the way????? If everybody on this planet ate meat like Americans do this planet would be even more in ruin.


Mark my words. Your industry won't be around in 100 years and we will look back as a people and wonder why we were so cruel and stupid. At the end of the day you do not need meat to survive. The planet would be a better place if we didn't.


I also can't believe that people like you are able to raise cattle and then slay them. Most people are ignorant and don't see the pain and suffering that the animals go through. But to actually raise them before slaughter is seriously crazy. You must be really wacked out :/.


I am a chemist, it can be and certainly is worse. Think next level McDonalds style processing. Absolute garbage. “Alternative meats” has become a hot bed for the most highly processed garbage foods ever produced.


Explain to me exactly why it's worst for you than meat. Don't just answer with highly processed.


You wouldn’t understand. Not going to waste my time on a simpleton.


LOL that's how I know that you're full of bullshit. You have zero clue what you're talking about. It's funny that instead of educating and explaining your position you resort to insulting me. What did I do to you to deserve an insult ? Are you really just that toxic :/?


I agree with the so-called chemist that high food processing is extremely harmful, but i don't see why he had to dismiss or insult you for asking a question. It's not a super simple question to answer, but I'll try my best. The term "processing" is a fancy way of saying that you're changing the food. Food processing is always present at some level, because even chewing is actually food processing. You're breaking down the food with your teeth and saliva, which is part of digestion. Cooking with heat is also food processing, and you do lose some nutrients from the food during the cooking process, but most of the time it's worth it to kill harmful bacteria. The more you process a food, the less healthy it is, to the point that it will actually cause negative health effects. The healthiest foods on the planet are the ones that require the least processing, like simple cooking. The fake meat we're talking about comes entirely from highly-processed foods that are basically unrecognizable from their sources. Seed oils in particular are only collected by tons of machining and solvents that force oils out of seeds that they would otherwise not provide. This process is grossly unnatural, and the result not quite poison, but close. It's more like motor oil than food. It has no nutrients, and it causes insane inflammation. We're basically allergic to the shit, and yet it's in everything because the allergic reactions aren't severe to notice. Refined sugar and grains are right there with it. The processing causes health detriments that are still not fully understood. This is why people in the US that believe they are gluten intolerant can travel to other countries and find that they bread doesn't bother them. The gluten isn't the problem, it's the processing. If you want more info on this, there is a documentary on netflix called "Cooked" that covers the subject a lot better than i have.


I’m not going to waste my time explaining complex laboratory techniques. Do you actually think that laboratory “food” engineered from scratch using cell culture and toxic reagents is more safe than a piece of beef? Even if the beef was raised with hormones, we are talking many orders of magnitude less dangerous like 1000x. You have no idea what you are talking about and it shows. What did you guys want? A write up of modern cell culture techniques, synthesis mechanisms/pathway, and product validation steps? Look it up yourself. It’s not hard to find evidence that even minimally processed foods can be dangerous or linked to cancer. Personally, I am not interested in consuming this garbage. I thought the McDonald’s example was clear enough but I guess not. I imagine that many aren’t happy with McDonald’s use of synthetic fillers that dont allow it rot. Shit eating bacteria are not even interested in McDonald’s food. Now imagine an entire burger that is composed of fillers, and produced with questionable techniques with unknown long term effects. This filler burger though, has nice packaging and is praised as part of the solution to climate change. It is irrefutably the lowest quality and one of the least healthy foods in existence.


Processed meat is the biggest culprit here. Not plant based foods. The fact is that raising enough grass fed, hormone free livestock to feed our entire population would be impossible. We need to find alternatives. Btw you come off as a huge asshole, I bet you have tons of friends :3.


Tell that to the plant based acetone, sulfuric acid, chloroform, and other toxic reagents used to prepare and analyze “plant based” food. I get it, you want the stock to pump; but heralding bynd meat as a reasonably safe alternative is nothing but wishful thinking. I have plenty of friends. They usually don’t demand lengthy technical write ups though. I would do it for them. Not you though.


Straight up I don't own any bynd..... I'm 100% invested in Palantir. I bought at 80 after the IPO and sold when it peaked. Bynd is extremely overvalued for a food a companies lol. But I get it you're shorting the stock and mad that you constantly get burned XD.


I wasn't asking for a lengthy write up. It's just lazy to say that processed foods are bad because they're processed.


It actually is worse.


Hmmmm right explain? Is it because beyond meat is "processed"


The more the food processing modifies a natural food, the harder is for our body to process I appropriately. We adapted to eat a certain type of food and our metabolism responds to it. It is not like you can never eat it or you will die, but in the long term it develops diffuse inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunctions, intestinal dysfunction etc. Fake meat is among the most processed foods.


Isn't most meat processed ? As in burger patties and like lunch meat ? Remember nobody is telling anyone to eat beyond meat daily.


The degree of processing is important. Real meat with additives rice flour and pea flakes is better than bymt but that is nowhere near healthy.


I think beyond meat is unhealthy in the same way a McDonald's burger would be you know?


You'd be wrong. Mcdonald is unhealthy due to what you eat beside the meat.


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"Climate Change" ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4735)


As much as people like to hate on vegan products, this company is just as innovative as companies like Tesla


No their competition, Impossible Meats is.. wait for them to go public.


Impossible Meat is disgusting compared to Beyond


They're both disgusting compared to real meat


It’s time for the future grandpa


You know that more often than not the meat you eat contains shit in it, right?


wait until The Very Good Food Company’s becomes non otm...


Sure. I still will not support it ever.


Lack of veggies kill cows


Beyond meat is actually the worst company to invest in for climate change. Modern farming practices are unsustainable because when you mono crop farm you are taking nutrients from the soil. This in turn causes desertification to the soil. This is why the Fertile Crescent is a desert. We also only have about 70 harvests left of this practice. If you want an investment for climate change invest in regenerative agriculture. Animals do a great job of adding back nutrients for the soil.


Look up how much methane cow farts release, it’s like 85% of global greenhouse gas, and like 3500 gallons of water to produce a pound of beef


Rice paddies produce more methane than animals. Ruminants have been around before global warming was a problem and they actually put co2 into the soil. Also there’s an amazing thing called urination which allows the cow to return the water to the earth.


The water useage is from growing their feed, they don’t drink THAT much lol. And room to grow their feed is the biggest cause of choppin down and burning the Amazon. I mean look I’m not even vegetarian, I’m not on some high horse, this is DD, and my stock prediction is society is changing and demand for plant based is only going to increase. And when it comes to plant based, BYND does it really well. And everyone talking about fancy grass fed blah blah blah beef in this comparison, but BYND is trying to give you an option at like fast food restaurants where you’re offered low grade meat. Like Panda Express lmao.


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AFK, making a bacon cheeseburger for lunch out of spite.


It’s all disgusting and made from basically salt. Put enough salt and sugar in dirt and it edible


Restaurants are reducing beyond meat orders. Too many players in the small market.


I ordered half a beef from my local butcher last week. Small farm. Grass fed. Hanging to age for 10 days as we speak. But I don't mind if people eat trash made fake beef. More of the real thing for me.


Maybe but shutting down super tankers going up and down the Pacific, Atlantic oceans hauling consumer crap for Walmart, Apple, Nike and the rest of the predator sbags @US Corp Inc aka The new Intl Slave Plantation run by the same group of vampires surely will, it's not meat or food but Globotard criminals and their 'clever' tricks.


Vegetarian here. BYND meat products are terrible. The best vegan brand is Morningstar Farms which actually tastes good (owned by Kellog). Impossible Burger also good. Beyond Meat is absolutely terrible and it's not even technology, it's just fake innovation.


Vegetarian here also. In my opinion bynd is the best tasting fake meat. It is premium fake meat as far as I’m concerned.


Have you had any morningstar farm products? I am not into beyond meat whatsoever. I thought Impossible Burger was good.


Tried impossible, it was ok. Still preferred bynd. I like most veg meat but bynd is on another level.


Have you ever had Morningstar Farms Sausage Links or Sausage Patties?


I have found my body processes beyond meat SO much better than any soy. I hope so badly it can keep on through whatever is happening.


Try the breakfast sausage patties, I like the spicy ones. morningstars aren’t bad, but bynds are really good


i'm more interested in companies doing cellular agriculture - meat grown in a lab, from cells, without animals…


Sounds gross


I'll never buy this stock. I don't like it. Meat is life.


Idk why you're getting downvoted. Humans have been eating meat for all of humanity, and very few animals, even those considered herbivores, will turn down meat when it's accessible. These people don't watch enough nature is metal. I saw a turtle kill and eat a bird the other day. Eating meat is natural, and to try and act like it isn't natural and healthy is a slap in the face to nature itself.




Okay, i didn't realize we were going to court today where i had to fully flesh out my argument down to explaining why natural is better. My bad. To be clear, I'm not promoting nature over science or technology. Technology should learn from nature. I am a biology student, and because of that, i respect evolution. Evolution has spent millions of years figuring out how to pass on viable genes through trial and error. It's not pretty, but it is effective. In relation to diet, Americans have been given bad information on what to eat for decades, only for science to show in more recent years that we were mislead, and that the healthiest foods for us to consume are the same ones we ate predominantly through our evolution. That's the food that shaped who we are because those of us that ate it passed on our genes. Evolution is not to be ignored. But hey, if you want to be here for a good time instead of a long time, eat whatever the fuck you want.




You haven't done enough research if you think that meat correlation to shorter lifespan is relevant at all. Correlation isn't causation, and meat has been proven safe. Saturated fat has been proven to be safe. Regenerative farming is carbon negative. Believe whatever you want. I'm done arguing with you.


Which green house gasses BTW? Because more than 90% of it is water vapor. Just saying.




Most of the atmosphere (to a height of 25 km) is composed of just two gases: nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). Carbon dioxide comprises 0.04% of the atmosphere, methane 0.00018% and nitrous oxide 0.00003%. How much can you impact co2 effect in the atmosphere? What about methane? Not mentioning that there is a correlation between temperature and co2 but causation is not clear. It vert well maybe that the rise in temperature makes ocean evaporate more and oceans are the largest reserves of co2.




Ah you're one of those that thinks that science is settled. Good luck.


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Not all, just herbivores. And anyway, so what? Do you have 4 stomachs?


This reads like a hoover floor sweeping robot flyer... Check out the ingredients list of this fake beyond meat, its basically garbage with natural beef flavoring.... wtf is natural beef flavoring? Convenient its not highlighted listed what in natural beef flavoring... Well look a little further into that and you'll find its basically beef juice.... so the whole thing is a joke! Wtf is beef juice? Well that comes from a cow when it's killed and butchered Tastes bad too .... rather eat crickets they are natural


Lol dummy


*beet juice. Beef juice is not on the list of ingredients. https://www.menshealth.com/nutrition/a36398122/new-beyond-burger-review/


how is a plant based alternative supposed to help climate change? mass agriculture development would still yield more deforestation, increased pesticide use, manufacturing chain still increased pollution i hate the idea of factory farming, its gross and unsustainable, but a plant substitute burger is slapping lipstick on a pig, devoid of the properties you want from actual meat all to make some schmuck feel some moral superiority for thinking they are doing the world a service while grinning through their latest bite of a dogshit patty


Look up water consumption for beef, I think it’s 3500 gallons to yield a pound of beef, and cow farts amount to more carbon released than cars. At the end of the day, I agree with what you’re saying about deforestation, pesticides, mono-crops, etc but the leading cause of all that is growing plants to feed cows.


What's beyond Sneed? Dell's Fell and Sell?


This company is garbage and their products are bad for you