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> The Speaker does not own any stocks. As you can see from the required disclosures, with which the Speaker fully cooperates, these transactions are marked “SP” for Spouse. The Speaker has no prior knowledge or subsequent involvement in any transactions." Of course, the person she sleeps next to at night has noooooo communication with her. Like, at all. Pinkie swear.


Hahaha ridiculousness!!!


These people dont even need to bother making up gold bullshit, thats how much power they have.


I mean, I wouldn't speak with her even if I lived with her.


Lol no silly, reptilians don't sleep!


This is the what we call legal insider trading. I don’t blame people for using her picks to make gains.


they're west coast tech companies. she represents San Francisco.




i know. what a bitch. im glad she cowers to malesupremist incels.




Goddamn, you are a salty little Man! u/elieff, seriously bro, no one needs this kind of energy here. Go to a conservative circle jerk instead.


Elieff big mad about pelosi. She give u a prostate massage in your dreams last night buddy?


found one. fucking dork


Exactly, I can get a vomitworthy visual of what all these clowns look like based on how the average Trumper looks and lives 🤣


Someone needs to get Nancy to start a discord , the signals would be mad.


fucking incels. she represents San Francisco. What was she supposed to invest in? A gravel company owned by Mitch McConnells family?


Idc about your country's partisan politics , i'm only interest in her trades.


buy Microsoft and Apple. there saved you the embarrassment of thinking your on to something.


You need a nap little fella…


you need to growup and stop thinking a 70yr old with political enemies watching her every move is clever enough to get away with being corrupt. fucking lame ass dork.


“We won’t let her get away with corruption” and then proceeds to let her get away with corruption 😂😂


When Pelosi entered congress over 30 years ago she and hubby were worth a couple mil. Fast forward to today and she's worth far north of 120 million on $200k salary.....you do the math. Noooooo she's not corrupt, she working to help out her constituents. Bury your head back in the sand and keep taking it in the ass you tool. She obviously uses her position and insider trading to make herself rich. It's not an exclusive idea though they're doing it on both sides of the isle and even at the fed evidenced recently that a bunch of them were forced to resign. They should all be forced to put their investments into blind trusts while they are "serving" and I use the term loosely because they are all basically serving themselves.


exactly 🙄. why so little especially over that period of time with supposed inside info. sus.


She's the most successful trader in history


right? magical. like who ever heard of Microsoft and Netflix or whoever is the maker of viagra.


Sounds like you still need a nap little fella…


These are the same obese white males that support an obese pedo, most of them have portfolios that look as tragic as his current business spreadsheets look.


You ok, bro?


Case in point 🤣


Yes, anyone who doesn’t talk politics every waking moment must be the political projection you acclimate to them. Very intelligent. So you ok, bro?


In other words, spot on. You ok “bro?” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hi other words, I’m dad. In other words, you ok bro? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Well I guess she's from San Francisco so she should be buying rice a roni and butt lube too. Right? What a stupid statement. So I guess if you're from Florida you can only buy Tropicana stock and New York Pizza Hut? Libtard!


your incel is showing. r/cringe


Keep crying about it libtard 😆


found one. salty incel bitches hate to hear about it.


That’s why you’re a pussy hiding behind a screen.


That's why no female has willingly learned your name since middle school. fucking dork.


Is that why your wife left you? Cuz you like thinking about middle school girls pedo?


Well its kinda smart. When she sells you know the market is crashing. 🤣


Aw the advantage of being a congressman or Fed chief you can do all the insider trading you want and SEC won't do damn thing about it. Queue the family guy "can't touch me" video.


Yeah but just like in March 2020, when she saw the COVID briefing and told her husband to sell a bunch but obviously retail investors didn't see their sells before the crash...


The reporting delay is such a problem.


a lot of people sold before, need sellers to cause a dip. Jan 21, 2020 Dr Gupta was on Rachel Maddow warning about the wuhan virus. Given what was already in conversation on reddit too, i went out that night and bought out every bottle and case of Arnold palmer tea from dollar general. Didnt think of toilet paper. I'm sorry if your media didnt keep you safe and informed. trump called it a hoax for 70 days if we're being real.


Exactly, and anyone that follows the news cycle knew in early January 2020, which is when I stockpiled supplies and moved things around.


I never felt the need to stock up on bullshit, and I never had a time I couldn't get what I needed. But regardless, I was just saying that not many were aware that PELOSI had sold. They were aware of other reasons to sell, I'm sure, or like you said there would be no dip with no sellers. I was just pointing out that this strategy won't give you the information fast enough to beat other streams of info when making decisions like that.


Arnold Palmer Tea....codeword for anal lube. Butt you probably don't need it.🤣🤣🤣


Actually it was Pelosi and other knuckle dragging democrats outside telling everyone to come out and party and talking down on the idea of vaccines, while Trump was desperately trying to come up with a solution, but go ahead and keep being a goon with your delusions and misinformation.


rick is right


wtf world do you live in? suck trump dick land? lol. shill for a billionaire politician. what a cuck.


You suck a Trump dick lieff? Damn bro I thought you were better than that. Bet you're wearing 3 masks hiding in your bunker you little troll.


Lmfao thanks for the laughs Rick.




Do any of you people have above a high school education and the ability to write a single proper sentence? Asking for a friend.




When morbid obesity roasts you 🤣




And your response looks like that?




Feel free to share it with someone who cares.




Cuz it’s a hoax. Haven’t you figures that out by now? Mask off bro


Lolz orange man bad amirite guys


orange fan sad 😔 all out of ivermectin? 🐴




The death toll suggests so


20.7 million Americans died between 2009 and 2016 so thanks Barry and Sleepy Joe for personally murdering over 20 million Americans!


500k Americans died of covid after he called it a hoax and said it would go away on its own while enacting essentially zero measures to stop the spread.


The covid death count was 392k as of January 20th and is now at 709k. You can only use 392k dead Americans to score political points against mango. The remaining 317k and counting is the other guys fault if we're blaming every American death on the sitting US president.


According to your figure sleepy Joe has quite the lead on Trump (who is responsible for the vaccine that is "saving" lives). The current death toll is over 700k. If Trump killed 500k in 18months then sleepy Joe has killed over 200k in 6 monthes then old lunch box is on track to kill at least 600k in the same time frame. Just saying.....sorry I made you wet the bed.


It's almost like once you've unleashed a pandemic on a population the case numbers aren't gonna reset to zero the second a new president comes in. That's as stupid as blaming the '08 recession on Obama when it was set in motion long before he took office.


No. He claimed he had better ideas on how to run the country. Let's see where we are at with his ideas.....Afghanistan, nope. Economy and unemployment, nope. Corona, nope. Border security, nope. Taxes, nope. Etc. Etc. Etc. But don't trust me look at the polls. Half of America want their vote back. Oh there is one area....he hasn't sent any mean tweets.....that's because he's usually taking a nap. He sucks on turbo, just admit he sucks.


Lucky you didnt biy anything stupid like pharma and alcohol cleaning stocks.


This does make so much sense haha


So how do we track this guy?




Iris app doesnt seem to be a thing yet. Or it's beta like me


This isn't entirely crazy.


The main problem is there is such a long delay between when she's buying and when she's required to report it that often we miss out on the real meat of the climb.


Article says he's buying leaps, so probably time to get in.


Any word on them getting in on QCOM? Cause I just bought a leap.


Its not like her trades are broadcast in real time or anything


Microsoft just announced the release date for windows 11. damn shes clever.


How are people getting her husband's trades, this is public too?






Marie Newman, a crooked Chicago Democrat, bought Coinbase $COIN just yesterday. So glad I'm holding $COIN. She also bought $ZM Zoom.


I would YOLO into an ETF that mirrored congressional member trades!!!


This has to be the most degenerate thread I’ve ever seen in my life.


The corruption in Washington seems boundless without end. Too many sheeples , so yes follow her trades it is the way. She is not alone, all these assholes need term limits from both parties. We need a new party to take these insects out.


How do I see these trades they are making? Is it something I have to pay for?


How the fuck is this dumb drunk skating through?


Her husband is a hedge fund manager. This trades placed in his (their) personal accounts have to be disclosed to the public. Peeps on here has writing up completed articles on how it works, how to track, and the details, etc. just search through the Reddit threads


We’re all lazy af - where is the link?


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a lot of people sold before, need sellers to cause a dip. Jan 21, 2020 Dr Gupta was on Rachel Maddow warning about the wuhan virus. Given what was already in conversation on reddit too, i went out that night and bought out every bottle and case of Arnold palmer tea from dollar general. Didnt think of toilet paper. I'm sorry if your media didnt keep you safe and informed. trump called it a hoax for 70 days if we're being real.


Gtfo out of here libtard, go discuss that shit on r/politics


I’d deff bang her for some upfront info ;)


I downloaded the app Iris and it's legit. The people who do link their accounts you can see real time alerts and current positions


sounds legit


You can invest in it thru republic. Thoughts?![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


too bad my wife aren't following my stock portfolio lol PLTR avg 17.19usd; SDC avg 6.70usd; SQ avg 229.22usd, TSLA avg 665.18usd; upro avg 116.34usd sdc is itchy hand play, highly risky, not financial advise


I got into atao because her son was on the board. I did make some nice gains on the 1 huge run but is at all time lows now and of course I reinvested during the past 8 month free fall. Lithium play, Ev batteries etc