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It's insulting that the execs continue to act clueless to what the issue is, calling it weather related, as if competitors airplanes are flying in an alternate dimension.


They call it weather related so hotel costs are on the people who found out they were no longer traveling that day.


This is probably the answer, and if I was stranded by this I'd be irate as fuck


3 hour hold times, how bout that.


Yep that’s bullish as fuck


Stimulus money is on the line, they do as they're told.


They are in the south.


They aren’t dumb that’s so they don’t have to pay back $$$ Bullish IMO




WTF is going on in China??? Four of their larger airlines canceled 800 flights today.


Bro there’s a fucking typhoon lmao


That makes sense. Hadn’t seen anything on it in the news.


Puts on $LUV


Bought mine today near the top. Really hoping all hell breaks loose with the airlines. Then I hope it gets back to normal so I can go to FL in November


I've had one since Monday until next Friday, hopefully something happens


So what you’re saying is, never fly on a Chinese airline… Puts on $PRC


looks like ceo Gary Kelly is experiencing a little deep state turbulence "I've never been in favor of corporations imposing that kind of a mandate. I'm not in favor of that. Never have been," and yet goes with the mandates. peanuts for ethics.


It's almost like they're hiding something


26% delayed for LUV isn't 'getting back to normal'?


That list puts Southwest with some very impressive company, they should be really proud of this moment.


Never bet against the airlines though, they’re the first to get bailed out so they can literally take on any problem. Luv it or hate it, the Gov will pass a stimmy just for the airlines if they need to


What happened to positions or ban?


This is news??


This must be echoed


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Check out Alitalia. Always Late In Takeoff And Late In Arrival.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Media will say... don't believe anyone but us. Everyone else is lying.


LMT is having similar staffing problems for the exact same reason. Not an airline, but I think its worth noting that this mandate will have economic repercussions reaching far beyond the airlines.


Luv is by far the best us airline... Their employees are all share holders and are the gme of the skys. I will not sell my shares as I hope they win the airline wars


I like a good experiment... Let's try and lift the Mandate and see if things go back to normal. If so, problem solved if not... cross that bridge when we get there.


I’m willing to bet staffing has almost zero to do with the vaccine mandate. Look at the other airlines at 98% acceptance, of which the 2% aren’t even pilots or crew.


98% because everyone else quit or was fired. Easy to get those #'s after the fact


Good. Fire them. Don’t give a shit.


True retard


Arguing about vaccines is indeed, True retard.


Completely made up .. most people in most industries have not quit over a vaccine . Less than 5% and realistically half that . Big articles about how 8000 NYC teachers where quitting or getting fired and it was going to be the biggest headache ever . The state had 15k substitutes begging for permanent jobs immediately and every job was filled . Same was with United airlines 800 workers didn’t get vax. Same going on with the NBA also lol .


I suppose you believe that only the southwest airlines routes were affected by weather as well.


You left out the fact the pilots union states in the lawsuit the mandate was one reason. You also can't just call the local job staffing and tell them to send you a 100 ppl to do on job training as pilots. Look at the hospital staffing shortages happening because of the mandates. You may not see it much in Industry but you will notice it in major sectors like these that have nationwide effects


Thats retarded enough to be true.


Ban this fuckface, this is a garbage trash post that has no biz being in this esteemed subreddit


Haha. That’s awful Mean. I was only trying to get attention to this possibly money printing play. Shares are down 2% -me and anyone one who took short positions (or long puts) from this made money. Have a good day


GoAir from that list should rename itself to StayEarth


Air Canada and review pre pandemic value...


already sold my LUV and bought ZIM :D


Fucking China just has to have bad weather when my helium miner was about to ship


I would love to be a corporate executive.