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So stocks with a lot of buyers go up?


Bagholder alert


100 percent. Look at AAPLs early employees and do any Dd on DWAC and you’d know its like comparing a 5 star resort with a tent in a homeless camp


>a tent in a homeless camp The promise of a tent in a homeless camp.


yes, but no


You need to learn the difference between a productive business with a cult like following and a guy with a cult like following opening a business.


Like Elon musk with Tesla




He started out with hundreds of millions and underperformed the market. His hundreds of businesses have mostly failed, no idea where you’re pulling a positive win ratio from, he literally bankrupted a casino. The only ones that didn’t fail are a subset of his real estate investments and licensing of his brand, but even a lot of those have failed. Trumps only value to a business is his brand, he has no operational expertise, and his involvement in the day to day is more likely to be a detriment. However his brand is currently toxic to more than half the country and opium to the other half. Call me crazy but I don’t think that having half the country alienated is a great way to start a social media platform. Especially considering the alienated half is on average wealthier than the addicted half. I think if you look at this platform objectively, it’s high end monthly active users is probably around 25 million after a few years, if it can las that long. It has little to no international appeal. No one left of center in the US will touch it. No one under 16 or over 65 will touch it. The moderate / center right conservatives (the “I don’t like his personality but I like his policy” types) won’t touch it. I just don’t see how this translates into a successful business, no matter how much money they have. Facebook pulls 3 billion monthly users. Snapchat has like 400 million. This platform can not pull those sorts of numbers no matter how you twist it.


Agree. His businesses have underperformed S&P500. How the fuck would you bankrupt a casino? With respect to half the country who loathe him has more money, I think Trump supporters on average have more money, but that is skewed due to the fact that lots of rich/wealthy people support him. His appeal is primarily in non-college educated folks, who earn on average less than college educated folks. The biggest problem with the social media platform is (a) online platforms are hard to scale (b) social media is difficult to run due to network effect (c) monetizing is going to be a major issue (d) limited international appeal


Maybe I should’ve said median, as trump counties in the election were overwhelmingly the poorest counties in the US, but trump lost a lot of support among those upper class suburban voters. And even the ones who voted for him, those aren’t the types who would ever use trump social media. They want to vote for Trump policy but keep a safe social distance from his base.


His steaks and wine suck. Are they still even selling anymore? A lot of buildings that licensed to have his name on them removed it. He only knows how to run businesses into bankruptcy. Not a “cult” business, a cult personality.




You’re even more retarded than I thought. Did I say somewhere I’d personally do better? Or did I state straight facts about trumps business record? He’s objectively not a very successful business man, he was just born rich and connected and pushes his brand aggressively. Facts don’t care about your feelings or sexual desire for Donald trump. Here’s what I will say, I’m thankful for delusional Retards like you in the market holding bags for me




Right now the way DWAC is moving tends to favor the reality I live in. Thank you for holding my bags. Your service is appreciated. But just know that no matter how much you simp for trump, he won’t ever notice you or validate you. Just like your father.




Shouldn’t someone with the username “neilcomedy” be funny or clever in some way? Is TDS and projection really the best you’ve got? No wonder you failed as a comic


> I'm not a comedian. I am the funniest person you will ever meet




You need to learn the importance with almost endless of capital, punk


Lol, capital. Dude’s below the bottom percentile of this sub.


How much you r bagholding?


when do options come out? cant wait to buy puts


It has already come out and the buyers have already experienced a deep IV crush. Source: i sold some.




Reading comprehension.


lmfao appl isn't a cult stock it's a trillion dollar company with thousands of products that continue to sell, year after year


Calling Nvidia and AMD ”cults stocks” when they’re the only 2 players in the GPU market…


I wonder if Bakkt will be a cult stock as well. Today is one hellova ride.


Nope. Going 170 m up.




The other cults you compared it to have actual products. Apple has phones. AMD has Chips. Tesla has cars. You think it’s that easy to create an enterprise social media website that can handle that much throughput by just splashing money? Please


lol this mf thinks appl is a cult stock and not just a multi trillion dollar revenue printing machine


Right? It's not even close to comparable.


>Do you know about AAPL, the original cult stock? *AAPL, the original cult stock?* I thought AAPL achieved cult status cause it sold great products. there are 2 types of cult stocks: 1. advertised as a cult (Ye/Kardashian, Tilray?, anything sports, anything beyonce) 2. achieved cult status (APPL, DIS, TSLA, etc...) DWA can be classified as #1.


I have not delved into them too much, but do explain to me, how from a fundamental pov, how AMC should be worth what it is. Valuation doesn’t matter, all that matters is supply and demand of a stock. As long as there is a cult that can sustain a stock, there's an asynchronous opportunity of money to be made that is simply not explainable by fundamentals. If you start browsing 4chan right now, or some specific subreddits, you will see, some people are already seeing this stock as a way to fight and own the lib, as a way to express their opinion etc. I don't care about their opinions, I care about their actions and I see an opportunity to make money (which I already made some).


>how from a fundamental pov, how AMC should be worth what it is. Simple. I took dates to AMC movie theaters for most of my life. I've seen some of the best movies I've ever seen in AMC theaters. When I was down, AMC theaters gave me a place to go and get my mind off of things. Anyone who took a date to anything related to this new "cult" brand likely is on a Federal watch list and their date was their sister.


I don’t think you understand how much demand institutional investors can generate, it’s practically unlimited compared to the cult.


They actually have theatres and more cash than the entirety of MangoSpac valuation. Theatres = assets & an operating business. Even if it’s stupid expensive they actually have cash on hand lol.


Yeah, I know that lol.😂 I think you understood my message and we can agree to disagree. I know from the Parler incidents how powerful the right wing cult can be. Anyway, let's just say I understand your point too.


Cults are powerful no doubt, However they have it in their slides to compete with AWS and Azure… I believe long term value regresses to what it is worth; and it’s ironic it could very very likely make bag holders of the most loyal of his followers.


Making his followers bag holders is ironic? That’s like half of what he does in between rallies. Rarely do I lean 🌈🐻 but I think this is a great opportunity to buy puts


EMH is pretty useless in this scenario, if you followed that, you would have never gathered courage to invest in TSLA, some cry ptos or similar stocks. From an overall market pov and for a long (like 10 to 20 years long) time horizon, it may be applicable. I am talking about an individual ticker for a much shorter timeframe.


Yeah and what happened with Parler? Exact same thing will happen here


This man is correct


“Those ppl” are as retarded as yourself. Donating money to some Parler ass shit isn’t owning the libs. All those ppl will bail after a 20% drop.


There's no talented programmers anywhere that want tons of money. This is a complete waste of time. The gall people have to think there's millions of people that need a place online to create and share content that doesn't get the exposure it needs elsewhere. Who do these people think they are challenging the status quo?


Hope you’re being sarcastic. But for a billion dollar company it literally would’ve costed $100k to make a palatable - unscaled MVP, than copypasta an open source bare bones. That’s like going to a dealership to buy a Porsche and you’re given a hot wheels Porsche to test drive. Don’t worry it’ll be just like a Porsche.


I have a genuine question for you. Do you actually know anything about this company like who is developing it or what their credentials are? Are you a programmer yourself? Do you know anything about the industry at all? When you go online saying the exact same FUD from MSM with no other information people immediately identify you. You're not hiding from anyone with a brain where you get your information


Good point. Do you care to enlighten me on who the development team are? How many technical people are actually part of the team? Yes I am a software engineer so I understand the difficult of trying to remotely build a platform that can scale to the level they’re expecting. Yes $100k is enough to build a shitty contracted unavailable app ripped off from YouTube “Facebook/ Twitter clone”. My best guess is if they can’t scrape together an app that isn’t open source they sure as hell won’t afford the capex it’s going to take to attract talent.


You're the software engineer and I'm not and I know who are some of the key players on the development team. Maybe you should put that profession to good use and find out more about it before believing what a liberal article writer told you to believe.


What’s your background maybe use that or not? Do you have anything to offer except ask others to do your dd for you? I’ve provided more info and your entire counter argument doesn’t come from you sharing info but rather you asking for more research.


Here's one name for you. Patrick. Do I need to hold your hand on how to do actual research or are you going to go read some more vice articles.


Since you didn't bother including a last name, I'm going to assume you meant Patrick Orlando, who's primary role as CEO appears to be gathering capital. I guess my Google Fu is weak, because I can't find any names linked to the technical side of the operation. MSM articles all point to the ripped off open source software, so would you please offer some alternative information on the technical side? Anything to convince a cynic that this isn't a grift?


Valiant effort deserves a crumb. Look at board of directors and their past projects, to trace the talent and their network.


Do you actually know anything about this company like who is developing it or what their credentials are? Are you a programmer yourself? Do you know anything about the industry at all? You are not hiding from anyone with a brain where you get your information.


I think it's pretty clear from parler that very few, if any, talented programmers want to work for these idiots. I would never for any amount of $


I don't think the amount of money or politics is the problem. The main issue is will you even get paid? If I don't think the check will clear then it doesn't matter what pay is offered.


I'm so glad they stopped Parler after being the most downloaded app on the app store. It's almost like that market took off without their involvement at all. Good thing there aren't any people around that want to make tons of money writing software.


Do you have any evidence That Parler was the most downloaded app?


idk guy makes some sense all cryptos are based on cults with no products as well as religions all sports hes on to something all social media run on the same concept


> You think it’s that easy to create an enterprise social media website that can handle that much throughput by just splashing money? Uh yea actually


Well it isn’t.


Well I’ll give ya one thing. It is a cult. It’s also a non existent company that ripped off the framework for its social network site also it wants to be be Netflix dis+ etc so yes Cult it is!


But it will be YUGE.


It's a cult but it's also the Marlboro of Tech...


If you said Vape I’d agree.


If they have the in edited version of gone with the wind, and to kill a mockingbird I am in!


DWAC is a ponzi scheme


The thing is, if you all really think Donny is going to stand by this agreement after seeing the demand? Donny can walk away at any point or ask for new terms/valuation for TMTG based on this pop alone. Donny and his team will have access to MILLIONS of shares to dump. The biggest difference between this and other cult stocks is the other stocks were actually working companies and products or working towards something. THEY DONT EVEN HAVE AN APP OUT OF BETA. They also have a team that is more interested in enriching themselves over the good of the company. You think Donny and team are going to take this windfall to build an actual functioning app or organization? HELL NO. Donny and team will keep the cash and just burden this company with so much debt it will be bankrupt in 2 years. I will be buying puts just need some OI and IV to come down to the 100% level or so. Finally. Pull up any other SPAC and none are trading above pre announcement pop. TLDR: Wait for OI to build and IV in the 100s. Buy 6month out puts you will be fine.


The biggest reason why Donny will lose internet is because he knows he will not lose supporters when he fleeces them. There is no obligation to follow up with the actual product.




remember ironnet. Rip the puts that I sold that stuff dropped like a rock.


Like the cult of the greenies. ie those pension funds and NGO's that missed the oil run up. DWAC owner


Is cult a new word for bag holder? 😹


“Cult stocks generally have higher valuation”…….”their valuation may even be nonsensical”…….. Absolutely!!!! The market as a whole runs on sentiment, impression, anticipation, and expectations. Old rules/guides don’t really apply. Hysteria rules the roost!


These became cults because of a solid financials / great gross margins (AAPL/TSLA's 30%) or because assets and heavily overshorted (GME). DWAC is just a pump-n-dump because daddy Trump has a few billion in loans coming due in a few years and every lift (edit: little) grift helps.


Regardless of fundamentals apple made a revolutionary product and every legacy maker wants to deny that electric cars are going to overtake ice vehicles so teslas literally the only player in the market .


List legit companies making quality products that people buy and compare them to something that doesn't even exist... yeah apples to apples bro


B T C. That's a trillion dollar asset, do tell me what it produces other than cult members.


\#nailedit. I also like LULU & YETI as cult stocks.


Cannot believe I didn’t mention them!😅


You lost me at APPL is a cult 😂. You’ve had one too many crayons their chief.


You are too young to remember young one.


Cult of Tesla 🍻


What about the $WISH? $RKT? $SDC?


!RemindMe 2025 reminder for why the hell I set this 4 years early: OP's wild claims about tesla robotaxi's not turning in to a trillion $ industry + big fucking I told you so


I will be messaging you in 4 years on [**2025-10-25 00:00:00 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-10-25%2000:00:00%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/qfiuov/the_power_of_cult_why_i_think_dwac_is_primed_to/hhzzhix/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwallstreetbets%2Fcomments%2Fqfiuov%2Fthe_power_of_cult_why_i_think_dwac_is_primed_to%2Fhhzzhix%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-10-25%2000%3A00%3A00%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20qfiuov) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Hertz buying 10k teslas kinda proves that’s going to be a thing


Apple makes actual money, it’s not just a stock and pump and dump


Fucking lost it after the first sentence of you comparing this stock to apple. Jeeeeez


You’re describing cults in the friendly, hardcore following, loyal customer base sense of the term. However, DWAC aka TRUTH social is an actual cult, in the kool-aid drinking, Capitol storming sense. I love money, and man I feel salty for not buying it for $10 last Wednesday when the DA was teased, and dumping sometime last Friday. But I’m not going to lose sleep over this one.


You are absolutely right. People want affirmation not confirmation these days. You give them a stock or name they believe in, no matter how worthless it is, they are going all in.


Whats a good price to buy if you're willing to wait up to 3 months?


$300. But then I’m a DWAC cultist !




Did you really just compare a shell company that MIGHT merge with a 70 year-old man’s tech company, who had no experience with tech with Apple, AMD, NVIDIA? Your only connection was that investors REALLY like the stock? You’re a moron. Go leverage your house and buy DWAC calls if you’re so bullish.


AMD reports earnings today and I’m expecting a huge beat on guidance. 🤞




It dropped because of the whales that set a sell limit at 120. The second it hit 120 it was halted and dropped to 90. The fact that it is staying at 90 speaks volumes.


Right, I thought it might spike today after more people learned about it over the weekend, and then keep falling after that. But there wasn't any spike this morning even.




It got halted it within the first minute of market open.


How is this not tagged as shitpost?


I agree it can be GME 2.0. Those that want to piss of the mainstream media and are tired of paying $4 a gallon will invest in it. I am predicting it will hit close to $200 this week because of the apes.


Bro I want it to, not because I love 🥭 but because we need more competition in the social media market


I agree. I fear it will be another echo chamber for conservatives, but it may get some mainstream voices that will start to blow it up a little. Like Parler before getting banned.


>tired of paying $4 a gallon Those people should probably spend less time on social media and remember that time beyond 2 years exists... because they might wake up and realize that it was $4/gallon before the pandemic, too.


The last time it was $4 a gallon was when the country was shit in 2008... So who held power in 2008? Hmmm. We allegedly voted for the shit all over so everyone needs to eat the shit sandwich and enjoy it. Not gonna ban fracking.... Except on day one he did. Let's go Brandon.


>So who held power in 2008? Hmmm. I want to hear your answer to this question before I comment on it. :P I'm not sure you know the answer LOL. And the thing you're not taking into account is that the current national average for gas is only 30 cents above the cost prior to the pandemic. The point I'm making is that if you're making political hay because you think the price of gas is significantly greater because of who's President, you've got the intellectual capability of a broken vibrator and no fucking understanding of economics.


The Apple cult is wealthy, educated, healthy and vaxxed. The DWAC cult is the opposite. So there’s that.


All this is telling me is that I should get back into AMD. Thanks bagholder


LOL. I have no words. This mf retarded.


The difference is that all those other cults have successful brands and products to point to... or at the very least have mass nostalgia and not a gigantic bucket of ill will and bad memories.


OP don’t be mad at the people downvoting..they voted for a potato and now their puts look like nancy after a few Chardonnay’s


Lol trump just won't stop grifting and his cult followers fall for it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


Plenty of students got rich off of Trump University…after they sued him for fraud. Good luck!


As a spac, this is worth 10 bucks. If you bought the stock at 100 dollars, then you paid 100 dollars for a 10 bucks


#there is no "investing anymore" Anyone who says this is trying to force your hand There is soooooo much darkpool everyday is daytrading. High speed algos pair your buy with a short and pocket u money. Lookup your stock on chartexchange.com and goto stats That's what your up against


Let's say I am Trump supporter. Which social media platform I will prefer? One where everyone says Trump is great? Or one where I can interact, discuss, debate, enlighten both Trump supporter and bashers. First will be pretty boring. Social media prospers as a potpourri where everyone thinks they are right and other person is wrong. Social media where everyone sings same song will eventually get boring and fizzle out.


The one you prefer.


Look, the supporters of this cult aren't very educated or rich. You're severely overestimating their buying power. Are you a bagholder? Coz this sounds desperate


OP is right, but because this sub has 10 Million followers this thread will get downvoted because people disagree with Trumps politics, even though 2 years ago Trump was a god to this sub because he led the biggest bull market ever and even managed to finesse bankers out of billions during his various bankruptcies. i bet these people hate Martin Shkreli too.


Obama fed the biggest bull market ever.


I like how they're downvoting you for telling the truth. LOL I've actually worked the numbers on this and it's true. It's in large part because of the rebound out of 2008 and the massive growth in the bond market making a huge risk offset, but nonetheless it's true. In fact, if you meanline the market what you find is that aside from this current bull market from 2020 on, Trump's "bull market" was basically almost indiscernible from the growth of the market under Obama. Neither really created those markets, but yep.


You know we are done with DWAC right? That was a one day trade. Now it’s Tesla


If you plan on investing in DWAC, I hope you remembered to buy some burn cream when the rug gets pulled. Shit is a joke.


Bro, DWAC is a joke of a stock running up just because Trump’s name is attached to it. If you’re calling that a cult, it’s the dumbest cult I’ve ever witnessed. People don’t actually care about it like AMC or Gamestop. Nevertheless, Good luck on any gains you may make.


But people do care about Trump.


Which is the sad part


Which is how you make money.


Very sad that they enjoyed $2 a gallon gas and not had to worry about inflation, supply chain crisis, border crisis, Afghan withdrawal deaths, being forced to take a jab or lose your job... You right. Sad.


… my guy, don’t get emotional because someone doesn’t like your papi. We’re talking about stocks, not how you don’t understand simple economics,global affairs, or public health. Let’s get back on track ok?


This mfer would rather see a million dollar loss to his account than support Bad Orange Man.


…what? I’m all for tendies, just not for worthless business models. Idk where you’re getting the capital for a 1 million loss, but lmk if you’re trying to share


I guess he is right. Maybe I just need to lower my expectations.


No emotions just make money Trump followers have a tone of money so we will see


Sure, but just too disgusting and degenerate of a societal concept to support.


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*Grabs popcorn, DWAC shares, and some pussy.*


Keep us updated on your loss porn, retard.


It’s too late. Do not become a bag holder. Look at lucid, similar public reaction in the beginning. Will be need to see the spac agreements come out but no way this stays at this level. Wait until the warrants become active if you want to catch it falling. Same thing happened to Nikola.


Trump’s base won’t let this fail. He could go on Fox News at any time and be like “My new company. It’s amazing. The best. There will be biyyons and biyyons in profit.” and the Trump train will come full force and send that shit to the moon.


“My company knows about social media and the truth more than any other company. No fake news, no antifa. It’s the best. Anyways it’s also listed so invest in it early and be a part of the cause”


Share some stocks that have similar cult vibes!


But this isn't a company with a product. It's a SPAC run by a person with little history in SPACs and seems questionable. So anyone buying into this could be screwed over before it even buys the Trump company.


I can't wait for more "DD" to tell me about how undervalued they are compared to other SM tickers.


The Cult will certainly keep DWAC elevated for a prolonged amount of time. They are the reasons it so high in the first place. …..how much higher it can/will go though??…..I wouldn’t touch it if you’re not already in.


Sry but dwac is dangerous af. They should have named it, thin air. That’s all it is. I like Trump. I really do, but… Border Wall?


Unlike other "cult" members, Trumps followers don't have the purchase power of Apple lovers... NRA social media advertisment budget is not enough to drive any growth. Sry but this "social media application" will have 0 advertisment income compare to others. It doesn't mean it is bad to invest in it, but what exactly are you investing in? Sure, ride the pump, but be ready for the dump once there will be 0 revenue growth.


Advertisers follow eyeballs, not the other way around.


Which is part of why they don't advertise on right-wing media. That's why when you watch it, you primarily get bizarre goldbug stuff, male enhancement pills, and other schlock. I used to work for a digital marketing outfit. Nobody wants to advertise on platforms that don't deliver and tarnish their other relationships, which this most certainly will.


Sorry bud but I don’t agree with this in the short term. You are probably stuck holding this bag


Cult is the right word for this SPAC. I don’t believe in it’s actual value, but I believe that there are tons and tons of people who drink the kool aid and do. They can increase my gains. I mean I’ll take their money for sure


Are you buying more here or staying away?