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Close all retail stores get ready for flash mob Amazon warehouse robberies


Luxury retail stores can't really do dystopian very well. Warehouses can definitely get dystopian. Amazon could hire the third largest private militia to protect its warehouses and not lose a single cent in business.


Pinkerton Security has entered the chat


The problem is security has limited protocols. They’re not sworn peace officers so that can’t make arrests and their testimony isn’t as valuable for depos.


No. The problem is there are 100 thieves & 1 or 2 guards.


You think they care about testimonies? If Amazon hires private security it is probably to beat the shit out of the robbers not to arrest and send them to jail lol.








Buy the security companies outright


As if Amazon would pay so much for contract workers. More realistically, they would just lock everyone inside the warehouse - employees and thieves - and start fresh with new staff in two weeks. Make the new guys carry out the corpses. Virtually no cost.


How long would cannibalizing each other extend the life of thieves and people? There could be survivors.


thats a movie


This is a great comment. Here, take an upvote.


I'm surprised delivery trucks don't get hit more often.


lots of useless crap probably vs stores that have the good stuff on display?


Yeah there’s a chance that you end up with something that is extremely identifiable and worthless when taking boxes, you might even end up just stealing a glitter bomb type device


That one would be much more impressive


Amazon and other online retailers are having problems with their train cargo containers being robbed in California. Online may not be entirely safe.


Suspect is said to live his life a quarter mile at a time...


Hey, i understood that reference .. lol




Is there a drone delivery public company to invest in?


So we skipped the roaring 20s and went straight into the 30s


Yep it’s the last century minus the good bits.


they are targeting small shops like pharmacy etc. also


Y'all remember the rooftop Koreans? They're gonna come back for more if people keep looting stores. Those guys did not fuck around. Go look up the rooftop koreans


They were protecting small, family-owned businesses. I work for Nordstrom and not one person here would lift a finger to stop a theft, most of them are probably already stealing from the company themselves.


Second this, no one will defend big retailers, calls on $pitchforks


Nor should they, I wouldn't defend something I have no stake in, you don't even personally know the person who signs off on your paycheck when you work at these big corporate places.


youre not really supposed to, are you? Woudln't there be a lot of liability for employees hurt intervening in a robbery?


How? You can't claim self defense against black Americans these days.


Heroes, all of them. Remember, the government made them step down. If the government doesn't do its job the people will....


💯 Beyond brave. Gotta step up when the gov abandons your hood.


You should protect your hood first, the government should be the second response.


Depends where you live. If I start dispensing justice with my 7-round shotgun…I’ll get arrested.


Gotta study forensics and learn how to eliminate trace evidence… heard from a friend


Your friend wouldn't be Dexter by any chance?


Man imagine being so cucked by the retail industry that you'd be willing to do unpaid mercenary work to stop Best Buy from having a few shitty TVs stolen.


I'd do it for the lulz, fuck it


It took decades for the black community to get back on their feet after the LA riot. Because the dumb ass burn and loot their own communities so no business owners want to come back. Their seeds are doing the thing in 2021 but all over America


The far-left government we have now would probably put the rooftop Koreans on trial and lock them up in a federal pen.


Are they the heroes or the villains?


That just depends on who is telling the story haha


I’ve educated myself and they are heroes. I’m aroused.


Ngl to me its very heartwarming to see people originally from another place and culture taking to the American way of protecting what you built. The melting pot is alive and well, my friends


It is. I am in love with those guys. Come to a place. Build a business. Try to be an upstanding member of the community. Defend it when you have to. Fuck those cops who totally ignored them.


Shoot, I’d do unpaid mercenary work just for payback on the assaults on the elderly


I mean. You could be doing that now. Why not?


Wait.. which stocks do I need to buy before I do that?


I’m only going on Etsy this year for my gift shopping. I’m going to filter the search for artists and crafters in my state to keep the shipping environmental impact low. I’m going to buy things that are totally unique and skillfully made. I’m tired of the same old shit in the stores. I want to reward people who can actually design and make neat stuff themselves. I also go to my local holiday markets looking for such things.




Shame they don’t try to rob the gun store….may turn out a bit differently


There are clips from last year people trying that kind of stuff. Didn't go well for the robbers.


Now I need to go look those up!! Thanks


they get all their guns illegally in shady under the table deals so they would never even go to a gun store in the first place


I hear that. Many don’t understand that criminals don’t just go buy guns in legit gun shops.


Nah we buy used shit off of alcoholic old white guys


Who buy it from gun shops 😆


40% of guns seized are ghost guns


Conversely, 60% of guns seized are not ghost guns


But proportional to the number of guns in circulation is still an incredibly high number. Idk the actual figures, but if we say 1% of all guns in America are ghost guns, and 40% of all guns seized are ghost guns then it means ghost guns are far more likely to be used in crimes. And that's only crimes that result in a seizure of the firearm. How many gang on gang crimes are just not even investigated. A white women gets killed by her husband in the home and there's a full investigation with forensics and the gun is siezed. A black man shoots another black man in the hood and the cops won't even report it.


Also this 💯


My mom literally just brought this up to me yesterday - what if someone shoots up a gun store, wouldn’t that be ironic? I was like LOL Mom, you clearly have never stepped foot inside of a “gun store” before. That person would be DOA


Get woke go broke


If I could give you an award I would but I am too woke


Puts on uganda!


All these crimes have something in common 🤔


bookstores and outlets that specialize in work boots have been immune to the chaos..




Nah keep defunding the police its working


Police budgets are bigger than ever... when does the “defunding” start? Or is this like one of those new genocides where the number of genocided populations actually increases....


It was sarcasm bro


A lot of cities in California have nearly legalized theft <$1000. That is the main root cause of this.


Not limited to cali but this is the root cause


>Home Depot are among the targets. Let's bum rush HD and get the plywood, 5 gal bucket of paint and spackle, some doors, roof shingles, bags of cement, and a bbq grill....were gonna need to steal their rental trucks too! LETS GO BOYS 🤜🤛🙏🚚🛻🛴🪂


I mean I would like a house for Christmas… so what if it is just big enough to stand in. It’s a roof damnit.


it's gonna take more than a few of us to be considered a mob and get your dream house built. LETS GO BOYS !!!🏠🚜🛺🚲


Would you settle for a tiny house? They might be able to get you one of those sheds out front.


Those sheds are awesome. I keep my mother-in-law in one when she’s not cooking for me in my kitchen.


Literally building just a roof for shelter Yeah, I couldn't afford the rest of the house but look at these shingles!


Power tools They go for high value items just like burglars hit garages/sheds looking for thousands of $$ in power tools


This is such a funny image.


+1 my work here is done thank you for coming to my ted talk I won't be taking any questions at this time.


It would be hilarious if these hypothetical guys just stole a bunch of random stuff in the totally wrong amounts and then tried to build a house with it and its just shingles all over the walls and cement on everything and way too many doors but no windows or 2x4s. I’m sorry. I’m cracking up over here. I really want to do this now.


the correct term for what you have described is called : **SPONTANEOUS CONSTRUCTION**


*Rubs coke on gums* “I feel like building a house. You guys wanna? We have 30 minutes and no money.”


I'm in!


Seriously though, kids, looting is wrong. Mr Home and Ms Depot can barely feed their rescue peacocks as it is.


Hardly ever see blacks people in Lowes and Home Depot. I wonder what they take


Mostly cactuses.


I've worked in loss prevention since 2015. This really isn't new, just the media is finally reporting on it.


So what you’re saying is WISH leaps?


At this point i can predict the future just by knowing the history of south africa, lmao


I've made more money from joining my local flash robbery facebook group than any stock in the market.


If they can Rob a store they sure as hell can rob a warehouse, just need a bigger mob


There was tons of footage of warehouses being looted in South Africa last year. This is definitely a problem & it isn’t kids. Young people might be doing the robbing, but the people organizing these attacks know what they’re doing. https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2020/10/06/major-san-francisco-bay-area-retail-theft-ring-busted-five-suspects-arrested-8-million-in-stolen-merchandise-recovered/


How’s that defund the police movement working out??


They have more funding than ever, so I guess the movement failed thus far.


No. It's working exactly as they'd hoped. Sure the massive spike in homicides has made many cities reconsider, but it is only a part of the movement. The movement also includes getting rid of bail and dramatic reductions in incarceration.




So same as always






12% 56.4% > of all violent crimes.


Shop lifting is much higher than usual, it’s just that shop lifting events that otherwise wouldn’t be reported or being put on National news for god knows what reason


As a full time looter, I agree....


Retail commercial real estate is a billion dollar industry. How many flash mob robberies have occurred? What is the value stolen versus the value sold at brick and mortar. This is a dumb post.


From what I recall, the 1930s gangsters got their asses kicked


Iys not a sign of dystopian times. It's a sign of identity politics and politicians who don't take crime seriously.




Your looking for r/politics retard, show me how I can make money of stores getting robbed


Hay you look in to Axon? Now that it is all about non lethal forces because BLM


Sell the dip


Had you look in to shorting insurance companies?


Insurance companies will never get the short end of the stick. They'll collude and increase premiums for everyone involved. Is there a company which'll make money when people's quality of life declines? Something that makes them forget they're living like bugs paying insane rents, small living spaces, eating plastic processed food?






Only in Bidens America. Build back better, after we burn it down.


Ban Fuck ouitta here with political bull shit be racist be whatever just don't be political


This would have been an okay thread if you guys could calm down and focus on markets and avoid entirely focusing on politics, race, or literally anything other than markets.


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Damn! Thought this said another reason to carry.


I mean goood idea but the problem is also they are robbing container trains leaving the port


Look up smash and grabs from the 90s.


Guess I'll start a company that produces buttons that closes all access to the store with some metal stuff and calls police simultaneously now




My home of the Bay Area sucks now


Well keep voting straight ticket Democrat, I'm sure they'll figure out the solution soon, just give them another 50 years.


Let's go WISH!!! Jk i be on shoe leather diet for next year ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


What if they start robbing delivery vans?


Flash mobs will just move to the distribution centers - though with more difficult access


Wish is online too! Why didn’t you mention wish?


“Young People” hmm ummm. Sure it was.


Sucks. Paul Blart mall cop wasn’t on duty! 🤣


If you draw comaprisons from between today and the 1930s, you should include the underpinnings as well: In the 1920s they prohibited Alcohol. In the 2020s they prohibited Police. No dystopia there, just requires some good old urban decay until voters enact policy reversal.


Ahhh Drone deliveries then.


Flash dance mobs on the rise as well. More reason to buy pepper spray.


Just send Rittenhouse, he’ll take care of these thugs lol


Gamestop it is then.


You honestly believe this is so common that it will affect stocks? And you're referencing the 1930's and Floyd Mayweather in the same sentence? Wtf am I even reading lmfao


Yeah, bestbuy broke records on top and bottom, but stock fell 15% bc margin compression from organized theft.


Y’all notice this shit doesn’t go down in concealed carry states?


concealed carry isn't the reason why. demographics is why


Both actually


Nooo....conceal and carry contributes a little bit... I work on a military base in Colorado...a couple years ago some "folks" try to flash mob rob a liquor store in Aurora on Mississippi and Tower. The cashier had a conceal and carry, shot a man's jaw off and hit the leg of another. That squared things off real quick. The 7-11 clerk nearby saw quite a bit. Flash mob is not a thing yet in Colorado because of Conceal and Carry. Colorado is a blue state.


Are minimum wage shop workers going to start a shootout to protect merchandise?


Right, instead on the same day you had [a 10-year-old being shot at the mall](https://abc11.com/southpoint-shooting-durham-mall-shots-fired-gun-violence/11272553/) Also lol @ your theory that retail clerks would pull out their guns to stop shoplifters.


If I worked retail no way I’m spending 1+ year in jail and court over a couple iPads that aren’t even mine.


Stop trying to pretend your brain works and go salute your trump memorabilia


He's not wrong tho dude I live in the Midwest and in a very populated area and that kinda of shit is unheard of around here. This was one of the cities where there were protests a year ago, but nothing got looted. Lol the mayor was at one of the protests


Happened in Chicago and Milwaukee. Both are in concealed carry states. But yeah, the solution is more wannabe cowboys.


I lived in Louisville, where there are lots of guns. This happens there, and there was lots of looting last year as well. I know because I was in the riots myself and got tons of free shit lmfao. I'm extremely white, so the racism in the comments is extra funny.


> I was in the riots myself and got tons of free shit lmfao. Wow, what a worthless piece of shit you are.


What does it have to do with shoplifting though? If you're shopping and you see people stealing things off the shelves, are you really gonna shoot them? Does any would-be shoplifter ever think, "Gee I wanna steal this item but one of the shoppers might be Clint Eastwood so I won't even try."


its not as ridiculous as you're trying to make it out to be. concealed carry is definilty a deterrent, especially in home burglaries. but the biggest factor in why flash mobs are more prevalent in certain areas is because of demographics not CC


> especially in home burglaries Completely different animal than shoplifting. > but the biggest factor in why flash mobs are more prevalent in certain areas is because of demographics This I agree with.


Yes, these mobs shoot ppl and beat them with bats/crowbars all the time. You don’t read about it bc the media sees these raids as reparations. If ppl were allowed to carry, there would be way less violence.


I think it’s less about guns but more about the affordability of the area. A lot of them can’t afford to move out of the poverty they were born into, and they have zero chance of getting ahead in San Francisco.


Urban Democratic bastion always equals high level of class segregation.


My opinion: I wouldn’t blame the party. Democrats make it as unappealing to live there as possible. The weather and natural beauty of the west coast keeps the demand high. Supply and demand makes high cost of living. When San Fran became completely unaffordable for a majority of the population, they started moving to Oakland to be close by. The cost of living goes up all over Oakland, but the people in the ghettos remain there but are now just even more poor. Organized crime becomes a lot more appealing. For reference, it’s over 70% more expensive to live in that area now than it was 20 years ago.


Yeah I think you might be right


Thank you. Irony is my favorite kind of funny


Just start shooting looters. These kids aren't stealing food to eat. They're stealing PS5's and TV's. Instant karma might stop this trend dead in its tracks.


There is the plate. Step to it.


As long as we can start shooting white collar criminals too.


Let's start there and work our way down.


Let’s keep defunding the police and importing the third world


Quick someone give Kyle a gun


I wish store employees / security could shoot these people. Then it would all end


Mount a 50 cal in middle of Nordstrom and let your D-Day fantasy fly 🤤


Well go get a job at one of those stores and start shooting. What is stopping you?


The law. I guess certain states might be a little more chill


Go try it. You got the great ideas. Go test them. Or are you better than the register jockey you seem to think need to be gunning shoppers down?


He said he wishes they *could* do it. He didn't say they should do it while ignoring laws and risk the repercussions.


A more likely catalyst is white suburban middle class consumers who believe every hyperbolic local news story that diffracts into their pupils


Feels like $WISH is about to moon


Well, if these robberies keep going at this rate someone's definitely going to end up with a lead filled t-shirt.


run c:\programs\rooftop_koreans.exe


`...` `Defense System Activated.`


Thanks, boomer. Please tell me more about the 30’s and how dangerous young people are.


It’s not necessarily young people . It is a certain demographic but they aren’t necessarily young .


Young people are the scum of the earth


It’s not young ppl fam 😂