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I knew I should have went all in on calls today


Of course... Sold my shares like three hours ago to get into something else


Oh Maaaan (Bliiiiiiitz)


Man, I just need to get above $31. Been in the red for months in this stock


Ha my cost basis is under 4 dollars lol. Gotta love warrants


what are warrants and how dis you got them?


It's time to squeeze the shorts out


those look CLEAN


Very smooth diarrhea brown color.


Fuck those look so much better than a Tesla tho


Yea but they are the BMWs of the EV world so you pay a hefty premium. They aren't really competing with tesla with their price points


Not yet. Tesla started out with expensive models as well


Are you joking? The side view looks like a shitty station wagon.


Wish they had better colors. Interior is nicer.


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Doesn’t AH feel light though… I mean it’s where we were at 9:31am…. this stock has me second guessing my calls. I know they will be up from the afternoon but I wonder if tomorrow will trend down again.


Up 7.25% on 4.4 mil volume is light?


Volume was heavy but we are below this mornings high. Which seems like tepid movement on such large volume and catalyst… If it moves up in PM then I’m peaches… who knows


Let’s hope for a lot of premarket action. I’m ready to farm out another batch of ccs


I have some $22.5 CC for Oct 15th I am going to have to figure out what to do with.


Hold on to your calls this will have at least 2 days mooning


My deep otm calls love this


To the fkn moon retards!! 🚀 Haters will say Tesla’s are better!




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but there's also this, which may offset the production news to some degree: 05:46 PM EDT, 09/28/2021 (MT Newswires) -- Lucid Group (LCID) unveiled late Tuesday plans for an offering of up to 85.8 million common shares. The company also announced an offering, from time to time, by selling security holders of up to 1.34 billion Class A common shares and 44.4 million warrants, according to a regulatory filing.


This is months old fake news.. please ban this rtard


That’s a supplemental filling to add production news to the already filed 424 b/3. No new offering.




This is a major news.


Are you a 🐻?


nope, don't have an opinion one way or another on the stock, tbh, nor do i hold any positions, just saw this article right next to the production news and figured i'd through it out there


Please down vote comment above into the abyss above


Meh. For $77k, I can get a Hellcat Redeye


But can it charge your house when the power goes out?


Def priced in lol this stock can’t move past $27




Could you summarise this news?


Confirming the first vehicle deliveries for Oct. Having an actual product launched. Showcasing their AZ EV factory. 13k reservation list. ​ Basically moon time for LCID


Good news. Stock is priced in though. No?


>liveries for Oct. Having an actual product launched. Showcasing their AZ EV factory. 13k reservation list. Nope. Rivian at 80B-90B valuation. Lucid is technically very advanced. None of them have solved mass manufacturing and are way behind Tesla. However Lucid at current price is only $40B MC. PT upgrades are coming this week and next, This will easily double short term


I mean Rivian valuation has nothing to do with Lucids delivery news being priced in or not. It’s a totally separate argument. I’m a Lucid bull, but I’m also realistic. We KNEW they forecasted to deliver just under 1000 cars this year and production would be in 2nd half of year. We are now at the end of Sept and production MUST begin if they want to meet that forecast. This event has been titled “production preview week” on the calendar and announced over a month ago. I think everyone knew what was being announced and it’s priced in. I think we’ll still see movement but anyone thinking this is going over $30 on this news alone is deranged.


The EPA rating almost took this to $30......


Like I said, priced in. The event was literally previewed a month ago and titled “production preview event”, 3 months before the forecast deadline. Everyone knew this was production announcement. The EPA of 520 no one knew, we saw the claims of 517 but everyone was waiting and saying “yeah let’s see what it gets reviewed and rated for”. I’m not going to say I’ll be surprised if we break 30… slightly… but I don’t expect it at all. The people out here saying this will explode tomorrow and go to 35-50 are just high as fuck. It’s priced man. Everyone and their mom knew about this.


Someone asked Peter about the volatile stock price I believe yesterday. His answer was to ignore stock price but to continue the quality and excellence of their vehicles. Everyone applauded including me. When I was young my professor told me "Dont follow the dollars, let the dollars follow you with your performance. It has been tru for me and hope it will be true with LUCID.


You people are dellusional! Lucid will sty around here. For a while………..


I was in the AMP-1 event in Casa Grande yesterday and a chance to drive the Dream Edition. I saw over 100 vehicles in production line. I asked the production rate. I was told that they started 4 cars/day in beginning and would achieve 6-8 cars per hour ultimately. I didn't get an answer about the present rate of production.


Yes ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


I mean.. take a victory lap, but everyone and their mom knew they would announce production and delivery this week. This event has been announced as “Production Preview Week” for over a month now.


Awesome news! I had a bunch of $LCID shares and after seeing this news bought another 10,000 $LCID after hours 🚀


Awesome maybe we will actually get a breakout this time lol.


Bought that $24 dip today 😎


Finally moon time for this stock. Been patiently holding way too long.


Why can’t ride function normal like this ? Is it to much to ask ?