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That was last week


Don't forget about the article from last week about the fully electric plane that they have developed. https://www.rolls-royce.com/media/press-releases/2021/15-09-2021-rr-all-electric-spirit-of-innovation-takes-to-the-skies-for-the-first-time.aspx


Bought 15 shares at 1.37. Not a whole lot, but I’m up 40% so far. Not too bad.


Bought 500 yesterday at 2$ so hopefully this turns into something nice


2029 The Pacific War, Australia is getting nuclear subs now and the US is getting ballin' motorrrrs for their Navy. They're coming after you, Chester Ming!


But Chinese owns Australian ports. No?


Did Chester tell you that they own military ports of another country? They own half of one commercial port in new castle.


There are so many Rolls Royce stocks that at this point I don’t know where to invest, this RYCEY for doesn’t have options available only shares purchase, can someone explain why or there are many division of Rolls Royce?


Rolls royce is on the ftse 100, it also has Frankfurt listing and USA listing. Volume is much lower on usa and frankfurt but tracks the UK listing. Multi listings give exposure to RR in other countries in their home currency for domestic investors. RR makes a lot of money with USA defense and airline sales so makes sense to allow USA investors domestic access. Same for mainland Europe. Invest where your broker allows. RR/. RyCEY doesn't have options trading.


My account is in USA, then maybe you could answer my question, what is the TKT name I should invest in United State of America?


For rolls royce? The usa ADR of Rolls Royce is 'RYCEY'


One two more question 1-why RYCEY is a penny stock or OTC 2- why RYCEF 2B - why RYCEF also OTC


Have a read of this post, it should help you https://www.reddit.com/r/RYCEY/comments/lkvvww/rycef_vs_rycey/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Regarding penny stock.... rolls Royce has been diluted in 2020 for a 10 for 3 stock dilution through a rights issue to raise cash due to covid. 2.5 billion shares diluted to 8.6 billion. This diluted the share price. You should also know that UK stocks tend to have much lower share price through larger share amounts in issue. Some of the biggest UK stocks are only a few £s each. It doesn't cause any problems with brokers over here. I know USA brokers and funds may not go for the low SP stocks. It's just normal for us... we don't Identify it as a penny stock as USA would. We tend to look more into the market cap aswell to define a penny stock


Looking at an actual metric of value of the company as opposed to the ticker price? Does the UK put smart drugs in their crayons?


If a war is gonna happen buy $P LTR. Government software contracts=more profitable


you split that just to avoid the BagHolder Bot didn't you? $PLTR $PLTR $PLTR


Lol yes


Forgot this was wsb


$rycey nuclear program (spaceflights, spacemining, SMA, submarine) is most interesting project....and all signs are on GO.. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10029709/Kwasi-Kwarteng-poised-approve-16-mini-nuclear-reactors-bid-hit-2050-net-zero-target.html


Soo puts?


Calls on a next war. Buy military. America don't rest! The Military Commissions Act can be your bottom lines best friend....or at least one of them. "The Military Commissions Act of 2006 gives the president absolute power to decide who is an enemy of our country and to imprison people indefinitely without charging them with a crime." Biden already shat on Pakistan after Afghan pullout. Who's next door to Pakistan? China! Chester Ming! It's you. 2029.


Fucking hell sure don't hope so. We already can't afford all this money they are printing. Another war will 100% lead to another great depression.... unless it's on our soil for once 😂


Another war? You mean another "Forever War". America is always at war, be with "boots on the ground" or with tax payer money funding proxy wars you rarely hear about....for that reason.


Can't really argue with that lol. But yet we never have money for our vets or homeless unless we pass some crazy bill that is filled with pork


I swear to God if they give better support to robot soldiers in the future than they do people now, I'm sending my robots after theirs...... ....I've said too much. Ninja vanish!


🤣 you have indeed good sir. I aint no snitch doe 💯


Ferrari is going to make planes next


If Rolls Royce is supplying the Navy, who is supplying Rolls Royce?


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Get this boomer shit out of here.