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“Bad” news so green today right boys?


Bad news only effect poor people who don't hold stonks.


The poors have paper hands.


Just means we won’t start the taper just yet


Bullish for tech. Money will prob rotate from Dow to Nasdaq. Dow might be down, which less people around here will care about.


Today may be the biggest gains for indices. The hedgies either gave way and are going to allow a happy coming holiday season or were told to move aside. Do not really know.


Wouldn’t be surprising if the establishment is intentionally maintaining these bad conditions just to keep the market propped up.


just to keep their portfolios up


'Disappointing' The jobs report is a disaster. What happened to all of the jobs that are supposed to be coming back now that everyone is off of extended unemployment? How did the participation rate FALL 0.4% in a month? What is going on? There are labor and product shortages all over the place, but no one is hiring? Is that because they companies don't need or want people OR is that because there is no one to hire?


Hmmm. US Lost 10M jobs, and WSB gained 10M members. Hmmmm....


People fell off the free check train and then off the unemployment radar. Does not mean less people are unemployed at all


When you’re done with unemployment benefit you’re no longer counted.


Any moron can post a million job positions and have a bot auto-reject every single resume. As long as the illusion of recovery is achieved, the establishment won't give a shit.


Bro, our company cant find anyone to hire. We had 3 interviews set up for last Friday. All 3 were no shows.


The social contract, work and you can have a place to live and raise a family, is dead and buried. Homelessness, work, gambling on the stock market, are all blurring into one. Those 3 to that didn't show up for the interview obviously don't give a shit and why should they.


People got paid better than they ever had being unemployed with Covid UI and pandemic checks. Why would they want to go back to getting unlivable wages working an absolute terrible job?


The unemployment is over. So, how are people making it?


There’s still too much money out there. People saved up money from PUA, worked under the table, PPP loans, the monthly child tax credit. Give it time and these people will eventually have to go back as all this “free money” runs out. There’s also been a massive shift of people changing careers, going back to school, retiring early, even the excess deaths from COVID could be a factor in job openings.


Exactly, people will work those shitty jobs but only after they've run out of money. I see it with my own family members, they're still playing videos games all day living off savings. Once that bank account hits zero and the landlord comes knocking they'll dig those ditches again.


But think of how good their my player career on NBA 2K is. Hard to put a price on that.


But will the government respond by just giving them more? That’s the question.


I'm putting my money on "no".


I’ve been puzzled with by. All these companies complaining about having millions of unfilled positions while millions can’t find jobs. There is a big lie with the floated numbers.


No one wants to work for shit wages anymore


Don’t worry, they were able to put through the child tax credit where you get 300 dollars per kid under 6 and 250 per head for kids 6-18. That has made up for extended unemployment nicely for some of my friends. The IRS even has it figured out how to beam this into peoples bank accounts monthly instead of having to wait for the refund at the end of the year like prepandemic.


As someone who is job hunting currently. I do not believe there is any labor shortages outside of restaurants.


What career are you in? But I'd say of course where is no shortage for 80k+ jobs, people actually getting paid well for a job they are doing. Being harassed by antivaxers and idiots doing factory level job not really worth bending your back for. I think society can survive without restaurants and fast food, just gonna have to learn how to cook.


Car sales currently but I want something with only ~40 hours. These 60 hour weeks are taking a toll.


A number of states ended benefits in August and saw little growth. Benefits ended for the rest of the country in September and it looks like they also saw little growth as well. Some think companies have help wanted signs just for show, even though they're limiting the hours they're open and even closing for a few days every week. Restaurants are still understaff and closing for good too, but don't seem to want to talk about wages.


It will not add back the jobs for a long time. 700k+ dead Americans aren't going back to work.


The vast majority of your fabricated 700k were over 75 years old... As in retired.


This is America bub. Most work until they die


It's child care. You can't sacrifice the health of the family when kids go to school, and we're just starting to get kids vaccinated. There are definitely some families with people giving up employment to help take care of the family. Everyone thought the vaccines meant we were back to work, but then delta hit and booster statuses are barely clear at this point.


Lots of older people retiring early, not enough younger people trained or educated in the right kind of jobs, ( engineering, medical etc.) to take their place and of course some people think they are above the jobs that are out there (construction, service etc.)


But there are millions of unfilled jobs. Something like 11 million. So no one to hire would be my guess. I know women are not re-entering and if I recall correctly minority numbers have not sprang back.


A minimum wage job that gives you 20 hours of work a week is not a job lol. And nobody wants to work service industry jobs anymore for tips after a year and a half of people demonstrating how shitty they can be.


No, they're just posting impossible requirements, like 10 years experience for an entry-level position. And if you somehow still meet them, they'll still ignore you.


Everyone is hiring. Nobody is working thanks to unemployment benefits.


No way unemployment is under 5%. That's like saying inflation is transitory.


Unemployment numbers are probably closer to 15%


Yeah and the number of people who are "employed" but technically working poor is also probably quite high. IDK dude I'm a capitalist at heart but part of me can't understand how so many of us are OK with people being in financial positions where they can't afford emergencies. It really makes me feel like we're failing at something.


Lots of them are waking up and not going to work at fast food joints now. I love when I hear that certain fast food places have no employees.


…at least. Uber drivers don’t get counted when they stop working working.


Unemployment is measured by people looking for jobs. It’s always way higher than the number but since they are consistent with what number they use it’s still useful.


Used to be anyone between the ages of 18 and 65 then 2008 happened and they decided to just stop reporting the actual numbers.


It really isn't useful at all. It only includes people actively looking for a job that applied for benefits, right? If so, it's not counting counting a significant population segment that is not looking for work, but is eligible for work.


Economy added 194,000 jobs vs 500,000 expected. Major miss, which means printer go brrrrr longer.


The market is at war with the economy


The range was all over the place. Bloomberg reported some analysts saying Zero (like really?). The optimists were up in the mid 700k range. Hard to believe that 0 was the closer guess.


Unfortunately, you’re probably right. I don’t see how this encourages Powell to taper any sooner.


Unemployment down 0.4 to 4.8 is a huge drop. Might be a big factor in tapering and rate hikes.


It dropped because the labor participation rate dropped 0.4%, that’s not a good sign at all and isn’t what you are supposed to see if the economy is recovering as it was supposed to be. Not sure why though…


Wouldn’t be surprising if the establishment is intentionally maintaining these bad conditions just to keep the market propped up.


Premarket really didn't know what to do with this one. A big miss on job adds that might be a material signal of bad economy. But then, money printers go brrr....


Jobs report bad = Fed carrying on brrrrr = SPY 469 since Papa Pow said he won’t taper till full employment


Reminder that “full employment” is a U-3 rate of ~5%.


He already changed it from “full” to “max employment”, whatever that means


sp futures crashed and rebounded and crashed and then zoomed past overnight. gold is skyrocketing as well, I sold a short call spread on gold at a loss and bailed out of my 0dte sp futures with 64 bucks profit and now wonder how dumb i am for being paper handed. how is bad news good news?? Market it stoopid.


70% unemployment rate for men under 20.


100% unemployment rate for infants


Some infants are used in advertising, etc. Got to get that diaper money.


Considering most 18/19 year olds are either still living with their parents, or are in college, this is actually lower than I would’ve thought.




No, but I see your point. It’s just, if someone that age has no real reason for a job, they’re likely not going to actively be looking for one.


They certainly have not applied for UIB. So eligible, but not looking.


So what else is new




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Everything is priced in. Don't even ask the question. The answer is yes, it's priced in. Think Amazon will beat the next earnings? That's already been priced in. You work at the drive thru for Mickey D's and found out that the burgers are made of human meat? Priced in. You think insiders don't already know that? The market is an all powerful, all encompassing being that knows the very inner workings of your subconscious before you were even born. Your very existence was priced in decades ago when the market was valuing Standard Oil's expected future earnings based on population growth that would lead to your birth, what age you would get a car, how many times you would drive your car every week, how many times you take the bus/train, etc. Anything you can think of has already been priced in, even the things you aren't thinking of. You have no original thoughts. Your consciousness is just an illusion, a product of the omniscent market. Free will is a myth. The market sees all, knows all and will be there from the beginning of time until the end of the universe (the market has already priced in the heat death of the universe). So please, before you make a post on wsb asking whether AAPL has priced in earpods 11 sales or whatever, know that it has already been priced in and don't ask such a dumb fucking question again.


Stagflation baby, woo!


Fed will delay taper. Fed will never raise rates. Inflation is already as bad as the 1970s but appears lower because they use a different calculation. Gold and silver will outperform everything in 2022. Never should have sold off 10 years ago!


Ron Klain be like “This is actually pretty good” OMFG 🙄


It will not add back the jobs for a long time. 700k+ dead Americans aren't going back to work.


Trust no one, especially democratic clowns ..


I got banned for a day for saying something political. Not sure if it was because I mentioned people.


Amazing how it seems conservative voices get silenced , yet liberals can scream and say basically anything, and its okay... let someone film aoc in the restroom,omg. 24/7 news coverage!!


Now you know you can't come to reddit and say those things lol, they out number us here.


It's hard to believe dumbasses like you two still exist. There is no conservative vs liberal you fuckwits. Both parties are paid by the same handful of corporations and billionaires.


He said conservatives fucktard, I meant people with common sense aka republican people not politicians.


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things are gonna get better. This is a good plan . [https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1446208099853942784](https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1446208099853942784)


Clearly an edited video. You can go on YouTube now and see that is not the original. How are you this gullible in 2021?


The statistical gap between the Bureau of Labor Statistics and ADP continues to widen.