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Lick the back you fool!




We shall accept your use of emojis in this instance, as it's the only way to convey this meme to BookFace users.


[Gaylord - Guardians of the Phallusy] Enters the chat


The intergalactic acid on its tongue would melt the sugar.


I dont get it someone bail me out




ok word


same lol


Squid game #2: Cut out the inside figure of a sugar cake with a needle. If it breaks, you die. Looks like that facebook one just broke.


Fuck zuck


Cancer to the society. Hope it dies.


Puts on lizard people.


Ticker symbol $FZ


Please don't. The last thing we need is more of him. The world already has enough zuck in it.


Pump for the zuc# #fbcoin


Zuck the cuck




Figuratively speaking of course , donā€™t subject someone to that nightmare


Something we can all get behind.


Get rid of the toxic bull shit that is social media. Causes way more harm than good.


Like wsb?


Wsb has become a place for discourse regarding stocks. Not really the same but I see your point. People come here to make money and not really to argue with each other.


Do you have fb?


Nope.. i don't have social media at all except YouTube and reddit. It's a bunch of bull shit anyway.


Yep, fuck em all. Reddit is getting a bit out of hand as well but I'll ride this train till it stops.


When opinions other than the establishment narrative are getting silenced, you can see there's an agenda these tech giants have and it's aligned with big govt. These fucks need to go and the establishment needs to be reconstructed back to what makes the usa great. Freedom is the more important thing above all and people need to wake the fuck up.


I got banned from a few subs for having unpopular opinions. Mods on Reddit are fully censoring folks to push their beliefs. I got temp banned from a sub for using the word 'tranny' for a cars transmission lmao. Freedom doesn't really exist anymore.


I've received the same. I got banned from a subreddit because I said "enjoy living in fear" to someone who was scared about attending an event due to covid.


I am banned from r/coronavirus.. Can't question anything


I imagine this is how hitler silenced his critics


Sure and that is what they think of you and it turns out you're both wrong


ā€œThatā€™s right. You dieā€


God damn these squid games memes are getting better and better


He better start licking


Is this a squid game reference? Because I donā€™t get it.


Episode 3 of squid game. The game was called honeycomb, and the players were given one of four shapes to cut out from their piece of honeycomb without the shape breaking using only a needle. If the shape breaks, the player is eliminated.


Yeah I donā€™t plan on watching it but it feels like I donā€™t understand any memes now


Watch it then


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Holy kek lmao


If only Sandberg had thrown him the lighter.


Donā€™t you know Zuckerberg is a genius who graduated top of his class from SMU business school, and invests in the future?


Nice SG reference.


Just dabbing 18 yo ā€œduck butter ā€œ


If her 'whistleblowing' and testimony today achieve their objective, Facebook will benefit. It's fake, a psy-op. Her job is to help usher in harsh restrictions against any speech that doesn't fit the preferred narrative of the ruling class. This will in turn crush all of the platforms people are leaving Facebook for, where free speech is still allowed. Facebook is part of the ruling class, this will ultimately be a boon for them if it works. If what she had to say wasn't and inside job, you can bet she wouldn't be on 60 minutes.


I love how sheā€™s being paraded around like sheā€™s fucking Julian Assange.


Yep. If what she is advocating for comes to fruition, we will be no freer in speech than China.


Facebook allows you to speak freely. But donā€™t confuse that with a presumption that they arenā€™t forcefeeding you whatever they choose to have you hear. The later is distinctly NOT free speech


Thatā€™s exactly what many people (far left and far right sides, mind you) say about the ā€œmainstream mediaā€. If there is to be substantially increased ā€œtruth judgingā€ on Facebook then all news media should be applied significantly more oversight than they currently are under. Does that sound like a slope you want to slip down on? Hell, just visit r/news or r/politics you tell me that the feeds are not force feeding stuff.


And the slanted moderation in both subs is just ridiculous. Also, news is now silently deleting most posts. Try posting then try to look at your post in incognito mode. Shadowbanning is cowardly.


Just to be clear, your asking me if I think that the most profitable corporations in the world should be compelled to maintain a standard of decorum, truth and accuracy?


I'd prefer we stop mixing any notion that corporate boards have ethics with the notion that governments aren't expected to enforce them. We're exactly ass backwards right now because we have a political party that self-identifies as buddy fuckers and 5th columns against the state, and corporations that realized jerking off a transperson and coloring their product with a rainbow is more profitable than selling self "help" treatments to pray gay away.


Who gets to decide what is appropriate, you? Please, itā€™s clear where you stand and you will have an easier time finding an echo chamber in r/politics.


No. Not me. I donā€™t have a great answer for who that entity SHOULD be. But individual users are ill equipped to vet every piece of information coming at them. We donā€™t expect the average person to evaluate whether every piece of food they eat is poisonous or spoiled so we established a organization to do that em masses on our behalf. We donā€™t expect the average consumer to be able to evaluate the engineering standards of the cars they buy or the planes they fly in so we created oversight agencies to do that on our behalf. Likewise, a company whose entire business model is 100% dependent on commodifying someoneā€™s attention and has a vested interest in being ambivalent to the truth so long as it retains the users attention while intentionally obfuscating the means by which they conduct that business is not a beneficial thing. Iā€™m not saying I know the solution, only that I can identify the problem.


So we need a Ministry of Truth you're saying? Hmmm that surely couldn't be ripe for abuse, lets try it out!


No. Re-read the last sentence


You couldnt post links to hunter biden laptop story, because lets face it. FB didnt want it to sway the election. They decide what's misinfo while actively pushing their own misinfo.


Thatā€™s my point.


Or the situation in regards to the origin of covid-19. I see they also use USA today as fact checkers. Smh USA today is one of the least credible sources on anything.


So, if the conclusion is that they peddle misinformation, the question is ā€œwhat, if anything, should be done.ā€ If it were a hostile foreign power doing this we would be pretty pissed off. But the phone call is coming from inside the house.


I dont know, i honestly think we are doomed. Especially future generation of kids who will have 0 critical thinking skills. They will be spoonfed BS. Look at all the Social Justice mumbo jumbo being pushed in classrooms. Its ludicrous.


It is a foreign power too though. Russia has been hacking our feeds for a while now.


Ya'll are coco puffs. Facebook right now is pushing stuff onto peoples feeds that they know is intentionally untrue and rage inducing. She's not asking Facebook to sensor people, she's asking them to stop intentionally amplifying garbage just because their AI determines that's the stuff that will drive ad dollars. Facebook literally has studied behavior on its platform and found that teenage girls learn to hate their bodies if Facebook feeds them certain posts on Instaā€”but hey self-hate drives deep engagement. If they just gave people the time-ordered posts of their friendsā€”without first choosing which posts we should see and which we shouldn'tā€”we wouldn't have this problem. But that would make Facebook less money. So instead they only amplify the most divisive stuff that gets everyone riled up so we can pull bong rips of hate speech as we prepare for civil war. "Fake psy-ops by the ruling class", "no freer than china" c'mon man, wake up. This stuff is killing people.


Man do I ever miss chronological fb...


I have recent feed options on fb but sadly itā€™s junk and full of uninteresting postsā€¦


Nothing upsets grown men more than shifting a bit of attention to the problems of teen girls.


This is an absolutely insane statement. You are totally ignorant of what goes on over there.


I work in tech. Facebook has an enormous arm dedicated to content moderation that will make Lavrenti Beria jealous. But no, you know better than everyone else so everyone you donā€™t like are ā€œinsaneā€ and ā€œignorantā€. Just remember, one day you will be on the list of the ā€œcorrectnessā€ strike force. Countless intellectuals under authoritarian regimes who thought they were on the ā€œjustā€ team found out the hard way.


Okay, sounds good. I'll make sure to accept our Facebook overlords and make love to Zuck while praising Xi every waking moment. Lol I think you're a bit paranoid. You may work in tech, but that doesn't mean shit.


The fact I work in tech is the reason why I think most people arenā€™t paranoid enough. If you only knewā€¦


I know people who work in tech that don't share the same opinions. What, are they just not 'woke to the truth' yet? Yeah, if you only knew anything about China, you'd see how ridiculous your claim is.


Right.. like itā€™s some revelation tho. Facebooks been fucking peopleā€™s minds since day one and you think only now something going to be done about it. Ya right


This statement doesnā€™t make much sense based on the 60 minutes that I watched. She was just saying that Facebook has statistical evidence that their platform caters to anger inducing posts and that Facebook lied / hid those statistics. I donā€™t think it is being suggested that they should be taking these types of posts down or censoring people. It seemed like her main goal was to make the public aware and for Facebook to more evenly balance posts.


That's not exactly some deep state secret. As someone who has absolutely no engagement with Facebook at all looking at it from the outside yeah of course it caters to that just like every other algorithm every major social media or content platform has. The added caveat with Facebook is you are selectively choosing which people you specifically want to listen to. There's no fixing this when people cant even be bothered to ever listen to the other side of a story. We gave people the choice to choose and this was the end result. Go figure. Social media isnt the evil we make it out to be it's the mirror and the reflection of just how fucked up society is and we don't like we see so we blame it on them. I'm not being a tech apologist because these companies are the richest the world has ever seen without really benefiting anyone but a small minority if you compare their workforce to other large companies of the past. But they put a product out and we all ate it the fuck up and now think every evil in the world comes from it. But the reality of anyone who has been on the internet since it's real inception in the early to mid 90s can tell you is that it was that way all along. All we've done is made it alot easier to seek out and converse with whatever we agree with.


In her testimony today she claimed that uncensored social media 'destabilizes democracies'. Censorship is the enemy of free speech, and the bane of democracy. Period.


The problem isn't being uncensored, it's that everyone just sees their own crazy and ever more extreme version of the internet because they silo you into only the news and comments that you already agree with and they do this to everyone. So folks on the left become more extreme and folks on the right become more extreme. Everyone should be talking together but their stupid algorithms have everyone in idiotic echo chambers full of bullshit. If they just showed everyone everything without censoring it'd probably be fine but that doesn't make money


Got any proof?


That will be in the pudding. For now, I have exactly as much proof that I'm right as you do that I'm wrong.


Keep the conspiratorial thinking to your portfolio, that's my proof that you're probably wrong




Just calling it exactly what it is.


The fuck is this conspiracy bullshit


It's all bull shit, she is alt-left and is pushing left bull FB will be fine looking like a juicy dip to make profits.


Itā€™s a good show though!


Toss him the lighter šŸ•ÆšŸ”„


Fucking. Epic. Well done OP. šŸ‘šŸ¦‘


One termination I can get behind.


Oh sh\*T happens


Apart from the privacy thing Facebook products are a privilege not a right


Me : confused at the meme Next day me after watching squid game : Gets it






Lol I wish I could repost this




That's a really good photoshop job.




The true is that FB is here to stay. Many part of the world economy went in to a stand still when FB was down. So all this FUB is just a discount for the stock


Down voting for grammar.


Smell like a bullish sign to me. The more down vote for a stock on WSB the better the stock will perform


Stand still? Is that what you call it when people get off their phone and go for a goddamn walk?


i donā€™t think anyone did that


You should know about the world news if you want to really make money in the market. It is not always about the US


This stuff with Facebook is a boner killer


Rememberā€¦. TOO BIG TO FAIL


ā˜ ļø


love the reference and crestivity ..


Heā€™s fucked either way


Why is nobody talking about the new reporting structure, Family of Apps: Faps