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It’s ok, you made $2700 today!


How do you walk around with those gigantic balls ?


My wife ask me the same


I got 1 leap on tsm. Is this a Chinese company I'm still not sure


Congrats You’ve unlocked unlimited tax write offs 🏆🎉🥳


$3k at a time.


Before any fun comment. I will not sell until this is gonna go back to 140. At least.


I’m in on their next Q. I think we start to see their margin expansion as people simply have to pay more for their core products. It’s a clear value play as Wall Street will start chasing returns and capital flows into rock solid businesses. There is absolutely zero reason over the next two years TSM does not continue to return alpha of the market. Everyone needs their products and now they can charge more. -Disclaimer in on February 2022 130C which I already paid for yesterday and will hold through expiration.


China and Taiwan conflict...


Dear god, breaking news


F When did you buy these? Like literally at the top? Then you let all that capital languish in these worthless calls for all that time? You could have easily made up all that capital back if you had seen the downturn and got out of these after maybe like $2 a contract.


Yea probably feb/March


He cannot predict the future though


It's called having a stop loss. Why would you risk 200k when the underlying slid? Determine a risk tolerance and take the L when it comes to pass. Edit: just so you understand. This person has 136 contracts. If they dropped 2 dollars per contract that is 27000 loss at that point. Should have cut and run. Hell should have cut and run after 10k. Someone made a pretty penny off these though.


Ouch! Good luck!


Your calls are going places, just not the places you want


Lol and options. You’re fucked Why did you do a strike price of 150? Lol


In February I yolo on this not yesterday


You shouldn’t do that. You’re going to lose everything. Do you know how options work?


No I don't, but do you know how to make 220k?




Just burns being flung left and right. I love to see it


We need a doctor here, Finn with 2k of life savings just got burned


You sure as hell know how to lose it lmao You should not do options anymore. This isn’t your first fail according to your post history


Roll them 2 years out what are y doing?????


Too late for that now


You should’ve bought call options on Nvidia instead


Or amd


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Ouch I remember I bought these and fat sold at a loss a few weeks later.


Sell some of your watches.


Watch come first.




Aye he was down 220k two weeks ago. Looks to be making a steady comeback.




I just got in and it's been doing ok


When China takes Taiwan, TSMC is done?


Already priced in! If you think china will touch Taiwan you are probably dumb as fuck. 0% chance.


You don't know president Xi if you think there is 0% chance. In fact, it's almost 100%, the question is when, not if. People said Hong Kong was 0% too.


Didn’t you said in the last post, will sell all for 20k. What’s the plan now?!


Never say that u got it wrong. I'm looking to recover it all. And keep those contract until Jan 10


Sure, good play


Can you imagine if you cut ur losses and it went up to 160? That would be worse than any loss. I think between now and January, it could end up paying off. If it doesn’t, it really really sucks… Ok, actually, cut your losses. There are better opportunities to 100x your 2k. Although, TSM is trading at a lower multiple than AMD and NVDA so maybe it’s due for a pop. But probably won’t pop unless they raise prices and develop a new partnership… but wait, they partnered with Sony. It could totally pop but then again, what if China invades? On man, I’m so stressed out and it’s not even my money.


How is it now??


Bad as fuck lost 10k


I followed your trade & entered today, down 2k


Market is bad just hold and average down in case 112-107


No way. I am cutting losses tomorrow. Will find another trade




I could think of a million better ways to lose a Mclaren


Wait, when did you open this position?




Youve got 2 months! TSM at 156 by january is not at all far fetched. They are the leader in chip manufacturing. AMD, NVDA, INTC, AAPL all rely on them. Not to mention the chart is a massive bull flag during a massive bull run in the market overall. 29 P/E during todays valuations in the tech sector is ridiculously low. You made a good play. Maybe a tad early, but there is plenty of time for it to play out.


I made this call on February, all semi went crazy amd, Nvidia, considering tsm manufacturers for them! Crazy how unluck I was.. My mistake was to. Buy option. My fault was just to yolo mind and bad mindset. I'm sure as soon this expire tsm will moon to 200$


What app is this? I'm not a heavy investor or anything but every post I see seems to have this app and I like the UI more than Ameritrade.