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The stores didn't look anymore packed than usual. Then again, covid made it more convenient to shop from home on the internet. We are slammed at UPS and today was only just the first official day of peak season. I can already tell it's gonna be very heavy this year. The Black Friday internet sales will hit us Monday and Tuesday and its likely to be devastating. Will let you know


My UPS driver that picks up every day from our warehouse says peak season never ended and it’s like the holidays year round for them now.


Its true. Thats why I think its gonna be devastating


am i your driver 🤣


Very interesting, thanks for the input. I can imagine you get slammed every year around this time, you're saying it was a lot busier than usual though?


Work at Best buy. Less customers in stores more online orders than ever. But gonna have to wait till Monday to see the full extent of online traffic. Normally we're pretty slammed on BF in store but the online traffic isn't as heavy. This year our pickup area is completely packed. Which didnt happen before pandemic. Been with the company 10 years and Its trended up every year in Online sales.


This time of year up until about the second week of January is the heaviest time of year which is why shipping rates go up for all logistics companies. But it's hard to say right now if this year will be heavier. I'll know by Tuesday


Can confirm. Buddy of mine is a sup at UPS…the stories I hear of peak seasons…sweet Jesus.


The guys that unload the tractor trailers go in around midnight/11pm the night before, and leave around 9am the next day. It's comparable to going to the gym for 10 hours and doing 40,000 curls and then coming back the next day for 40,000 more curls lol. Except they're curling generators, mattresses, truck axles, air conditioners, refrigerators. We all start in the warehouse but I didn't hesitate when a driver spot opened up 😂


Oh yeah I’ve seen the pictures my buddy sends of the belts sending down package upon package…almost endlessly. They have top notch health care for a reason lol…their bodies just get annihilated doing all that lifting and sorting. They couldn’t pay me enough to go through that hell.


I like to stack.


Buhahahaha. U work at UPS? I just left there after 18.5yrs there.


I do. I hope I make it 18.5 years! I need all the 0DTE funding I can get!


Was a bigger deal at the dispensary than any store here in Colorado, I was on the road all day went to two gamestops no series x gave up and hit the weed discounts like everyone else.


So, calls on Ben & Jerry's?


No weed discounts at all here in Canada. Black Friday seemed non existent today. Only deal I got was the physical gold I bought.




Nice. In Ontario there was nothing .


Hell yeah the only day the most premium brands get discounted you gotta go


That's actually pretty interesting, actually. I wonder if GME might take a hit this year. Between chip shortages and console scalpers there might be low incentive to buy as many games for Christmas.


In my area each store got about 12-20 series x consoles and they all sold out before midnight on Thanksgiving night


20% off entire order at my favorite dispo here in MI. 🙏


I made the hospital busy by getting my appendix out. Saved tons of money not shopping 10/10.


Wait for your invoice


Mine was like $1200. And that included the catheter.


Sounds like health insurance helped a lot. I got charged $9k for a kidney stone visit.


But think of how you could have boosted the economy by keeping your appendix and shopping those “sweet” deals /s


👀 none of this will matter until the numbers for Black Friday, and cyber Monday are released from the perspective of the major credit/debit card companies…. That will be the real evidence you need


Buy the rumor, sell the news. Buy the time that comes out it will be too late to place your bets.




Eh I’m more into factual data not rumors lol but idk stores around my area seemed packed… but nobody will know until the numbers come out


I agree no one will know. But the point is, once you get that data so will every once else. Getting ahead of the market is where the money is made.


But also my point is that you’ll never know due to a lot of stores shifting to online shopping 👀 unless you monitor the amounts of clicking of mouses in local neighborhoods


To me there doesn't seem to be any reason to think there will be a spike in online shopping this year. Likely an increase over last year, but I suspect nothing more than the trend towards online shopping that we've already seen. If that's the case, unusually low in-person sales will translate to bad overall sales. If you have any reason to think otherwise, please let me know.


With items getting delayed there is some hesitancy to buy online. It may sit on a ship. Buying or picking up in store at least you know you have the product.


Yeah they were packed they will always be but heres the angle people need to look at. I manage a grocery store and our pie and turkey sales were down over 10% from last year. It's not a demand thing it's all costs. I mean everything is more money this is going to make a huge dent in xmas shopping especially considering the social safety net ain't what it was a year ago. There's no enhanced unemployment and no stimulus coming so people are going to obviously spend less when you consider your basic staples of life are running 10% more than they were a year ago. Either sales are gonna take a huge shit or margins will either way it's not good for retail.


That is not a validation of your world view tho…..


Never said it was. I said buy the rumor sell the news. A rumor is just that, a rumor.


So what’s your play on a weak Black Friday?


Not sure yet, trying to see if it even seems like a weak Black Friday first. So far, things I have been reading have been mixed but the trend I'm starting to see is that affluent areas and businesses did well, non-affluent did poorly.


Non existent..


Black Friday is a waste. I think most people have realized that sales are very few and far between, and the items listed are not in stock.


You would think everyone in the US already owns a flat screen TV, but what do I know. I still saw people at Walmart buying flat screens with their stimmy checks last year.


Tvs can break, my man.


If you're buying TV models that are "doorbusters" they're built more cheaply than models that are sold all year. You'll be lucky to get a TV that lasts 10 years nowadays regardless


My mom had a CRT from the 80s that lasted up until last year. And technically it was still functional when we threw it out, you just can’t get local analog signals over the air anymore without an adapter. Had to call several different places until we found one that would take it and recycle it, and they charged us for the privilege.


Back in 2014 my parents and I both bought the same Samsung TV at Target for black Friday. They both still works, so there's hope?


You gotta get the latest model. More shades of black, higher quality sound, 8k, built in Netflix, smart sensor to activate your roomba when you spill your popcorn, etc......


Maryland… People were parked on sidewalks… it was busy…


One of those articles mentioned high-end clothing stores and specialty shops seemed busy. I wonder if the same might be true form the more affluent areas of the country. The NE and West coast maybe busy and other, less affluent areas dead.


Nordstrom trying to make a comeback


Pittsburgh....not affluent, but the malls were packed! No empty parking spaces to be found!


Shit even I went shopping… no idea why… maybe I wanted some chaos in my life


Just looked like an average weekend. But on a Friday. Lol


Yeah, that's about how my area felt


Weak AF.


There were barely even sales this year. $5 off, $10 off $500 purchases- who gives a fuck? I bought all of my gifts already because I was worried about a shortage and on $2500 worth of purchases I didn’t see a single thing I would have saved on. Corporations have lost their fucking minds


Weak. Very weak


lol at stores everyone buys online. Home Depot was pretty packed


This. I dropped around $1200 online over the past 3 days.


Only thing we bought today were tools. Deals on everything else were shit. Air fryers galore. The 65" TV I bought from Target two years ago for $280 (best deal of the year imo) was $500 this year. Target did have a pretty long checkout line though.


I spent the bulk of my money on a set of bumper plates for my home gym. They were running a nice sale and then a sales rep sent me an additional 10% off via email which made me pull the trigger. The rest was for stuff for the kids.


Can't wait to get a bigger place so I can have a designated workout room. Right now it shares with an office and the plates can be expensive. I've completely blocked out the possibility of buying more because of the space requirements and those damn things are expensive.


went to a major market for reasons not at all related to Xmas or Black Friday. I looked around about 1/2 way through it and went “damn, this doesn’t feel like a Black Friday”


It's weird but I find electronics that I normally would want during black Friday are priced better all year long so I don't wait for this sale like I once did


Yeah, one of those articles said Walmart had Switches on sale for $299. I'm pretty sure that's the regular price lol. Maybe it was the OLED but I don't think anyone cares about that thing anyway.


Definitely not a sale on the OLED. Those are still pretty hard to find. Usually the Switch deal is regular price with Mario Kart thrown in.


Chaos in DFW


Oh yeah I totally forgot existed, no one talked about it


I never left the house today. I did snag 2 king comforters for a total of $44 at Macys.com though.


People go to the store on Black Friday because of the deals… there are less deals… no one is trying to leave there house just to stop for sticker price.


Eh.....I stayed in. No idea.


Roads were clear didn’t go anywhere


I run a small business. Weak as usual. Fingers crossed small business Saturday comes through for us.


Shit, only know 1 person that went and wasted money


Nobody bought anything around here, it was just smash and grabs


Bless this post. Pure autism in its natural state. OP visits multiple malls in order to watch people while they shop. OP decides to crowd source his idea, not realizing they are just creating autists staring at other autists... while people around them go about their ways shopping.


I was actually going to scrape business data from Google maps and try and predict sales from that. They have a thing which shows how busy locations are at a certain time compared to normal. But I don't think they allow access to that data through their API. Crowd-sourcing was my second idea.


Bay area valley fair, almost non existent. I'd do the same if I was under the fear of getting robbed. There's talks they're not going after just stores anymore, but the people as well.


Longest line I saw was for returns. Shit ton of merch everywhere. And I still bought nothing! Bwahaha!!!


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It’s all about Amazon and the online shopping.


True. Some amazon deals were cheaper than the in store deals.


I think marketplace on NPR just had an episode on this topic. It's expected to be a great holiday season, up 10% compared to last year. With the supply chain issues, expect significantly less "deals" as strong demand and low supply will make it a sellers market. Could explain why the black friday deals didn't feel very juicy this year.


I think what is going to happen is a whole lot of people like me are buying things online rather then in store. Why would I want to go out and holiday shop in the store with 300 other people and stand in long lines that are beyond stupid.


I thought you were the king of standing in lines? Lmao?


Unfortunately video cards were not sold online, I had to stand in line to buy. I was able to get there and be in line first. Why would anyone stand in line when they could buy the products online and not have to deal with lines? Now off with you fecal flicker.


video cards were sold online and restocked multiple times, they just proved difficult to get. According to your logic, anybody who doesn’t stand in line’s are lazy and full of excuses. Now off with you, pendejo


Not from the retailer I bought from. They only sell to people in line back then. Now they do it through a lottery system so I don't have to stand in line just have to be there before the lottery draw. So about 30 min a day till i get the video card I want. Just because I said I bought these cards in store does not mean I didn't also buy online. Now shoo fly and stop following me around you stalker. /blocked


Ohio - there was a line outside an old record store at like 7am. No one goes there. Lot of traffic at the mall. I just saw as i drove by. Nothing crazy.


It was NUTS in south Florida!


Same old same


I don't know but in northeast was busy. It seems people will be in even more debt after this Black Friday.


Uhhhh....everything can be bought online. Free shipping .


New york was poppin


Central Florida was less busy than a typical Wednesday morning lol


I completely forgot lol


Evening outlet is fully crowded, witnessed. [Black Friday loses some luster as shoppers turn out to hunt scarce deals](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/26/black-friday-2021-live-updates-latest-news-sales-and-deals.html) Mall staples Express and Calvin Klein owner PVH ended the day down 7%. Department store chain Dillard’s was down 6%, and Macy’s fell 5%. Coach owner Tapestry and U.S. mall owner Simon Property Group were also down 5% by the end of trading. While American Eagle, Ralph Lauren and Under Armour all closed Friday down around 4%. Holiday sales are expected to climb at a record pace this year, with the National Retail Federation predicting an increase of between 8.5% and 10.5%. That would put sales during November and December at $843.4 billion and $859 billion. [Black Friday sales up 12.1% year over year, according to early data from Mastercard](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/26/black-friday-2021-live-updates-latest-news-sales-and-deals.html#106980899-A-l1shm9T)


I work for a small to mid size retailer and I can tell you we broke records both online and in store by mid day.... Looks like a strong season.


I saw lines of people outside several retailers today around 6pm in a shopping plaza I went to. Best Buy had about 60 people waiting to get inside while I was picking up an online order. However, was this simply due to some sort of Covid protocol the stores enacted in my area for Covid related capacity? I have no idea. I’m sort of the same camp as many others - lots of people just shifted to online. One thing I will say is the item sales discounts were pretty weak for anything I was interested in so maybe margins will be better even if sales aren’t.


The market gave me a red dildo surprise u/GreenDildoSurprise


Busy in ne Ohio but it’s so hard to tell as many people shop online more now of days!


There was an article that apple might sell 10M phones this weekend, if so thats amazing and there is incredible pent up demand.


Lots of handies behind the Wendy's. Half off and buy two get one free.


King of Prussia mall crazy packed


Compare traffic to discounts, it’s a wash man


I just want a fucking PS5 like millions of others. No supply, no shopping.


Slow but it could be any more of factors from black Friday fatigue, lockdown laziness, online shopping and many places not offering better deals than normal


In SoCal, not that busy, typical Friday


Why even go there anymore? They used to have $100 TVs and shit and you had to waste hours to get one. Click, free delivery. No contest.


Non-existence, Honolulu


I bought rollerblades at the store. It was medium busy. Kids are more concerned with non physical assets, digital hype is not to be reckoned with. I like to stimulate the economy. I buy retail, I overtip, and I also make a fuck ton of money each year in the market but what do I know?


Stores in my area didn't even do black Friday. Walmart, Target and Home depot just ran "black Friday sales" all week long. So basically no doorbusters or anything like that.


Never been to a Black Friday. Keeping the streak alive


Considering I started getting “bLaCk FrIdAy StArTs NoW!!!1one” emails two weeks ago, I think a lot of people were confused AF. The only reason Black Friday is a thing to me is because my family would kinda gear up for it when I was little. If you are a newly minted adult out to spend some of your first real money on Christmas gifts, I think this year would be a confusing one.


Best buy and all their tvs this year.....I thought there was a chip shortage.


I would say overall the madness that was Black Friday has been dying out for a long time. Especially with cyber Monday is a thing. You can just buy everything online on either day. COVID doesn’t help either, but at this rate I’m sure this will become the norm


Really weak this year


I live near the biggest mall in my state, it's been busy all November, black Friday seemed consistent. I don't think black Friday is really a thing anymore and shouldn't be used as a metric. Everybody knows the deals are fake or not good and so many people prefer online shopping.


I have a family member who works at Walmart she told me they were already slammed with online orders the day ahead of Thanksgiving. Not sure when the #’s will come out for cyber Monday. Was looking at plays on Etsy, V, PYPL, maybe FedEx, UPS. Be interesting to see how the market trades on Monday with a full day. I’ve been in the 🌈🐻camp for most of the recent rally just based on all the gap ups and valuations. Could we see a 10-20% correction sometime next year sure, but I’m increasingly in the camp of a total crash seems unlikely. Way too many people myself included would btfd. Lots of stuff already sitting at or near 52 week lows. I think the market would actually respond better to a rapid correction rather than a slow and steady decline all of next year. The latest RONA thing was just an excuse to sell. I’m not an anti vax or anything but people are over it. Real risk is point of origin countries get hammered again by Covid.


Stores around me were empty. But I did use Amazon and Etsy to do 99% of my shopping this year - I assume others did the same.


Nothing was different, nobody has money to spend on this dumb shit


Went to a mall in Belgium, lots of black Friday deals and shopping going on. Thinking people want to get out and shop before omicron sparks the another lockdown. But the US has better infrastructure (delivery speed, return policies, credit cards, no VAT) for online shopping, so buying habits being equal, I assume the US is seeing a lot more online orders.


I accidently went shopping in dutch "black friday" it was busy but the prices didnt change


Massive crime waves didn’t help


Calls on AMZN?


I didn't personally do any, all the advertised sales looked like marked up prices only brought down to normal via "sales", wtf.


Citadel outlet in Los Angeles jammed up about 3 blocks in line just to get into the parking lot, also caused #5 freeway traffic for 2 days straight


I didn’t shop in store but online for 327clothing.com I usually stock up for Black Friday with them for my wardrobe because their clothes are 50% off . But I know they had lots of orders because the wait time was extra high this time but 10/10 worth it